KillerKap ago

fucking great post man. Never seen this before and good of you to collect this research. Fuck these savage elite faggots. Nice knowing the writers of these trash mags are probably being eaten by worms right now.

GD_Ridefort ago

Thanks. I only post to encourage other people to investigate and discuss things more... so taking flack from the shills comes with the territory.

You mentioned salem witch trials in the comments. It's messed up how often they had the main Archie characters dress as witches... Here is another example, among the countless times they pulled that crap!

KillerKap ago

Hollywood has gone for a nonstop "witches = good" campaign since before I was born. This research butresses the known Hollywood fuckery with benevolent witch themes; the latest propaganda being the aptly titled "The Witch, 2015".

mrohm ago

This is why no one takes pizzagate seriously. This obsession with Jewish people and kiddie comics borrowing tropes from monster flicks and pulp fiction. The 1943 #11 is about Veronica joining a sorority. The decapitation thing is about stage magic. Etc.

KillerKap ago

WTF is wrong with you? I dont give a fuck if people dont take it seriously. SOMEONE is denigrating our society and we are calling attention to it. Which is more than I can say for your shill faggot ass. Go suck a jew dick you nigger cockmaster.

mrohm ago


KillerKap ago

Got u didnt i kekekek

GD_Ridefort ago

and skull & bones is just a men's club

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Holy Shit, the Salt is Real: you Goats just BTFO'd those redditfugees' was posted in v/politics and includes this reply from @Master_Foo:

I never said real blackmail rings are fake. I'm saying the retards in /v/pizzagate are detracting from the real problem with their retarded shit.

This is from the front page of /v/pizzagate. It's retarded shit. Go find real people who are really getting raped and I'll support you 100%. But, if you aren't calling out the bullshit. If you are focusing on a stupid comic book, you aren't doing jack shit about saving the underage prostitute pulling tricks for her pimp on the street corner of some city. All you are doing is virtue signaling.

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TexasInfidel ago

Struck a nerve with that last one didnt I mods This place is redditt all over 2.0 dont et anyone say otherwise Two post attempts in full context and both removed. I have the screen shots but the page cant reflect what I saved SHILL PAGE,SHIL PLATFORM and many will soon also not buy into it VOAT is censoring: finger

TexasInfidel ago

Awesome I was edited TWICE When you over the target . . . . . .

TexasInfidel ago

How does the show Riverdale which is based on Archie characters fit in with all this?

GD_Ridefort ago

When looking that up, I found this...

Madame Satan, was a short 8 page filler in the back pages of MLJ Comics (Archie) Pep Comics...

"Far from a heroine she was a wicked woman who on dieing had been recruited by Satan to return to Earth and trick men into being dragged to Hell."

"It helped that she only went after men even more evil than herself, this however did not prevent her stay in Pep to be a short one and she disappeared after issue # 21 to be replaced in # 22 by the first appearance of Archie Andrews!"

inherited ago

Kiernan Shipka was also in this film produced by A24 called “The Blackcoat’s Daughter” which if you watch the movie....has no point to just glorifies satanism. At the end she screams “Hail satan!” I wonder what Kiernan Shipka had to do to get these satanic roles.

GD_Ridefort ago

She did work with Ryan Murphy and Susan Sarandon last year on a series called Feud...

Vindicator ago

Sarandon starred in The Witches of Eastwick, as well.

GD_Ridefort ago

...and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Along with owning a D.C. ping-pong parlor, and drinking Tim Leary's ashes at Burning Man, she's got all the bases covered


darkknight111 ago

Well this is a shock.

TexasInfidel ago

Here is some real juice if you think that was a shock

GD_Ridefort ago

The Archie and Sabrina comics came directly from this: also shocking

Theytookadonilawslot ago

Gnosticism & V for Vendetta

Mike Carey was born in Liverpool in 1959. He worked as a teacher for fifteen years, before starting to write comics. When he started to receive regular commissions from DC Comics, he gave up the day job.

Since then, he has worked for both DC and Marvel Comics, writing storylines for some of the world's most iconic characters, including X-MEN, FANTASTIC FOUR, LUCIFER and HELLBLAZER. His original screenplay FROST FLOWERS is currently being filmed. Mike has also adapted Neil Gaiman's acclaimed NEVERWHERE into comics.

The Antichrist Superman comic was a character by a philosopher who killed himself, who Adolph Hitler admired. Superman that we read now and see in the movies, his writer is a Zionist Jew......go figure.

carmencita ago

Thanks for pinging me, I think. I say I think because this news is a complete and utter shock to me. Not that what is in the Archie comics of today but yesterday! I bought them and just loved them. We shared them back and forth. I can't even imagine. To me, many years later, I always thought of Veronica, Betty, Archie Jughead and Regie being harmless teenagers. This shows us that they will go to great lengths to poison every bit of entertainment Our Children have. I wish I had some of the old ones. I am really shocked!

GD_Ridefort ago

Sorry, Carmencita. Maybe it's still better to know the truth...

Examples that bothered me about the originals:

carmencita ago

Oh yes it is usually better to know the truth but I don't remember any of those things in the ones I saw. Again, I did not follow religiously, but bought quite a few. All I remember is Betty and veronica fighting over Archie and Jughead acting goofy. A lot of that stuff went right over our heads evidently. Amazing!

GD_Ridefort ago

Sorry, but I just discovered this feature ran in the same comics as Archie back in 1941...

Madame Satan, Pep (Archie) Comics, Issues #16 - #21

The whole thing was way more satanic than I thought :(

carmencita ago

Holy Cowabunga! I can't believe it. Somehow someone must have made them tone it down, but little by little they squeezed it back in again. That one is Really Frightening. I don't think parents let their young kids buy that. Maybe the parents read it! Yes this does call for a frown :(

KillerKap ago

you should see the shit they play on "kids netflix". Wizards, occult, magic... fucking degenerate savages should be burned at the stake.

carmencita ago

That's a perfect description of them and a wonderful torture punishment. Yes, I am aware of horrid stuff they have on there. Parents need to police their children because TV and other forms of entertainment have totally run amok. Problem is that the parents are watching horrible stuff too. This is what happened before the Fall of Rome.

KillerKap ago

I used to think the salem witch trials were a travesty... now I am starting to understand what might drive society to extricate these feminist cultists the fuck out of our world.

carmencita ago

There are feminists and feminists. Some just want basic rights others, Oh Boy. Yes, there are those that have sneaky ulterior motives. Almost evilness behind their beliefs. There has been a hijacking of everything that has been twisted in order to push their propaganda. The little kid drag queens and the hippy rainbow events they bring their children too. SICK.

GD_Ridefort ago

Here's another post where they get into Netflix's new Sabrina show (also an Archie character)...

In addition to the demonic goats heads, and everything else, the soundtrack is a copy of Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday" to JFK. We mostly know what Marilyn Monroe was used for...

They're pushing a big mix of themes with this one, but obviously none of it is positive for women!

carmencita ago

EEK! Also a quick flash of Baphomet and a Pentagram. Nothing to see here folks. Yeah, let your kids watch this garbage. Parents often watch things and are too selfish to wait after kids are in bed and let them sit on the couch too. Brainwashing of our Future Generation. Also the present one. Dumbos. Even before Waking Up, I would not have watched such stupid drivel.

KillerKap ago

its their MO to take something proper and twist it into full fuckery. They are experts at taking advantage of a free enterprising, free speech society and exploiting it to destroy it from within. We have to do better. We can't allow this ever again. Good vs Evil. Muh principles be damned.

carmencita ago

I so agree have discovered St Michael the Archangel's Prayer and I am saying it Out Loud everyday. It wards off the devil and was written by Pope Leo XIII who went through similar times as we are today. Powerful Words. The devil exists and is pushing everything we are fighting. Read it and you will also discover why Vatican II shortened the prayer. I am not using the short version.

KillerKap ago

A classic for exorcism and cleansing too. Apropos considering what we are up against.

carmencita ago

There are some priests that are doing exorcisms now. Becoming more prevalent because I believe there are more Victims coming forward about their past SRA. I believe in this if it is done right. Long training must take place by experts. St. Michael is an exorcist of sorts and I believe this prayer will do the trick if many of us pick up on it. The devil is afraid of The Cross for a reason.

Ioniancat21 ago

Our grandparents were very good people who had an innocence to them. Looking at our situation today, it's easy to see how they got away with it so long. Technology also clearly played a role. Even most today laugh this off because it's incomprehensible to imagine this is real. The sad truth, the elite use children for occult ritual, sex magic and extraction of hormones and other things from our bodies, even human sacrifice. When it comes to light, there will be some who go mad trying to accept it's true...

GD_Ridefort ago

In the 40s and 50s, no one thought these comics would be saved. They were printed on paper meant to be tossed in the garbage a few minutes after reading them. The creators probably thought they were sending a message that would reach kids across the country, then conveniently disappear.

When you look at the particular themes they were embedding in their stories – repeated again and again for decades – it's striking how evil their plan was... and still is!

Diggernicks ago

Maximum tinfoil hat time

realityisinsanity ago

Jew shit has always been in the media

realityisinsanity ago "Born to Jewish parents..." Knew it

Soon_To_Be_Suicided ago

His name had "Gold" in it, that should have tipped you off already.

SchlongKeyhote ago

“Those in the know realize that Jews almost single-handedly built the comic-book industry from the ground up” – Arie Kaplan

Jews used comics as a way to introduce violence and sexuality impossible thru other media, resulting in Congressional hearings after a comics-inspired thrill-murder spree

Jack was sexually excited by the “whipping” in the comics, and would occasionally dress up as a woman and self-flagellate, before moving on to whipping actual women who he found alone during the night in New York City. He would dress up as a vampire, just like a character in Nights of Horror, before going out on his sadistic whipping excursions, and he used a whip that he ordered from an ad in the back of a comic.14

Decades later, it was revealed by author Craig Yoe that the man behind the brutal, pornographic artwork in Nights of Horror was none other than Joe Shuster, co-creator of one of America’s all time most beloved cultural icons: Superman.15

Superman was first published by National Allied Publications (later to become DC), which was owned by Harry Donenfeld, a Jewish immigrant who had been a pornographer in the 20s and 30s before going into comics.

everyone should read this short chapter, then the entire phenomenal ebook about Jewish sabotage and degeneracy:

derram ago :

Netflix's CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA! How Much $atansim can they Squeeze into 1 Trailer - YouTube

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