kushtian ago

im new. fuck it bring it on spits

lnsip9reg ago

Voat's been great! Sorry I didn't come over sooner! The discussion has been top notch, worth the hazing, which wasn't bad at all. The fresh air of freedom, I had forgotten what that smelled like!

bdmthrfkr ago

Welcome to Voat niggerfaggot.

lnsip9reg ago

Hah, thx!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Notice how on Voat we don't have threads and users with 10's of thousands of upvotes? Lies v Truth. I choose truth.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

They are still here actually. All the pro Trump rhetoric from fox news lighting up my feeds is usually the pro-zionist Q cucks.

Zalmoxis ago

They don't get it. They really don't get it that everyone is a nigger, a faggot and more importantly, a niggerfagot - on Voat.

They don't get it that this is because it works like a warrant canary: as long as you keep seeing those words, you can rest assured that speaking your mind is 'still a thing on Voat'. If you stop seeing such phrases, you might as well not say anything yourself and just leave - because Voat has been silenced.

Hopefully that never happens. We shall niggerfaggot our way into the 22nd century.

shimgoloshim ago

Welp, looks like people don't understand what exactly free speech is

RoundWheel ago

Permitted and acceptable are two different things. They've been taught that words are literally violence and context never matters. Group think is master and wrongthink is wrongthink.

Helbrecht ago

And now we see the consequences of telling entire generations of kids that fighting back is bad

SimpleGardener ago

You're all going to die

justsayingmayne ago

I feel like a good baseline for a nigger is someone that would act in violence over audio.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I don't yell fire in a crowded building, I tell them the doors are locked and it sure is getting warm in here.

boekanier ago

"On Voat they have a completely different concept of "free speech". My comment: that's why it's so exceptional.

amonamoose ago

We need dozens of them across multiple subs and genres ... the casual users need random shit daily or they get board.

Alopix ago

When you make a headline like this I'm going to not read the garbage you posted with it and I'm going to call you a faggot, faggot

16tons ago

Moreover, Voat makes it a two step process to mute the fuckers.

Mute them Voat style you dumb motherfucker. With logic, facts & reasoning. Critical thinking wouldn't hurt either. What kind of a retard expects to be able to mute people on a free speech site?

Brigbjones ago

The number one most important quality for a discussion is that all parties have thick skin and don't personally attach themselves to their arguments. If you can't handle being called a nigger faggot this is not the place for you. I openly admit to far worse than you can accuse me of. I reject your false authority. Recognize that it is time for the tree of liberty to be watered.

AlarmClockandRadio ago

Let them whine. They're not good for anything if they want to silence opinions they don't like.

mnothing ago

new account. occasional lurker since fatpeoplehate was banned. these pussies would've never been able to handle 4chan back in its prime. sad what the internet has come too

Things_Stuff ago

Welcome to voat. Quit being a pussy.


They don't get it.

iamapersondamnit ago

I was convinced you all acted like that. Got me good. Was fun talking shit though.

Adminstrater ago

Oh no! The evil words that make me feel pain are littering the conversations about the evil words that make me feel pain! Why can't I talk about wanting to remove the evil words that make me feel pain without reading the evil words that make me feel pain?
Can we have the FREE SPEECH where it doesn't involve the evil words that make me feel pain?

Aprioned ago

They still don't get it.

RicardoBronson ago

Q is a psyop run by the CIA How's that for free speech you nigger faggot kikes

madmardigan ago

The shit talking is voats immune system attempting to rid the refuges of the cancer they developed while on Reddit. Chemo sucks, but if it works, you have healthy new members of voat.

SteffisCute ago

fuck those kike fuckers from reddit

DawnPendraig ago

Cognitive dissonance is very real

badruns ago

iit's not like I wanted you or anything, baka!

freshmeat ago

All I know democracy doesn't work if it can be this easily abused.

I truly am shocked to see how much support Voat has about this even over a shitty reddit meme mod. Kill a whole community because it's an ego power trip between the current SBBH shills running GA and PG and the redditard who thought they were in a place that would not have SBBH sperg out like redditors and chase them off before they could even figure the place out.

Redditsdead ago

Don't waste good ammo on him. He'd piss himself at the sight of your gun.

boggle247 ago

If you draw it you should be committed to pulling the trigger.

memememema ago

The weak sheep are culled. Most humans are barely more then that.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

It is a great system because it works.

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

This entire conversation is fucking pathetic

l_voated_today ago


I like that the entire sub is basically one user, what a loser.

carbonsteel ago

Ah yes.... beautiful....their tears are delicious

thelma ago



"Kid with tumor" story ... bad (((genes))) ... likely

"(((Guy))) got fucked up by bear" .. give 'em money LOL

Niggerfaggityjew stories....

bdmthrfkr ago

They are exceptionally unrealistic, just like that song that I haven't heard since the 70s

girl, you'll never come again

I have a "feeling" that she will.

thelma ago

They have never done shit to try to improve people's freedom.

CrudOMatic ago

Stay off my Voat, Q-ueers.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

He put "free speech" into quotes. Apparently, he doesn't know what free speech is yet.

theshopper ago

Boy people do love their echo chambers and censorship. What was it that Colonel Campbell said? "They close themselves off in little communities leaking whatever truth suits them into society at large."

BentAxel ago

Sites I've been banned from: 4Chan, Reddit, 8Chan. Makes you question wtf is in their water. Especially when the don't ban shit posters

shrink ago

Halfchan and fullchan bans aren't exactly a big deal, just because there are so many cancerous mods everywhere willing to ban for the stupidest of shit, no matter how asinine.

Praise fucking Zeus though, 8/pol/ was liberated from the complete kike-controlled chokehold that was held on it by the worst BO and mod team I've ever seen.

bdmthrfkr ago

Welcome home White man.

ArousedYeti ago

I'm glad those faggots are gone. We don't need them trying to censor us.

Pattern_Blind ago

Way too many kikes in that group. Really rustled their foreskin collections to deal with honest speech. Glad Voat “Supported the Cause” of Wild Jew naming.

serjsbeard ago

Imagine going online and expecting never to called a mean name.

redpilldessert ago

I'd ask that we tone it down for the sake of redpilling more normies on white genocide, but I'd have better luck pissing into the wind.

PiousApostasy ago

Pro Tip: If you stop acting like a faggot, you won't get called out for acting like a faggot.

QArmy ago

Haven't chased me away but it's true. Ya'll are vulgar as fuck.

Problematic ago

I wish boomers took a stand against all the vulgarity and degeneracy in society they gave rise to in their generation. We got perverted LARP’ers in the girl’s bathroom, sodomy parades in the public square, no prayer in schools (replaced with tranny hosted story time), widespread divorce, pornography, abortion, gay marriage, bakers being ruined while racists gooks get promotions, and just a complete and utter failure to conserve anything wholesome about this society. Considering all that, it’s ironic they clutch pearls over a little bit of niggerfaggot ribbing.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

If you hang around, though, you’ll find some users are almost always vulgar, some rarely are and you also get good at determining which threads are more likely to lean one way or the other. Having a reddifugee wave changes the tone for a week or two before you can observe that, though.

serjsbeard ago

implying thats a bad thing.

CuckleberryFinn ago

"Different concept of free speech". What the hell does that even mean?

BaldMiscreant ago

It means he doesn't know the definition of free

obvious-throwaway- ago

Amazing how brain washed people can be over the concept of free speech.

Trash_Panda ago

It's not even just about new users. I've been phasing out Voat just because I've become more happy and less 'le epic edgy internet troll conspiracy theorist'. Voat thinks people dislike Voat because it's too edgy for them. In reality people don't like Voat because it's just not fun. The rallying cry of "let's all be miserable together" is not overly compelling.

RoundWheel ago

There is truth is this and a point which had been mentioned many times. It's also driven discussions as to why there are ups and downs in general participation over time?

People burn out and find other things to do and come back. Voat simply isn't a whole meal. It's why people have trouble letting go of Reddit.

amonamoose ago

Voat's problem is a lack of OC and daily contributors.... This place needs more power users who fill the boards with content. Nothing more, nothing less.

bb22 ago

I’m not miserable here. I actually laugh at lots of it.

Trash_Panda ago

And you are truly happy?

bb22 ago

Is this a philosophical question that you expect a real answer to?

Trash_Panda ago

Just a question. There's probably outliers but I think the vast majority on this site aren't actually happy. I have trouble envisioning happy loving households where they take time out of their day to go online and express their undying hatred for niggers and Jews. Negative energy is like any other drug or vice, temporary highs followed by more consistent lows. I can't remember ever seeing any user created content that inspires the soul or evokes beauty. It doesn't mean you're bad people, just lost and steeped in poisonous interactions. And like, that's the selling point.

Son_of_Hamilcar ago

Obviously anyone spending to much time here is not spending that time with a gf or family and so obviously he is not as happy as he should be. That doesn't mean you cant have afore mentioned and still spend a few minutes here daily for some good content. Same for every internet forum.

bb22 ago

Look at it from my perspective. I've known about these problems for months/years/over a decade in some cases, with very few people to share all of this stuff with. Do you think I was happier back then? Do you not think I'd be happier to see things actually beginning to change while talking to like-minded people? Do you think a happy life is free of some form of suffering in the first place? And for the suffering that each of us inevitably face in life, who is ultimately responsible for that? Does anyone MAKE you feel anything, or are you in control of your own feelings?

Trash_Panda ago

Well there's two kinds of suffering, one is suffering for love of another, one is suffering in the confines of one's own personal hell/prison. I gauge my success by how often, or rather how profoundly, I have positively impacted people's lives. 10 years of circle jerking about the NWO and calling people names I realized I hadn't done much of anything at all. It's nice to have a framework about how the world operates and be wary of the evils within it but you can spend your entire life obsessing over the details and accomplish nothing.

None of this is new, the general population will never "wake up", but what you can do is show the people a better life full of love and pure magic that they've never experienced before. That's how you reach people.

That's what YOU specifically are capable of. You can change the world around you in ways other people can't even begin to understand. But you're using your tools incorrectly. You're just banging on the door instead of turning the handle.

Have you had any sort of spiritual experiences yet? Check it out https://youtu.be/bZNyg6Qc_os

People who make stuff like this are just like me and you, we lived shitty lives and felt alone, very very alone, and struggled and fought for something, we didn't know what, we just knew there was something somewhere, and then one day we found it. Like breaking through the surface of the water and emerging a new person. And then you discover your spiritual family has been there the whole time waiting for you. Screaming in your ear. And you just couldn't hear it.


"You were always searching For something out there Out of reach, couldn't stop you Couldn't hold you back You were so real, so real

When the words are like bullets And they break through your skin, And there's no way to get them all out When it feels like a rush seeping into your soul Stay gold Stay gold Stay gold"

You're not alone. You just feel like it.

And when I stopped with the bullshit and continued down the road I met her. We're getting married in 8 months.

Don't you wish you could find a woman who just gets it? Like you? On every fundamental level? She's out there. Waiting for you to be ready. And if you're never ready you'll never meet her.

And yes, I also find beautiful and inspiring things here, but more of in a manly way that your namby-pamby reddit faggots who are literal faggots.

Nah man you've got it backwards. That's what it means to walk with the Lord https://youtu.be/MGslEcmVurg

This was literally my rebirth video. Called birth place. This randomly came on during a profound spiritual experience with aforementioned girl. You can live in a world of actual, literal magic and love and wonder. Or live in the trash. Most choose the latter.

bb22 ago

I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me of something, or yourself. Out of nowhere, just because I say that I'm happy, you go into this giant complex of emotions and psychology. Was it you who just mentioned projection earlier, or did I read that somewhere else?

For me to even engage you on all this petty bullshit would drag me down. So watch and learn, as I ignore your psychoanalyzing bullshit based on a handful of lines on Voat (what a genius fucking psychologist you must be) and go about my day.... happily. :)

Trash_Panda ago

Noooooo you've got it all wrong. It was a crazy religious rant. Have a great night though 👍

bb22 ago

That's fine, and I've known other guys like you, but not everybody gets that kind of enjoyment out of life. My ex girlfriend of 3 years used to enjoy cutesy silly stuff like that. Instead of finding it magical, I found it unbearable. I would much rather argue with people about the NWO than all this womanly shit. Most men in my family seem to be the same way.

Trash_Panda ago

All our lives we are chasing after our childhood and the more we choose to reject that the unhappier we will be. That's all. Whatever it is that sets your soul on fire, that is the pathway to God. The more you immerse yourself in that, the more you will understand. And depending how badly you want it and pursue it, the spiritual and physical world will blend together like a hurricane and you will be powerless to feel anything but awe and tears and joy. No matter how manly you are.

bb22 ago

Ever ate a bunch of acid or mushrooms? If you like blending the physical and spiritual worlds into an emotional hurricane then you'll like those too.

Trash_Panda ago

So, I worked really hard on this for you I'd appreciate if you'd at least skim through this response. It's got a lot of meat to it. Lots of NWO conspiracy goodness as well.

I'm aware of hallucinogens. I used to study the occult. I used to eat acid by the vial. I believe it constitutes ritualistic, illegal entry into the spiritual world.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. 4And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

I believe that TPTB, which if you are religious, you know are Satanic/Luciferian, are propagating these ritualistic/illegal methods of entry and using methods to dampen our natural tendency to perceive the divine, for example with fluoridation, psychotropic medications, etc. etc.

I have reached these same spiritual states of mind without the use of hallucinogens and they were infinitely more pure. Most Christians today do not understand their own religion, for example the third eye is indeed in line with Christianity, this dates back to the ancient church fathers and a staple of the Orthodox Christian faith. This is the meaning of the passage

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

There's a lot to analyze in this passage, that is, the eye of the heart and the eye of the mind, intellect, and a perfect unison of the two in which "thine eye be single" which now achieves divine illumination, the ability to see the unseen. This same trinitarian concept is repeated all throughout, for example marriage, the male (intellect) the female (heart) and union with God. "of one flesh" this means, of one body, one mind, one soul, a metaphysical and quite literal trinitarian union as we were created in God's image and strive to obtain his likeness. This is the goal and with the wonderful woman God has blessed me with, I believe we will achieve this.

continuing on

"But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

I believe there is indeed a way in which you may achieve unity of mind and heart and yet be of the enemy, the occult and eastern interpretation of the 'third eye'. That is, not union with God or likeness of God but ascension TO the status of God. Becoming God. If you have ever had association with these circles of people you will know essentially all of them believe they themselves are God, that we are all God, that God is simply "the universe", that we may all become Christ through Christ Consciousness, etc. etc.

For further evidence we can look to Revelation, the mark of the beast

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads"

But there are two marks in the forehead mentioned in Rev

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

So too, I had trouble reconciling my experiences in the occult and (what I thought) was Christianities outright rejection of all of these practices which I knew to produce results. Meditation, for example, which again is a staple of Christian theology, called contemplative prayer, but with diametrically opposite intents.

In Eastern traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism) meditation is usually practiced with the purpose of transcending the mind and attaining enlightenment. On the other hand, in the Christian tradition the goal of contemplative practices is, one may say, moral purification and deeper understanding of the Bible; or a closer intimacy with God/Christ, for the mystic stream of the tradition.


“In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence.” - Mother Theresa

Here's a great video about it that I found recently


bb22 ago

I’ve got as much use for religious fundamentalism as I do for faggotry and communism you asshole. The Bible has been butchered all to hell by centuries of corrupt scribes and yet faggots like you still think every word is literal truth when even the Bible itself admits that it’s possible for people to change the scriptures, not like you’d need the Bible to fucking tell you that when so many different versions exist, but fundamentalists tend to have brain damage in this way. I see what you have as a sickness quite frankly, the conservative version of Marxism. Thomas Jefferson and other the founding fathers were infinitely more up to speed on all of this than you are.

Trash_Panda ago

This isn't fundamentalism. This is the Byzantine Orthodox tradition that has been practiced and maintained for 2,000 years. Aside from the fact that the majority of what I said was not literalism at all, do you realize how you sound calling Greek Orthodox theology Protestant? It makes you sound buffoonish like you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about.

not like you’d need the Bible to fucking tell you that when so many different versions exist

Different versions exist for a couple of reasons.

  1. We've actually been able to identify corrupted texts thanks to the vast number of manuscripts that exist. One example, the Dead Sea Scrolls exposed the corrupted Jewish Masoretic texts which were intentionally changed by Jews after the reception of Christianity. This is with one text discovery. One. The New Testament has 5,800 complete manuscripts to compare to.

  2. There is no such thing as a word for word translation. The reason there are so many different versions (aside from intentional attempts to corrupt the texts which, again, are easily identifiable) is because it's a balance between literalism and readability. You have extremely literal translations like the original 1482 Douay-Rheims and then you have some happy balances like the KJV which reads quite poetically.

I see what you have as a sickness

I'm pretty well educated but sure. Anyways, pearls before swine and all. Have a good one.

bb22 ago

maintained for 2,000 years

Bullshit. Culture 2000 years ago was nothing like what it is today, especially in the Greek world. There are no sects I'm aware of that interpret the modern Bible anywhere near the way ancients interpreted their own Bibles. Hell, the Bible didn't even exist 2000 years ago you numbnuts. It took hundreds of years for the church to even agree upon which books to include in it.

I don't need you to explain to me about the Bible either. I go to a religious university and have had to take multiple courses on Bible history and theology, and have studied it on my own time as well in some detail. You might think you've identified corruption in it but in reality the whole fucking book is on its head. The Bible is useful because we need a common morality to hold our society together, and it preserves many pre-Christian European traditions, and it's NOT useful because it's the fucking infallible literal word of God from his throne.

Trash_Panda ago

But somehow you don't know the difference between a Fundamentalist Protestant and an Orthodox Christian? That's an irreconcilable rift in such a rudimentary understanding of Christianity. That's not really the kind of thing where I can just say "oh yea, just a difference of opinion".

bb22 ago

You ARE a fundamentalist nut, and I didn't cite any specific denomination. It doesn't matter what denomination it is, a cult member is a cult member. If you actually believed that God ordered this universe in an intelligent way and had faith in THAT, you wouldn't be quoting the baby raper/kike book as if it has all of life's answers.

Trash_Panda ago

Interesting. And your definition of fundamentalist is what, exactly?

bb22 ago

I use it to mean someone who is very zealous in their thumping of biblical scriptures. I consider myself a spiritual person but I don't go around quoting the Bible like a preacher all the time. Most people don't like that kind of self-righteous shit. And as far as I'm concerned the modern church is Zionist as hell, no pun intended. Especially since the Scofield interpretation of the Bible became popular the whole modern church is extremely Zionist.

Trash_Panda ago

That's still wrong.

So just to recap. You're calling me a brainwashed Bible thumper for beliefs I had prior to ever becoming a Christian, because these concepts were already contained in the Bible? Because that's what my entire post was about.

bb22 ago

No, because you started quoting scripture to me like a legalistic Scofield preacher.

Trash_Panda ago

I explained my journey from the occult into Christianity, how they overlap/differ, why I believe hallucinogens are dangerous and why I consider mysticism to be a mainstay of Christian theology. It's rather surprising you seem to have indicated you 'broke through' on hallucinogens but misinterpret my analysis so profoundly that you consider it the inane ramblings of a street preacher. I'd expect that from an atheist but I expected more of you. I hope you find your way. Cheers.

bb22 ago

Broke through? Broke through what? Don’t put quotes around shit I didn’t say. Not even half quotes.

I was studying Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism around the time I took mushrooms for the first time. Mushrooms which happen to be a very old shamanic tool. I’ve also studied the occult and have no problem with Christianity per se. But quoting scriptures at people is just tacky as fuck. Not to mention the way you quickly judged me and started these big ass rants when you don’t even know me.

Trash_Panda ago

You'd know what breaking through means if you'd done it (And I would suggest you don't). That's the whole reason I went on that rant, I understand the confusion now.

So the definition of "fundamentalist nut" has now been reduced to 'someone who talks about scripture in any way, which is super tacky'. You probably wouldn't have reacted the same way had I discussed Plato's or Confucius' metaphysics. But Christ got you foaming at the mouth for some reason.

bb22 ago

Oh now you’re preaching enlightenment to me I suppose. You’re a real pompous, self-inflated faggot, high on your own farts. Did you know that?

Trash_Panda ago

I'm not enlightened. I wouldn't want anybody to go through what I went through. But I'd like to help the ones who have.

However, do you know of any sort of religious devotees who go around talking the way you do? That's where I'm coming from. It's all about negative and positive energy. Doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are. They have all universally identified the poisonous nature of toxic energy. The more you do that the more you are blinding yourself from spiritual truths. Hinduism, Gnosticism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, take your pick. I could jump into the fray and get all pissy but like, why? It'd just make me feel like shit. I'm drawing pictures and jamming out. What kind of music do you like?

bb22 ago

Yes, I do actually, and they're all Japanese Zen Buddhists. What I don't consider spiritual at all is people who think things should "look like" this or "sound like" that. If you're after outward appearances then you're a faggot, and we all already know that you are.

Negative and positive energy -- as if you can suppress everything negative in the universe and turn everything into positive. You don't even understand the concept of duality, faggot. Tell me more about Taoism and Hinduism when you don't even understand the most fundamental concepts.

Trash_Panda ago

Yes in fact that's the entire problem with Eastern religions. They're so pacifying that they got steamrolled by ruthless tyrants. This is why tyrants love these cuck religions. That's why China is flipping out about the surge in Christianity. But whatever you say brotha keep spitting venom and telling yourself God smiles upon it. You are very lost. I don't feel there's anything more I can contribute here.

bb22 ago

How can the heads of Zen monasteries be pacifists when they have been known to literally beat monks to death in their monasteries? Have you ever heard of something called World War Two? The Japanese weren't steamrolled, they were a tremendously efficient organized nation fighting western imperialism in Asia. The Japanese are an extremely resilient people and to this day have resisted the Jew much better than your preacher fags. Your God is Jewish. Pray to Yahweh.

Trash_Panda ago

Even if thieves carve you limb from limb with a double-handed saw, if you make your mind hostile you are not following my teaching.

Kamcupamasutta, Majjhima-Nikkaya I ~ 28-29

I think that's pretty clear. And I'm saying they get steamrolled by their own government, check this out. I thought this was an interesting analysis and I believe it's strongly interlinked with religion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origins_of_Political_Order#Three_components_of_political_order

I can't speak too much on Japan yet, my girl is very interested in the subject and she is learning Japanese (she's bilingual) so we'll probably explore that together. I've been working through Europe and China primarily, with emphasis on the Zhou Dynasty and Byzantine Empire. I'm working through this podcast series as well https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/teacup-media/the-china-history-podcast

His (Laszlo Montgomery) main site is down right now but this works. You can also find it on Spotify. My main focus is ancient history and then I'm working my way forward from there. I don't believe there's anything new under the sun, just different manifestations of the same underlying philosophies.

The ancient East and West had a startling number of parallels and yet the West became the leaders of the free world while the West fell off the wagon. I believe it's religion and philosophy which serves as the life blood of any society.

bb22 ago

Agreed about secularism leading to degeneracy. Zen Buddhism is a distinct school from the cuck Buddhism of China.

Ever heard of the Bhagavad Gita? Know what the context of its setting? Remember that Hinduism was the origin of Buddhism.

Japan isolated itself intentionally for centuries. When they were finally forced to open by European/American military technology, they quickly learned how to manufacture such hardware for themselves and defeated the Russian navy soon afterward. There was an interview recently with an anime artist behind a lot of famous Japanese products, including the Pokemon art, and he described the growing Jewish influence in Japan and how Jews were pushing Christianity on them to teach them to be submissive and emotionally guilt-focused rather than the more traditional sense of taking self-responsibility and being pro-active.

If you come across someone familiar with ancient Japanese historical sources, I would be interested in that.

Trash_Panda ago

No I have not. On my list is Japan, India, and then the British Empire. I understand what you're getting at though. That still doesn't make sense to me that any derivative of Buddhism directly contradicts the Buddha's teachings.

I also take serious issue with Christianity being considered submissive and emotionally guilt-focused. The only people I hear saying this are anti-Christians and casual Christians who don't really practice anyways. I mean, to feel guilt for your sins is to deny Jesus' death. True remorse is a rebirth in which the old 'you' has essentially perished. Being submissive is equally sinful because you're actively taking part in other people's damnation by omission. The "I came not to bring peace, but a sword" verse, I strongly relate with this. I will not go into detail but I had my finger on the button to have my brother arrested and forcibly removed. I put a stop to a lot of messed up shit that was taking place in this house and things are better as a result. Love is doing things that suck even if it means everyone hates you, even if it means hurting people. And if you don't have this mentality as a parent then your kids are going to be screwed as well. Submissiveness is the same as hatred.

"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." - Leonardo Da Vinci

bb22 ago

Regarding Buddhism, you know there’s no single dominant form right? Some forms don’t consider Buddha a deity at all and Zen seems to fall into that category, since a famous koan prescribes killing the Buddha if you meet him on the road (symbolic of not needing a human form to worship).

Buddhism itself is an offshoot of Hinduism, and you really should read the Bhagavad Gita. A guy is having regrets about being forced into war against a relative’s faction, and then his chariot driver transforms into Krishna and gives him a whole philosophical framework within which to simply do his duty while giving all action up to God’s glory without ego attachment to the immediate results. Hinduism is an extremely rich and varied set of perspectives and about the closest thing to original Aryan religion that hasn’t been fucked by Abrahamic religions.

cyks ago

You sound like a bitch

NiggadermCQ ago

I don't remember having a hard time when I first joined.

Need to go back and check my history.

bdmthrfkr ago

Meh, it's mostly just the migrations that raise the white blood cell count; single users who find this 1337 place and then stick around generally don't have a problem.

Unfortunately, once you arrive the ride never ends.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I hope so, I do value free speech quite a bit, but it's also fun to bully people in general even if I'm not out to prove some point

ScreaminMime ago

One of us needs to write the Dramapedia article before one of them do.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Those faggots wouldn’t ever even think of doing that. They might contribute to Wikipedia except I’d imagine the Wikipedia admins (or super editors or whatever those power hungry cretins call themselves) wouldn’t let them.

bdmthrfkr ago

Go have fun, we are behind you on this one (and post a link faggot.)

Gigan ago

I'm so proud of us. I love Voat and all you niggerfaggots.

Native ago


BigFatDaddy ago

I hope we get a nice new salt compilation meme, like we did then the pedes faggots got ran off.

The Salt Must Flow!

Hipsterrr ago

lol @ all the downvoats in this thread. salty little faggots still sitting around in our tree house I see

bdmthrfkr ago

Eventually they will leave and the remainder will add to our strength. It is the Voat way.

Hipsterrr ago

this website has a pretty solid community honestly, people just don't bother to dig and rather choose to see things at face value. I've never seen anyone unwilling to help or contribute to anything happening here. Goats are like a family essentially, one big autistic family. <3

phazzmatazz ago

I'm new to Voat, came over from the reddit ban, asking myself why I was there instead of here this whole time. Being called a niggerfaggot is just funny. People need to lighten up FFS!

RumpRangerRick ago

Welcome, NüGoat.

Have a coat.

bdmthrfkr ago

Welcome niggerfaggot!

Honestly we are here to defeat the jew propaganda which has infiltrated our society, niggers and White women in advertising, Anderson Cooper faking hurricane reports and... well... the shit show that was WTC7 (among other things). This place is actually where you should have been all along and but now that you are here it's a good thing.

Btw, here is where the niggerfaggot thing come from, we use the phrase to make sure that we haven't been infiltrated by cancer mods... just like that place that you came from was.


phazzmatazz ago

OMG! I LOL'd til I cried! Thanks for informing this new goat. Bahahahaha!

WightRarebit ago

Holy shit that was funny!

DawnPendraig ago

Haha I missed that one. Thanks =)

TalkingAboutThings ago

At the end

I heard what you said!...


Thisismyvoatusername ago

Can...can you use the word in a sentence?

bdmthrfkr ago

Snowflakes run and niggerfaggots like us stick around.

Q predicted this.

fr33europe ago

Are these people new to the internet?

shekelforce ago

I guess those niggers couldn't toughen up. Fuck'em

alalzia ago


The magic word that turns wannabe revolutionaries into snowflakes , 12 letters that shred tight knit communities of patriots .

If Q exists i am sure he is proud of his followers GTFO because insults at the same time a war against the deep state rages . Of course the stock of people that wait for others to clean up the mess their generation created will sit back doing nothing when at least they could pull their money from the banks ... but noooo self reflection is emotionally costly .

Your egos are inflated with hot air and buying merchandise GA mods sell on ebay is not enough , no ideas are worth fighting for between meals and playing with the grandchildren , you were content while the world went to shit so why the fuck do you even care ?

Weasel_Soup ago

I never think on creative ways for people to die? WTF? It's gas chamber for the kikes and the rope for niggers.

BaldMiscreant ago

My favorite was always slitting someone's entire family's throats into a bathtub, then drown the guest of honor in it, making sure they know that some of what's filling their lungs is mommy.

bdmthrfkr ago

And the niggerkikes go to the back of the oven.


VOAT is a VERY respectful forum to debate issues and differing of opinions.

Not_A_Dinosaur ago

Get a load of these faggots

mrgreenjeans9 ago

flawless victory is flawless

Pointyball ago

Seemed to me like they are shilling to try and claim the intellectual and civility high ground over Voat. They only came off as self centered and arrogant.


The funny thing is we don't haze newcomers, just swarms of useful idiot niggers being used by Jews.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

People who come here individually in between waves definitely have it much better.

battleaxe253 ago

When Q becomes SJQ

Mr_Wolf ago

free to them must mean sitting on the corner with a cardboard sign and being handed things

scabs_galore ago

I've no idea what Q is or where they came from, but they sound like a bunch of cocksuckers and they should fuck off

bdmthrfkr ago

They mostly did, hence this post. Just like every other plebbit invasion (does anybody even remember those deepfake guys?)

The good ones stay the rest just GTFO. Quickly.

The_Crusader ago

It's funny because I've found voat quite welcoming since I joined laat year. Helps that I'm white and not a nog/kike/spic/goat shagger but still...

GoBackToReddit ago

A lot of people deleted their accounts with 24 hours of joining

What accounts did this? Source?

No, these guys aren't being totally honest. Voat is based on absolute free speech. It's typical for the user base to initially Haze reddit refugees to cement that ideology and confirm that they will uphold those community standards. Greatawakening mods failed miserably and started banning people enmasse. The mod logs are public and this grievous violation of the Voats dedication to free speech even in its most insulting forms, infuriated the community. So Greatawakening mods fled here to avoid the torches and pitchforks. (source)

Once again, they were told how they fucked up and still continue to act they they don't understand.

shrink ago

Huh. Didn't know you could tie selections to archive.is links. Neato.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Faggots seriously think free speech = "You have to always be nice to me and never disagree with me or tell me I'm wrong. Also, never say anything bad about anything that I like."

Go fuck yourself pussy cunt nigger faggots.

bdmthrfkr ago

Spoken like a true goat.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but it's fun tho

mattsixteen24 ago

What a bunch of garbage. 8chan is just as abusive if not more.

bdmthrfkr ago

8chan doesn't have that issue.


IGiveZeroFucks ago

Yeah I couldn't believe it when I was seeing boomers say shit like "voat is too vulgar and racist, lets go to 8chan!"

Helbrecht ago

Top fucking laff They have no idea

HeavyBrain ago

If their cuddel board and leftypol are 8ch for them then yes it is safer, now let them wander in...fuck I think /a/ would allredy give them an heart attack let alone /k/ and pol.

Palindromedan ago

The level of shitposting in pol will make them cry themselves to sleep.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah but why do they hate free speech? I remember screaming expletives and demanding suicide of them but they never answered the question

huhu11 ago

Bunch of assholes. hehe.

Getoutoftheleftlane ago

Good stuff.

Pwning4Ever ago

We are free speech absolutist. Being a dick is a part of free speech.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Being a dick is a part of free speech.

Not really. Not being censored for saying dick things is part of free speech. Being a dick loses you friends and communities.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I completely disagree. Some of the biggest dicks on voat are simultaneously some of the best posters and make the community much more attractive. Brutal honesty is often interesting, valuable and funny all at the same time.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

We have different definitions of being a dick.

BaldMiscreant ago

Either of your perceived definitions of being a dick still fall under free speech. Words are speech, regardless of how they end up arranged on your screen, and your feelings won't change that.

everlastingphelps ago

Was that on /qresearch/ or the containment board?

bdmthrfkr ago

Containment board... and remember the first rule of fight club.

DYLM4N ago

I thought the subs that were banned were baste and were already on the chans and whatnot

onikage ago

That's just embarrassing.

Battlefat ago

Free speech is like a muscle — use it or lose it faggot

Itsdone63 ago

The filter wins again.

RumpRangerRick ago

The MDE folks are alright. Actually subscribed.

Their's wasn't even close to this last level of hazing, though. They seemed to take it in stride.

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

That's because we aren't a bunch of retarded faggots that ban everyone. That was the real issue, they came to a place known for embracing the "I have a right to call everyone a nigger, faggot' idea of free speech and started banning people.

Itsdone63 ago

That's my point. The more they try to fight it the worse it gets. They didn't fight it because they were already a good fit.

Trustee99 ago

Textbook example of how it should be. If you don't care for the content, change the channel, don't try to shut them up. Take a walk 🚶 losers

Raxotic ago

They wouldn't last a day at my job if they think Voat is bad.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

waaaaaaah they say mean things and I have no idea how to block them! Jesus, Im glad they didnt stay. Fucking tryhards.

MrJohnBongo ago

Lol i made a post about how some people on voat are autistic and dont understand sarcasm, i got loads of people on my post calling me shit.

Didnt bother me, its just fellow brothers talking shit. Dont know why people get so sensitive over fucking pixels on a screen.

satisfyinghump ago

It's both sad and worrisome that these people really dont see what true "free speech" really means, and what it means to exercise it.

I've definitely noticed an alarming trend where more and more people (all ages but younger ones mostly), that are taking issue with words that a few years ago were fine (I.e. using the word faggot to insult your buddy casually because he was late), and it makes talking to them tiresome. They're always looking for some sort of (invisible to everyone else) insult in whatever you're saying...

DawnPendraig ago

A dog raised on a concrete floor kennel is afraid of grass

Pronebone45 ago

I’m pretty certain I heard a few teachers drop a “retard” or two during school in the 70’s/80’s.

Mayhawk ago

Middle school shop class, I definitely witnessed a quick "not like that, dipshit" saving a kid's fingers from dismemberment.

shrink ago

On Voat they have a completely different concept of "free speech"

Is the lightbulb on? Or is it off? You're gonna sit there and tell me that our "idea of 'on' is slightly different"? We have THE concept of free speech, you fucking moron. Something you utterly lack on that board, because the mods could ban or delete anything at anytime, and there aren't any public mod logs for that board because they disabled the option.

sguevar ago

I hear ya there.

The level of hypocrisy and stupidity is surprising, amusing and frustrating all at the same time.

Pronebone45 ago

And concerning.

uvulectomy ago

That's what they claim. But what really chased them off was the fact that all moderation logs are public. When they had a mile-long ban list within hours of setting up shop and people called them out for it, they panicked. They simply ran off to a place where they could silence people USSR-style.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

"8chan doesn't have that issue" at the very end.

CuriosityOnFire ago

the goyim knew so they had to shut it down

bdmthrfkr ago

The plebbit sub was a containment board for idiots, I spend a fair amount of time on the real boards and those guys want nothing to do with Qtard sheeple. Banning that plebbit sub was a directed attack against the serious people who deal with the Q posts.

Banning r/thegreatawakening was essentially a human wave attack against the people who make (((them))) shit their pants (Voat and infinity chan boards) and the kikes just used the last weapon that they had in their arsenal. A bunch of contained normies were sent to the chans and Voat to cause havok and the end result will be that thousands of Qtard sheeple will start to get redpilled as fuck. Now their weapon will be ours.

tldr; jews are stupid, we win.

RumpRangerRick ago

tldr; jews are stupid, we win.

It's not just that, it's that (((they))) have the arrogance to believe that we aren't onto (((them))), and know what sort of games they are playing at.

(((They))) literally think we are too stupid not to figure (((them))) out.

bdmthrfkr ago

I never saved it but that cartoon of two kikes hammering on a bomb that says "White People" is relevant here.

Newyearsrevolutions ago


HeavyBrain ago

They still don't get why its done, even when explained over and over.

DiscontentedMajority ago

There was and still is a lot of good civil discussions of these people's stuff going on in /v/GreatAwakening. A lot of the Q anon folks seem pretty cool.

The problem was that their mods thought they could move in and take over the the site. That's what provoked the Voat immune response and hate based antibodies.

vladtep ago

The problem is not following Q per se.

It's the reddit user culture, they're communist assholes.

So when a commie reddit user gets woke to Q, he's still a commie asshole at heart.

GapingAnus ago

Many Voat users appear to define "free speech" as "baseless insults and unwarranted name-calling"

You can tell this is a reddit nigger because he doesn't understand the purpose of the noise-floor of 4chan or Voat and the atrocious reddit spacing.

bdmthrfkr ago

That spacing actually hurt my eyes. Uggh.

valk2 ago

I bet these are those power Mods from that subverse they setup because they were acting like infants. Hmmm....Projection much?

Master_Admin ago

I mean... They're not exactly wrong 😂 anybody new who doesn't fit in right away is pretty much scared away by the boomers on introductions.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

all that redditspacing and pearl-clutching

For their sake I hope they never venture outside their own board, because 8chan will eat them alive.

Palindromedan ago

Exactly that. They’re already making a “Q Christians only” 8ch board because the swearing hurts their vaginas. For a group of people who scream about libs needing safe spaces they sure need a lot of safe spaces.

shrink ago

I literally had one of the Qtards who was arguing with me say to me "if you don't like that we ban and delete things that don't belong in our sub then run along to your safe space."

Like, nigger, this is quite obviously a kneejerk use of a phrase you've heard a ton of times without actually thinking about whether it fucking belongs in the sentence. I'm sure that faggot is loooooong gone. The irony.

PraiseIPU ago

well i mean in the realm of safe spaces what they are saying is. "if you don't like my safe space then go make your own safe space."

ThirteenthZodiac ago

"if you don't like that we ban and delete things that don't belong in our sub then run along to your safe space."

...talk about a complete and utter lack of self-awareness.

DawnPendraig ago

They get evicted out of their cage in a deep pit. The sunlight hurts their eyes, their ears cannot handle the wind much less cars or trains going by. Their skin burns instantly and their instincts after a lifetime being kept prisoner from truth or real free speech is to find another familiar hole to shelter in.

We need to remember compassion. Please.

Except towards those mods who need an ass kicking

MartinMarpul8 ago

Becoming redpilled is sometimes a long and painful process. We have to have compassion but also need to kind of kick it along.

NameThem ago

Their bodies are slowly washing ashore on 8chan and its horrible. All of them have that thousand yard stare. Wew.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Yeah, I've dealt with one or two myself. He hasn't been too happy with the reception and I haven't heard from the guy since.

thebassdude ago

Same here. I came here a little while ago, but didn't give it much though. These folks really are shocked. I'm truly surprised how such a large segment of our society became brainwashed, including my own son. Newfags don't seem to understand irony as a teaching aid anymore.

RoundWheel ago

The /v/theawakening mods thought they could take over the entire site and even boasted about doing so. Then they learned the mod logs are transparent. Those mods are shills. The mods and people of /v/greatawakening are chill. Sounds close but completely different. ;)

Didn't want you confusing things.

thebassdude ago

Thank you.

bdmthrfkr ago

They don't know how bad it is.

lemon11 ago

Hand_of_Node ago

One of them made a post wondering wtf (my take) they were doing on such a vile site with beastality and child porn. It was gone when I looked yesterday.

Pronebone45 ago

“Voat makes it a two step process to mute the fuckers..”. There it is.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Exactly the type of people we don't want here, people who think mean words actually do harm.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

Oh noes, two whole clicks! The horror! I’m a refugee from T_D, I got about three whole abusive comments, and didn’t even bother to lead how muting someone works. Pussies.

PraiseIPU ago

I never learned. I never saw the point.

but there are some fragile fuckers here that have told me they blocked me over a single comment they didn't like.

bonus though I get one less downvoat when I'm getting buried for something that doesn't fit the circlejerk.

so theres that.

theoldones ago

three times? rookie numbers.

IsaacJan ago

Just three? You gotta get those numbers up shitfaggot.

Tacops777 ago

I suggest a variant such as : turdfagger

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

DAE think voat is LiTeRaLly HiTlEr?! 😘🎉🙏😀😈🙏💩🙏😈😀💯🔫🤮🤮🤮

Pubiclouse ago

Heil Voat!

AdelaisNjall ago

Hehehe eat shit niggeredditfaggots!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that Q-LARP is a jewish paid shill and proven hoax.

bdmthrfkr ago

I missed you so much that I saved one just for you...

pick related https://imgoat.com/uploads/2217062e9a/148313.png

HighEnergyLife ago


MockingDead ago

No one owes anyone anything. Earn your voat comments by shutting the fuck up, redditfags.

MadMex2267 ago

I guess that’s why we are here is to shut up and be molested by pussies with no manners. If you were standing next to me not only would that mouth be silent u would definitely get an ass beating! Bitches being anon are still just bitches. Maybe u haven’t heard fag but we’re supposed to be on the same team. Stop acting like the left and act like a man.

Problematic ago

Watch out guys or this boomer is going to run you over with his Harley.

MockingDead ago

Mew mewmew I'm a salty prick.

culturalrealism ago

Hey big guy. I'm a big guy who actually understands the philosophy behind free speech, and the reasoning behind the 1st amendment.

You don't.


So while our fight would be glorious, and we might both hurt each other pretty good, you'd still be an ignorant fucking clown who doesn't deserve your country or your tongue.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Voat regulars are NOT "acting like the left". Do you know how I know that? If this were a leftist site, then posters and moderators would be doing this:

  • doxxing you
  • deplatforming you
  • censoring you
  • trying to get you fired from your job
  • trying to get you kicked out of college
  • trying to get you physically assaulted

See the difference?

Quit behaving like an over-entitled pussy fart, and try to actually contribute. You and your idiot Qtard friends tried to take over this site, like you were a migrant invasion......with mass bannings and censorship on your forum (on a free speech site, no less).

And you're surprised at a negative response?

RumpRangerRick ago

no manners

Take your manners, and shove them DIRECTLY into your ass.

Ok ?

thebassdude ago

Pop pop pop. 14 shots through the door.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Tell me about your ideas on white nationalism and aiding in the destruction of israel and their people, and I will tell you if we are on the same team.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You tried to "beat me up" and I wouldn't even need to put a bunch of .45ACP sized holes in you, a stiff breeze could knock you soyboys over.

RumpRangerRick ago


My carry piece :) Hollow points.

Hope I never need to use it in self defense.

HST ago

No one banned them from any serious subs. No one silenced them. They chose to be silent. That's not our fault.

mynewaccountagain ago

What team? Because we use the same social media?

Triple_Agent ago

Team: Free exchange of info and ideas.

VoutGuy ago


Beta_Ray_Bill ago

good riddance

refugee610 ago

They failed the test, that's all.

sguevar ago

I don't get how a Costa Rican (me) understands more about the SCOTUS resolution stating that hate speech is free speech and they don't... (u.u) : https://townhall.com/tipsheet/laurettabrown/2017/06/19/supreme-court-unanimously-reaffirms-hate-speech-is-still-free-speech-n2343286

awhiteguyuno ago

Lmao it's funny because as soon as they left, normal civil discussion continued here. We were dicks to them to weed out the snowflakes. Guess it worked

KryptoKoins ago

It worked well y'all got rid of all weaklings very quick. I'm glad I stayed cause "Free Speech"

mynameisnobody_ ago

i like that system. thats how i originally stayed. if youre triggered by random insults, nobody wants to discourse with you anyway.

they also seem to define free speech as whatever they like to hear. guess its like racism, gotta redefine with autorianism

Cat-hax ago

That's the idea

anotherdream ago

Exactly. And for all this anon's intelligence, there is no subtlety in what was said. Complete reductionism disguised as a "sick burn" Their saltiness is palpable. - Also tries to paint Voat as a haven for racists and deplorables. Completely neglecting that reddit was it's own kind of cesspool. It's probably another reddit user who ran away crying because they have to earn ccpts etc.

chirogonemd ago

I have to laugh at them calling this "hazing". I wish they realized the relative lighthearted nature of it.

The way I would describe it is as a test. Imagine a group of friends who are all metal heads. One day, a stranger asks if they can hang out. The group looks at each other, slightly suspicious but totally willing to welcome one of their own. One of the group speaks up and asks, "What's your favorite song on Ride the Lightning?". The stranger says, "Who is Ride the Lightning?". Group walks away.

It is like a test. All somebody has to do to pass this test is to simply laugh and say, "Hey thanks for the warm welcome nigger."

It's like Voat's immune system. It's testing the newcomer to see if they'll get along with the other aspects of this site. It's only when you dive in you can actually find some good conversations and some great content here. These people whining that this isn't free speech are missing the point. They just didn't pass the test of displaying they could handle us. You throw the worst at them to see what their response is. If someone can see the humor and fling it right back, they're gonna do just fine here.

RoundWheel ago

Two generations ago it wouldn't be an issue. But these pussies have been taught that words are literally violence. Male peering is shunned.

In their mind they were literally punched in the stomach. Which is mental illness and delusion. Such is the nature of socially engineered social destruction.

When I was a kid we would literally punch each other. These days they can't even take a verbal jab. Words are too painful. Pathetic.

chirogonemd ago

I think you make some really good points here. I think about the days I grew up, and this kind of thing was expected male group behavior. It wasn't a choice. As a male you learned to fucking deal with it. It was part of the growing up process. Today, kids don't have dads around and mothers are giving them the out of hiding behind skirts all the time. I think of my time growing up playing football, for example, and you just had to learn to get hardened to it. THIS IS HOW WE FUCKING SOCIALIZE. It's part of a learning process. If a kid can't learn to do this, how they hell are they supposed to be resilient and able to cope with the real world, where its far, far worse?

RoundWheel ago


r3j3ct_supr3m3 ago

Noticed this right away. I think a big part of this retardation is the identity politics mental programming; "anybody who says nigger/kike/faggot/etc is racist/misogynist/bigoted". It never dawns on people who subscribe to that type of thinking that a person can say a word like "nigger" and actually not have a problem with black people.

Ochams ago

Exactly! Newfag here. This is completely new to me and I would consider myself pretty thick skinned and it still takes a second to see wtf is going on lol. The way I see it is this is your house and the Qpers that have come over here (myself included) are not used to your format and choice of furniture lol and you dont want pussies here either and you separate the wheat from the chaff.

boggle247 ago

Agreed. I don't mind some black people, I like them about as much as I like some white people. But I do not like niggers. There's a difference.

opchimera ago

theres a difference, sometimes. but the underlying racial traits are still there

r3j3ct_supr3m3 ago

Well put, a nuance in dichotomy glossed over (or outright ignored) by pc culture. I can say the same is true for myself.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

The answer is Creeping Death, obviously. I will also accept Fade To Black.

chirogonemd ago

Haha. My man.

For me personally, its (1) Fade to Black and (2) For Whom the Bell Tolls

awhiteguyuno ago

Well said

voatbakescookies ago

I gave maybe half a fuck about these new cucks flowing in from reddit but 112 hilarious posts later the fucks started flowing like a river of salty tears

Zanbato ago

normal civil discussion continued here.

Jew watching

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

If you're not jew watching you're being taken advantage of by the jews. The jews feed off of naive sheep.

Turn_Coat ago

Be careful, for as you stare into jewery, so does it stare into you.

FindingTruth ago

But wow, you can post that to politics is awesome. They should rename the reddit version to r/eggshells&bans

Fuckyounigger ago

They have been through this time and time again and can’t grasp that concept cause they leave too soon to even have someone tell them that

elitch2 ago

It always works, mate. That's why we do it.

rndmvar ago

And our weedkiller doesn't turn the frog gays.

thebassdude ago

I use a propane torch, it turns the frogs black.

RumpRangerRick ago

I hear frog legs with some seasoning are palatable to some. Haven't yet tried 'em, tho...

Justsomeone ago

Not just palatable, fucking delicious.

Might be a cliche but it actually taste like chicken, but a little more soft, moist and with more flavour than your usual deep fried chicken.

Dortex ago

You should put salt on them and giggle at the result.

thebassdude ago

Did that back in the Boy Scouts, back in the day when we tied knots and did Jamborees, and learned about weapons (those of us that didn't already). Frog legs were okay when we gigged them ourselves and roasted over a pit fire. Today, I'll stick with ribeye and flounder.

Trump_Dizzle ago

New fag reddit user. Still here to converse with all you faggots

draaaak ago

Gas your virtue signalling zombieaccount faggot self.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Lol accurate. Helpful tip too did not realize there is a fucking night mode!

xobodox ago

No one is forcing you to stay or read or . . . etc ..

Why are Rebbit Fags so scared of people getting to read whatever they want and making up their pwn mind? Why all of the propaganda?

Why do commie faggots need to lie and deceive so much if communism is so awesome?

Tacops777 ago

Agreed all those kikefaggers are just meat for Helicopter rides..... the chopper just called and says that he will need more gas bc too many commiechinkodemayos to throw the fuck out.

Even 8 chan called out those 10 to 20 faggy mods for banning people within seconds of arrival...

What do they think VOAT is a place were a fat sandnigger tranny can come over and talk about porkless recipes for an inclusivity party or something???

Nah fuck those chinkz-commies... they like Qfagnon because they feel their lives are not yet fully fucked! Wrong!

Trump_Dizzle ago

I assume most have been so brainwashed into fearing actual free speech that they are frightened by the use of it on voat. They're probably scared big brother will find out they've used such words as niggerfaggot and don't want to take the risk.

Just a guess though

KryptoKoins ago

I cannot believe how many people that triggers lol its worse then calling a woman a dumb cunt

Trump_Dizzle ago

Lol poor brainwashed fools

memememema ago

Depending upon which kool aid they may be swallowing this may not be a unresonable risk especially if they live in certain areas. If i was a right wing kid and my parents worked at google i would sure as shit keep it all on the downlow.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Ya there is always a chance of getting doxxed, but if we live in fear of speaking uncomfortable things then those socialist bastards win

memememema ago

I didn't mean doxing. I dealt with pedos and if they know that you understand what they are there is no escape. Sometimes Things are not always cut and dry.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Oh you're talking about in person confrontations?

I guess I'm not understanding what you mean

memememema ago

If the people around me understood I knew what they were and why i didnt advance myself. I would not be here today. Im talking about being around people that see you as meat your identity does not matter your family does not matter. your body and mind are just objects to them. Imagine being offered up and your parents didnt understand. and you did.

Because outword rebellion or signs of straying from the path laid out before will result in punishment. so you cannot submit or resist you have to find a third option to escape the poisoned heaven you find yourself in. How do you escape without drawing undue attention to yourself. and if you tell your parents they are going to go right to the pastor the head of this order that has already rape'd you once and then you are fucked. Consider a darker perspective. being careful about what books you check out what people see you reading. what you watch what you say. Only the paranoid survive.

I worry for the children of todays world its even more insidious. and the shadows are even darker.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Oh wow... I don't think I could even imagine those feelings. I'm sorry you had to endure that and I am impressed with how strong you are to get through it all. I hope you find retribution or peace, whichever you seak.

memememema ago

Its complex messy..and sad. Its something I recently cracked open in my brain. and im still dealing with the aftermath. Like I was dreaming in a kind of haze because if i acknowledged where i was and what was going on Im not sure how long i could have kept on going for. I had to delude myself constantly and effectively to hide the truth from remembering at the wrong time. every reaction had to be calculated. godamn it was stressful and at the same time it was not.

Mumbleberry ago

Says the 2.5 yo acct.

True-Saber ago

Just another migration, hardly worth logging in. Smart thick skinned bitches will have no trouble finding the diamonds in the rough, and the thin skinned will, either callous quickly, or run at the first swear words/slurs.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Look at my post history. Made an account for pizzagate. Never came here until GA was shut down

Turn_Coat ago

Fair point.

bb22 ago

Pizzagate was what first brought me here too.

Whitemail ago

I'm a /r/coontown refugee.

bb22 ago

I was going to say "I'm surprised they allowed that to exist in the first place," but then I remembered that Reddit actually claimed to be pro-free speech once and wasn't a bunch of faggots like it is now.

Master_Foo ago

Sorry dude. But of all the migration events, Pizzagate was probably the most retarded.

bluefascist ago

oh really?

pedophile arrests are sky high under Trump. Pizzagate is absolutely real, but it isn't about a pizza parlour and hillary clinton. It's more like pedogate, and there are highly placed people who are pedo's and they have been running child trafficking rings for years.

of all the things that were deemed conspiracy theory, pizzagate is the most real and least fake thing out there.

Master_Foo ago

but it isn't about a pizza parlour and hillary clinton.

The pizzagaters sure made it about that. I bet you go to /v/pizzagate and you'll find tons of conspiracy theories about that stupid pizza parlor. You'll find nothing about any of these conspiritards going into the city, finding an underage girl turning tricks on the corner, and turning her pimp over to the police.

Sure, pedophile arrests are up. But, it's not because the retards in /r/pizzagate are doing anything about it.

and there are highly placed people who are pedo's and they have been running child trafficking rings for years.

Yeah, I have no problem with that angle. Let's run with that. Now let's compare that strategy with /v/pizzagate which is to focus on absolutely insane theories which involve pizza parlors.

OK, remember a few weeks ago when everyone was losing their minds about a skit Sarah Silverman did about pedophiles owning vans? It's like that. You can freak out over something stupid. Or, you can put some midgets in a van, dress them up in children's clothes, park the van in front of Sarah Silverman's house and when she rapes them, then you turn her into the police. But, no, /v/pizzagate isn't going to do that. ACUTALLY catching REAL pedophiles is much more difficult than making up stupid shit about a pizza parlor.

bluefascist ago

you can at least admit though that pedophiles use words relating to pizza as code words for pedo related activity though right?

You can also admit that some of the shit in john podestas emails sound shady as fuck and have the potential to relate to child trafficking? or did I just go too far?

Master_Foo ago

I was never contesting any of that. What I'm saying is there is a problem with child trafficking, we can all agree to that. Making up stupid shit about a pizza parlor and then making that pizza parlor you central thesis is fucking retarded and it detracts from the real problem of real child trafficking.

Want to catch John Podesta? Go catch the bastard red-handed.

bb22 ago

Apologize to yourself for being a retard, faggot. You'll see in due time that pedophilia rings really do use blackmail to run the world. You think Jimmy Savile was a fucking fluke, or are you too retarded to even know who that is?

Master_Foo ago

I have no doubt there are powerful people who take advantage of young weak people. I just don't think they meet in the basement of a pizza parlor.

bb22 ago

So in other words you fell for the Jew propaganda and missed the forest for the trees. Great job you dumb motherfucker.

Master_Foo ago

Yeah, I get all that. But, motherfuckers immigrating from Reddit to here were going on and on about that stupid pizza parlor and it was drowning out the important, rational, conversations that we should be having about these problems. I didn't fall for the Jew propaganda the pizzagate retards did.

Listen, I loves me a good conspiracy theory. You know, the ones which are actually plausible. Like the JFK assassination. I can run with the idea that there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll. That's completely within the bounds of reality. But, then you've got the conspiritards, who want to shit out nonsense like flat earth and any amount of other retarded crap. Pizzagate may have some kernel of truth to it, but you have your element of unironic conspiritards who end up wasting everyone else's time.

Go back into your Voat comment history and show me that one time you told the conspiritards to shut the fuck up about the stupid pizza parlor and focus on the real shit and I'll give you a pass. Otherwise, you were complicit.

bb22 ago

You're not the arbiter of what is and isn't retarded. If you don't agree with something, then don't agree with it. But if you realize that pedophile rings really are used to blackmail people all over the world, then why the fuck would you kvetch about some people talking about something you don't agree with online? Does it sound like you have your priorities straight here or what? If you want to call someone retarded or complicit in retardation you should start with your own goddamn self.

And I don't give a shit if you give me a gold star or not you fucking kike.

Master_Foo ago

You're not the arbiter of what is and isn't retarded.

Actually, yeah, I'm pretty good at figuring out which stories are real and which are fake. When a group of conspiracy theorists make their central thesis surrounding George Soros and his buddies hanging out in the basement of a pizza parlor, wearing gimp suits, that is really fucking retarded.

We have evidence of real pedophile sex rings every day. I'm talking about REAL shit. There is absolutely no reason to make up stories about a fucking pizza parlor. You go to the city and you'll see underage girls turning tricks on the street for some pimp. That's REAL shit. So, where are my priorities? My priorities are catching real pedophiles. The conspiritards pushing the idea that George Soros goes and buys his underage sex slaves in the basement of a pizza parlor detract from that. I can run with the idea that George Soros has underage sex slaves.

So, instead of obsessing over a damn pizza parlor, go catch George Soros red handed and tell the conspiritards to fuck off because they are detracting from the mission.

So, I'll ask you one more time. Show me when you told the full-retard pizzagaters to fuck off because they are detracting from the mission. and I'll ask one more thing. What the fuck have you done to catch George Soros red-handed buying a real sex slave? You won't answer because the answers to both questions leave you with absolutely nothing accomplished.

bb22 ago

Actually, yeah, I'm pretty good at figuring out which stories are real and which are fake.

That's what everyone thinks about themselves, numbnuts. And yet here you still are kvetching about "muh fake conspiracies" while acknowledging that real blackmail rings are going on. What a brilliant fucking use of your energy, Einstein. You must be a real 200 IQ genius.

I'm going to ask you one more time to suck my dick. If you don't suck my dick, you're a faggot.

Master_Foo ago

I never said real blackmail rings are fake. I'm saying the retards in /v/pizzagate are detracting from the real problem with their retarded shit.

This is from the front page of /v/pizzagate. It's retarded shit. Go find real people who are really getting raped and I'll support you 100%. But, if you aren't calling out the bullshit. If you are focusing on a stupid comic book, you aren't doing jack shit about saving the underage prostitute pulling tricks for her pimp on the street corner of some city. All you are doing is virtue signaling.

bb22 ago

I'm not wasting anymore time on this stupid argument or I'd be as much as a dumbfuck as you are. I gave you one last opportunity to suck my dick and you didn't do it so you're obviously a faggot. Go kvetch to someone else about conspiritards while pedophiles continue running the world douche.

GD_Ridefort ago

He's also cool with depicting gender-bending ritual abuse in children's comics, dating back to the 40s

Nothing to look at here, kids!

Master_Foo ago

I never said I'm cool with it. I said it's retarded. The comic is retarded and the people obsessing over it are retarded.

If you want to catch child predators, obsessing over retarded shit isn't going to accomplish anything. Go catch the motherfuckers red-handed and turn them into the police, or, better yet, do everyone a favor and shoot them in the face.

You aren't going to shoot very many pedophiles in the face if you are spending all of your time obsessing over a retarded comic book. Right? What good is any of this retarded bullshit? Go do something with real consequences.

Master_Foo ago

You forgot the part where the pedophiles are running the world from the basement of a pizza parlor. This is super important to pizzafags. George Soros is down there right now shoving his pepperoni and sausage down some little girl's mouth. It's true! I read it in /v/pizzagate

bb22 ago

I followed all the pizzagate stuff and yet you’re going to dictate to me what was “super important” like the jumbo fag that you are. What kind of fucking Mossad kike are you anyway? Did you eat your bowl of foreskins today yet faggot?

Master_Foo ago

I don't hang out in pizza parlor basements, so I guess I'm not entirely up to speed with what Jimmy Saville is doing this week. Sounds like you know all about it though, so, why don't you tell us all exactly what you guys do down there.

drj2 ago

Please don't ever link pizzagate and flat earth together :/ damn is that what normies really imagine when they see conspiracy?

Master_Foo ago

When you have an army of mouthbreathers who swear up and down George Soros and his buddies are hanging out in the basement of a pizza parlor in gimp suits, there is something to call out there. That is flat-earth level of nonsense and it detracts from the real problem of real child trafficking.

The conspiracy is real. I have no doubt about that. But, if you aren't taking the time to call out the full-retard conspiracy theorists, well, congratulations, you just let a flat-earther co-opt your legitimate conspiracy and nobody is going to pay attention to whatever rational arguments you might have because you are being drown out by conspiritards.

drj2 ago

Ah I see what you're saying.

At this point I don't even bother engaging, it's a lost cause to try and converse with people who are that deep in that retard mind set. The most time I will take out is a downvote.

It's just as hard to talk to normal people, the attention span is so low that all they see is the lunatic conspiracies, so that's all they know about the subject and think that's all there is to it. It's fucking frustrating.

Master_Foo ago

it's a lost cause to try and converse with people who are that deep in that retard mind set.

The purpose of publicly calling someone out isn't to convince them that they are wrong. They aren't going to change their minds.

The purpose is to point out to everyone else that there is a retard here and here are some completely rational arguments as to why his ideas are retarded.

Maybe you wont convince the retard, but maybe you'll convince the guy who is watching the retard.

Think about it this way. How many cults would have just vanished into thin air if someone sitting in the pews had the guts to stand up and shout "THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!"

drj2 ago

Well I can appreciate you for doing that and having the optimism.

Mumbleberry ago

Coward Q-tard.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Naw just too small a user group here

Goering ago

Too small for what?

Do you need 15,000 shitposts to ignore a day?

Need more users for more upvotes because your brain's reward center is fucked?

Why don't you go to a field, and sit on it.


LOL, what a great reply.

Mumbleberry ago

You've really helped out with that in 2 1/2 years.

Trump_Dizzle ago

You're not too good at reading are you?

Just said I haven't been here since I made the account.

Dalai_Llama ago

I think what he is trying to say is that you are a faggot for neglecting to contribute to what you considered to be a community that was too small to grace with your presence and now you're just pretending to be a newcomer, riding on the coat tails of the most recent migratory wave as you disguise yourself with an ostensibly piteous disposition that you perceive to be incumbent of such status.

hangry ago

Spot on.

Trump_Dizzle ago

I understand that I haven't contributed, but I definitely consider myself a newcomer since I haven't actually spent time on the site before now

redpilldessert ago

In that case, welcome to the Voat!

Trump_Dizzle ago

Thanks! It's refreshing to see the amount of free speech here

redpilldessert ago

Yep. And no one is immune to getting insulted at some point. Even those with the exact same political views. I like that.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Ya keeps people in Tippy Top mental condition

draaaak ago

Tippy Top

Is that a game you play with your gay nigger boyfriend?

Fuckyounigger ago

You might survive if you can keep coming back like that

Mumbleberry ago

Elitist prick.

Trump_Dizzle ago

Lol didn't realize basic reading comprehension is elitist

dassaer ago

Yo wasn't edjumcated in Chicago wuz ya??

Trump_Dizzle ago

Hahaha naw I'm not part of the 50% that can't read

freshmeat ago

It's fun to be dicks to people when you have a basis but you just turned away potential Voat donaters and supporters just so you could shock current reddit refugees with dumbass nigger shit posting by being a dick? That is not how the old goat were to newcomers when Reddit initially fucked us.

Here is what needs to be considered if it isn't already too late; they came from reddit which has major subs implementing rules about "whataboutism" and "troll concerning" so these people are coming from a bigger bubble than when most arrived on Voat. The rule about supporting Q only being allowed because they didn't know you didn't have to worry about reddit shills here.

You guys just split an entire Trump supporting userbase because you wanted to be edge lords instead of explain to them why censorship is bad and why voat even exists. Probably too late though since ShitRedditSays are the top commentors and posters on the Voat Q subverses. Good work kike shills.

VoatsNewfag ago

they didn't know you didn't have to worry about reddit shills here and that could have been explained without shitposting jew memes and scat porn.

You guys just split an entire Trump supporting userbase because you wanted to be edge lords instead of explain to them why censorship is bad and why voat even exists.

If you bothered to observe the drama you cannot tell me that you have not seen plenty of users explaining things to them in a reasonable and calm manner. In fact, you can find some of them in the "deleted comments" list of their subverse. They contained no slurs or insults.

One of their mods, when told that mods aren't gods here, replied with "You will find out how wrong you are". https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711/13804119/10#13804119

And some other goat pointed out to them that Q, the guy or group they are supposed to follow, condemned censorship himself. I can't find that thread right now, but here's the Q post condemning censorship: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#230

When they delete criticism on their subverse and act smug when confronted with criticism outside their subverse and openly taunt their god-complex they don't deserve to be portrayed as poor innocent victims that could've been easily reasoned with. Authority figures that delete criticism (without racial slurs and insults!) of themselves deserve everything they get.

freshmeat ago

If you bothered to observe the drama you cannot tell me that you have not seen plenty of users explaining things to them in a reasonable and calm manner. In fact, you can find some of them in the "deleted comments" list of their subverse. They contained no slurs or insults.

I saw who was posting there, it was SBBH. They posted stupid shit to get banned rather than explain to them what Voat is. It was intentional.

One of their mods, when told that mods aren't gods here, replied with "You will find out how wrong you are". https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711/13804119/10#13804119

You mean a fucking reddit mod? Guarantee that was one of the reddit admins who also took over T_D and other shit. It's theater and now a big demographic is fighting over SBBH crying nigger faggot.

And some other goat pointed out to them that Q, the guy or group they are supposed to follow, condemned censorship himself. I can't find that thread right now, but here's the Q post condemning censorship: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#230

Spamming uncontrollable shitposts, vote manipulation, organizing brigades to set narratives seems like it should be condemned right? Would you call that censorship to prevent it?

When they delete criticism on their subverse and act smug when confronted with criticism outside their subverse and openly taunt their god-complex they don't deserve to be portrayed as poor innocent victims that could've been easily reasoned with. Authority figures that delete criticism (without racial slurs and insults!) of themselves deserve everything they get.

If you don't see how this was entirely planned (like every other exodus) then you need to pay better attention. Fuck Q, Fuck SBBH, Fuck everyone about this topic.

At the end of the day this hurts the right voters. It's all part of the San Fransisco and New York kike's plans to censor the web and you guys are playing right into it. One set off reddit mods got in a bitch fit with reddit mods who have already been on Voat for years, and now everyone should fuck off to eachother?

What the hell happened to you Voat

VoatsNewfag ago

Spamming uncontrollable shitposts, vote manipulation, organizing brigades to set narratives seems like it should be condemned right? Would you call that censorship to prevent it?

Speaking of vote manipulation, their mods did or rather tried that too.

And they acted entirely disgustingly smug about it, too.



You mean a fucking reddit mod? Guarantee that was one of the reddit admins who also took over T_D and other shit. It's theater and now a big demographic is fighting over SBBH crying nigger faggot.

You guarantee that one of their mods is a reddit admin? It could be true, but can you actually prove that or are you just spewing conspiracy theories that are slightly plausible? What about all the other mods? What about their websites that steered to that board? Are they all part of reddits plotting?

If you don't see how this was entirely planned (like every other exodus) then you need to pay better attention. Fuck Q, Fuck SBBH, Fuck everyone about this topic.

How many of them decided to check out the rest of voat? Those that are willing to face freedom and truth and the ugliness that comes with it, those who do not care about petty things, reputation, appearance, optics etc. are the only ones that matter in my opinion. I'm convinced the rest will eventually follow and they can follow on some other normie website.

Gamergate had lots of moderator drama and exoduses and was limited to a containment board on reddit and to the ugliest websites out there, 4chan and 8chan. Yet it still changed culture forever. Quite a handful of journalists still blame gamerate for the trump presidency.

freshmeat ago

Speaking of vote manipulation, their mods did or rather tried that too. And they acted entirely disgustingly smug about it, too.

You mean like all redditors? By the way you realize those restriction are by definition censorship? How many of those users actually tried to join in regular posting but already got hit by SBBH downvotes so they just fucked off. The system unironically helps those who seek more than censorship but pure subversion. There is no free speech on a site where one person can destroy anyone's voice they want.

You guarantee that one of their mods is a reddit admin? It could be true, but can you actually prove that or are you just spewing conspiracy theories that are slightly plausible? What about all the other mods? What about their websites that steered to that board? Are they all part of reddits plotting?

Fuck yeah i know they are at least one reddit admin, in fact if i put money on it, it would be srayzie all along. Knew the exodus was incoming and made sure no integration could occur. No i'm not spez, i dont have the evidence of IP logs and reddit admins of activity. But the FBI does, it was subpoenaed after Trump won.

How many of them decided to check out the rest of voat? Those that are willing to face freedom and truth and the ugliness that comes with it, those who do not care about petty things, reputation, appearance, optics etc

That is not what they were met with, they were meant with SBBH sperging as racist nazis. Which pisses me off because im a racial natsoc and I know they are just trying to make the rest of us look dumb.

Gamergate had lots of moderator drama and exoduses and was limited to a containment board on reddit and to the ugliest websites out there, 4chan and 8chan. Yet it still changed culture forever. Quite a handful of journalists still blame gamerate for the trump presidency.

Yeah and now the opposite is happening and the lolcows of Gamergate now run the internet, including major subs here.

VoatsNewfag ago

By the way you realize those restriction are by definition censorship?

If I recall correctly the restrictions are not being able to downvote and only 10 comments per day.

Yeah and now the opposite is happening and the lolcows of Gamergate now run the internet, including major subs here.

I would argue that gamergate transformed. Change of culture is more important overall and crazy websites even if they're niche for freedom loving people like 4chan originally has been are in my point of view highly influential. Memes created on a small niche website that fosters humor and wittiness can influence the whole world.

Furthermore the world can be changed by a handful of important people. For example let's say that Trump and his advisors read 8chans /pol/ - if that is true, it doesn't matter that 8chan doesn't reach all the braindead normies on reddit directly.

There is no free speech on a site where one person can destroy anyone's voice they want.

How so? 10 comments per day are still plenty of opportunity to make your voice heard on a small website like voat, and you can always just create a second account to get another 10 more comments / day.

Besides getting a positive CCP isn't that difficult. I'm a libertarian who is every once in a while at odds with voats more fascist side and I still manage to have positive CCP very easily. I know a bunch of commies/socialists that visit voat regularly and who have positive CCP. Just don't be too overly smug and you're halfway there to maintain a positive CCP.

Fuck yeah i know they are at least one reddit admin [...] But the FBI does, it was subpoenaed after Trump won.

An admin, not just a moderator? You KNOW it? How? Are you part of the FBI?

freshmeat ago

If I recall correctly the restrictions are not being able to downvote and only 10 comments per day.

It just makes it easy to get new accounts censored, then call them shills when they make a new one.

I would argue that gamergate transformed. Change of culture is more important overall and crazy websites even if they're niche for freedom loving people like 4chan originally has been are in my point of view highly influential. Memes created on a small niche website that fosters humor and wittiness can influence the whole world. Furthermore the world can be changed by a handful of important people. For example let's say that Trump and his advisors read 8chans /pol/ - if that is true, it doesn't matter that 8chan doesn't reach all the braindead normies on reddit directly.

That only worked because there wasn't mass censorship. Gamergate indeed did not go anywhere, now they are controlling the infrastructure of the internet. The era of the internet havign a larger anonymous power than the MSM are almost gone, if not already. They did it before the midterms too, didn't even hesitate.

How so? 10 comments per day are still plenty of opportunity to make your voice heard on a small website like voat, and you can always just create a second account to get another 10 more comments / day.

And then 2 users from SBBH can nuke you into the negatives then you cannot do shit and are censored. It's censorship. I have plenty of accounts this has happened to despite me just regularly posting. If i said I was MYG my CCP disappeared in hours and 2 SBBH users can use up all your replies in a single comment chain.

Besides getting a positive CCP isn't that difficult. I'm a libertarian who is every once in a while at odds with voats more fascist side and I still manage to have positive CCP very easily. I know a bunch of commies/socialists that visit voat regularly and who have positive CCP. Just don't be too overly smug and you're halfway there to maintain a positive CCP.

It is extremely difficult if you are an SBBH target. And good, you areanother lolbertarian who doesn't want to associate with natsoc ideas because of faggots like /r/RidersOfTheReich, larpers who are trying to make sure nazis are a dead meme. All of this is playing the game by SRS's rules. Being smug is exactly what they do, if you call out their organized manipulation they take you down. I wouldnt even be using this dumbass account if I could have stayed on a preferable one like @Texan_Pride or @cock_slap

An admin, not just a moderator? You KNOW it? How? Are you part of the FBI?

I fucking wish I were FBI, then I wouldn't be here screaming into my own asshole because people don't acknowledge or accept or outright deny how easily Shills run Voat and destroy communities for, well pick a reason. It's because like I've said for 3 years, SBBH is SRS radical homosexual lefties who think fucking with us is more fun than talking to other braindead leftists. But I can assure you PV and Reddit admins have communications, which also include 4/8chan owners.

relevant pic

VoatsNewfag ago

It just makes it easy to get new accounts censored, then call them shills when they make a new one.

How often do you need more than 10 comments / day? 20/30/40 if you create alts if you really have too?

If it weren't for the recent drama I would write about 10 comments / week or so.

I have plenty of accounts this has happened to despite me just regularly posting.

Can't you still post with them 10 times each?

It is extremely difficult if you are an SBBH target.

How do you know it's SBBH and not a bunch of people who dislike you for some other reason, like making accusations or claims without evidence to back them up?

And good, you areanother lolbertarian who doesn't want to associate with natsoc ideas because of faggots like /r/RidersOfTheReich, larpers who are trying to make sure nazis are a dead meme.

It's not because of them. The most compelling arguments in favor of NatSoc I've heard so far were from some George Lincoln Rockwell speeches someone posted on 8ch /pol/ and he does make some good and convincing points. Libertarianism is simply more appealing to me. Though if I really had to choose a dictator it would be someone like augusto pinochet.

I fucking wish I were FBI

Then how do you KNOW that one of their moderators is a reddit admin? Knowing something is different from being really confident, knowledge requires evidence.

freshmeat ago

How do you know it's SBBH and not a bunch of people who dislike you for some other reason, like making accusations or claims without evidence to back them up?

Because they have done this to literally everyone who calls them out. @Amalek @SanegoatiSwear @9-11 @smokratez, myself, and many others. They dont give a fuck about an individual, they care about having the pwoer to control the narrative instead of letting Voat genuinely curate it's community.

It's not because of them. The most compelling arguments in favor of NatSoc I've heard so far were from some George Lincoln Rockwell speeches someone posted on 8ch /pol/ and he does make some good and convincing points. Libertarianism is simply more appealing to me. Though if I really had to choose a dictator it would be someone like augusto pinochet.

Well that is good to hear but labor based currency in a nationalistic country that focuses on it's natives and not degeneracy or any type of jewry sounds a lot better than just having you right to be a fag or whatever libertarians care about now a days. Authoritarianism is the only way, and this country (US) was that for most of it's history. Maybe not facist but we did criminalize harmful lifestyles and degeneracy.

Then how do you KNOW that one of their moderators is a reddit admin? Knowing something is different from being really confident, knowledge requires evidence.

This is difficult trying to explain who has no idea what they are defending. Because every single exodus, and attempted exodus, had one of the reddit admin's sock puppet come here and fuck around before they went back to Voat because they didn't care about whatever subreddit they were modding, they just wanted to make it such a clusterfuck they can go back to spamming in /r/politics about Trump.

This all started with @She

VoatsNewfag ago

9-11 smokratez

They have positive CCP. Smokratez latest comments have positive CCP or are at 0. https://voat.co/user/smokratez/comments


Hasn't this guy abused voat? I specifically Recall puttiout mentioning him a few times in this regard and always giving examples of him being an asshole or spamming.

"Voat has always had a problem with spam. @Amalek would spam posts and hijack the new queue making it unusable. MH101 and then later @SaneGoatiSwear would hijack comment pages making them unusable." - Puttiout

"Also, sorry I left Slack but I don't have time to deal with Sane's tired as fuck shilling. My time is extremely valuable. If you need my attention or need my involvement it will have to take place in this sub." Puttiout

"I’ve banned all Sane alts (while leaving the main account alone) for spamming. If Sane (or his group) wants to post on Voat, they can do so without using alts to hide behind, thus preventing their main accounts from being downvoted and thus restricted. I am done letting this group stomp all over Voat unfettered like a spoiled toddler and pushing me to enact draconian rules to prevent them from doing so." - Puttiout

I trust puttitout more than you.

This is difficult trying to explain who has no idea what they are defending. Because every single exodus, and attempted exodus, had one of the reddit admin's sock puppet come here and fuck around before they went back to Voat because they didn't care about whatever subreddit they were modding, they just wanted to make it such a clusterfuck they can go back to spamming in /r/politics about Trump.

How do you know it's a reddit admin and not just some lefty or some teenage girls who enjoys drama or shareblue or some mentally unstable autist or whatever?

elitch2 ago

Found the qtard.

freshmeat ago

I've said since the first week Q hit the chans i think its bullshit. The chans were compromised back in 2016 by reddit admins, and those admins are T_D mods currently. To me it seemed like some radical big tech faggot who is inside the Trump admin and was leaking, but it wouldn't have gone on for this long if there wasn't something to it. Someone impersonating a federal employee is highly illegal and im sure the FBI/SS would have done something if it wasn't one of them.

But those are my personal opinions and I will never claim to know where this is going. I just know Q demographic are for the most poart good hearted people. It's stupid to split the right up while we did good in 2016. It's SRS shitposting retards dividing everyone.

VoatsNewfag ago

It's SRS shitposting retards dividing everyone.

And one of their moderators displaying a god complex and them creating a upvote-farm where they all act entirely smug in that thread surely has contributed NOTHING to divide people.


freshmeat ago

The drama was intentional, it could have been better addressed. The left has won with this fiasco.

VoatsNewfag ago

No one wins when moderators ban dissent and criticism and everyone goes along with it. Enforced safe spaces were criticism is banned on the political right are just as despicable as those on the left.

Gamergate had it's fair amount of migrations and drama as well and yet the left is still immensely butthurt over the influence it had and continues to have. The Qanons will eventually get over this and maybe they'll be stronger for it.

As a sidenote I don't want to replace the current political left with christian soccer mom snowflakes that want to ban DnD and heavy metal for turning their children satanic or that want to outlaw south park because it's too vulgar etc. because I still remember that this was a thing. If their reaction to freedom is "I want freedom, but not that kind of freedom" - then they are not unlike the average european who truly believes they have freedom of speech over there.

freshmeat ago

No one wins when moderators ban dissent and criticism and everyone goes along with it. Enforced safe spaces were criticism is banned on the political right are just as despicable as those on the left.

Reddit gets anotehr sub banned, they come here to hear about a new reddit clone that would take them, they get here and like the goofy boomers they are try to build their community instead of learn about Voat, and then get mob fucked by SBBH witch hunts. Those were a good demographic to help realize the problems with ACTUAL censorship and curating a private subverse on Voat.

Gamergate had it's fair amount of migrations and drama as well and yet the left is still immensely butthurt over the influence it had and continues to have. The Qanons will eventually get over this and maybe they'll be stronger for it.

Unless you pass an internet bill of rights like yesterday, and nationalize the internet, there will never be another victory against the left without physical violence.

As a sidenote I don't want to replace the current political left with christian soccer mom snowflakes that want to ban DnD and heavy metal for turning their children satanic or that want to outlaw south park because it's too vulgar etc. because I still remember that this was a thing. If their reaction to freedom is "I want freedom, but not that kind of freedom" - then they are not unlike the average european who truly believes they have freedom of speech over there.

They were church people, good people who are open to all discussions. I talk to them daily in their servers. What they are not going to do is come here, see SBBH already shitting up their sub and try to stop it, then get spammed to all hell causing even more drama than the reddit ban itself, and then decide to stay here.

This is a victory for the left, no single other way to look at it. It's in Voat's ToS private subs can enforce their own rules, otherwise every single subverse on this website would be owned by PV and SBBH*

13885706? ago


freshmeat ago

You first nigger

13885796? ago


fuckinghell ago

Not sure why you're getting downvoated for a reasoned response.

You make solid points, however you have to look at all of the other subs that were banned and integrated well here. MDE is a good example of that, as are older examples like FPH.

TheGreatAwakening did not attempt to integrate, in fact they locked down their verse and immediately proceeded to try and upvoat farm, to no avail since they'd locked everything down. When Voaters tried to explain this, they were banned and their comments deleted. Further posts about why we don't take kindly to deletions were also removed. GA users made posts about how there were 70,000 of them and that Voat was going to have to change for them.

This is when the Voat Immune Response kicked in and most seasoned users went into attack mode. This mentality is unacceptable here.

I understand where you're coming from, this place is chock full of shills, faggots and trolls (the amount of downvoats and retarded responses you have speaks for itself). However, they are not all powerful here as they are on Reddit and can be spotted with relative ease (just need a few months on here and they start to become pretty obvious).

xenoPsychologist ago

this place is chock full of shills, faggots and trolls

the influx of reddit somalians was jam packed with all those things. those are the things we need to be rid of. but some (((users))) always jump to defend them.

mynewaccountagain ago

Sadly that's the reddit mentality. Gaming the system and thinking they are the alpha dog. That's what happened with the Donald.

We already have similar subverses. Join those for goodness sakes.

fuckinghell ago

I don't even care if they make their own sub. If they think we're compromised than it makes sense to make a new one, if they're compromised they have to make a new one to maintain their power.

That willingness to accept censorship and self censor, that's what needs to go.

freshmeat ago

TheGreatAwakening did not attempt to integrate, in fact they locked down their verse and immediately proceeded to try and upvoat farm, to no avail since they'd locked everything down. When Voaters tried to explain this, they were banned and their comments deleted. Further posts about why we don't take kindly to deletions were also removed. GA users made posts about how there were 70,000 of them and that Voat was going to have to change for them.

Yeah there were shills in the mods that came over here. Those mods could have been removed rather than divide the whole demographic. They might have gone full retard but private subs are not obligated to follow system subverse rules, it's in the ToS. Technically they could do whatever they want, and to keep out SBBH for the migration the obviously jumped the gun without lurking more. It's a shitty situation all around but this fiasco has only benefited 1 group: the left.

This is when the Voat Immune Response kicked in and most seasoned users went into attack mode. This mentality is unacceptable here.

Debatable who is considered voices of Voat because most of them are just SBBH shitposting voat farmers. They even turned on poor @Needlestack

I understand where you're coming from, this place is chock full of shills, faggots and trolls (the amount of downvoats and retarded responses you have speaks for itself). However, they are not all powerful here as they are on Reddit and can be spotted with relative ease (just need a few months on here and they start to become pretty obvious).

They have been doing this cyclically since /r/GasTheKikes got banned. There wouldnt have been a shit show of this magnitutde if SBBH weren't allowed to have organized witch hunts and brigades and just yell "nigger faggot doesnt like our shitpost spam! Burn them!"

fuckinghell ago

There wouldnt have been a shit show of this magnitutde if SBBH weren't allowed to have organized witch hunts and brigades and just yell "nigger faggot doesnt like our shitpost spam! Burn them!"

I won't entirely disagree with you, however given the website you're on, how do you intend to solve this?

freshmeat ago

Firstly we need a healthy site-wide discussion thread to discuss this because as you can see, anyone somebody tries to bring attention to it, they are hidden from site through bot censorship and just spamming comment chains with derailment.

There are hundreds if not thousands of voaters out there who wish for that to be adressed but it cant get visibility when the site is easily curated by a very small amount of people. In fact know for sure you can control the entire front page and comment section by a single guy. Seen him do it as a joke and SBBH never noticed, but it is appauling how easily it is done. One stickied thread giving the discussion an option for everyone would probably show a lot of pissed off people. I think Putt could be interested in this, a thread where all voaters have a floor specifically to discuss the problem of the community being, dare i say, oppressed lol

It's a bunch of bullshit but I think things might change. This site isnt very useful if its just people screaming nigger at eachother and not being political. Reddit is killing us politically. All the conservatives are all banned and now since the shills have a strong foothold on voat, they can decide who should be here and who shouldn't. I've called this out multiple times in my sub rPV but like i said, visibility manipulation.

the "Voat Q people" are the fucking shills. The subverse owner srayzie banned 2 of the most excellent posters and decoders because of her ego. And they modded literal SBBH.

It's going to be a misinforming truth prison, just like they did with pizzagate

They take over subs and split the community, and the only people who stay are the few who probably already have accounts here for awhile. Should be enraging to anyone who claims for a minute censorship is ok as long as it keeps out people we don't like. That is what the new exodus ran into and didnt have toime to learn or handle it before SBBH and ProtectVoat do their nature witch hunt powers to get all the half stoned voat lurkers to feel like jumping in on whatever is going on, even if it is a total lie.


They take over subs and ruin them. It's happened like 5 times but people seem to be living in groundhogday on voat. Every subverse that would lead a Trump supporter to Voat has SBBH mods or PV mods. This is exactly what i said when the same thing was going on over at Faggit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

those people as donors? do you really think boomers could've figured out bitcoin?

freshmeat ago

This is why i hate you stupid niggers. Yes they can and they are nice demographic. It's just blue collar people who are not savvy with hardcore chan memes and Voat niggerdom.

They have a lot of financial support to offer and they are organized, but now like alex jones, they are being deplatformed. And you kikes are cheering it on with the redditors who sent them here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

being a boomer has nothing to do with being blue collar, you don't even know the demographic. And I only pick on them because they're annoying, the beatings will continue until moral improves

freshmeat ago

the demographic would have been the largest exodus here. It's filled with honest Americans who got woke in 2016 and now are being lead on by a 4chan larper. There is shit going on so at least they are looking into it, something that Voat used to take pride in rather than just act like screaming mongoloids.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what's so great about numbers? I'm a quality over quantity kinda guy. mongoloid screaming is protected under the first amendment

yevad ago

People need to learn to not get offended so easily, it's the internet and people love trolling. I know it can get annoying when you want some answers but everyone is calling you a niggerfaggot but if that's the price to pay for non-censorship then I guess it's fine by me. If you don't like those comments then you have to just downvote and move on, you bitch (j/k).

freshmeat ago

Maybe your dumb nigger ass could have said that before SBBH drove them away to even more shilled places than Voat.

GreyGears ago

you just turned away potential Voat donaters and supporters

Fuck no.

If you are willing to lower your standard are bend your convictions for a few shekels, just skip the middle man and go straight to your local Rabbi to start your good goy career.

Compromises and tolerance is the very reason the western world is turning to into a shithole. Learn from past mistakes, ffs.

freshmeat ago


this is totally cool but some old Trump supporting boomers need to be spammed nigger shit? not even good jokes or anything, just blatantly trying to troll them off. They would have been very receptive to the ideas of voat and i think that's why SBBH wanted them gone. SRS controls the most viewed subverses right now, they want to keep that power

HeavyBrain ago

potential Voat donaters and supporters

Yeah we've seen where this kind of people get us.

freshmeat ago

uh, not closed down? If you are cool with Hecho supporting the site but not Trump supporters you are vlearly fucked up in the head.

HeavyBrain ago

Where did I say I like the meanwhile dead acc Hecho?

Take a look at my sub rules.

freshmeat ago

Answer my point, why do you care who donates here as long as Voat gets funded? You think they will spread their truth search agenda as good as hecho spread his homosexual pedophilia agenda, with the SBBH shills cheering him on http://archive.is/pO3Df

It was just a bunch of old Trump boomers who aren't used to this jew filled larping website with literal SRS mods owning some of the top subs on the website.

Yall dun fucked up, if i were a leftiy kike, what happened here would have been the ideal scenario for making sure midterms go to democrats and 2020 as well.

You decry censorship but censor a bunch of boomers because they wanted to participate due to the restrctions placed in specifically designed to be abused.

HeavyBrain ago

Because if we let the whiny snowflakes in we turn to reddit sooner than later.

I rather close down than going trough this whole shit again.

An if my country wasn't so cucked and I had a possibility to easily bring money to voat I would.

freshmeat ago

Do you honestly think Voat is so weak that integrating a bunch of old white boomers was a threat to our existence? This is very short sighted and I'm not defending them not knowing how to immediately conform to Voat. This place didnt just exist, the community built it and now the community is turning on the same thing they once were, reddifugees.

Hand_of_Node ago

Didn't you see all the horrifyingly anti-racist (and generally retarded) comments they were making? Imagine voat if all "70,000" of them showed up.

Dalai_Llama ago

Do you seriously think voat is so weak that we require the integration of a bunch of retarded faggots that will never donate anyway just because you think that's the only option to survive? I'm not defending everyone who so callously turned away new users who just wanted a different internet forum to continue consorting in their orgy of ignorant faggotry that reddit caliber retards couldn't even empathize with, but this community was built by rejecting the insidious elements that seek to undermine the tenets of free speech that enable voat to differentiate itself from the plethora of censor-happy reddit clones that could just as eaily incorporate a bunch of whiny ex-hippies that think they're enlightened for shaking a filthy negro's hand every now and then. This place didn't just exist, it came about because of the diametric opposition to the reddit tier subterfuge of freedom ofmideas that exploits the misconception that every individual deserves to have their absolutely worthless accrual of neurotic sensibilities catered to by an infinitely powered assembly of supernatural , omniscient moderators that are entrusted with the soverignty to foretell which comments are necessary and which comments are evil.

freshmeat ago

Do you seriously think voat is so weak that we require the integration of a bunch of retarded faggots that will never donate anyway just because you think that's the only option to survive?

You obviosuly never follow PS or the people aren't what you are claiming. They had plenty of money.

The rest of your comment is bullshit. "Dont convert people who could be beneficial, nah just make them run to the even more shilled board" It's pathetic shilling attempts. Private subverses are also allowed to do what they want, isntead of letting them figure out with some guidance and it would have been seamless.

But nope, lets just be retarded faggots with no political intuition.

Dalai_Llama ago

First of all, this is part of the conversion process. If one can't withstand the true nature of free speech then they wouldn't contribute anyways.

Secondly, it is a fool's errand to seek encumbering voat's financial outlays with increased liabilities that are dependent on a group of people that have explicitly demonstrated they are repulsed by the very virtues that make voat unique among all of the other IDENTICALLY CURATED REDDIT CLONES THAT EXIST IN COPIOUS ABUNDANCE. If voat's infrastructure becomes more expensive to maintain, these whiny faggots will have even more leverage to demand more cowardly bullshit to shield their fragile egos from scrutiny. What you are advocating is the whole sale abandonment of values that has made voat a singular entity so that what you are trying to pass off as a one time infusion of cash will actually result in a fiscal stranglehold on voats operations going forward.

I know this sounds cliche on voat but this is exactly why people don't like the federal reserve banks and the jews that are perceived to control their operations. The system relies on people "temporarily" forfeiting their rights with the empty promise that said rights will be reinstated at an undisclosed date to be determined so that they can temporarily be relieved of a fiat debt burden that was created by the very people that pretend to be the cure for what ails you.

Finally, I'm not convinced that voat needs to become the church for these modern false-prophet worshippers. Fuck them and their money they can buy 8chan and ruin it with their retarded nonsense.

freshmeat ago

Screaming like a retard in public is not the conversion process that has usually occured here. But now that pizzagate and GA are now fully controlled, they aren't even hiding it.

Secondly, it is a fool's errand to seek encumbering voat's financial outlays with increased liabilities that are dependent on a group of people that have explicitly demonstrated they are repulsed by the very virtues that make voat unique among all of the other IDENTICALLY CURATED REDDIT CLONES THAT EXIST IN COPIOUS ABUNDANCE

SBBH virtues? fuck out of here they don't represent the majority of goats.

I know this sounds cliche on voat but this is exactly why people don't like the federal reserve banks and the jews that are perceived to control their operations. The system relies on people "temporarily" forfeiting their rights with the empty promise that said rights will be reinstated at an undisclosed date to be determined so that they can temporarily be relieved of a fiat debt burden that was created by the very people that pretend to be the cure for what ails you.

How the fuck does this even apply. Being an obnoxious group of shills who game the entire website isn't a right it's a loophole.

Finally, I'm not convinced that voat needs to become the church for these modern false-prophet worshippers. Fuck them and their money they can buy 8chan and ruin it with their retarded nonsense.

That entirely your subjective opinion. I think they are great for redpilling 30+ year old folks to at least start looking into the shit out IC has done. All that has happened here is Voat handed the left a free win. SBBH handed it to them because they are lefties, but half of Voat is going along with it.

Dalai_Llama ago

Why are you trying to invite an obnoxious group of shills into a controlling stake of voat if you find it undesirable by your own words? You don't like the current shills so you want new ones? You can always go to them on 8chan.

And yes, you are right that the way that these "woke Q" faggots and pizzagate retards scream their nonsense in public will not convert anyone. You are spot on that their conversion methods are weak and that they learned a valuable lesson. You could not have been more spot on about that.

freshmeat ago

Why are you trying to invite an obnoxious group of shills into a controlling stake of voat if you find it undesirable by your own words? You don't like the current shills so you want new ones? You can always go to them on 8chan.

because the new ones weren't leftists despite their short faggotry.

Dalai_Llama ago

Okay well fair point.

HeavyBrain ago

Thats how it always starts.

Give them an inch and they will wiggle till they get the mile.

Helbrecht ago

This. Resist redditor demands or become reddit. Ugh

freshmeat ago

Implying they could have made this place like reddit with one single sub is the most dishonest shit I've ever seen on voat. Anyone defending this is a mother fucking edgy high-schooler who doesn't give a shit about Voat. Just getting some lulz while totally shitting on a large demographic of Trump supporters.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

We didn't censor shit faggot

freshmeat ago

Yes you absolutely do. All you have to do is fire up a bunch of 2 year old account and choose a target, and you can make it seems like all of voat hates one person when it's just one person using exploits to maniuplate public opinion. The new CCP restriction actually help SBBH with this shit faggot

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Lol, god forbid a bunch of goats call out Reddit mods for Reddit mod faggotry. Coming in here proclaiming they're gods and their invasion is gonna take over. You're making an assumption it was a bunch of bots responsible for the backlash. You're new around here, but lurking goats always come out of the woodwork when shit like this happens. Mass downvoating faggot power tripping mods is not censorship you stupid bitch

freshmeat ago

Sounded like a shitty meme, not worthy of imlpying the entire demographic isnt welcome. Both reddit and voat are acting like retarded hiveminds right now and people speaking truth are just getting drowned out by SBBH noise

freshmeat ago

Lol, god forbid a bunch of goats call out Reddit mods for Reddit mod faggotry.

Not relevant when you pick and choose. We have reddit mods here all over.

13884745? ago

They split themselves. They created the division themselves. This site has an active and thriving Qsub already and no it's not controlled by the evil sbbh monsters - only you are.

Keep supporting them - you alcoholism induced brain dead retard.

jewlie ago

We don't need these retarded boomers spilling Q into all the other subs. It's a fucking cult that tries to "spread the word" when all it is doing is harming people with good intentions. Calling us the kike shills? That's funny.

Wuttier ago

On the playground you're laughed at for not having mom's packed extra candy during lunch. In school you get shit for dressing/talking weird. In the military you get grilled the second you're off the bus. I don't see it any differently. We don't owe them shit. These cucks could've just kept their mouth shut and see what this site is all about. Seriously, spend night here lurking and even a leftist would figure it out. They'll be back.

freshmeat ago

most of them are boomers and middle aged white ladies. Would have been a difficult addition if SBBH didnt immediately take that opportunity to start a flame war between the demographics and making voat's keep the shills over here.

For someone who has been here as long as you it should be obvious how this whole thing was orchestrated to be a shit show. Obvious division and election manipulation because the electorate is being baited by a group of 20 radical homosexual redditors.

I dont personally give a shit about Q, i give a shit about the site and having people here who are good people. You dont have to sling nigger faggot kike everywhere on voat to be a good voater, in fact it used to be the opposite and it was humorous because it was thought out racism, and not this 4chan shit like AndrewBlazeit posts in here.

ExpertShitposter ago

We were actually being pretty nice compared to previous migrations. Consider that deep fake porn fags were under siege for 3 days from me alone. In the case of qfags, i literally posted 2 nazi webms, got banned, and was done with it. On the second day i made one "gas the boomers" post and "snowden is a hero" post.

As i have explained to one of the mods: If these people reefer to them selves "warriors" all day long, but then run and cry because some guy posted a funny webm, and another said niggerfaggot....is this the kind of person you want next to you in the trenches? Warriors?!

Rotteuxx ago

Where's you list of offenders so we can establish who said what to the newbies ?

freshmeat ago

Obviously you know you are on it lol. I'll post it later since now I have to. You really fucked with a lot of people again and hurt Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

So is it going to have not only the names of the offenders but also links to what they actually said ?

No just a list saying "These are srs scum" ?

Are you also going to do an accompanying dissertation on the differences between the MDE refugees & the Qfag refugees and attitudes adopted by both groups so we can analyze why the responses were different ?

freshmeat ago

God you are such a time wasting faggot. Obvious MDE was an easier demographic to intergrate even with how many fucking comments and posts SBBH made in there for the first 24 hours

You are literally gatekeeping, the exact mentality Reddit uses

Rotteuxx ago

But did they integrate better because of their demographic group or because of their attitude ?

How was my previous comment limiting or restricting access to Voat ?

13886039? ago

The more I pay attention to @freshmeat the more I get this sickening feeling he ain't trolling but legitimately believes the shit he spews...

ExpertShitposter ago

I have been dealing with him for longer than you noticed him, and i can tell you he is dead serious about everything he says. He is not well.

13896319? ago

Something I've started to realize...

freshmeat ago

Your whole life is one big shitpost and you will never prove im lying because you cannot disprove the truth, only use forum shilling tactics like you do to memory who important things and talk about stupid fucking irrelevant shit

13886254? ago

How about I try and find a happy balance in my life and discovered shitposting as a good release?

I don't need to disprove anything. Most goats are smart and well-rounded enough to see for themselves the bullshit you keep sprouting.

I appreciate this site for what it is and don't wish it to ever change nor would I demand it to. However, I'll help protect it from those who come here on the premise that this place must bend over backwards for newcomers demanding change - much like what Spectre did to Europe or Merkel to Germany. Holy fuck you really are like those crazy women holding signs up "refugees welcome" while getting raped!

Rotteuxx ago

Come on bud, stay on topic ! You haven't replied to me when she pinged you

13886322? ago

Sorry - it's cuz women intimidate him or something, didn't mean to distract him from ya!

tendiesonfloor ago


That's not even a word, you stupid nigger. I doubt an illiterate faggot like you has anybody money to 'donater' to Voat.

freshmeat ago


It's hilarious how the only time you have responded even after being thoroughly BTFO so many times, is to criticize my spelling in a anti-shill comment. Go suck more DNC cock you larping faggot.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


You continue to prove yourself a fuckin' dipshit. 👍

freshmeat ago

2 SBBH shills totally distracting from a post over a single spelling error, im get flash backs of reddit 4 years ago.

Go ahead and do the exact opposite thing the site owner wanted you not to do: intentionally fuck with new users so they leave.

You are only hurting Voat in the long run but obviously that has been well-documented.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Blah blah blah, you suck your own dick.

freshmeat ago

low-energy shill wont even address the original comment. Not that you can rebut it nigger.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You mean exactly like how you didn't address @tendiesonfloor's point?

Yeah, exactly like that.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Brother, I love seeing your /u/ pop up with @tendiesonfloor to tag team @freshmeat and his crew. makes me think of this

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'd never be able to pass up the opportunity to chokeslam the shit out of ol' Freshie.

freshmeat ago

Yeah right faggot, your response to Voat going the way of the dinosaur

Blah blah blah, you suck your own dick.

it pisses me off that pure retards like yourself are even able to manage this. Democracy doesn't work because just like the leftists, you manipulate votes then accuse the other guy of doing it.

Please be less jewish here.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Blah blah blah, voat's dying.

You said that 6 months ago and Voat's still here. You said that 3 months ago and Voat's still here. Sing a different tune, you sound like one of those global warming faggots.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I got your back, goatbro.

Lordbananafist ago

fuck 'em...

if they can't broaden their horizons to include 9/11 truth, then they're just future-enemies. optimist crypto-kike faggots.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Here's the truth: terrorists did 9-11. Deal with it.

Lordbananafist ago


Yea they’re terrorists... I’m aware..

IGiveZeroFucks ago

B-b-but Israel is our greatest ally!

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Exactly. Why else would we be giving them 32 billion dollars a year?

edwardbernays ago

Wait they believe the (((wikipedia))) 9/11 story? If that's the case then they're straight up normies and unworthy of any further discussion

MrDarkWater ago

No. Most that came from Reddit were pretty aware that Israel did it. On 9/11, I was banned from r/the_donald for saying that Israel did it, but r/GA talked all about it.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

On 9/11, I was banned from r/the_donald for saying that Israel did it

I heard "squeaky squeaky" when I read this for some reason lol

bdmthrfkr ago

Dare I say that you might be one of the good ones? Stick around and let's find out.

DawnPendraig ago

I was on r/GA too and posted 9/11 truth constantly.

Lot of normies who don't know how to handle free range speech when they got here. The tough love is necessary but understand they are trying and they have predators like those mods we had trying to control and herd them (and profit off swag and subs).

Lordbananafist ago

i've had repeated problems engaging Q groupies in 9/11 discussions. i can't say what they believe...

Tacops777 ago

It is all faggy communism and games until you gotta take Schlomo's shekels and break his bullshit Galil in pieces...

DawnPendraig ago

So many normies on their first red pill were there. They are trying. And the mods are manipulating them.

EyeOfHorus ago

Larry A. Silverstein is psychic. How else would he have skipped breakfast?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Like salty rush hopefuls who didn't make it into the frat they wanted.