Submariner_SS ago

[–] theoldones [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.3 hours ago

your repeated slogan will not save your credibility. i dont care about one goddamn thing about your life story. the word "nigger" apparently offends your resident (((reddit mods))), so explain that conundrum to me. explain how they would see YOU as anything but an offensive parasite becuase of this

Ohhhh! Now ya got me. That's it, I can't take it any more, I'm leaving! You win, I quit. Please no more, NO MORE! I'm beggin ya!!!!! **Matching wits with a deepshit like you is like being in an ass kicking contest with a one legged man. **Q is right, "you people are stupid". Now, lets play a game of "Find Walnut", not the one between your ears, that would be too easy. This should keep you occupied for a few weeks! And as always, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

oh dear, your bot program broke

also, did you notice your "free speech tolerant" mods deleted this thread? please do explain to me why

Submariner_SS ago

It's been fun "ASSIMILATING" but this dickwad, aka "theoldones" has clearly gotten the best of all of us, we know when we're beat. Enough of this, moving on to better times and people(?).

Rick400Tec ago

My Wishes for YOU When your LONELY, I wish you LOVE When your DOWN, I wish you JOY When you;re TROUBLED, I wish you PEACE When things look EMPTY, I wish you HOPE May you be surrounded by Warm, Fuzzy Happy Thoughts (for a change)

OptimusNiggerous ago

Come say it to my face.

Submariner_SS ago

We are clearly matching wits with a Rhodes Scholar here. Lets all stand in awaaaaaah.

"I think they want us to decode this secret message. theoldones, it appears is secertly giving us his bio. ASSIMILATE=ASS=I=ME=LATE. Thank you theoldones, we get you now."

"did you write this "decoding" by shitting out several scrabble tiles after your nigger boyfriend hand-fed them to you?"

"No dickwad I didn't. I could immediately tell just from your post that we were all dealing with a true Rhodes Schalor. Clearly, being the elightenment center of the world you appear to be I'm going to recommend that you try your best to crawl your way out of mommy's and daddy's basement, (assuming you even know who ya daddy is), and get at least 5-10 minutes of fresh air a day. This will help preserve what few brain cells you still have left up in that poor little empty coconut of yours. BTW, I grew up in the deep south a very long time ago, the word "nigger" doesn't offend anyone here, however it does clearly show your ignorance. Keep up the good work. WWG1WGA"

Pickzilla ago

I do agree to one extent... whats the purpose of hiding this sub? What was the reason for creating a new sub? I have read much conjecture, much bitching, much accusing, but no hard evidence that I could put my finger on, other than my gut telling me someone made a deliberate attempt to divide us.

Do you old goats want to take back our country from raping murdering satanists?? I feel thats really a more important question. I'll post wherever, as long as there are those among you who are in this narrative wholeheartedly.

So, yes, mods, get rid of this hidden subverse. For some silly reason, most of the refugees were led here... where it can't be seen and points don't count. I personally joined GA 1st... because I felt the above reasoning was intended to divide us.

theuns ago

Assimilate? Like "The WEST" telling us white South Africans to assimilate? Create a Rainbow Nation?? It didn't work asshole!! We're being killed of little by little!! Almost gone.....just like you will be soon if you do not do something! At least Q has awoken conservatives around the world. So much more than you bums sitting there typing fuck, nigger faggot and the like. Pussy??? I take it from who it comes. You know nothing yet!! Seems to me you have almost lost your 'Freedom of Speech' already. Sitting and whining about centuries of Jews? STOP your illegal immigration pussy! they are ultimately there to help steal your life! Oh yeah, thank God for your Presideent Trump!!

VoatsNewfag ago

Seems to me you have almost lost your 'Freedom of Speech' already.

You think power-mods with a god complex will preserve freedom of speech?

theuns ago

Not at all. Whatever your belief of creation is - no complex . Freedom of speech was fought for - but the privelaged of modern life do not know the value thereof - neither do they value actual freedom. Once lost - they'll learn the value thereof!

VoatsNewfag ago

The mods are currently no longer banning users or deleting comments. That's because voat caused a massive shitstorm. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be able to criticize them right now and my comment would be deleted for not supporting the cause or similar.

The people screaming pussy, nigger etc. on voat at least managed to bring freedom of speech to this corner on their website.

theoldones ago

"Seems to me you have almost lost your 'Freedom of Speech' already"

oddly enough, wouldnt that look like words being restricted one by one like your mod team on this sub was doing? hmmmmmmmm?

theuns ago

Oh, just heard about your site from one of the Anons on YouTube. Subscribed to a few there and Fox News

theuns ago

Couldn't answer for the mod team. I did not come from Reddit though. Just been following the Political scene in the USA and the failing West for that matter. I do know that the USA needs to wake up from their lumber before they lose everything that we (white South Africans) have lost. Reading the "Killing of Uncle Sam" currently and having first hand experience of the liberal MSM photoshopping 'innocent' photos to crime photos in the 70's & 80's which created the "West" to turn against all whites (damn we wer banned worldwide!), and seeingthe indoctrination there in the USA, which I appreciate - love country - westerns like Gunsmoke - I respect the good guys there and feel as one of them. Love & appreciate your President Trump!! You should know how we feel when we see the circus in our system!! Anyway - best wishes

Submariner_SS ago

I think they want us to decode this secret message. theoldones, it appears is secertly giving us his bio. ASSIMILATE=ASS=I=ME=LATE. Thank you theoldones, we get you now.


theoldones ago

did you write this "decoding" by shitting out several scrabble tiles after your nigger boyfriend hand-fed them to you?

Submariner_SS ago

No dickwad I didn't. I could immediately tell just from your post that we were all dealing with a true Rhodes Schalor. Clearly, being the elightenment center of the world you appear to be I'm going to recommend that you try your best to crawl your way out of mommy's and daddy's basement, (assuming you even know who ya daddy is), and get at least 5-10 minutes of fresh air a day. This will help preserve what few brain cells you still have left up in that poor little empty coconut of yours. BTW, I grew up in the deep south a very long time ago, the word "nigger" doesn't offend anyone here, however it does clearly show your ignorance. Keep up the good work. WWG1WGA

theoldones ago

your repeated slogan will not save your credibility. i dont care about one goddamn thing about your life story. the word "nigger" apparently offends your resident (((reddit mods))), so explain that conundrum to me. explain how they would see YOU as anything but an offensive parasite becuase of this

Submariner_SS ago

Ohhhh! Now ya got me. That's it, I can't take it any more, I'm leaving! You win, I quit. Please no more, NO MORE! I'm beggin ya!!!!! **Matching wits with a deepshit like you is like being in an ass kicking contest with a one legged man. **Q is right, "you people are stupid". Now, lets play a game of "Find Walnut", not the one between your ears, that would be too easy. This should keep you occupied for a few weeks! And as always, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA!, WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA! WWG1WGA!

MnCoolDude ago

You are a potty mouth

theoldones ago

and you're a pearl clutcher, and a niggerfaggot.

if you're here on this website, YOU are a niggerfaggot, and thank god the right exists to use those words, or perhaps you dont like your speech free, in which case, go back to reddit oh wait

MnCoolDude ago

Said the potty mouth

Submariner_SS ago

Wear it like a badge of honor patriot. WWG1WGA!

ekylok ago

blocked this idiot day one...

hangry ago

Yes, you can't take it for ONE FUCKING DAY.

Cum_control ago

Day one so you mean today. Smfh

theoldones ago

and this is why the website hates you

Thoutzan ago


theoldones ago

careful now. someone might stick a dick in that mouth.

Araket ago

I think along with free speech comes the responsibility of respect and consideration. Sure sticking the word nigger, or any other demeaning word in peoples faces is going to elicit a response, but it is going to be a negative one 90% of the time. This serves no purpose other than shutting down further communication as people do lot listen to someone they find offensive. Think of the people that are coming here from reddit, these are people from all walks of life. Why would you want to alienate a good percentage of them, and maybe even drive people away from the movement, just so you can spout racial slurs like someone with an advanced case of touretts. Freedom of speech requires self moderation in order to facilitate meaningful communication with others. Jumping on any board and screaming foul language just makes people think you are a shill, paid to bring unrest and distract from constructive conversation and research. This purposefully rude and condescending affect will only force people ignore you in the future. Not to mention, dude.... There's little old ladies on this board now. Quit being a dick.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

The Q movement plans to overthrow the deep state in what is sure to be a bloody battle and you're here crying cuz someone said nigger. What a joke

mightymaximo ago

Yep. I’ve already tuned old ones out. Tiresome and divisive.

VoatsNewfag ago

There is a difference between moderating yourself and being censored. Your moderators have not just deleted racial slurs! And they act like the worst kind of tyrants. They have a god complex, they are not transparent, they talk to others as if they are their "peasants".

Araket ago

Just want to say, they are not my moderators and I have no say over their actions, nor do I even really follow the drama. I came to reddit, and now here, as a source of information and to discuss Q drops and topics. This is not the only board I follow, nor my only source of information. I think that this is the case for the vast majority of people in GA. We should have switched to VOAT when CBTS was shut down. I was pushing for that back then, but it did not happen. I wonder how many of the people yelling at all the pedes now are the same people that left reddit at that time.

Cum_control ago


hangry ago

Fucktards choose to be alienated, it's not the other way around. WE DONT WANT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE. We want goats, not fucking sjw pretenders. If granny wants to be a goat, fine, but we are not changing so she will feel more comfortable. You faggots want to come here and create a "safe space" while claiming to be champions of free speech. Fucking retards.

theoldones ago

Sure sticking the word nigger, or any other demeaning word in peoples faces is going to elicit a response, BUT...

you weasel-dicked (((optics))) fuck. the word BUT invalidates everything past it.

"sure, killing is wrong, BUT..."

"sure, raping a baby would be wrong, BUT..."

"sure, jumping off a cliff to your death would be bad, BUT..."

Araket ago

Funny, but that is exactly why I wrote that. Tourettes much? You guys are so vitriolic I think you would fit in well at an ANTIFA rally. You scream that you have free speech and shut everyone else down because you don't like what they say. Sounds hauntingly familiar.

theoldones ago

i'm not saying your mother is cheap five dollar whore, BUT...

KiwiSquatch ago

So what YOU say, goes? Haha! Fuck off, kid!

theoldones ago


it does.

you're a guest here on this website. act like it you insolent little kike

timurr ago

No no, we are all users and here in voat we have freedom of speech - that's the official voat stance, we were told. We let you exercise your freedom of speech, albeit your opinion is incorrect.

theoldones ago

"here in voat we have freedom of speech"

ah, is that your mods dont allow you to say nigger then? my, my, that seems like a total betrayal of purpose. one might think you're not helping your end of the bargain, which make you a liability

timurr ago

They are not "my" mods. I just browse as I want and comment as I see fit.

theoldones ago

and i'll bet when tyrone fucks your wife it wasnt "your" consent, you pussy. take some goddamn responsibility for your life, holy shit, you brownnose.

timurr ago

Guys you are crazy. On the one side you preach freedom, on the other side you push hard to make me act in some way. But why do you care, you even don't know me. You need to look inside to determine what your problem is, you will surely find something.

SC_Patriot ago

Get bent.

theoldones ago

in this context, you're not calling people nigger or kike, and that makes you bent

are you having fun in the voat asylum yet? some of us have been here since pao was around :)

Pickzilla ago

What are you. The Borg? Assimilate. Assimilate. Bzzzzt.

VoatsNewfag ago

All we're asking you is to value free speech - not just as a theoretical value. And you think that's comparable to the Borg?

Why do you trust moderators that say and do stuff like this: ?

You do realize that if voat hadn't caused a massive shitstorm, I most likely wouldn't be able to criticize your mods right now? Is that a world you want to live, one where you cannot criticize people that have power over you?

Pickzilla ago

WOA. I can't argue with that.. best damning evidence I've seen yet. Looks like they tagged along like a parasite.

Thanks for finally settling my suspicions. This also implicates NR, doesn't it now? We aren't stupid (well heh, most of us)... but clearly misled.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I had never heard of neon revolt until you faggots showed up. After reading about him I've come to the conclusion that he's the most obvious controlled OP ever.

You redditors really are retarded. Love getting told what to think, don't you?

VoatsNewfag ago

Feel free to give the rest of voat a chance. It's vulgar and racist for the most part but as long as you value freedom of speech you'll be accepted even if you personally are neither of these things.

Here are the links by the way so you do not have to type out the archive urls:

theoldones ago

you came to us, to our space, you waste our resources to host your shit despite us already having our own Q sub, and i'm going to simplify this for you: you are refugees

a refugee should assimilate, yes? after all, when they dont assimilate, do you want to know what that looks like?

it looks like no-go zones. it looks like sandniggers raping European girls. YOU have all made a NO-GO ZONE here in OUR SPACE. by all rights, putt should delete your sub for wasting the time and money of not only him, but us as well. we donated the money that keeps you fuckers afloat. you're all literally welfare sponges. all of this, just becuase you dont want to see the word nigger

YOU ARE A REFUGEE. YES, WE DO EXPECT YOU TO ASSIMILATE. now do so, or fucking tell us why a muslim no-go zone is A-ok

you fucking bring your reddit sharia into our website and expect us to just leave you be. fuck you. thats not happening

Submariner_SS ago

You are one fucked up, brainwashed idiot. Other than that I sure you're a sweet little girl.


theoldones ago

said the guy on a sub run by moderators from the same website who banned him.


Submariner_SS ago

The mods who run this sorry excuse for a web site would drown going anywhere near a real boat. But, I know know when I'm beat so, I'll leave you to your sorry little subverse and you can stay in mommy's basement and dwell in the shithole you've created for yourselves. You were born a loser, you're doing the only thing you've ever been taught, so you'll die a lose too. You've been amusing, but now you're just beginning to bore me. C-ya. Sad, just sad. Oh and one last time, just for shit and giggles! WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

oh, you misunderstand, the people running this site put in features that your mods setup in a way, where the point in this subs dont count because of measures against vote farming. which, this subs users and mod team have been shown to be guilty of

you sound agitated friend, are you angry, or is your bot programming failing?

Submariner_SS ago

oh, you misunderstand, we're not politicians, we don't give a twat about your votes. Keep your sad little votes, this prove just how pathetic your lives are,...... votes? BWAHAAAAAAAAAAA! ha. WWG1WGA! I can't stop you girls make to easy!

theoldones ago

oh sure, you say that now, BUT, points matter on this site for how many votes you can give, how often you can comment, whether or not you can send PMs, and and how many downvotes you have loaded for motherfucker like yourself

this, again, is to prevent vote farming and botnets.

you've noticed that gap in function, havent you? wouldn't you just love the ability to DOWNVOTE?

Submariner_SS ago

"you've noticed that gap in function, havent you? wouldn't you just love the ability to DOWNVOTE?" No not really, don't care. Try to wrap your little pea brain around this concept, please, not here for V O T E S, just here for info. It's been a slow news day so I decided to entertain myself fucking with you. WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago


but unfortunately you cant have them, because the mods here fucked the settings up.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @dontdoxxmefaggots:

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar"

In response to you calling him a liar in this post

He's saying first you were calling him a nigger and faggot, and you graduated to liar

The guy is obviously an SJW useful idiot for the Jews, but he didn't say you were lying.

This notification (#163) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Submariner_SS ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar". That's progress, even for a pretty little bottom dweller like yourself. So, does this mean you've taken my advice and crawled out of mommy's basement for a few shots of fresh air? Bless your heart. But no matter how much you whine it's still WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

lying about what? the mods broke the sub

read it for yourself. tell me how i'm lying

Submariner_SS ago

WOW! You are really not capable of following following a thread, and I use this word sparingly in this context, ummmm, conversation, are you? I wasn't calling you a lier. Go allllll the way back to your post, a mear 1.2 hrs. ago. I think you need more fresh air . You've wasted enough of my time, things are getting busy now, I gotta go, c-ya. It's been amusing. You've been a real joy to fuck over. That means ga-bye. WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar"


I wasn't calling you a lier.

are you sure about that my dude.

Submariner_SS ago


theoldones ago you think im retarded you fucking bald faced liar?

you literally called me one, then reversed yourself after being called out

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Bro he was quoting you. You were calling him a nigger and a faggot, then you called him a liar.

theoldones ago

and your are retarded. he literally lied within one response

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar"

In response to you calling him a liar in this post

He's saying first you were calling him a nigger and faggot, and you graduated to liar

The guy is obviously an SJW useful idiot for the Jews, but he didn't say you were lying.

theoldones ago

if you were any less goddamn sincere your nose would lengthening

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Whatever, you little bitch. You can't admit when you were wrong.

Incty ago

How ridiculous. You were a newbie once.

hangry ago

You are a newfag, not a newbie. No one else comes to voat to set up a ghetto to get butt fucked by their mods.

Incty ago


hangry ago

Sweet AOL quote, dude.

Incty ago


theoldones ago

and why do you fucking think that gives you special privilege you fucking niggerkike?

i never expected this website to change to accommodate me, buts its clear from your subs mods behavior that YOU expect that. your mother should swallowed. go to a muslim no-go zone and rape a white woman, because clearly that fits your moral values, you entitled prick

"everyone was new at some point so the site should change for me", GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PENCIL-DICKED WEASEL

Incty ago


theoldones ago

lmao says the ungrateful prick squatting on our resources

Incty ago

Do you feel better now?

theoldones ago

if you act for one moment like a good-cop therapist i'm tracking you down and shoving a pencil into your heart.

Incty ago

I’m so scared, keyboard commando.

theoldones ago

if you wernt, you wouldnt be hiding here.

Incty ago

Who’s hiding? Lol

theoldones ago

you are. we have a Q sub, and have had it for a long time. so, why are you here? is it the mean scary people using words reddit would ban you for?

Incty ago

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

theoldones ago

bullshit. its the one that actually shows up on the front page, which is to say not this one. you know it then. dont fucking lie.

Incty ago

I came here through a link, then joined. I can’t tell the front page from other pages. I don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate. Your hostility is amusing though. Are you a libtard? Lol

mwoew8t5cs ago

Fuck off, shill.

VoatsNewfag ago

People asking you guys to value freedom of speech is not shilling.

What do you think of your moderators saying and doing stuff like this:


mwoew8t5cs ago

These are Q boards, and you fucking stupid shills are doing everything you can to change the subject and discourage those seeking information.

VoatsNewfag ago

you fucking stupid shills are doing everything you can to change the subject

Maybe you're projecting?

The topic of this thread is your moderation and I asked you a question that is relevant - you dodged my question.

CentipedeRex ago

No fuck you. Im part of the reddit migration, too. The VOAT goats are right. Fuck reddit and fuck censorship. And fuck these GA mods.

hangry ago

you cunts cant survive in voat you need a protected space so your mods can wipe your asses for you

mwoew8t5cs ago

You are so obviously a shill. Why else would you be here trying to tear everything down? You are not a patriot, you are a nasty piece of shit on the George Soros payroll. You are a Judas to the human race. Go fucking hang yourself.

hangry ago

Fuck you, four day old account. Try getting out of your Q cult ghetto.

mwoew8t5cs ago

And join you adolescent assholes calling each other niggerfaggot? No thanks. Now go play and let the adults talk.

VoatsNewfag ago

Avoiding certain words is not a sign of maturity or being intellectual, it is a sign of cowardice. It will at best make you appear more intellectual in the eyes of some or perhaps even most people, but appearing intellectual is different from being so.

Let me give you an example that is easy to agree on. South park is very vulgar and obscene but at the same time it can be clever satire of society. Much more so than the majority of family friendly shows.

Voat's userbase has no interest in appeasing idiots that are interested in appearing intellectual while at the same time desiring a safespace with no mean words nor criticism allowed. You're not an intellectual if you censor criticism, no matter how much you try to appear like one. Once you mature you too might see the difference.

mwoew8t5cs ago

South park is very vulgar and obscene but at the same time it can be clever satire of society.

Yes, but the people here that I have seen using bad language are not clever. They don't seem to have a point except to attack people.

VoatsNewfag ago

Their point is that you do not have free speech unless you can actually make use of your speech, and they managed to make your mods back off from deleting every 2nd submission and comment. You'll find that most of them will now engage in regular debates and arguments.

They don't seem to have a point except to attack people.

I think you're being dishonest here, most of them made it VERY clear that they despise the moderation of your community and that they want to scare away assholes who think by pretending to be a "nice guy" you magically win an argument. This might work on reddit were even the popular right tries to be more liberal than liberals. This doesn't achieve anything and it will get you any sympathy on voat.

You try to reframe it as an irrational attack with no purpose so you can dismiss any genuine criticism that came along with the insults. Stop trying to find ways to dismiss your opponent in a debate, like when I gave you examples of genuine mod-abuse and you entirely dismissed that. This will not work on voat. I advise you to adjust.

hangry ago

Says the six day old adult.

Pickzilla ago

Someone has their panties all up in a bundle. You are but a means to an end for us. A liilypad to jump on. You mean to keep us divided. Ain't gonna happen. You want us to share in your foul hateful speech. Again trying to divide us. That's fine, go for it. Doesn't bug me. The real Patriots will unite and fight. For we know the man at our side is our lifeline. And we know what we're up against.

Hatefulness, resentment, and anger cloud the mindful eye of clarity and prevents spiritual Ascension.

Free thinkers do not assimilate on demand. We also listen to our inner subconscious, which has told me all along you hateful people represent something depraved and sinister.

I don't care about who's mods did what. Irrelevant to the cause. If we have to use this place temporarily as a staging platform, so be it.

So, go head. Spam your hate at us. It will be ignored. That's a whole different ballgame than defending your family, fellow Patriots, and freedom with an AR-15, which it very well may come to.

theoldones ago

no, you're in our territory now. you're the ones who will be leaving if you cant take the heat.

its OUR MONEY that keeps you fuckers online in this place. in return we expect you to play by the rules we have created, otherwise why are you even fucking here? wasting our time?

0x75 ago

So what your saying is this community just raided your back woods circle jerk. Assimilate? If it means making racial slurs to fit in than I’ll stand out like a pink neon sign. Make VOAT private if you don’t want others here. Fuck off!! Stay the fuck out this sub. Spoken in the native tongue so you can comprehend. 5:5? Bitch!?

theoldones ago

so what you're saying is you come here, insult us, shit on our rules and customs, then expect us to leave you alone

i see that your lesbian parents didnt teach you proper gratitude. if this IS a backwoods circelejerk, why are you here then? and, why are expecting us to not go where we have dominion?

0x75 ago

First off much respect for setting this place up for people to squat. Secondly it appears your problem is with the mods not the subscribers of this sub (please tell me if I’m wrong). So coming in here and making my a thread “Assimilate or fuck off” your directly attacking people who have nothing to do with the mods. So what are your suggestions for assimilation? Saying nigger faggot? Fuck off? It’s your domain go wherever like. I could give a shit less. I’ll keep lowering my standards with fucked insults to make sure I assimilate. Again, thanks for the place to squat

Cum_control ago

@0x75 maybe if you address him correctly, nigger faggot, then he might listen

0x75 ago

Dammit I missed an opportunity to be a part of the hill billy butt fuck!