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TheDude2 ago

You would be surprised at the amount of people that only listen to CNN and Soros funded twitter feeds.

They honestly think Trump is a racist and Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

p0ssum ago

They honestly think Trump is a racist

he is

Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

No, she didn't do anything illegal ... there's a difference.

ratsmack ago

There isn't one thing you can quote Trump on that is racist... your just parroting the MSM tripe.

Sheeple much.

p0ssum ago

The Hispanics are going to get those jobs, and they’re going to love Trump.

Really, you're going to tell me this isn't racist?

ratsmack ago

You're delusional if you believe that statement is racist.... context.

p0ssum ago

You must be a moron if you think it isn't. He's generalizing and entire race of people, that is the textbook definition of racism.

ratsmack ago


noun: racist

    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

I don't see the connection... and neither do you.

p0ssum ago

Let's start here. Is Trump generalizing an entire race of people?

ratsmack ago

No, he's referencing the people that are living in Mexico, immigrated legally or illegally from Mexico. Hispanic is the preferred term to use, since liberal progressives made "Mexican" a dirty word.

p0ssum ago

So now all Hispanics are Mexican? That's good to know.

eagleshigh ago

Define racist.

How did Hillary not do anything illegal?

p0ssum ago

Define racist.

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

See how easy that is.

How did Hillary not do anything illegal?

Because the law says she didn't do anything illegal .... but of course, you are more smarter than all those stupid lawyers.

eagleshigh ago

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

The term racist was invented by Trotsky in the 1920s. It's now used as a shut down word so all conversations are ended before getting good. Liberals use the word to attempt to stifle discourse because they know they can't discuss matters of race with someone like myself.

but of course, you are more smarter than all those stupid lawyers.

Don't put words in my mouth.

She's done tons of illegal things. Why the fuck are you defending her.

p0ssum ago

The term racist was invented by Trotsky in the 1920s. It's now used as a shut down word so all conversations are ended before getting good. Liberals use the word to attempt to stifle discourse because they know they can't discuss matters of race with someone like myself.

Yes, I'm only here talking to you because I want to stifle discourse .... derp.

She's done tons of illegal things. Why the fuck are you defending her.

Im not defending her, per se, I think she's a fucking horrible troll and will make a worse president, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to throw her under the bus without any evidence of clear wrongdoing, which is exactly what you folks want to see happen.

eagleshigh ago

She deserves it. Emails, etc. I will go in depth this afternoon.

New_years_day ago

Found one, guys

TheDude2 ago

I know you believe that, but I don't.

I can say Clinton definitely broke the law and there is no denying that fact.

Vladimara ago

Honestly, I see any other reason why trump would build a wall other than racism.

Actually now that I type that, I can think of one. Political Campaign reasons, to have something for people to vote on. And only people who are racist would realistically vote for a big ass wall between US and Mexico.

Edit: Fucking hell everyone, this comment was a joke about how anyone who thinks about it can see through the whole racism guise in a heartbeat. Chill the fuck out.

bones50 ago

So if us Canadian's started jumping border en masse due to issues here, he would be racist to step up border patrol? think about it.

TheTrigger ago

We'll be the first ones to build a wall.

Vladimara ago

Peh, the comment was satirical in nature.

Very bad satire, but satire none the less.

Washingtons6pack ago

This makes me literally can't even. Israel has a nice big wall that seems to be working.

Have you ever heard the saying "fences make good neighbors?"

Vladimara ago

I don't see North America having to deal with ISIS and the like.

And I don't believe that fences make good neighbors. It makes for neighbors that you hate but don't have to look at. And when those fences falls down...

Dereliction ago

Honestly, I see any other reason why trump would build a wall other than racism.

Just to be clear, stopping illegals from Mexico is racist? Is that the official position of the "Trump is racist" crowd?

Vladimara ago

Well, the thing is, a wall isn't going to stop them.

If the wall is 30 feet high, all it takes to beat the wall is a 31 foot ladder, unless it's constantly guarded, and the guards are either disgustingly well armed, or can outnumber any assailants that would dare attack them.

It's beyond impractical, and I don't think the Mexicans appreciate trump demanding them to pay for the damn wall.

And immediately after that, I thought of a reason why trump would be so much about the wall, but I decided that it would be best if I left the comment in it's original form rather than re-writing it.. I don't think Trump is racist, I think Trump is a dipshit. A dipshit that would be hilarious if he became president.

Elefante ago

You are fucking retarded. "Disgustingly well armed" - I see what respect you have for our second amendment.

Vladimara ago

I have immense respect for the second amendment.

What I do not have respect for, is militarizing police and guards. Unless the border wall is being patrolled constantly by multiple guards at all times, all it takes is to rally up 5 or so of your mates with guns, planks, and whatever to take down a single guard, if there even is a guard there at the time they arrive at the wall.

And if a single guard can take out 5 or so armed assailants, then that is a militarized guard, no way around it.

Elefante ago

Border guards shouldn't be police. We need to close down overseas bases and protect our own borders with the military.

If illegals try to conduct warfare at our border they'll get it.

Vladimara ago

Wait, what?

Do you honestly believe that the US is in such immediate danger that they should recall all military forces to build a wall and man it with military personnel?

Oh, and border guards should not be military either. I'm in favour of regulated borders, but not such blatantly xenophobic practices to the point where we have military soldiers patrolling the borders constantly. And if it ever get's to such mental security levels, I would just bypass the wall all together with a boat. Hell, even if it was just a guy in a rifle and bullet proof vest I would fancy the chances with a speed boat instead of trying to get through him.

In fact, I wonder if any illegal immigrants get into US through a guy ferrying people with a speed boat... That seems like a smart way to do things, actually.

Elefante ago

You're part of the problem- the primary role of the government is to provide for the security of the people. The military are to defend the country, not to occupy protectorates like Germany and Japan.

You are calling the protection of our borders xenophobic. First off,I don't give a shot about your fucking SJW buzzwords. We should be xenophobic towards the people that are invading this country and burdening our healthcar, welfare, and judicial systems. Nonamericans don't have a right to be in our country. You claim to be in favor of regulated borders, yet you are repelled by any means to regulate them- or you suggest that it is impossible for the strongest country in the world to keep a bunch of fucking Mexicans out of it.

Vladimara ago

SJW buzzwords


You're part of the problem


Keks. Having a constant military presence in the borders is xenophobic! And saying that it's a buzzword doesn't change it, and then you go to use your buzzwords of your own.

Stopping illegal immigration is practically impossible. People are clever, they're just going to find a way around it. And raising security in one place, makes it more obvious where there isn't security. There is just too many if ands or buts for it to become practical.

Only the most extreme measures could realistically stop it, and by extreme measures, I mean fucking extreme measures that quite frankly is just not necessary, and would cost too much. And calling me apart of the problem, wont do jack shit except make you look like a stupid xenophobic american nationalist.

Elefante ago

I am a nationalist, thanks. You're a (((globalist))) defeatist.

Also, >implying Mexicans are clever

Why is their country so shitty then?

Vladimara ago

I'm... a what?

I honestly have no words. Your a walking stereotype of an arrogant American.

Implying Americans aren't fat

xXx_420_xXx ago

Eh. A few sensor clusters placed in the right places let a pretty small border control team cover a lot more ground than you would expect. It's actually pretty unsettling how effective the technology is. I still don't give a sideways shit about whether or not the wall goes up, but it would definitely be a more effective deterrent than people realize. Especially with Trump's policy on limiting the amount of visas that are issued, coupled with the increased penalties on overages he states he'd put in place.

I'm not a Trump supporter, either.

Dereliction ago

Even if the plan is utter idiocy bound to fail, attempting to thwart illegal immigration isn't racist.

I don't think the Mexicans appreciate trump demanding them to pay for the damn wall.

Yes, but Americans appreciate it. And Trump isn't trying to get votes from Mexicans living in Mexico.

I don't think Trump is racist, I think Trump is a dipshit.

He's had his moments, I'll grant that. But he's smart enough to understand how to run his campaign to the point that the establishment is approaching panic.

Meanwhile, people constantly flick claims of racism at Trump but never seem able to back it up when asked for details. Frankly, those people are the real dipshits. Glad to see you're not one of them.

Vladimara ago

Well, I gotta give it to you there. It is good to attempt to thwart illegal immigration, but we have got to have a better plan than a wall. But the thing is, America might be responsible for itself only, but that doesn't mean that the president should be able to piss off mexico with this whole wall kerfuffle.

I made it obvious that I don't like trump, but for the record, I think he's the better of the candidates, but of course he's a racist, and a misogynist, and what the fuck ever. It's quite shocking how much a well place article or news story can do to someones public image.

p0ssum ago

I can say Clinton definitely broke the law and there is no denying that fact.

You can say it all you like, that certainly doesn't make it true.

TheDude2 ago

I didn't say which Clinton.

Bill committed perjury:

I know this says he didn't commit perjury, but I picked it on purpose because it is so fucking ridiculous. Of course he committed perjury.

p0ssum ago

LOL, and that's the best you have ... I guess we're done here.

TheDude2 ago

I was just fucking around. We disagree on a lot, but I thought you would find it humorous. Unless you really think a BJ is not sex.

SlappyHo ago

BJ is not sex.

If BJ == sex, then mouth == vagina

TheDude2 ago

If you are saying BJ's do not equal sex and you are a female, I want you as a GF. Unless you mouth someone else

SlappyHo ago

I fail to see the logic. A girl may not see a BJ and sex as the same thing, but that doesn't mean she wants to blow you.

TheDude2 ago

Sorry. I was just joking around. Having a GF that doesn't care if I get a BJ from another girl would be fun. (until she starts to give BJs to other dudes)

SlappyHo ago

I feel ya. I'm just not sure many of those exist. My wife doesn't think a BJ is technically sex either, but she would be pissed if I got blown by some ho.