ENTPenis ago

Eat my dick bitch

Cock_Slap ago

im sure a lot of the posts have been deleted but he posted tons of Pro-Israel material and mocked Trump supporters outside of the sub. I haven't checked his account since the day i called him out.

Texan_Pride ago

i pinged the SRS users on the site who brigade somewhere in this thread. They don't want me to have positive CCP regardless of what im saying.

Interesting story, my original account @MightyYetGentle had 5000 CCP and 3k SCP. a little over a year ago i kicked the hornet's nest regarding the pedophiles and SRS users on Voat and lost 8000 CCP in about 4 hours. I went to -3000 and was losing about 3 points a second. The admins changed the site because of this and you can no longer view anyone's history beyond 7 days.

Tialah ago

I joined T_D around the time wikileaks was releasing the Podesta emails and I completely missed this. There's pieces of this story on r/undeleted but I'm not able to find much else. I always thought it was weird they always refused to sticky anything I asked them to sticky.

crankypants15 ago

Why is treteste a mod here if they are now the top mod on Reddit TD? Isn't that the same person, and isn't that person part of the problem?

Cock_Slap ago

I'm OP, negative accounts are limited to comments per day.

So, were the original pedes forced out or saw the light and left in disgust?

Yes and I've even lost touch with a lot of the original. I have no idea where they went.

Right now, this seems like a logical haven. We'll try not to be incredibly annoying while we try to assimilate.

No need to assimilate. Voat has been unique because you can be yourself here. Say what you think, do not care about the reaction.

olinneserpona ago

@Michael_Obama, is the original owner whitecismaelstrom?

Cock_Slap ago

hell no, Michael_Obama is my account too but there is censorship and bot brigades here too. I touch sensitive subjects of people coding the site.

CWM is a huge SRS shill. They had mods from TRP, SRS, and even lefty subs come to the mod team after they removed the original genuine mods. I even think GayLubeOil faggot was a mod for awhile.

olinneserpona ago

So CWM is one of the people who helped turn the mod cabal in favor of Reddit/Leftists? I always thought it was weird I never heard anything more about the situation. Is this relevant info about who CWM really is?

I've read some of GayLubeOil's posts and he is definitely right of center, no? His twitter retweeted a birthday salute to Julius Evola from a Occidental Observer contributor two days ago.

Cock_Slap ago

it's all theater. I wouldn't trust a single official thing you heard about them. I hate to admit it but they have very high support, think alphabet agencies.

GLO is a shill and was one of the first sub owners i ever got into a spat with because of the bullshit he was doing to TRP. he was promoting homosexuality and he was saying things that weren't true. I was surprised to even see them add him but that indicates SRS runs TRP as well. I've known that but that just confirms it.

olinneserpona ago

I wouldn't trust a single official thing you heard about them.

Maybe I will, maybe I wont. Thanks for all the info mate.

MAGABoomer ago

Have you managed to snag a moderation position?

Cock_Slap ago

he mods /v/TheDonald.

MAGABoomer ago

He needs to go then. We don't want or need mods. It's just an entry way to control. I watched it happen to PG and we just saw it happen again at rtd. Fuck that shit.

Michael_Obama ago

it's been frustrating because this was memory holed on that sub a week after it happened, and i feel like we lost a lot of original pedes. Control the opposition, classic.

karenrussell63 ago

Voat has it's own version of SRS and i can tell you who they are if you ask.

Well lets hear it.

Michael_Obama ago

/v/SoapBoxBanHammer, /v/SoapDoxBanHammer, /v/Cheers, /v/ProtectVoat. PV mods and Pizzagate mods overlap which is obviously not good.

They are pretending to be regular users in all these news posts from redditors.

@kevdude, @beatlejuiceX3, @mick, @Heygeorge, @ExpertShitposter, @HomerSimpson, and the list goes on. They have the admin on their side too. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1868290

MAGABoomer ago

This forum must never accept moderation... you NAILED the PG issue and names exact names... once they flipped the mods there the sub became a word prison aka truth hider... masquerading as exposure.

If we accept mods here they will do they same.

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut up you worthless self admitted jew and go back to discord chat and Israel.

Michael_Obama ago

i love how much this triggers you shills.

I don't have a single defective jewish gene in my body.

ExpertShitposter ago

Sure thing amalek.

Michael_Obama ago

jokes on you, i'm actually @she

ENTPenis ago

More and more non-racists moderate Trump supporters are going to flood here, and you will be cloisterd into little racist ghettos. Then we will gas you.

Jew_Hunter ago

ENTPenis, you just got routed. Bigly.

Texan_Pride ago

Good luck, kike.

Ding_dong ago

he is right tho

Immaculate_pepe ago

Well - this is not what i was expecting to read at 2:30am.

I knew there was cuckery afoot in The_D and the mods must have been under someone's thumb, but i always just took my harder posting to the chans. I figured The_D was Pol's marketing dept since they stole so much material.

HuggableBear ago

Don't worry, zettapede will remove it shortly, I'm sure

Ding_dong ago

there is more to it but it can be summed up pretty simply: Mods are compromised and have been for some time. A lot of the drama is manufactured intentionally. And yes, the mods there have stolen everything from the chans. 4chan and reddit are becoming indistinguishable aside from the UI

keyzersoze ago

This is pretty mind blowing to me. There for sure was a reconizable change to t_d that bugged me but it was too easy to just go with the flow of things. Giving voat a fair shot though.

Michael_Obama ago

voat is fun, but there are still issues that occur. Have fun and dont take anything too serious until you figure it all out :)

There are a lot of trolls here, but there is still a community.

Grifter42 ago

Kill yourself.

Grifter42 ago


Michael_Obama ago

I thought people spreading the truth was called Sane goat? we going back to Amalek now? I missed the memo.

FYI Stanky_bawls is a known shill. Him browsing the new section of this sub is not surprising. I like how you didn't acknowledge anything i said and used shill tactics: Dismissing and insulting.