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Pickzilla ago

What are you. The Borg? Assimilate. Assimilate. Bzzzzt.

VoatsNewfag ago

All we're asking you is to value free speech - not just as a theoretical value. And you think that's comparable to the Borg?

Why do you trust moderators that say and do stuff like this: ?

You do realize that if voat hadn't caused a massive shitstorm, I most likely wouldn't be able to criticize your mods right now? Is that a world you want to live, one where you cannot criticize people that have power over you?

Pickzilla ago

WOA. I can't argue with that.. best damning evidence I've seen yet. Looks like they tagged along like a parasite.

Thanks for finally settling my suspicions. This also implicates NR, doesn't it now? We aren't stupid (well heh, most of us)... but clearly misled.

VoatsNewfag ago

Feel free to give the rest of voat a chance. It's vulgar and racist for the most part but as long as you value freedom of speech you'll be accepted even if you personally are neither of these things.

Here are the links by the way so you do not have to type out the archive urls: