Redditsdead ago

You to kill yourself, pedophile.

Cock_Slap ago

DonKeyhote ago

A slow and ignominious death awaits you @sensitive. Go ahead and ban me again cunts

sensitive ago

Have no intention to ban you, dear DonKeyhote ;-)

equineluvr ago

You are exactly correct.

Most here are idiot sheeple.

Canada_is_gay ago

There are no "admins." It's one guy. Child porn isn't allowed along with anything else that is illegal in the US. Putt's rule is just that he personally isn't going make any restrictions beyond that of US law and it that means there's shit he doesn't like well that's the cost of saying it's not right for a small elite to determine what is right and wrong speech outside the law.

We all hate the known pedi you referred to and hope he gets hit by a bus. That doesn't detract from the fact voat is great.

Texan_Pride ago

there is more than one person running this site, including an autistic transsexual who does the main coding for the site.

Sexualized minors is not legal in the US and admins let Hecho work through loopholes.

That doesn't detract from the fact voat is great.

Voat was great 2 years ago. Today it's obviously been taken over by people who have an agenda.

sensitive ago

An autistic transsexual is not a pedophile.

Michael_Obama ago

Actually the chances of a tranny being a pedophile is statically higher than even a regular gay person.

Having a tranny run a site that allows pedos, and the user base hates trannies is a conflict of interest and it's an indication of where this site is heading. It's going to be turned into shit intentionally.

Grifter42 ago

Yup. For a group of skeptics, the Voat population is being pretty fuckin' gullible.