SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#12127) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#1659) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MamaPajama3 ago

Halp! Catching up on habbenings is hard after a long day at work. Dang those chaos causing faggots. I’ll never get enuf hit points! kek

rebelfofoz ago

I am unimpressed that I'm getting punished, for trying to get to the ground of a security misconfiguration, by having my comments down-voted, at least 4 negative points so far. If the system bans a completely new domain name, which has never been linked to before from this site, that can only mean one thing and that the site blankly bans all "uncategorised" sites. Categorised by who? #DeepStateSewerRats. By not categorising politically inconvenient websites they can effectively ban sites while avoiding discussions over miscategorisations. Very clever, a bit like shadow banking, but very bad for free speech, in fact unconstitutional. And yet, instead of following up on my bug report, I get downvoted every time I follow up on that matter. That's not only unjustified, it's ignorant, stupid and/or malicious. I want both the downvotes and the blanket banning of links to uncategorised sites removed. #TruthWillOut

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Latest VQAT Q Drop! #99282.b (QHATPUTT? IT'S HAPPENING!)' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @CouldBeTrump:

It's easy site-wide, but your mods in v/theawakening have switched settings so that upvoats in that subverse don't count towards your global CCP total. If you contribute usefully to conversation outside of that subverse, or if your mods change settings withing that subverse, you'll start building CCP. Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot, enjoy your stay.

This notification (#205) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SparkS ago

aattention q reddit fags... no rly.. that exactly what i read before literally reading...

HotTuna ago

Thank you for you insight!

rebelfofoz ago

I am unimpressed that whenever I post anything related to the voat's unjustified banning of a completely new domain name, getting to the ground of a misconfiguration of security on the voat site, I get my comments voted down. That's not just unwarranted, it's abusive, if not stupid. People making decisions on matters they don't understand. It's like arming shimpanzees with AK45s.

mike4thekite ago

Fuck limited speech if we can't be free then let us be cheap.....We in australia are well advanced in PC to the point older Australian are breaking out in turrets flourishes or rolling around in the fetal position...WE invented abusive language and a coupla cunts said between mates causes no harm.....If they could bottle a coupla fucks and cunts and lob it into the united nations then they would have no axes to grind.

Tiptippitop17 ago

Has anybody the original text from the SB2 analysis for the latest Video of the WD? (Trump 911)

letsobv ago

Agreed on it, thanks for sharing with us!!

another_dot ago

question took all these new refugees so long to find this bastion of free speech in the first place?

True-Saber ago

I'm voting to keep them. Can we Voat?

Sure, more crazies won't change our demographics a bit.

PuttItOut ago

Voat is a perfect example of diversity: every variety of crazy.

Sir_Alan_Wisingsborg ago

So what if a list of Reddit advertisers was compiled so there could be boycott. Us your $ to vote our displeasure in banning free speech. Just a thought.

Qpatrotsfight ago


rebelfofoz ago

I noticed that forbids links to new websites. This security setting typically doesn't discriminate against those new sites on any other ground than that is has no kosher stamp as yet. This setting is disrespectful towards free speech.

PuttItOut ago

We have a block list and it's completely transparent. You can see what is blocked, when it was blocked, and why it was blocked.

If something was mistakenly put on that list that shouldn't have been we will take a look.

rebelfofoz ago

That list is useless since it has no search feature. But regardless, the domain name was blocked on on first use and less than one day after its registration.

[code]Comment contains banned domains [/code]

So there cannot be any good reason why it got blocked. It is far more likely that you guys are blocking entire categories of sites, like a corporate firewall, and the category in this case is "unclassified", that is no kosher certification. #TruthWillOut

PuttItOut ago

I might be confused but I don't see it banned:

rebelfofoz ago

I'm not surprised you can't find on your banned domain name list. However, if I try to link to in a comment, I get a 'banned domain' error message. It's old name,, still works.

PuttItOut ago

Maybe you found a bug. I'll look into it.

rebelfofoz ago

The domain name has been blocked at a time when it was less than one day old and never linked to from voats. Those facts tell me that you are using a "firewall" type of settings, according to which certain categories cannot be linked to. This category is "unclassified" sites.

guitarslinger1960 ago

well that sucks ass. Forums should be the place where peeps can comment and the mods block the trolls. Tried to post a relevant question but with the rules, seems like all i can do is read. Not guessing gonna have a long history here where i cant post a new thread asking a question and for comments. Way to go Dickhead MODS, go the fuck back to

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Lmao, you think it's the mods job to censor trolls. Fuck you nigger

Diakrisis1 ago

I knew this "Day" would arrive!

It was only a question of when.

And I knew the American People would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve.

The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you, the only force strong enough to save our country is us.

The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you the American People.

Our Great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.....

And so it has begun. History will tell of the great heroes of our day and will be ensconced forever in the annals of history. Today September 17th 2018 will live on in our minds as the day that great fear was seen in the eyes of tyrants. Judgement day has come for the once proud, boastful, corrupt, lying, thieving and morally bankrupt political world leaders and their henchmen.

God Bless:



President Donald John Trump

The United States Of America


WWG1WGA Diakrisis1

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You owe me this one!

I owe you a great deal. This isn't a drop in the bucket.

PuttItOut ago

You owe @Amalek royalties! :)

AmaleksHairyAss ago

In case I have your attention, I understand your hesitancy to allow donations, but it would make me and a lot of other goats feel better if you could get the advertisement store up and running again.

PuttItOut ago

Soon. But this time I mean it.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I wanna buy an ad calling amalekshairyass a faggot @PuttItOut

NotHereForPizza ago

Check that out. I was low, even.

Are you still going to let them tell you I'm not sincere, Putt?

PuttItOut ago

You have to forgive me but you'll have to send me a PM and bring me up to speed.

POTwrmUSQ ago


IChooseLight ago

Uh...what? I now have 10 upvotes on my comments. Does that count? Trying to post after getting 10 upvotes...still not able. What now?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You have a total of 2 ccp as of me posting this. And 1 ccp shortly after I downvote you for being too retarded to read the post your replying to which spells out exactly what is going on.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

Every time I see this, I read it as "Attention Q Retards".

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

Love you Bro!!

TitanThinkTank ago

BULLSHITE ! i had gained points and i made some posts but then some one the SJW down voted me to like 60+ points and ever since then VOAT IS A USELESS PILE OF CRAP for me. And every time i say this they further down vote me , BLOODY MOTHER FUCKERS ENEMY OF MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH. BASTARD Kids OF WHORES.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You're being downvoated for being an illiterate shitskin. Calling people racists here doesn't bring the up voat squad like Reddit. Shitskin

TitanThinkTank ago

really ! so how is that FREE SPEECH, YOU RETARDS ?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

how is it not?

TitanThinkTank ago

LuLZ!, i dont care about his shit website since i get what i want to cursing on multiple websites claiming Free Speech, Poor retards at Voat.

Xeqshunr ago

Well, to the poor bastards here at voat who got side swiped when /r/ dropped ass in your livingroom....thanks for having us. I have been lurking and figuring out appropriate protocol, since these sorts of boards are new to me. Love the hazing ritual to sift out the panzy asses and buck them up a bit. So if any of you mattress sweat stain, where the best part of you ran down mama 's crack at the South African gangbang she volunteered to be the entertainment at, have better rips bring them on.

PuttItOut ago

You'll come across some very funny things. Voat cracks me up.


Xeqshunr ago

Your telling me! I usually have everyone else running for cover and crying foul. This suits me just fine. I often wonder how people will handle real freedom when they can't function with even the smallest amount of heat being applied. Thanks, and glad to be here.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You useless sack of retarded shit. You think you can come here and get some cheap upvotes by throwing around some insults? Go suck a nigger dick and die you stupid bitch. How long did you suck the fat sweaty feet of Reddit and all the faggotry that came with it? You think free speech is about saying nigger faggot and not getting your post deleted? Fuck you.

This is what free speech is:

The Jews have overthrown America and have been in control of the country since 1912 with the establishment of the federal reserve. Jews engineered two world wars to destroy white European men. Two generations of the strongest men killed. Vietnam was the 2nd generation of American men being killed.

The holocaust is Jewish propaganda, there was no mass extermination of Jews during world war 2. It's a lie that Jews will forever use to make money, take land, and call whoever opposes them an anti Semite. Jews control over 1000 local newspapers and news stations across America. They own CNN nytimes Washington post, Disney, Viacom, Reddit.They control Hollywood. Jews control nearly all porn distribution and use it as a weapon to normalize incest and miscegenation as a way to further destroy white america. They are behind the "refugee"crisis in Europe. Jews destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11.

This is the truth that the Reddit mods from the recently banned great awakening have been assigned to keep from you. Notice how they are attempting to coral all comers to a new site without transparent moderation tools.

Make no mistake. The great awakening is the American people waking up to the true enemy: the Jews.


Xeqshunr ago

LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Your rant brings up visions of Cartmann in a Ms. Cleo outfit, trying to conjure up some clairvoyance enough to know what I’m thinking. Nigga PHULEESE! Now I agree with everything you point out but, don’t come at me like some little twatwaffling, know it all, who’s got a hard on he can’t control.

I’ve been red pilling people for well over 20 years to their globalist chains. I taught how to move in and out of being one of the “People” to a “US Citizen” and back when they need to. The bad guys REALLY didn’t like that, ( A conversation that I hope none of you ever have). I’ve fought and won with the IRS to get all my payroll taxes returned since I didn’t do anything that was taxable. Yes , Bunkie, I am well aware of the Karzarian Jews, (KJ). I make the distinction because there are no bloodline Hebrews left.

Without a doubt these are people full of avarice and greed, who don’t care about the “goyim” and consider all others,( much like Hitler considered them), expendable, albeit for different reasons. I’ve been to Dachau when West Germany was still in play. I have talked to many people about what happened. You see, my fat little carpet licking cherub, I am first gen here. My family is from that area, ( Prussia, Poland, Austria, Italy), and the people who were there gave me the scoop on what, where, and why the KJ were treated so. Make no mistake; a lot of KJ’s bought it in the camps. Not from being gassed, the chambers were not explosion proof and Xyclon B is highly explosive. They were used as slave labor and fed next to nothing. People don’t become skin and bones from being gassed. Before that happened they were sent around the world on ships and rejected by EVERYONE including the US. Once returned to Germany, the people who had seen them hoard food and money, who saw them throw family and friends out into the streets in the dead of winter, during a depression rarely seen, had as much mercy for them as they showed for Germans. The camps were death camps, how many died is anyone’s guess, but the 6.6 mil is roughly 23 deaths per minute. Meh, not realistic, but to say it was hoax is not factual either. The medical experiments run on them were horrific and obscenely grotesque. However that is side effect of Darwinism and its natural line of conclusion.

To say its all the jews is short sighted. There are many factions inside the hierarchy of the Globalist hoard, and they ALL need to be rooted out and dealt with. CFR, ADL, Committee of 300, Bilderberg’s, Vatican, Opus Day, and on and on. They all need to rounded up and answer for what they have conspired to do, and almost got away with. Preferably by being held in their own FEMA camps and face the guillotines they had planned for us. Or good piece of rope- whatever. NO, I’m here because I’ve been “here” for long time. I have spent YEARS chasing rabbit holes and the in’s and outs of everything from Jekyll Island to 911 and everything in between. I had to say I had almost given up hope this present situation would manifest itself and we’d have shot at this. Make no mistake we have not won yet. This will take years to conclude. I’m here to lend a hand, shoulder, expertise where ever I can to see these baby raping lowlifes answer for their crimes and be punished accordingly. Preferably at the FEMA camp Guillotines they had planned for us. Is this “Free” enough for you? Can you comprehend how much of a fucktard you are acting like? Consider this a freebee and correct your behavior. Being red pilled is difficult enough for some people and could be the difference between gaining allies and strength or losing this one time opportunity to free the planet. That is more important than your asinine egotistical rant about free speech. Come at me like that again and I will leave mushroom mark on your fucking low minded, Neanderthal forehead the size of Texas. You are picking the wrong nigger to fuck with. MWAH

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

lmfao, trying to e-thug me

kill yourself faggot

Xeqshunr ago

Yeah, thought so.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

The camps were death camps

and you consider yourself redpilled

Xeqshunr ago

Are you still here? Shoo fly shoo.

ODonREDpills ago

Let’s do this!! New last week!!

spacemonkeymojo ago

Thanks for the explanation, man! Still learning the ropes.

CosComPublishers ago

I love Reddit

1IrishPatriot ago

With the test on Thursday in USA, if it all goes down and Trumps texting the phones, be sure you who have phone contacts of friends abroad forward the texts to get the comms to world patriots? There's millions of us out here rooting for you and the whole world.

WaffleManSocial ago

The empathy and professionalism displayed in this post so far exceeds anything I ever witnessed on Reddit that, as a longtime tenuous lurker, it has cemented my confidence in Voat's leadership and its future as a platform.

Wow. Great post @PuttItOut .

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Voat News (9 September 2018 - 15 September 2018)' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and permalinks this submission.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

(Ref #117)

epiphany504 ago

Thanks for the info!

1IrishPatriot ago Something weird. The online viewing numbers have dropped drastically to 10k. Viewing from Ireland. Unless not the legit Q posting board. Maybe not important. Cheers.

NapaLdy ago

This is crap. I can't post to get those 10 points just have to randomly spew crap in order to get the points instead of helpful information. How is this better?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Whining about not enough upvoats is a good strategy

Mumbleberry ago

Don't spew crap. Make inciteful comments here; v/greatawakening and you will have your 10 in no time.

puppymax ago

What bothers me is that by down voting my comments people can block me from earning 10 CCP's I do not think that is fair.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

People have a limited number of downvoats. Crying about not have 10 fucking CCP is a good way to make sure people use those limited downvoats on you. Go post some useful comments and stop crying like a little bitch

puppymax ago

WOWWWW .. what a nice welcoming message. Thank you so much!

Reddiggoat ago

Keep at it. 90% of Voat hates my comments, but I made it.

Mumbleberry ago

Make better comments.

puppymax ago

Trying to please everyone is impossible.

Mumbleberry ago

Try harder! The punishment will continue until results improve.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'ASSIMILATE OR GET THE FUCK OUT' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @theoldones:

lying about what? the mods broke the sub

read it for yourself. tell me how i'm lying

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

(Ref #94)

divine_human ago

thank you, this post explains it all.

now, its two days later, the mods havent changed anyting, and every post that calls them out gets removed.

just saying.
wake up, folks!

PuttItOut ago

Make sure you also consider that this setting is on a time delay... so even if they wanted to change it back they can't until this delay is over. I think they are waiting to change it last I heard.

If they are deleting posts about it, well, that is just unfortunate.

divine_human ago

nice, thanks for letting us know. would you bother editing this information into the OP? makes it easier for people, they wont need to post complaints anymore and can watch the countdown instead. very much appreciated.

Mustang23 ago Watch this everyone Gina is amazing

Rutland_Iowa ago

Is this where we go? Any others place up?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Follow the leader like a good sheep. Whatever you do, don't think for yourself

Rutland_Iowa ago

To think for myself I need to be able to nav the site.

Deckard256 ago

Thank you for explaining this. It's fair and makes a lot of sense.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'(META) Why is the ccp req. still up?' was posted in v/theawakening by @larryhuston and permalinks this submission.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

(Ref #89)

TheAmerican ago

Can't you Q faggots and non Q faggots just get along for fuck sake. At the end of the day we're all fighting on the same side.

PuttItOut ago

It's about not seeing the forest for the trees.

At the end of the day we're all fighting on the same side.

This is a common issue with man.

capnflummox ago

That's a solid NO from me.

It's just a smokescreen... smoke n mirrors. If they wanted to come peacefully, they would have READ THE RULES. Not doing so is just disrespectful. Another Man's House, and all that.

"Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... we're not good at the internet." Is not, never has been, and never will be an excuse or plausible explanation. Harden the fuck up and READ. LEARN. Concepts that shouldn't have to be told.

Nope. We don't need these types of people. Let them move on. Keep it to the nice slow trickle it always has been. Give people who WANT TO BE HERE the time to LEARN HOW TO BEHAVE in this space.

Do not believe them. They are scum. They are back peddling now that they got caught. Not because they feel bad or learned their lesson. They are not sincere.

Take the time to ban every single one of those accounts. If they really want to come back, they can act with maturity and do it the right way.

No fucking handouts.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'CCP requirement still up, Mods are lying faggots' was posted in v/theawakening by @larryhuston and permalinks this submission.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. (Ref #83)

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Q Drop Citing EO13526 /patriotsfight/ - Patriots Fight (Sat) 19:55:33 No. 239 (QMAP #2176)' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @NellerBean:

"I notice that many of you have commented (because you can barely do anything else) asking why you don't have CCP (Comment Contribution Points). So I want to explain because I feel bad that this wasn't brought to your attention earlier.

Voat limits all new accounts for reasons of SPAM. To unlock your account you must earn CCP by commenting and having others upvote your contributions. It is orders more difficult for a botnet to unlock accounts with this requirement in place and is why we use this particular method.

For example: You need 10 CCP to make a submission or send a message. You need 100 CCP to unlock downvoat capabilities. The reason you don't have any CCP is because the moderator(s) set a particular subverse property that prevents the earning of points in v/theawakening.

This subverse property is called: Minimum CCP required to downvote and when it is set to anything but zero three things happen (which are documented in the subverse settings. This information is also displayed in the sidebar so you can see what subverses have set what values):

It prevents users who don't have at least X CCP in the subverse itself from downvoating content in that subverse. It prevents all submissions from showing up in v/all (basically making the subverse private). It prevents contribution points from accruing (This is an anti-farming measure).

No one has earned points in v/theawakening since this setting was set to 5.

I hope this helps you understand why."

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. Ref #82

socomtom ago

Thanks for the explanation - I'm starting to ease my way into other areas here, to get a feel for what's going on at Voat.

I'm new, not a Reddit refugee, but been on these here interwebs since the frontier days of Usenet and 9600 baud dial-up modems.

reaper70 ago

This was an incredibly helpful post -- thanks so much for explaining!

TLSpud ago

It's going to be important to get these lovable faggots up to speed on navigating /patriotsawoken/ on 8ch.

patriotsinthetardis ago

I wanted to get a message out to patriots who want to pray, or use the power of thought for good.

We’re setting phone reminders for 5:17 Eastern Time, every Monday. It’ll be our minute of prayer each week. Whether you have a personal faith or not, we think directing our thoughts all at once can be pretty powerful.

Q has asked us to pray. Join us at 17:17 EST every Monday, to do so together.


Reddiggoat ago

Screw organized religion, and have an upvote to continue your dirty, dirty free speech!

jfaodc13 ago

CCP , Chinese Communist Party. I get it now... double entendres :p

AndoIndigo ago

Thank you for the info.

Goathole ago


I like them too Putt but the power mods have got to go. They have shown literally ZERO sincere remorse NOR given any indication that they plan to change.

lbruiser ago

I love how you just walked in and fucking mic dropped, @PuttItOut. As far as /v/theawakening staying, that's their call. They just have to follow our rule of Freedom of Speech, and of course the rules put forth of Voat.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'New Q Researchers from reddit still using this sub need to see this' was posted in v/theawakening by @kevdude and includes this reply from @kevdude:

Anyone noticed how upvotes on individual comments can be as high as they want, and still your CCP remains under 10? Or that if you are under 10 CCP, you cannot even upvote other people's comments, and they won't let you make more than 10 comments per day, to ensure you don't get through their gagging barrier

The site admin explained why this is happening:

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Q 2179 - 2186 - House of Cards - Rouhni Farrakhan - Oaths and the Constitution - Delta[1] - 911 Calling - Snowden II Fail - Memes at the Ready - Thursday Comms Test - Sunday September 16 2018' was posted in v/CalmBeforeTheStorm by @Silverlining and includes this reply from @Silverlining:

Attention Q Reddit / r/GA Folks (whatever) 9/15/2018 ago by @PuttItOut

An explanation of the CCP rules - I don't see "settings" in the v/whatever sidebar or what the minimum CCP is - not obvious to me...

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Hello I'm new here' was posted in v/introductions by @bulrush and includes this reply from @NoTrueScotsman:

This post explains it.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Church was amazing today (well, yesterday now). You?

Fillasaufical ago

Hi! I was in Q drop 1945. Kinda my claim to fame. Not really, though. Just starting to use Voat. Have a good night, patriots!

Tee1020 ago

Thanks for the explanation, @Puttitout.

absolutec ago

thanks for the info

Free2beheard ago


NoraPandora ago

good attitude. Thanks for that. :)

srayzie ago

That was the rude mod from the other day that told me their 13 mods were always on discord chat. All day and night.

fuckfacemcgee ago

I don't understand why the Great Awakening subverse isn't being used. I mean seriously, we have already established a sub for Q. It's not only disrespectful but also suspect in my opinion. @Srayzie has been holding shit down very well.

fujison ago

I've earned over 31 CCP points but had a few comments on v/GreatAwakening which were ALL downvoted regardless of subject or content. I noticed most of the downvotes were fro sravies which seems a bit sketch. If those outside our sub can come in (with over 100 points) and downvote us, then we have a new form of censorship. Could that be the reason why we were directed here? Q warned us that we would all have to go to 8chan. Why didn't Q have faith in VOAT? Am I missing something? I notice many newbies from reddit have over 10 points (which is good) I just don't know how to get there as I already have over 10+ points. I'm patient, but eventually I'm going to just move over to 8chan.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'My reply to NEON REVOLTs REPLY YO ME. Also my thoughts and a REQUEST.' was posted in v/theawakening by @srayzie and includes this reply from @GoogleStoleMyBike:

All CCP (Comment Contribution Points) earned in this sub are null and void due to the restrictive settings your moderators have placed on this subverse. You can read about this in further detail here. Why your mods made such a decision is up for you to decide. To actually gain CCP, you must venture outside of this sub and make comments on other posts. I highly suggest making comments that actually engage in the post you're commenting on, instead of just begging for upvoats.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

LuisZ ago

Can I get some upvotes, please. I’m new here and need to make points. ‪#MAGA 🇺🇸 #KAG 🇺🇸 year 2/8 🇺🇸 #WalkAway #Q #Qanon #WWG1WGA ‬

ACatIsFineToo ago

They slipped a little extra autism in your vaccines, didn't they boy. Or did mommy just like to knock back a shot or two while she was trying to find you a daddy?

Dsciexterminationist ago

No panhandling, nigger

BlessedToTeach ago

Very helpful. Assuming this setting will change or do we need to go to other boards to get CCP? Sorry for the newbie questions!!

Mumbleberry ago

Yes, go elsewhere. LIKE THE Q SUB ALREADY HERE.

OpposableGums ago

Ya! We, the people of, believe in the absolute freedom of speech. That's why you're not allowed to speak.

ACatIsFineToo ago

Funny that you're complaining about being silenced while you're flapping your cockholster.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Why do people care about up votes so much?' was posted in v/whatever by @TheAmerican and includes this reply from @Marou:

That's only true if the sub is set up as a private place (like that stupid TheAwakening sub). See Putt's post on the topic.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

TheAmerican ago


Rotteuxx ago

A new function he's working on, it lets you know when someone links to a post of yours

divine_human ago

i feel frustrated. after making a few comments, i am still not permitted to post.

little did i know that i cant collect CCP in the subs i have come for but need to go around and shake hands in other subs, in order to collect points. makes no sense to me.

btw, i noticed downvote brigades on newcomers which makes it even more frustrating.

from my pov, the entire voting system could go toast. who needs the crap, except for instant gratification junkies and brigades that want to manipulate visibility and opinion?

without voting system and a default on 'show new', shills and bots would have a much harder time and mods wouldnt be so over-worked.

Goathole ago


divine_human ago

angry kitty? c'mon over, i hug you and kiss you. ;)

Mumbleberry ago

We don't like homo's either.

divine_human ago

its homo when a girl wants to kiss a boy? oh my. strange world.

Mumbleberry ago

You got me there, I assume everybody here is male. My bad, carry on.

Goathole ago

I wouldn't poke the bear if I were you.

divine_human ago

and i wouldnt threaten new goats who try to find their way around. how about flexing the discernment muscle for a bit? not every newfag deserves this treatment.

Tzitzimitl ago

this site is designed to help normies become less cringey, so the votes are unfortunately required to maintain their really short attention span; the complications from the morally bankrupt mods coming over is the only thing that makes this ccp system seem nonsensical, and the downvote brigades are to combat karmawhoring

divine_human ago

the downvote brigades are to combat karmawhoring

i get the idea behind it. however, downvote brigades also stop good people from posting who are no karmawhores.

its being used to silence folks. this works much better here on voat where you cannot set up your own posts if they downvote you beneath 10 CCP.

the brigades just brought a widely appreciated poster, SerialBrain2, into the minus area so he gets blocked from posting.

yes, his CCP can be brought up again. but WTF?

i have come here for communicating, and accessing and discussing information, not for wasting my time and energy on bothering with my CCP.

personally, i give a fuck about points, this entire instant gratification and punishment system bores me. i opt for authenticity, not for performance that generated aknowledgement points.

it annoyed the fuck out of me on reddit, but at least i didnt get prevented from posting there.

on voat, the entire voting system becomes even more ridiculous. i can perceive the positive intent behind it, but i see it being heavily abused.

the abuse which prevents people from posting even after engaging for days on this board could probably be solved if the downvote option got cancelled. then, a post i like could get an upvote, and a post i dont like would just be ignored.

less opportunity to abuse, less manipulation from those fuckers who want to suppress certain voices.

Tzitzimitl ago

who are these "good people" that the big bad brigaders are preventing from posting? everyone that got negaraped are the ones that were caught farming upvotes, just go to protectvoat and the evidence is there plain as day, theres absolutely no way they or you can claim innocence nor can anybody there try and spin those links into a narrative.

divine_human ago

i was prevented twice, because i didnt know that the fricking votes on that sub didnt count for posting.

and SerialBrain2, one of the top posters on r/GA, like him or not, shared that his last post got brigaded and he got downvoted into 'no permission to post'. that was big style brigading.

i couldnt care less about votes. if this system wasnt in place, i wouldnt waste a thought on it. but never mind, i will keep commenting.

Helbrecht ago

I took a step back and tried to learn "the lay of the land" rather than jumping in blind. Just like one should when entering unfamiliar territory, either a foreign country or a new board. Magically, I avoided the fuckery over in thederpening.

Just noticed that your account is 6 months old. How have you not figured it out yet?

divine_human ago

Just noticed that your account is 6 months old. How have you not figured it out yet?

i had subscribed back then but wasnt active here. busy on reddit and with my own independant board.

took a few days to get comfy here but now i like it much better than reddit.

kneo24 ago

Bottom line, new niggerfaggot. Thise downvote brigades are only used against thise karma whoring. SB2 was karmawhoring. He got what he deserved. Getting the 10ccp isnt hard, and it's not Voats fault the modes over in v/theawakening messed it up. V/GreatAwakening has existed in Voat for 8 months now. Post there if you want to discuss Q. Hell, go to v/calmbeforethestorm.

Upvoats and downvoats don't silence people. You are able to still make comments when in the negatives.

Stoo being faggots.

divine_human ago

V/GreatAwakening has existed in Voat for 8 months now. Post there if you want to discuss Q.

thank you. been there and comment there. just pointing out what i perceive as flaws in the system. you dont need to agree with me.

all in all, i like vote much better than reddit, now that i got used to it. open mod logs and honoring free speech is whats missing on reddit.

kneo24 ago

No system will be perfect. If you have a system like the chans, well, you get even more shilling and botting. If you have some sort of hybrid system between this and the chans, you'll have different types of restrictions and different types of things going to be manipulated. Anything will be manipulated. It's just a matter of how.

divine_human ago

after another day on voat, i have a better grip on whats going on here and see the advantages of the voting system. what i dont like is that genuine people get prevented from posting beause of brigading.

TheAmerican ago

I am the real Q. I just wanted to say hi. Look for the purple lily on the round window.

FrozenFire74 ago

@Puttitout I'm good with it so long as someone keeps an eye on the Mods, and it would help for an Admin to address the farming of upvoats that some of the new users have been using. I believe their intentions are solely to help their Q cause, but it would set a bad precedent if spammers caught wind that Voat is okay with abusing the voting system.

QCanada ago

Thanks and Merci for the info...🇨🇦

Nesano ago

So, why can't we link to Google Docs?

Rotteuxx ago

It's an easy doxxing tool

Nesano ago

People learning people's identities based on their Google Docs files? Isn't that hidden by default?

Rotteuxx ago

The other way around, the owner can see which google accounts consult the documents... so if you're logged in & click a link, it's in the logs.

Nobody who values their privacy should have a Google account anyways, nor FB, nor Twitter... and so on.

They're private entities who sell data, all sorts of collectable data. The more you give them, the more they can track you if the need arises. Which can simply be a request from a paying customer.

Nesano ago

Oh, fucking god dammit. One of the most useful tools for conveying information was ruined by some basement dwellers trying to ruin other people's lives. Shame for that Google account thing too, I should start decoupling myself from that as much as possible because it's more trouble than it's worth. Gmail is a useful utility, unfortunately.

17patriot ago

Thank you for breaking this down. I have zero CCP : )

data57 ago

This pisses me off every time I think about it!! I am trying to figure out how to get out of the awakening! I'm still a bit slow from the lobotomy they try to force on you there and at Reddits GA! Unfortunately, almost my entire news feed is those assholes! The mods are deep state wannabes!

Rotteuxx ago

almost my entire news feed is those assholes!

Are you browsing/v/all ? Once you block the porn & shitty subs it should be o.k.

I use my personal front page for all the smaller subs I like to keep up with and hang around /v/all & /v/all/new most of the time.

Mystinar ago

Good to see that the situation is stabilizing now. And I begin to understand the importance of the valueset that the voat community adheres to. I consider the whole thing to be a valuable lesson on the subject of self-regulating completely free communication. I am from the Netherlands, and we Dutch are somewhat more relaxed on language. We don't 'beep' out words on TV and don't use stars to hide 'inapropriate' words. Guess we never gave a fuck anyway. The result is that we tend to use these words a lot less than some Americans and British people I know... Anyway, on the subject of Q: yes, there are Dutch people that support you, just like we did in the early days of the war of independence (the Dutch were the only people that managed to beat the English by sailing right op to their houses of parliament and forcing them to surrender). And our number is rapidly growing...

Broc_Lia ago

I have no problem with them staying, and I certainly wouldn't expect you to stomp on them. They just have to understand that:

  • Upvote farms aren't tolerated here

  • Powermods are always going to get a lot of pushback from the community

All that said, it's their subverse and they can run it how they like. I've never been in favour of admins, or even the community, stepping in to decide winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas. If you don't like how the sub is run then the natural solution is migration.

NoraPandora ago

Thanks, great help, Putt! :)

patrat102 ago

How can we have unity with this format. A conversation is started but can't continue as we have to always be running around to get up votes or we feel we need to go help our other Patriots by finding as many as we can to give them up votes. It's like hosting a cocktail party. You have to run around to say hi to each guest but you don't have time to enter into a meaningful conversation. On this board there can be no real meaningful conversations because the threads are over the waterfall so to speak before everyone who wanted to contribute gets a chance to. It is no wonder that the Great Awakeing got banned and voat did not. On reddit GW we were able to get into some good . meaningful conversations and in depth research. Decoding of the Q posts were really superior and was shared patiently with those who did not grasp them right away. That is why the reddit GreatAwakening grew so quickly. Another thing sorely missed is the Q Tuesdays when one day a week patriots were allowed to post pics of the new Q shirts or Q decorated cars and my personal favorite "Q in the Wild" sightings of the Q emblem or qanon sightings that people were posting everywhere or those sighted on cars, walls, etc. We even had several from other countries. I don't mean to put down the voat board but I can see why it is still up---it is not a threat to anyone because the conversations are never allowed to get deep because there is no way to have that conversation while running around trying to get up votes and rescue your other patriots from low up vote score. It's like seeing many people in a river about to go over the falls--you reach out to help one and 2 go pass you. Or you yourself need a little oxygen (upvote) so you run to one for help. There is just no way to participate in a good discussion. We are like rats in a maze all running down different corridors and getting no where. I don't mean to offend anyone just vicing my opinion which will probably be seen by 2 or maybe 3 other patriots before it to goes over the falls into oblivion. I hope Q knows I have tried to stay united but find myself more and more reluctant to come into this meaningless rat maze. Love all you Patriots--reddit and voat. WWG1WGA

Rotteuxx ago

All it takes is a little participation in the community and you're all set. An hour of browsing/v/all/new and commenting will get you there.

Hardly worth making a fuss about imo, besides you Qers should be in a position to appreciate that a community has certain expectations of its members and a little participation shouldn't be asking for too much.

I don't mean to put down the voat board but I can see why it is still up---it is not a threat to anyone because the conversations are never allowed to get deep because there is no way to have that conversation ...

  • Dropped by PayPal
  • Dropped by CC processing company.
  • Blacklisted by all financial institutions.

No one will do business with Voat, if it weren't for crypto we wouldn't be here. Our community centric approach (as opposed to regarding mods as higher tier users & requiring participation) makes it a lot harder for shills to establish a strong foothold here, they hate it.

There have been many attempts to push for the enactment of censorship mechanisms on Voat but they've all failed. The worst that can happen is having a limited amount of comments per day on a particular account.

I don't mean to offend anyone just vicing my opinion which will probably be seen by 2 or maybe 3 other patriots before it to goes over the falls into oblivion.

You shouldn't even care about the possibility of offending someone with your opinion, it's yours and you have your reasons for having it. Speak up.

gsoClarke ago

You noted that "our community centric approach...makes it a lot harder for shills to establish a strong foothold here, they hate it," but it's just as hard for serious users to get established, which from my perspective has been daunting. It appears that more than a few established users get some entertainment value out of dropping casual downvotes as they browse just to frustrate newcomers. Still, I drudge along.

Rotteuxx ago

Just comment in any public subs, join a conversation.

Of course liberal points of view will have difficulty getting upvoated since Voat is the safe heaven where most of the rEddit conservative expats found a home in the last 3 years, just try not to sound too gay and have facts & reliable sources on the ready if you get inyo arguments. We're big fans of sourcing claims around here...

Btw, a few established users are shills who are here to paint Voat as a hell hole & discourage users from participating. They can be relentless sometimes.

gsoClarke ago

Thanks for the encouragement.

Rotteuxx ago

No problem, welcome aboard !

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago


what's a paragraph?

Msmwatcher ago

Well I’ll be a cross dressing faggot!!! This is the free-est place I’ve ever seen on the internet!! May I make this my home you cross dressing polack patriots?

PuttItOut ago


GoBackToReddit ago

Edit 3:

...the back and forth I've had tonight with subscribers of v/theawakening have been the most pleasurable I've had on Voat. I'm voting to keep them.

Meanwhile they are grouping off-site to farm and begging for votes in this very post. Quality people. #NotAllUsers?

Is user growth really the right move right now anyways? Every wave results in the server going down. Voat seems to require constant maintenance just to post/comment/vote and that's happening between the ban waves. More users would be more maintenance and to my knowledge we still don't have a good way to fund for improvements. Maybe I'm just being a Debby Downer but I really don't think accepting reddits trash is the best answer for voat currently. Maybe there are things going on in the background that I'm not aware of that would make user growth a good idea.. idk.

mynewaccountagain ago

do you mean that reddit isn't sending us the best?

gsoClarke ago

Upvote for quality sarcasm, but GA might have been Reddit's best.

PuttItOut ago

There is obviously a segment that has had it's pride hurt and instead of being humble about it they are scheming. This is human nature though. Most seem like reasonable good hearted people to me. I'm just speaking personally on this.

Growth comes with problems and money is one of those problems. Our necks aren't on the chopping block yet and I'm working on viable funding solutions (donations and merch don't come close to being viable) so I'm optimistic.

GoBackToReddit ago

I have been waiting on the stores return for a while now. I kept missing it way back when.

Carlosone ago

Welcome fags

kneo24 ago

I don't know if anyone has noticed this yet, but @BleachyMcServerwiper has an account that's 1.3 years old and is a mod there. Their account was created when T_D tried coming over here the first time.

So once again, them claiming that they couldn't have possibly been aware of how Voat operates, given that account age, is entirely false. They knew we'd dick them down like a cheap slut on a Saturday night if they acted the way they did, and chose to do it anyway.

kneo24 ago

@crensch You might be especially interested in this. I think it was you originally who speculated the T_D invasion was a connection somehow.

Crensch ago

Was not me that speculated such. First I heard of it was Triggly, I think?

It's good info though. Hoping @Trigglypuff drops a bomb on them with what she's been putting together.

Bludgie ago

Ooh!! You I like!! I apologise profusely for vociferously insulting your platform on multiple occasions!

PuttItOut ago

Damn internet. I can't tell if you are insulting me and I'm too dumb to tell or are sincere.

Bludgie ago

I am sincere. I know it's hard to tell from the tone, though. But when I am being insulting there is pretty much no doubt, as I have almost zero impulse control. So there is that! I'm pretty much a well-meaning, live and let live person until I get mad. I am too soft for free speech places but over the last decade I have been insulted pretty much a gazillion times because I never met a fight I didn't like, even when I lose. Overall, I do learn from people, though, who often start out as a nemesis. Respect and understanding have grown out of it, and sometimes people have totally or partially changed my mind about an issue. Iron sharpens iron and all that. So some of those people, from those fora have become frenemies, and of course I made many friends. Sometimes the hate on a forum has been too much, though, like after my daughter died and someone I liked and respected tore me to pieces for starting a relationship with my boyfriend. The sweet spot for me, really, was on Twitter where I didn't care who followed me or didn't, I had direct access to politicians and public figures I wanted to berate or support, and I had somewhere to share things that were important to me. I hate not having a voice, although I fear it as well.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

When you learn to learn from anybody, you become lax in impulse control because you still applying the golden rule. After awhile you look at yourself and ask by God am I just the most awful person or what? and then you may take it down a notch or carry on. My voat outburst are a great way to deal with my Shadow. In my daily life I'm a very easy going person. I suspect some well respected preachers are on here reaming people daily.

Bludgie ago

There's certainly a freedom in anonymity, or perceived anonymity, to say what I really think--especially if you're not censored, socially constrained, shadow-banned or deplatformed.

I often conclude that I'm not a very nice person. I am a caring person, though. I care about almost everything. It's damnably stressful.

Most people, if they saw me unfiltered, would probably not like me.

I was a very soft person before Scientology. I had soft eyes. Now my eyes are always hard, like a bird's. I can't take a good picture anymore, even allowing for all the other reasons. Even 25 years after escaping.

Sometimes I think the religious people are the worst. Like Jesus was this really cool person, or the story of him is, but most of the people who claim to follow him don't actually live like he did, speak like he did, or practice what he did. Every so often one of them really pleasantly surprises me.

MammaKrass ago

Manafort sauce Can someone upvote me, and get this info out to the masses??

Mumbleberry ago

Don't be like these assholes;

pilgrimboy14 ago

It seems to me that there was a concerted effort to prevent /r/greatawakening from migrating here. What is the source of that censorship. Are there just a lot of black hatters already here on Voat waiting for that to happen who knew the rules and were ready to prevent the migration. Whatever the case, Voat apparently only wants to allow free speech that they approve of. It's sad.

Ioniancat21 ago

I've been waiting for a new home to pop up and here we are. I'm angry about the Reddit site and I have scores to settle with these traitors. I'll help any of you earn your points to create posts. Let's work together, up vote me as well... I have the same name here as I do on Reddit...

PuttItOut ago

ProTip: Don't upbeg (I just made up that word and I think I'm going to make it mine).

gsoClarke ago

upvote for "upbeg" !!

iamapersondamnit ago

Yup fuck theawakening, they hamstrung us.

amraam5 ago ARRESTS you probably haven't heard about! DRAIN THE SWAMP

theguysmiley ago

glad to see my subscription here is continuing to pay dividends.

NiggerHatred ago

LOL so this is what it takes for you to not be an absentee faggot?

PuttItOut ago

I will only reply to you if you promise me you're not sane.

heygeorge ago

NiggerHatred ago

That would confuse people who are new. I am not sanegoat but I am shocked that the man who can't check voat ONCE A DAY is responding. Or are we gonna ignore the last outage.

PuttItOut ago

Well, factor in 4 years of work and time with no pay and tell me I haven't done my part. You come across as entitled (but I'm not arguing that you're technically wrong).

NiggerHatred ago

So the millions in bitcoin donated were not payment? My ad you refused to run of henrycorp and subsequently took months to refund me on was not payment? The voat sweater I bought was not payment? Please help me understand where I am wrong. How about all the user donations? You have been given millions for running a website poorly and you call me entitled?

PuttItOut ago

Your math is way off buddy. Way way off. No wonder you feel this way. Wow.

NiggerHatred ago

The ironfist donated you like 50k BEFORE the bitcoin blowup. Do you need me to pull up the now removed bitcoin wallet for voat? It pokes holes in your horse shit story.

PuttItOut ago

  1. 50k =/= millions
  2. Who is iron fist?
  3. Hello sane

NiggerHatred ago

  1. Bitcoin fluctuates and that was well before the insane rise in bitcoin
  2. You are an absentee admin who lets srs run rough shod over this site and it died while you sat on your fat ass
  3. If I was sanegoat I would share your cringe pictures and use your real name
  4. If you are on the up and up you did such a piss poor job of running this place. You could have had a true free speech platform and now we have this echo chamber.

PuttItOut ago

I didn't even realize you're a new account. Talk about up and up huh?

I conceded you had a point earlier but everything else you say is incorrect speculation.

Account is named niggerhatred, complains of echo chamber. Gold.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

For a 'new' acct the tone/language and screaching sure seem familiar. Always pretending to be new in the same way with usernames that seem like they were made up by the same person.

This is @Butthole__Empress btw

PuttItOut ago

Hi Sane!

not going to lie, I do miss him sometimes. occasionally.

NiggerHatred ago

I wanted to ask v/niggers a question but some retard admin throttles the new accounts so srs can hold court daily. All we have is your absent word and lets face it, you havent done fuck all in two years.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

Awe poor little crybaby can't use niggers subverse.

Too bad 4 u :)

NiggerHatred ago


mynewaccountagain ago

And what have you done?

Putt migrated the site to a whole new codebase for ungrateful fucks like you.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

We all sure are bitthurt and deeply respect his opinion lol

NiggerHatred ago

Read the comments retard. Given shekels to watch this shithole fail. How did you type if you can't read?

mynewaccountagain ago

Holy shit, none of that is a complete sentence. How can you hate niggers when you are one?

iamapersondamnit ago

Very annoying that i can't do anything on this site what the hell

lord_nougat ago

Have you tried turning yourself off and on again?

NiggerHatred ago

I would downvoat you for being a bitch if I could. What a shitty site.

iamapersondamnit ago

Yeah and i would slap you in the mouth but i don't want to get your wife's boyfriends cum on my hand you pussy douchebag.

NiggerHatred ago

The cowards always threaten physical violence online. GG faggot.

iamapersondamnit ago

Calling me a coward? Did you get that out of your neckbeards guide to insults from the 1800s? What a loser faggot.

NiggerHatred ago

I am clearly calling you a coward. How was that unclear to you?

Mumbleberry ago

Comment more.

vontess ago

So grateful we have a place to gather. WWG1WGA

Mumbleberry ago

Q is a larp.

vontess ago

so are you dumb dumb. wake up!

Mumbleberry ago

Q has the same hold on your mind as Jim Jones had on his followers. Look what happened to them.

Suzo ago

We are all Q!

Mumbleberry ago

Q is a LARP

1111_devotion ago

Voat really needs an app.

Rotteuxx ago

Apps are for faggots. A browser is all you need to enjoy Voat, it's not heavy to load at all.

There are some out there, Boats is one that comes to mind.

1111_devotion ago

I just figured it would be easier for most people. Kinda how most redditors use a Reddit app. But thanks legit fam

Rotteuxx ago

Apps are how most data is mined, I avoid all of them.

keksupreme ago

can we just ban these faggots?

the q people are the dumbest fucks on earth, as are the great awakening jews.

if i wanted a bunchbof jew faggot cucks shilling for and defending israel and banning dissent i'd go to filthy jew capital of the internet, ie reddit

acmbandit01 ago

Thanks for get a I get some upvotes here??? Thanks!

Mumbleberry ago

Don't be like these faggots;

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I'm not going to learn to tolerate deletion and bannings from newfags.

Seventh_Jim ago

Keep them in their own little playroom like they already are. If they want general privileges, let them earn it interacting with the community the usual way. 100 CCP is not hard.

If we make an exception for them, it's very easy to become Reddit-like in culture over time. They are migrants; let them assimilate. Or they gotta go back.

babanovac ago

why are all q worshippers boomers

StormVet6 ago

ThanQ for the welcome, Putt! Speaking for myself, as an IT guy, I understand the issues that occurred during our massive influx sucked bad for everyone and I am sorry for it. Also, I love it here, the banter with the gang that’s been here a long time, and appreciate the keg and tacos offered. It will take some of them a while yet to deal with the shellshock of what happened and how the good-natured hazing really is, but some will take longer or may not. Me, I get it. Now, that said, thanQ from this old white “sandnigger” newfag warhorse!!

gsoClarke ago

ThanQ for your service, upvote.

Rotteuxx ago

I wouldn't worry about a few downvoats. Some around here cannot help themselves, depending on the time of day /v/all/new will have a downvoat on every post.

Some do it just for the kicks, some will disagree with you and never tell you why.

StormVet6 ago

I know, I’m just giving them grief. I won’t lose sleep over them. I’ve lost sleep over a lot worse. You can probably guess what that would be. Thanks for the welcome!!

danigirl08 ago

That make so much more sense. Thank you for explaining!

Circumspectator ago

I had 12 CCP on Friday and now only 4. I guess I should have posted then while I had the points, but family came for the weekend. I was on v/GreatAwakening at that time but now, I'm using vTheAwakening. Do I have to go to other subverses to earn back my points so I can post on v/TheAwakening?

Rotteuxx ago

Duuuude ! Just join any conversation in any public sub, Qsubs are a small part of what Voat has to offer.

Circumspectator ago

Yep, doing that again. I should reach 10 again by morning. Thanks!

ESOTERICshade ago

You have to go to v/greatawakening if you want to earn CCP points because v/TheAwakening is not functioning properly right now.

Mumbleberry ago

The CCP reqs. are still active. Comment elsewhere, like maybe the sub for Q stuff THAT WAS ALREADY HERE

fishgutmartyr ago

Whelp, screwed up the first day. Saw what was going on, and changed things on the second.

Point systems suck, I don't care for them--they result in echo chambers if they're used incorrectly, which usually happens. How are you supposed to have a decent discussion if an unpopular opinion in a sub is downvoted into oblivion? Why should you have trouble finding a post because I find it irrelevant, boring, or simply disagree with it (which downvoting shouldn't be used for anyway)? Just my opinion of course, but a post has to be incredibly shitty to merit a downvote. Aside from the farming I stupidly did on the new sub, I tend to upvote more than anything else--even those I disagree with, if I think they are downvoted unjustly. I've got that power now, and that's a reasonable rule.

RealityIsntReal ago


musicmaker1 ago

Thanks for the welcome. Critical thinking and free speech seems to be in short demand...especially if one doesn’t sing the same song as MSM.

goatboy ago

@puttitout my old friend. Please do not let them change their subverse settings. It needs to stay. They were clearly gaming the system from the beginning.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

It's your call Voat always has been and always will be, but maybe we could learn a bit from them, and them us. Think about it.

Everyone should be welcome on Voat. This is a platform for free speech, not an elitist cuckfest. If they want to stay around and hang in their own community (and enforce their own rules), fine.

kneo24 ago

As this group of people like to say, there are no coincidences. We might as well use that idea against them at this point. The more we dig, the more it looks deliberate.

digitalentity1497 ago

Those who survive our "Voat Greeting" will be fine addition. It's necessary step to add to our heard.

DrogeAnon ago

Funny how it keeps resetting - now we're back to waiting another 45 hours before we can change it. How does that happen, I wonder?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#291) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

Olimpia8 ago

We ARE good people!

Mumbleberry ago

The actions and statements of your mod team indicate otherwise.

Olimpia8 ago

What’s a mod team?

Mumbleberry ago

The moderators of that sub v/theawakening.

TNLunatick ago

Thank you. This clarifies many things for me. I have not really migrated anywhere completely. I’m still gathering intel.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the set up another subverse as well btw the owner of this is in the comments of putts post here and he talks in the context of being a v/theawakening mod

Holonomic ago

I honest to God thought your title said Reddit Fags.

Appreciate the edification Putt. I don't participate in that subverse, but I despise [d]reddit and that entire mindset it has. However I try and support my fellow Voaters by upvoating, but I downvoat the ones I think deserve it. Thanks for an excellent site and all the hard work.

Loganhiemer ago

I don't like them, but they should stay if they want to, it's the principle of the thing, the spirit of Voat . THE REASON WE ARE NOT LIKE THEIR MODS. But maybe we can show them a good example, right y'all?

Olimpia8 ago

Dang! Some of us just want to be informed without mandatory comments, etc. I hate the fact that we have to go through all this! I am looking forward to the day when all the BS drive-by media’s and the globalists’ agenda is obliterated!

Olimpia8 ago

Yes. That’s another reason why many (myself included) don’t want to comment. I don’t appreciate the jerks who mock and call people names. Those who want that “thick skin” can subscribe to rude channels.

lord_nougat ago

That sounds just like the sort of thing a poopy head would say!

Olimpia8 ago

At least you’re not as rude as I expected. ThanQ nice jerky person.

lord_nougat ago

Lol, d'oh! I was so off my game this weekend, or something!

I hereby taunt you a second time!

Olimpia8 ago

I was in intel in the Navy bit this stuff is kicking my petunia. I want to be informed but decoding is not my passion;by any stretch of the imagination.

lord_nougat ago

Stupid navy wouldn't take me.

So I got my own boats! I have yet to install blackjacks or hookers, however...

Olimpia8 ago

Hahaha...the army would have..LOL

lord_nougat ago

Well, maybe, yeah. But even I have at least SOME standards!

Olimpia8 ago


Olimpia8 ago


Mumbleberry ago

You forgot to switch accounts, or you're schizophrenic.

Olimpia8 ago

Don’t be an ass!

Mumbleberry ago

You have the same name as the fattest cow I know, she's north of 400lbs.

Olimpia8 ago

You’re too much of an idiot to know more cows...

Mumbleberry ago

That's better. Unbanning on the way.

heygeorge ago

If they don’t change the subverse settings today, we will have more reason to be suspicious.

oberbaum ago

what was the /r/GA sub about?

Alice89 ago

Thanks for the info! Very helpfull!

srayzie ago

I run the other sub, v/GreatAwakening. Yes keep them! They are Q followers! You’re the best @Puttitout! <3

JackBeowulf ago

another tough azz internet MOB with their way or the highway.. IMO, the punks below basically saying good riddance, are the problem. you don;t piss on 50,000 to 300,000 new poeple. you roll out the Red carpet and babysit for a week.. DUMBAZZes..
@Putt, nice post, and thanks for welcome attempt.. if i stay, I'll try and fit in, but will continue to call out the azzholes that want to drive out the GA/R refugees.

PuttItOut ago

You can do that here

FreeHillbilly ago

Is this horse dead yet?

KBoy420 ago

Thanks so much for explaining this. Just got here myself and thats really helpful to understand. Will keep lurking/learning qhile I earn my CCP. Thanks to all the helpful people during this transition.

Tmb17q ago

Thank you for the information

4TheRepublic ago

"The natural place is here. It's your call Voat always has been and always will be, but maybe we could learn a bit from them, and them us. Think about it."


"I'm just going to say that the back and forth I've had tonight with subscribers of v/theawakening have been the most pleasurable I've had on Voat. (Maybe I have low standards or you're just good people). I'm voting to keep them. Can we Voat? You owe me this one!"

But does it matter?

I meant to ask you @PuttItOut... Where do I get information about contributing to Voat?

PuttItOut ago

It does matter. We are both targeted by the same people. We are in this together, us and you. Sound familiar? Voat may not be your first choice, and you aren't Voat's, but we share similar values and that very much matters. At least to me.

Every good friendship I've had in life was usually preceeded by an earlier conflict. There is a bond that happens when two different parties fight then resolve it. The conflict strengthens the relationship, much like various forms of stress strengthen the body.

In my small mind it would be a great conclusion to this if our teams came together as a whole. We will see, but I'm hopeful.

4TheRepublic ago

Fair enough... Except for the "...and you aren't Voat's [first choice]..."

Maybe it's attributable to my little patch of property on The Spectrum, but I STILL can't get my head around this.

(1) How can ""Voat"" determine that a person isn't its first choice?

(2) If one is a registered member of Voat, is one not ""Voat""?

(3) Is this nothing more than a mostly anonymous version of Survivor? Alliances formed. Plots enacted. Off the island! When the process is complete, everybody's gone but one.

Yeah. I don't get it. But that's OK. There might be some kind of conflict here. But I'm not fighting. I just want to understand ENOUGH to know what's least as it relates to me. Team? I didn't know I had a team.

Rock on. Live long and prosper.


VoatsNewfag ago

I assume you mean the autistic spectrum, I've been diagnosed with autism as a child. Though I still can grasp the concept of generalization and it's usefulness.

So here is unnecessary detailed, downright autistic answer:

(2) If one is a registered member of Voat, is one not ""Voat""?

Yes. Similarly, if one takes a photograph with a camera, one is a photographer. But if someone describes themselves as a photographer, we assume that they are a professional photographer, not someone who just once made some photos. Technically almost everyone is a ""photographer"", but only some people are photographers.

It is a similar principle. Yeah, technically you're "voat" after making one comment, but at the same time you're not, not really. Just technically.

(1) How can ""Voat"" determine that a person isn't its first choice?

The same way that any other community or arbitrary group of people can make a choice. For example men decided that the gym is the first choice to better their appearance. Women decided that makeup is their first choice. Doesn't mean that there aren't men with makeup or women hitting the gym and not wearing any makeup.

Generalizations are not about technical accuracy, they are about pragmatism.

Generalizations and abstractions are how we make sense of the world. Every tree you encounter in your life is entirely unique. Every "cat" you encounter is entirely unique. It has it's own unique genetic makeup, unique colors, unique shape, unique personality. "Cat" is an abstraction. Imagine what life would look like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations - you wouldn't be able to function. It would render you useless as you would constantly try to make sense of the world and it's too complex for you to make any noticeable progress.

Some people think it's wrong to apply generalizations to human groups and communities, but I think that's nonsense. I will treat people wearing suits differently than people that have vulgar tattoos and piercings on their bodies. If I had to decide whether I sit next to a bunch of business man or a bunch of skinheads on a train, I'd choose the guys with the suits. And so does everyone who tells you that generalizing people is bad.

Generalizations have their faults and can be unfair to individuals, but we shouldn't try to get entirely rid of them or think of them as entirely bad. No matter what people in your life told you to believe.

(3) Is this nothing more than a mostly anonymous version of Survivor? Alliances formed. Plots enacted. Off the island! When the process is complete, everybody's gone but one.

Is this the reply to putt stating that conflict strengthen relationships? I'm not certain what you mean. Why would everybody be gone?

Anyway you can make friendship with someone after conflict because you can observe first hand how they treat people that are against them - are they still respectful? Are they fair, or do they distribute lies among your friends behind your back? Are they willing to resolve conflict or do they rather pretend nothing happened the next day?

Seeing someone in conflict tells you a lot about their core values and whether or not they're trustworthy.

4TheRepublic ago

DON'T trust me. Ever.

If you can abide by that, and accept that I don't trust YOU, ...THEN we MIGHT get along.

VoatsNewfag ago

DON'T trust me. Ever.

I will take your advise.

If you can abide by that, and accept that I don't trust YOU, ...THEN we MIGHT get along.

How would we get along if we don't trust each other?

4TheRepublic ago


I invite you to consider the freedom that arises from the absence of expectation; in this case, the expectation to trust. [Expectations are resentments waiting to happen.]

Thank you for your musings on my musings. A coincidental muse. You are helping me to increase my awareness. What a treat!

Have you read "True Believer" by Eric Hoffer?

"There is a fundamental difference between the appeal of a mass movement and the appeal of a practical organization. The practical organization offers opportunities for self-advancement, and its appeal is mainly to self-interest. On the other hand, a mass movement, particularly in its active, revivalist phase, appeals not to those intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but to those who crave to be rid of an unwanted self. A mass movement attracts and holds a following not because it can satisfy the desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy the passion for self-renunciation." - from Section 7

"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business." - from Section 10

Now for the TL;DR version...

Imagine what life would look like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations - you wouldn't be able to function.

I don't have to imagine it ... I live it ... with the exception of the inability to function). And, yes, life beyond belief has occasionally impacted my function on many levels...primarily, though, it makes social integration difficult-to-sometimes-impossible.

[Keep this in mind... The only requirement for the success of a "religion" is that ENOUGH people pretend to believe the same things.]

It would render you useless as you would constantly try to make sense of the world and it's too complex for you to make any noticeable progress.

Your presumption is flawed. i.e.: Discarding generalization-dependence REQUIRES constantly trying to make sense of the world which RESULTS IN being rendered useless.

Rather than a willingness to look beyond accepted generalization, you prefer reliance on approved generalizations (conventional prejudices?) to make sense of the world for you. I don't try to make sense of the world. I long ago realized that such a thing is beyond my ability.

I'm going to stick with Einstein on this one:

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."

I suspect that you don't wish to be treated with the kind of dismissive generalizing that you suggest everyone else in the world ought to embrace. But if you dared to step outside the parameters that are foggily established (?) by your thought leaders for your thought followers, you would be treated poorly by them all.

If your understanding (?) of/for "noticeable progress" is in a social or religious context (as in "belonging" or having a following), then you are correct. This is not my idea of progress, nor do I desire a following.

Some people think it's wrong to apply generalizations to human groups and communities, but I think that's nonsense. I will treat people wearing suits differently than people that have vulgar tattoos and piercings on their bodies. If I had to decide whether I sit next to a bunch of business men or a bunch of skinheads on a train, I'd choose the guys with the suits. And so does everyone who tells you that generalizing people is bad.

You project your "belief system" on to others. You defend your beliefs to your satisfaction -- with doses of appeal to authority. But your authority is your own defense of generalizations through beliefs, examples, and understandings that you expect all others to embrace -- or imagine that they already do. Convenient...and effective -- HERE.

My guess is that you haven't ever been to any place where that kind of veneer won't protect you.

[Your vulgar-tattoo-vs.-guys-with-suits example is telling. Superficial. Good luck with that. To each his own.]

Generalizations have their faults and can be unfair to individuals, but we shouldn't try to get entirely rid of them or think of them as entirely bad. No matter what people in your life told you to believe.

Here's a generalization for you: All generalizations, based in Faith or conventional prejudice, that repel challenge, have faults and are always unfair to individuals...even the faithful ones. You espouse coercive collectivism, and apparently you are also willing to be subsumed by the collective. That's fine. You have plenty of company -- so you'll be all right...for a while.

I embrace organic collectives...involving awareness and a general acceptance of the reality of strength in numbers while recognizing and respecting the role of each member. I have no desire to collect followers or start a religion based on the premise that we should entirely eliminate generalizations...or to see them as entirely bad -- no matter what people in your life told you to believe.

(3) Is this nothing more than a mostly anonymous version of Survivor? Alliances formed. Plots enacted. Off the island! When the process is complete, everybody's gone but one.

Is this the reply to putt stating that conflict strengthen relationships?

No. But the principles apply.

I'm not certain what you mean. Why would everybody be gone?

Simple. Arguments and so-called conflict ... based in personality, and/or faith, and/or subterfuge ... will continue until all parties are destroyed, except one. Challenges to survival (real or perceived) will pressure all personality-, faith-, and dishonesty-based interactions or exchanges (often mistakenly referred to as relationships) to reveal differences...differences will result in further conflict...and eventually 'participants' succumb to the ultimate solution -- homicide. [Character assassination is just as real as homicidal assassination. They differ by degree but not in essence.]

Anyway you can make friendship with someone after conflict because you can observe first hand how they treat people that are against them - are they still respectful? Are they fair, or do they distribute lies among your friends behind your back? Are they willing to resolve conflict or do they rather pretend nothing happened the next day?

But is conflict NECESSARY for this/your kind of friendship? ...Only if we insist that it be so.

And why would we insist that it be so? ...Because we are addicted to drama.

Why are we addicted to drama? ...Because we live in a society that elevates personality over principle.

Why does our society elevate personality over principle? ...The short answer -- Because it can.

Seeing someone in conflict tells you a lot about their core values and whether or not they're trustworthy.

Trustworthy? Worthy of trust to do what, exactly? Comply? Regurgitate faith-based dogma? Save face at the expense of honesty and principle? Gain or maintain the illusion of acceptance by the leaders and followers of a sect?

Yeah. Um . . . no thanks. I'll stick with honesty, practicality, and principle -- things that nourish real friendship.

All the best to you and yours.

VoatsNewfag ago

I don't have to imagine it ... I live it ... with the exception of the inability to function)

I don't believe you.

Wikipedia lists "animal" and "tree" as examples for generalizations. Do you really treat every tree in your life as a discreet object? As in, you don't believe that there are any observations that apply to all trees, for example "trees" are flammable?

What about animals? If I were to say that you shouldn't feed your cats raisins because they're unhealthy, would you accept that generalization of your cats body and biology or would you say that we don't know that unless we try, because maybe her biology is different from all other cats? Maybe she has a genetic mutation that makes her immune to raisins, therefore we shouldn't make assumptions?

Or how about generalizations about humans. Do you not think it's accurate to say that humans need water? It's a general statement about a group, it's a generalization to say that humans need water to survive.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Isn't that a generalizations? A statement about a group of "great spirits"?

You tell me you live a life without generalizations but you yourself state that you want to stick with what is a generalization. You can't even write a reply without making use of generalizations.

Any statement you make about "great spirits" an assert is true for all of them is a generalizations. Albert einstein made a generalization right there.

But is conflict NECESSARY for this/your kind of friendship? ...Only if we insist that it be so.

Why would we insist that? I didn't insist that.

and eventually 'participants' succumb to the ultimate solution -- homicide.

That is a generalization, is it not? How do you know how the arbitrary group of "participants" will behave?

Why does our society elevate personality over principle? ...The short answer -- Because it can.

Isn't that a generalization of society?

In case you don't know what a generalization is, here are some definitions:

"A generalization is a statement that applies to a group of people or things, based on some examples."

"a general statement, law, principle, or proposition"

"Taking something specific and applying it more broadly is making a generalization. It's a generalization to say all dogs chase squirrels."

"Scientists try to make generalizations based on research — the more data they have, the more accurate the generalization."

It is impossible to go through life without making use of principles and statements applied to groups. Science is based on generalizations - according to the dictionary. You are a fucking liar for pretending to be above generalizations.

Maybe you're thinking of stereotypes, which are a type of generalization. But they too can be reflective of reality.

4TheRepublic ago

Let me ask you this... Do you promote perpetual unrest?


4TheRepublic ago

I know my response was extensive. Apparently you missed this part:

I have no desire to collect followers or start a religion BASED ON THE PREMISE THAT WE SHOULD ENTIRELY ELIMINATE GENERALIZATIONS...OR TO SEE THEM AS ENTIRELY BAD-- no matter what people in your life told you to believe. (CAP emphasis added)

Thanks for your references -- especially the "generalization lesson for kids". Priceless. I have a dictionary, and I know how to use it.

Your belief...or lack of what I experience or write means nothing to anyone but you...and your leaders or followers. I respect that.

Wikipedia lists "animal" and "tree" as examples for generalizations. Do you really treat every tree in your life as a discreet object? As in, you don't believe that there are any observations that apply to all trees, for example "trees" are flammable?


You asked me to "Imagine what life would look like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations." I tried. Really. And I do not allow my perception to be restricted by abstractions or generalizations. Believe it...or not. I don't really care.

You persist...

You tell me you live a life without generalizations but you yourself state that you want to stick with what is a generalization. You can't even write a reply without making use of generalizations.

I did not tell you that I live a life "without generalizations". And you are correct, I made no attempt to sacrifice reasonableness for an extreme; i.e. totally avoiding generalization.

You are a fucking liar for pretending to be above generalizations.

True -- IF I had pretended to be above generalizations. I've read that "name calling is the last refuge of those who cannot logically disprove an opposing point of view."

The thing is, though, I have no desire to oppose you. If you want to discount, dismiss, or "disprove" me as I share my experience . . . rock on. You only show your desire to personally prevail. I get it. I have no desire to prevail. My desire is to become stronger, more aware, and accepting.

Thanks again for your help.

VoatsNewfag ago

Your belief...or lack of what I experience or write means nothing to anyone but you...and your leaders or followers. I respect that.

I'm not aware of any leaders or followers of mine, especially not during this conversation.

Apparently you missed this part:

Okay, you said that you have no interest in eliminating generalizations.

However before that you quoted me stating that "Imagine what life would look like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations" and you replied with "I don't have to imagine it ... I live it ..."

This suggests to me that you are currently perceiving the world without generalizations or you at least try to do so. You might have no interest in eliminating generalizations or to see them as entirely bad, but you try to live a life without perceiving generalizations.

And not just unfounded generalizations, baseless stereotypes etc. but simply generalizations.


And I do not allow my perception to be restricted by abstractions or generalizations.

You made statements about society, aren't statements about society generalizations? Isn't society an abstraction? How do you know that your ideas about society are not restrictive? How do you know that your generalizations are not wrong and thus preventing you from seeing the truth about society?

I suspect that you don't wish to be treated with the kind of dismissive generalizing that you suggest everyone else in the world ought to embrace.

That's from your previous post but I want to add that I really do want to be generalized. Medicine works on generalizations. They test a drug among 10.000 people and than make a generalized statement about it's effectiveness and safety. I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for people generalizing me.

As a somewhat relevant sidenote "race" is also very important in medicine.,8599,1993074,00.html

I did not tell you that I live a life "without generalizations".

Yes, you did. I said "imagine a life were you try to not perceive generalizations...." and you replied with "I live that". This either means that you do not perceive generalizations or try not to perceive them.

Why did you quote a generalization if you try to "live life like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations"?

4TheRepublic ago

This suggests to me that you are currently perceiving the world without generalizations or you at least try to do so. You might have no interest in eliminating generalizations or to see them as entirely bad, but you try to live a life without perceiving generalizations.

And not just unfounded generalizations, baseless stereotypes etc. but simply generalizations.


Not correct. At least not the way you ask -- mixing together "unfounded generalizations, baseless stereotypes etc." and "simpl[e] generalizations". Of course so-called simple generalizations are unavoidable, and (again) these are not the kinds of generalizations of which I have written.

Yes. I made a statement about society. And, yes, statements about society are generalizations. You got me. Does it make you feel better? Sometimes I generalize. I do not claim NOT to generalize...sometimes.

What is it about my dedication to avoiding unreasonable, premature, sometimes-harmful generalizations that bothers you? I'm just an old-dudefaggot who wants to see the forest AND the trees in the forest...and not just the forest. So shoot me.

It's not so much that I try not to live life without perceiving you know, generalizing can be helpful. It is, however, that I am cognizant of generalizations, put them to use sparingly, respectfully, and with a readiness to dispense with them when circumstances dictate.

I totally understand your reluctance to move toward the center on this one -- being unwilling to let go of your view of generalizations as mostly inescapable and inevitable. I made it a long time at least partially relying on generalizations to make life easier for me. In the long run, I have come to see 'conventional prejudice' as restrictive -- not liberating.

How do you know that your generalizations are not wrong and thus preventing you from seeing the truth about society?

I don't know that my generalizations aren't wrong. Sometimes they are. And sometimes they DO keep me from seeing the truth about 'society' or groupings of people. But more importantly I KNOW that they have the very real potential of keeping me from seeing the truth about individual members of those groups. THAT is one of if not THE most important reasons that I don't capriciously rely on them.

...I want to add that I really do want to be generalized. Medicine works on generalizations.

SOME medicine works on generalizations SOME (perhaps most) of the time. IF you are alive because you fortunately fell into the group of patients who would otherwise not be alive without a particular drug therapy, I'm happy with/for you. But what would you say to the ___% of people who experienced mild-to-fatal side effects from the drug that kept you alive?

Due to some experience in a 'previous life', I once had the opportunity to examine a person who had situs inversus totalis -- a 1:10,000 event. The primary care doc didn't tell me what was 'wrong' with the patient before I started abdominal palpation and auscultation. I MIGHT have figured it out eventually, but doc and patient couldn't hold their laughter in while I searched for the patients liver on the right side of this abdomen -- which, in this case, was the wrong side of the abdomen. But it was an eye-opening experience for me. I kept using the 'general procedures', but was always ready to totally ignore what was 'expected' so I didn't miss something that might harm or kill a patient.

One more example from the 'rare side' and I'll get back to the regularly scheduled programming. I watched part of a PBS show the other night where a brain surgeon was doing brain surgery (and it actually WAS brain surgery). He had done all of his measurements in preparation for the removal of a tumor in the temporal area of the brain near the Broca area -- which is where speech is formed. The patient was conscious during the operation, because the doc wanted to do some FINAL testing/probing to determine PRECISELY where he needed to avoid cutting and possibly taking away...maybe forever...the patient's ability to speak. Turns out the patient's Broca area was 2cm away from where the doc's measurements indicated AND one would generally expect (there're those words again) to find it.

The short story... Generalization can and does help -- generally. But what do I do when it doesn't help? Why must I restrict myself to generalization at the expense of greater insight and acceptance?

Why did you quote a generalization if you try to "live life like if you tried to no longer perceive the world in abstractions and generalizations"?

Because I'm a fucking stupid piece of shit...that's why. (Does that help?) I tried to stay married (twice), but I didn't. I've tried to be the best dad and grandfather in the world, but I'm not. I've tried many times to break a 5 minute mile, but I haven't.

I do try to avoid lumping everyone into the same bunch, but sometimes I still do. And I'm going to keep on keeping the best I can. Some people might not like the way I live, but that's okay, they have their own shit to deal with.

Thanks again...

pax vobiscum

VoatsNewfag ago

But what do I do when it doesn't help? Why must I restrict myself to generalization at the expense of greater insight and acceptance?

As I originally stated for pragmatic reasons. I haven't studied medicine but I believe that during an emergency you'll likely have to prescribe a patient some drugs and hope that they do not have a rare allergy or condition which would make it fatal.

And even if it's not an emergency we have to ask ourselves were we put our limited resources. How much effort would it take to develop custom made medicine for people to prevent these 1:10.000 cases and wouldn't it be more reasonable to put that effort into say cancer research or finding ways to deal with antibiotic immunity?

Maybe in the future we can afford custom made medicine based on dna samples and scans and it is something that we should strive for if feasible.

There is a cost to everything, even if it's just an opportunity cost, and there is also a cost to avoiding generalizations.

What is it about my dedication to avoiding unreasonable, premature, sometimes-harmful generalizations that bothers you?

There is nothing that bothers me about avoiding unreasonable generalizations. But what about reasonable generalizations? Some stereotypes and generalizations are reflecting reality.

Let's get back to generalizations about voat. I'll make the generalization that voat is a fairly racist place, simply because I've seen a lot of racist stuff here. Now let me see with what kind of evidence I can come up with to support that generalization:

/v/niggers currently has almost 9.000 subscribers. /v/theAwakening has 9.100 subscribers. Before the Q guys came along v/niggers would frequently reach the frontpage.

/v/TheDonald has 13.000 subscribers, however if you look at /v/theDonald/new you'll find that most posts on our trump community reach barely 20 upvotes. In contrast /v/niggers has frequently submissions that reach hundreds of upvotes and become the most popular submissions on the frontpage.

The reason that TheDonald has so many subscribers and yet is almost inactive is because their entire subreddit made an effort to migrate to voat and most users here drove them away. They came here, subscribed, proclaimed that they will take over voat and then after a day they run away as fast as they could. There are some similarities to the current Q migration.

Do you think that it would be fair to say that voat is more openly racist than tumblr, facebook and reddit? Perhaps even to say that is a openly racist place?

That doesn't mean that every voat user is racist and it doesn't mean that this isn't subject to change (it might happen if enough Q people migrate and stay), but it is a claim that is generally true and that evidence can be collected for or against. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that voat is a racist place.

And I think there are many other generalizations that can be made about voat that aren't unreasonable.

I do try to avoid lumping everyone into the same bunch, but sometimes I still do.

I think it's a good idea to treat everyone we meet in real life and have more than a superficial interaction with as an individual. For example I will treat everyone I reply to on voat as an individual, even though I have assumptions about voat as a whole.

But I think it's unreasonable to assume that stereotypes are wrong just because they're stereotypes and that they should be avoided as much as we can. Generalizations can help us to make reasonable decisions.

For example it's a generalization to say that single parenting is harmful for children. It could be prejudice however we can find evidence for that. Children from single mothers have increased suicide rates.

They're also more likely to become criminals, to become violent rapists or end up mentally ill. Children are more likely to be abused and neglected (up to the point of death) by their mother.

Economic factors probably play a role in this but as far as I know it holds generally true regardless of them. Spreading these information could help people make better decisions for their children.

It's obviously a generalization that isn't always true, sometimes single mothers can be fantastic and two parent households can be abusive - obviously. But generally the opposite is true.

These kind of generalizations can help us make better decisions that are generally true. I don't think there's much to gain by actively trying to avoid them. These are certainly facts that I will keep in mind once I have children.

Since we can't make 100% predictions about people and our future we must rely on incomplete information, make decisions that are generally beneficial to us and those around us.

I totally understand your reluctance to move toward the center on this one -- being unwilling to let go of your view of generalizations as mostly inescapable and inevitable.

The opposite extreme of your view would be trying to perceive the world ONLY in terms of generalizations and to never perceive the individual. Perhaps also to assume that all or most generalizations are true, even if they are just prejudice.

I perceive my position to be already very close to the center, maybe leaning slightly more towards one side, and yours as extreme.

4TheRepublic ago

I think it's a good idea to treat everyone we meet in real life and have more than a superficial interaction with as an individual. For example I will treat everyone I reply to on voat as an individual, even though I have assumptions about voat as a whole.

Well...looks like we agree on at least one significant matter. [However, I don't have assumptions about Voat in whole or in part -- but I'm slowing reaching some conclusions.]

I'd get into this a little deeper, but there is some real life stuff calling my name today.

Let me say this, though...I'm happy to discuss the 'racist' things with you, BUT in my world there is a big difference between racism or 'being racist' on one hand and on the other hand having curiosity or concern about issues that concern race. I don't yet know if Voat is 'generally racist' ... or if it's that Voat provides a forum where people can speak freely (for the most part) about their curiosities and concerns about issues involving race. This exemplifies one of my gripes about generalizing -- for far too long ideas concerning race (sex, religion, money, parenting, and children, among other topics) have been suppressed because of the generally accepted practice (conventional prejudice?) of labeling all talk of race as racist or racism.

Lots of meat in the rest of your response. I'll get back to you when I can.

If you're not familiar with the ideas, take a little look at correlation-causation and post hoc ergo propter hoc assertions.


4TheRepublic ago

i'm not going to read this bullshit...refer to my other response. you'll know the one. maybe this will help:

keep practicing. ...or not. my response, this is looking more and more like a @PuttItOut sockpuppet.

"Seeing someone in conflict tells you a lot about their core values and whether or not they're trustworthy."

this is telling.

seeing someone in person, and having some IRL grasp of his/her IRL experience in life is more telling.

keep pissing in the wind. [not to denigrate piss in any way.]

VoatsNewfag ago

this is looking more and more like a @PuttItOut sockpuppet.

I simply don't like it if assholes attack voat or bully our admins. Even if they pretend to be all polite and nice while doing so.

If you want to believe that I'm alt of Puttiout fine, I take that as a compliment. But you do know that this does not render any argument I made invalid, yes? It's just another convenient way for you to dismiss counter-arguments without engaging them.

royweaver ago

wwg1wga up vote

realnstuff ago

Perfect Judas sheep example, now let's jump all over this cliff for the cause.

inspiretk ago

So which verse is the one that's not censoring and doing the right thing?

ESOTERICshade ago

So which verse is the one that's not censoring and doing the right thing?


Attac ago

When can we have a public read-only API for the frontpage?

PuttItOut ago

We have a full api. It's the keys that we don't hand out carelessly.

Attac ago

The trouble is, that many people are just front-developer savy. They can take JSON and turn it into something pretty.

Anything that goes beyond that, is beyond their capacity. Add to that the attention span and ability to read through your docs and you have pretty much no front-end dev doing anything.

theuns ago

Really appreciate to have discovered this GREAT platform of FREE SPEECH PUT!!! Only been on for a hour! What with all these jabbering whatta whatta jerks are blabbering've created and maintained something that has been LOST (forever) wordlwide!! I am a white South African and can only tell all the jerks blabbering forth - fight for what you have!! Here you don't get shilled - downvoted - screamed - sworn at - you get tortured and burned!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what was truly lost forever was Rhodesia don't let it happen again

theuns ago

Too late too few. No options here? We will surely try!!

Helbrecht ago

Take care and watch your 6, Boerbro

theuns ago

Appreciated Brother Patriot! Regards from Boerland - You take care too!!

Helbrecht ago

Will do!

Don_Tomaso ago

Thing is, we cant even PM the admins in here without these "Points".

larryhuston ago

Your "moderators" could care less, as so aptly demonstrated by their actions.

PuttItOut ago

I think you can PM moderators using the sidebar link. I'm sorry I don't remember every specific.

WillowMagna ago

Thank You for the here and learning

fluhthreeex ago

How is them not being able to influence the outside world a bad thing?

A flood of Redditors who migrate and post in that sub and then diddle around in other subs doesn't sound like a good thing at all.

PuttItOut ago

I probably have more sympathy than I should but 0 CCP accounts are sadistically restricted.

Islamiscancer ago

stilll a shitty system. im sitting on -97 comment karma because i know how to butthurt voat virgins and get brigaded - so that means i cant post in my own subs that im the owner and mod of.. thats stupid.

anyway, thats my only gripe. other than that? Donald Trump has been accused of being an Israeli Spy sent to the US to destroy it from within.

4TheRepublic ago

you're joking, right? it's sometimes hard for me to tell.

voat vigins who have <100 CCP can't brigade anyone. but they damn sure can be brigaded.

PuttItOut ago

Pretty sure you not being able to post in your subs is a bug in the rule framework. That doesn't sound right to me.

Islamiscancer ago

id assume, or at least id say if i were in your shoes - id allow sub owners to post in their own subs. no matter how low in the minus their ccp is.

other than that i have no complaints, keep up the good work putt

also, still waiting on that complete server purge ;-)

Fagtardicus ago

not necessarily. its possible to have an interface to an imagehost on your site that shows up as an upload button and even function as an imageboard with the placing your images thumbnail beside your comment, but with the imagehost taking the bandwidth.

thelma ago

snicker snicker en français

PuttItOut ago

You crack me up kev. All valid points to consider.

Kellygirl13 ago

I'm feeling a little Braveheart ... FREEDOM! We want it! Thank you for the info Putt!

Fagtardicus ago

isnt kek dead?

danopitts ago

Nah Trump travelled back in time and woke him up

Fagtardicus ago

you cheeky fuc

jtreddit ago

it does not make a lot of sense to set a high ccp requirement when this group needs contribution to regain activity.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

10 and 100 respectively are not high at all

SportsNutDT ago

Well, if it keeps the bots from down voting our comments it might be a good thing. As long as they do not censor our comments based on right or left sided content.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why do you want a safe space so badly?

Whoohoo ago

I have been at 0 since day one. Help a Q follower out. btw, this is not my reddit name. Some may know it though from another place online.

mynewaccountagain ago

After reading the Admin post, you've decided to beg for gibs?

Whoohoo ago

I am not begging. Note if you look at other posts many said similar to me.

mynewaccountagain ago

Oh my god. Are all Qcumbers this dense? You are indeed begging.

Whoohoo ago

Eat a bag of dicks. I work to MAGA.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

don't beg, just participate and you'll earn points naturally. You lots biggest problem is that you refuse to venture out into the rest of the site and honestly interact with the rest of the userbase

Whoohoo ago

There is little content yet. Nothing I do not already know anyway.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

try v/all

PuttItOut ago

Pretty sure I know your cousin Yahoo!

ESOTERICshade ago

Pretty sure I know your cousin Yahoo!

roflmao, this zoo has gone stark raving comical

adogrocket ago

Thank for the info. Some of us have come here and respect your rules and culture. I lurked for about 7 months or so her so I had a bit of an idea what to expect.For the most part if you respect how the old guard feels you get along just fine.

infyrno ago

Was there a reddit purge?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a couple

l_voated_today ago

It is how reddit and nearly every web forum operated for years and years, anyone that can't figure it out doesn't deserve to be posting photos .

AyeDeux2 ago

Between Howionic + FartOnToast + the bullshit way mods set up the subverse + whatever the hell is up with Neon...

Brock's keyboard warriors must be getting mad overtime to fail their masters.

MAGAKAG2020Q ago

Funny how you didn't mention it is a time delayed setting.

PuttItOut ago

That's a valid point. Updating post to reflect this.

NewOddKitKat ago

Thank you for the clear explanation! Now I understand WTF has been going on. All I've wanted to do is learn & participate. It's great to have some clarity.

P8RTZ4Ward ago

Thanks for the info. Been lurking 4 a few days. VOAT kicks ass. Free Speech is most important. Mad love to all you faggots and GOATs on here keeping the spirit of Free Speech alive!

Its_ok_to_be_white ago

Thanks for the clarification, Putt, and sorry about your plan to wind down Voat. You're fucked now, mate.

Itsdone63 ago

Two putts in a week? We're behind the looking glass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I prefer the long game, we're looking for quality over quantity or expedience


I tried. I need one more to post. Just a refugee from Reddit asking for a voice. Ban me immediately if you feel i Fuck up when given one. A chance. That's all i ask.

Mumbleberry ago

No bans, just down votes for faggotry

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we don't really like to ban people here

ilovejuices ago

The great purgening and move to /v/TA was a clever attempt to fuck over all the reddit refugees and keep them in an isolation tank. But actually, we're already seeing this plan backfire.

People's comment histories have been wiped in all banned threads on reddit and now. Those affected are becoming emboldened to spread the discussion on other subs. Defenders of the MSM-narrative cannot dismiss these people based on their comment history anymore.

Also starting to see things like "WWG1WGA" and "#Qanon" in reddit posts even though reddit does not incorporate hashtag functionality.

Also seeing people calling out the pieces of shit in /r/topmindsofreddit and /r/Qult_Headquarters right in their own threads.

More twitter action too,

The overlords fucked up by kicking the hornet's nest.

kikidan ago

Thank you for the help negotiating this platform. I'll try to shut up and learn it.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

What a lot of you new guys don't realize is that we are not foaming at the mouth nazis. I mean I am, according to the left, but a lot aren't.

We abhor censorship in all forms. Every migration goes through mild hazing to weed out the snowflakes. Their reaction to it determines whether we all turn into foaming at the mouth, gas the jews, race war now nazis. v/theawakening's reaction resulted in just that. Same with the TD migration. Others did not, rolled with the mild hazing, and settled down nicely.

Your mods and many users reactions to the mild hazing was disgusting. As a result, you have made complete enemies of much of the voat user base. I've dedicated so many downvotes to you new people that I actually ran out and had to pull up old alts. At this point, anyone continuing participation of v/ta instead of v/GA gets continual downvotes.

kikidan ago

It aint personal.

mynewaccountagain ago

That's equally fucked up, continuing to be a bully. That's not hazing anymore, it's your attempt at oppressing someone else's voice.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Indeed. I am actively trying to suppress any voice from a user base hell bent on destroying voat for their cult.

mynewaccountagain ago

Yet you pretend to stand for freedom of speech.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Freedom of speech? I'm a fascist, you fuckwit. We can have freedom of speech when the country is populated by and run by whites.

xenoPsychologist ago

just make some sensible comments that arent terrible, you should do fine. its also pays off to explore the site a little, and take in the culture that goes on when we arent defending our home. when you get your ten ccp, its usually a good idea to make a post in the introductions subverse.

kikidan ago


xenoPsychologist ago

no prob.

Hand_of_Node ago

But if you do shut up, you won't gain enough CCP to function.

kikidan ago

Ah. Indeed a conundrum. : )

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Thank you VOAT. Just wanted you to know, the MAGA community decending upon you, some 300K strong, appreciate your patiotism.' was posted in v/theawakening by @Jay_J and includes this reply from @NoisyCricket:

There is culture shock but you'll appreciate the value of liberty. Liberty is the number one rule on Voat.

Make sure you check out the rest of Voat and the parent Q-sub, /v/GreatAwakening.

You'll also be interested to read:

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Why has the mod team STILL not lowered the ccp restriction to zero?' was posted in v/theawakening by @kevdude and includes this reply from @kevdude:

You absolutely can. But as it pertains to this issue, don't take my word for it. Take the site admin's:

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HitlerDinduNufin ago

All Hail the CCP!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago


BlueyTheCat ago

Thank you for explaining!

I have to add this among all this craziness because of all the misunderstandings, we true patriots have to keep in mind that Q warned us attacks will intensify. I am sure there are DeepStaters trying to mix us up and not by just being shills and trolls. I'm not saying the mods are comped but we have to stay focused and strong and try to find a way to be more united and really help each other.

Paneedleribena22 ago

Btw, if you new comer is fat ass hippo, you better runaway now.

I knew you cant wipe your own ass

lorlipone ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

reminder that vote manipulation is explicitly frowned upon

Paneedleribena22 ago


Found out...

Tactics exposed...

Let flee to 8chan

MystikMa ago

Like the 8's won't stomp their ass n then some!

Adarcer ago

When reddit closed down the pages after doing a little investigation, knowing people who cause trouble for others are usually pretty stupid did not take me long to figure out what had happened. Since i already knew of this site and had actually browsed/lurked here I came here signed up and found the "Great Awaking" page. I sub'd to it later thro crumb page i was directed to the new page ( which i left next day when i noticed nothing i did there mattered - thanks to people who posted the reason saved me some time).

Anon45 ago

This is gayer than aids.

DeplorableVet ago

Thanks for this, I keep getting that stupid "Hi, you appear to be new here." dialog thing popping up. It's weird, because earlier I had enough to up voat, and then I didn't, and now it seems like I do again. Strangeness is afoot at the circle K!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your mods created a safe space that limited you

DeplorableVet ago

I got that part, but I only joined that subverse or whatever it's called over here the day of the banning, then I found this place and figured it would be better to be in both! It seems that I have enough points to voat again, so whatever! Thanks for the reply though!

qwsp0 ago

These are some pretty layered memes

ViperCarbz ago

Pretty bad when the creator has to explain the rules.

HateCumbuckets ago

Not to mention the bans and submission deletions as well.


So many drama fags.

I just want to MAGA and see the swamp drained...

quillsong ago

Thank you for explaining. Wouldn't an "add Photo" button be nice. pist... Look up NESARA act. It will blow your mind.

Ina_Pickle ago

You literally just have to copy paste the address.from your image hosting site your comment.

Kellygirl13 ago

Adorable :) thanks for helping us new idiots! We are glad to find this refuge!

high-valyrian ago

Thanks Putt, I didn't know this when creating subverse and thought it for the best at the time. I recommend adding a link to the lightbox or settings page explaining further for future. Best wishes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

maybe you wouldn't have been so prone to mistakes like that if you didn't have 13 cooks in the kitchen all at once?

heygeorge ago

You could have asked or similar before you decided to screw your users, fag the place all up, and insinuate that Voat’s existing GA sub might somehow be untrustworthy.

high-valyrian ago

No, actually we couldn't, since our users and us were deplatformed and Voat won't allow anyone to create posts. But many of you all seem to be ignoring that fact, and keep pushing your misinformation campaign.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'They just removed 10 mods from /vtheawakening but have not removed the CCP restriction.' was posted in v/whatever by @Goathole and includes this reply from @Goathole:

and no, they have no intention of changing their ways.

No, actually we couldn't, since our users and us were deplatformed and Voat won't allow anyone to create posts. But many of you seem to be ignoring that fact, and keep pushing your misinformation campaign.

Edit: Additonally, we've all been downvoted so far that we can't moderate effectively. People continue to complain about a lack of moderation, Q posts, etc and then downvote so that they can continue using these lines to spread this misinformation. But that's okay, we'll keep fighting for Q, our movement, and our community until you run out of ammo. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there's a distinct lack of logic here that I can't wrap my head around.


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kneo24 ago

Do you enjoy whinning like a Jew? v/GreatAwaekning and v/CalmBeforeTheStorm existed long before you guys decided to come over here. Your pathetic team of mods kept removing posts that were explaining all of your problems to you. @srayzie reached out to you guys multiple times on the first day, trying to help you out and asking for unity.

Yet you guys constantly like you're the fucking victims here on Voat. That is of your own making. Until you stop acting like kikes, you're going to get treated like one.

srayzie ago

kneo24 ago

high-valyrian is an [O] over there. They're all shady as fuck as far as I'm concerned. They're constantly switching their mod team around. I get the joke on places like SBBH, for example, but on a place that's supposed to be a serious hub, they've done it 3, 4 times now in the past 4 days.

Edit: Also take notice the account age of the user. 17 days. They were preparing for this ahead of time, and still somehow managed to cock it all up "by accident".

srayzie ago

They seem to mod completely different on Reddit than Voat. I didn’t know mod logs were private

kneo24 ago

It's a lot easier to censor people when they don't know they're being controlled. Here on Voat they're going to have to maintain some semblance of looking like they care about free speech if they have any hope of survival.

kneo24 ago

@Crensch @kevdude @heygeorge @gabara @trigglypuff

I think we need to remain vigilant here. It looked deliberate before, but it looks even more deliberate now when you take account ages into the equation. It's clear they always planned on coming over here. Probably as far back as 7 months ago.

freedumbz ago

We're downgoating you because you were being ban happy censor pushing jackasses. Dropgun challenging voat in the existing community that you created a needless alt for doesn't help. This isn't how voat operates.

Imagine that you are a baker in a small town making delicious cake and giving it to everyone because you can. One day some other guy shows up, does the same thing, but also proclaims that he is the only official baker and that you are a fake. This is how we feel whenever there is a mass migration from reddit.

Lurk moar and you will understand.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Fight censorship with censorship!

freedumbz ago

You miss the point. We don't seek to take their voices away. We seek so educate. If they adapt they will be welcomed and earn those goats like everyone else. If they continue this bullshit they have been pushing we will keep on doing what we have been doing.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Is that like Twitter seeking to educate by censoring and making people agree with doing things their way before allowing them back on? Be careful to not be the monster you are fighting.

freedumbz ago

Twitter will outright ban you, tell you nothing, and ban you if you come again. We will explain what you are doing wrong and allow you a chance to correct yourself. We do not take your voice away if you abuse it here.

pilgrimboy14 ago

However it let's you sleep at night. I don't see the difference. I'm sure they justify away their actions too.

heygeorge ago

You could have commented in a post in v/greatawakening and pinged someone GA related. @srayzie, being generally rather kind, I imagine would have helped you out or referred you to someone else to help.

srayzie is on Twitter, too.

I am not spreading misinformation at all: You messed up. You didn’t ask for help. You and your crew of mods evidently prioritized retention of control over the wants and needs of your users.

You seem like you do not have to try very much to be an ass. I’m not going to take lessons in logic from someone who thinks that @SerialBrain2 has anything useful to say while he pretends the POTUS tweets in gematria code.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're not getting downvoated due to some complex misinformation campaign btw the userbase here has just been lashing out at you due to the way you're all been acting. If it''s not obvious you all need voat more than we need you so you really ought to stop acting like this towards everyone

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you should've tried participating in the rest of the site, made comments and contribute to discussions. You would've naturally earned points and overcome the restrictions in no time just like anyone else here had to do originally. You should really rethink your attitude and approach to all of this you've really backed yourselves into a corner through your own actions and you're really got an uphill battle waiting for you if you're planning to stay here at this point

Mumbleberry ago

Still a giant faggot.

PuttItOut ago

I put it up for a day. I'll add it again if need be.

MadWorld ago

XD Those cancerous mods tried their best to isolate the new users from the rest of Voat...

ampman ago


ampman ago

Sorry for my experimentations trying to get to know how to use this.

GoBackToReddit ago

In the slim case that it has not been mentioned to you, they have already started farming votes.

PuttItOut ago

Poor guys, they try to farm and get downvoated like crazy. How can a cheat win around here!?

mynewaccountagain ago

Cheating is definitely bad and I'm disappointed that you're supporting downvoat brigades.

GoBackToReddit ago

They will keep going for it. They are farming on some posts and then deleting that post so it can't be downed on. From my understanding, they are linking to those posts on eddit and 8.

Also, they have already been told on here, eddit and 8 why they were getting no points... They knew.. they know and they keep crying about it to try and get you to change things for them. In short, a waste of effort at this point imo.

amarQ144 ago

Thanks for explanation ...reasonable plan

DamajInc ago

And we still have another 10 hours to wait before we can change it. It's not our fault that setting is still the same. We've been trying to change it ever since. Why have we had to wait 24+ hours to change that setting??

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why did you set it that way in the first place?

DamajInc ago

It was set that way by one of us because we didn't know how Voat works and it seemed to make sense to be that way for a starter i.e. 'stop shill sockpuppet accounts from downvoting by ensuring they've at least got 5 CCP'. Now we know better. We've still got 9 hours to wait before we can fix it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

please stop trying to create a safe space, you could've just downvoated the shills instead, hell the broader voat community probably would've helped you do that people here hate shills but there's nothing we hate more than censorship

DamajInc ago

Agreed - we're learning that. We will change the setting as soon as we can and we're making plans to handle things the way Voat prefers. We're not trying to push censorship on Voat, we're just trying to respond to the wishes of our community and we're learning that there are accepted ways to do that here. A few of you have kindly told us where it's at so we're taking it all onboard. Things move slower here than we're used to (e.g. 48 hours before we can change a very important community setting... wow...) and none of us can even post so we're essentially muzzled, not 'ignoring' everyone as the shills keep accusing us of doing.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm going to give you a fair warning now as you lift the restrictions there's probably still a fair bit of backlash over it coming your way.

Also your mod team ought to spend a bit of time actually using the site as in the parts of it you don't control, like any normal user would and participate and contribute. That's the best way to get past the CCP restrictions organically. You also ought to encourage your users to branch out and explore the site and talk to people too.

Also idk too much about all the drama but you ought to at least try to reach out to @srayzie and try to talk out the whole split community thing. The bridge might be too burnt to be mended and there might still be issues but what harm can an attempt at conversation do now?

anyway you're off to a very rocky start so good luck, because you're really going to need it

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, reddit fag.

PuttItOut ago

Isn't it 48 hours? I should know this.

JoeKerr ago

I should know this.


Cynabuns ago

Yes, it's 48 Hours. I just did a test on one of my subs and got this...

These settings are locked from changes for an additional 48 hour(s).

DamajInc ago

Yep it was. I could only remember getting the message at 38 hours or thereabouts. So why does everyone keep lambasting us for the setting not being changed as if we have any ability to do so? Your post here, and posts by others, make it sound like we've made the setting and are ignoring everyone telling us to change it.

PuttItOut ago

I tried very hard to not appear biased in this post while still trying to help the r/ga people. I wouldn't have to do this if the mods communicated with the sub. I did this only because it was a common frustration expressed and I happen to think a lot of these people are good intentioned just out of their element.

DamajInc ago

Is there any other way for the mods to communicate with the sub beyond posting? Something we can't do because of the way Voat is setup?

PuttItOut ago

Well I wouldn't have felt the need to mention this if maybe there was a sticky in the sub explaining it.

DamajInc ago

As it is we had to get someone else to post a sticky for us. We'd love to mention the many things we should but, as above, we can't post. I can see this point is strangely being repeatedly avoided wherever we mention it so I guess that's a clear message in itself. The 'story' here seems to be: "We keep trying to tell them to let people know and to change their settings but for 'some reason' they keep ignoring it."

Would you clarify this point for us, Putt? Can you state here that you understand that we're trying but the systems presently limit us? Can you please support our claim of good intent?

Why is there a limit of only 10 comments a day? It limits engagement so I don't understand how it's useful for Voat?

PuttItOut ago

You've never met face to face with a Russian Spam army nor the likes of 10,000 @Amalek accounts. (Old Goats will share stories you'll never wish to hear again.) These are legitimately formidable forces. Unlike at Reddit where most of their code is in analytics to limit this very thing, Voat had to use basic logic.

The less an account particpates, the higher the probability of SPAM.

The system thinks the v/theawakening subscribers are non-participants, thus likely spammers. So site will restrict you until you prove (not prove, but raise your probability) you're a human.

This didn't have to happen.

I'm not going to speculate on intensions, but I will confidently say I think the subscribers were largely victimized and confused by it.

The moderators of the sub can reach me for help. I'll gladly help with anything.

DrogeAnon ago

The moderators of the sub can reach me for help. I'll gladly help with anything.

Hi Putt - I saw your message but can't message you directly (no CCP).

Thank you for the kind offer! Is there any way you can help us reset the time out for changing the minimum CCP setting? We've been waiting for it to come up so we can change and it's recently been reset back to another 48 hours before we can change it again!

Anything you could help us with here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Patriots, OUR mods had a choice to remove the point restriction so we could get points to post but they chose to demod instead!' was posted in v/theawakening by @Goathole and includes this reply from @kneo24:

They purged their mods because one of them is apparently compromised. One of the guys who is now demodded claimed that someone kept changing the settings. At least that's my take on the purge.

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Type-o-Negative ago

You guys are compromised and most of all idiots. While there is link below me to laugh at you, I will just do it here; hahahahaha!

I really hope they shut down the forum and kick you and your sorry ass group of mods out.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'They just removed 10 mods from /vtheawakening but have not removed the CCP restriction.' was posted in v/whatever by @Goathole and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Someone keeps changing settings incorrectly. And click here to laugh at them for it.

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heygeorge ago

I can never remember either. I think it’s 48.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Ive been a voater for what feels like years and i cannot downvote still. I generally lurk so who cares i guess. I was here before pizzagate but made an account for that and was also a Qcumber on reddit. This is a great question above. Serial Brain was a controversial user back on piece of shit reddit. So i dont like seeing him game the system

Durm ago

Not that we didn't all try to tell you and your mods. You infact deleted comments posts and banned people trying to tell you. Your mods were told many times and seemed to hide it form you like some kind of bad star trek authoritarian alien episode.

It was like watching a retard fight. But for like 72 hours straight.

Durm ago

For the downvoaters still trying to stick your heads in the sand and not take the full brunt of the lesson you still maybe need, if you are downvoating.

Don't take my word for it:

I've got lots more ammo.

larryhuston ago

Thank you.

srgmpdns ago

Hey, Q followers- here's a good video you should watch:

Here's The Thing About Q

Good part starts about 6 min. in- up to there is a rundown of the facts that you probably know well already.

mattsixteen24 ago

haha. 700 something Q cult members online right now. It's a psyop.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Honestly we can have two boards, three boards, a million boards, it doesn't matter, but bullshit like this right here is flat out subversion. IDGAF about any of this palace intrigue horseshit but they have through a decision they have made deliberately subverted the movement and they should be held accountable.

Do the right thing you fucking twats and get your house in order, prove you aren't just a bunch of power hungry narcissists.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're already planning to run away to 8chan where there's no public logs of them banning and censoring people

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Yeah and the most fucked up thing is that for some reason the mods of qresearch on 8chan has backed theawakening as the "official" sub.

Like srsly wtf is this shit?

fluxusp ago

as Voat will likely not be able to stand up to pressure from their hosting company

Keep on being a faggot by spreading bs and intentionally not telling what really happened.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's our secret, we don't have a (((hosting company)))

ESOTERICshade ago

Like srsly wtf is this shit?

Coleman Rogers

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

seems like an attempt to maintain power/influence and control the narrative to me

KKOH ago

I find this platform Voat to be frustrating and rude. The whole CCP thing is annoying. I had 2, then 0, then up to 7, now down to 6. I don't really care to post anything, but would like to message people at least. It is oppressive. And the language is extremely foul. I support President Trump and Q, and I thought I would meet many kindred spirits in this movement, but that has not been the case. This dampens the spirits. The momentum is waning.

Lavender7 ago

concern troll

xenoPsychologist ago

either back to somalia with you or its into the ovens you go!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

foul mouthed comments

are protected under the first amendment

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

do you believe in immigration laws and a legal immigration process that prioritizes the needs of the current citizens? because it's the same thing really

elitch2 ago

Fuck off back whence you came, faggot.

KKOH ago


PuttItOut ago

Now you're getting it! Respond in kind, don't flinch. You'll be fine.

KKOH ago

Yeah, and I went from 7 CCPs to 1, and probably in the red before the night is through. So lame. Going to read a book instead - Ingersoll Lockwood novel written in the 1800s, about a time-traveling Baron von Trump, whose address is the same address where the Trump tower stands today. Hmm. More interesting characters than what I've seen here. Thanks PuttiOut

PuttItOut ago

I think I actually might like you.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Don't give up. Fight back, and build up your ability to tolerate "foul language".

KKOH ago

Thanks, I would rather punch them in the face, and I don't want to feel that way. Not with people I am suppose to be fighting alongside with. Just last year I was a Bernie bot, then the veil was lifted. Now I support Trump and Q because they are enemies of my enemies. Since then, I have gained more enemies, lost every one of my friends, family relations - done, jobs - lost, opportunities - lost. All casualties of this war. What have I gained? Not much so far. I wanted to do my part in beaconing truth, but I don't see it has done much good. I will vote RED in November. That is the best I can do I guess.

xenoPsychologist ago

family relations - done

dont do your family relations! thats how you end up with redditors.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

please try to contain yourself in public, taking actions detrimental to your life benefit no one. I don't think your friend Q anon would want you to destroy yourself

KKOH ago

Thanks, I do not go out of my way to do anyone harm, including myself. My path is not one of self-destruct. It is of self-awakening, graduating, and not returning. Imo, this time of great awakening is one of choice. We can choose to stay in the dark (bliss of ignorance), or step into the light of knowingness. My family members are walking dead people, zombies. They've made their choice. We have nothing in common to discuss. They will stay in the reincarnational washing machine until they are ready. Friends are just acquaintances if we are not political allies. And political allies are just acquaintances if they lack love, intellect and a desire for saving children and the course of the human race.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your earlier comment is very worrying, having strongly held beliefs is a good thing but please make sure that you have a job and people in real life that you can talk to. The point of making america great again is so that we can live in it. Maybe try your local GOP meetings to search for like minded individuals. Also having a job is a must, Q is on trumps side and our president wants every american to have a great job and be successful.

good luck and be careful

KKOH ago

Thanks, I have jobs, no worries, including with the local newspaper. I also pay taxes, and I vote. I do not suck off the government tit, I earn my way through my own merits. I will always speak truth and make a stand for the innocent, as I hope all good people would. I am one face, without multiple masks to suit others. I am not like most others, am highly empathic and intuitive, so I prefer solitude. Group settings are not my thing, and that is the way it is supposed to be, for me personally, that is. Yours may be different. Thank goodness for individuality and a self-chosen path.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

alright good, your comment about jobs being lost and friends/family being gone worried me if you've got a job you're probably managing pretty well, and I'm pretty introverted myself so I get it but still be careful not to isolate yourself too much. I'm glad you're doing okay I got a bit worried. Take care of yourself and have a nice day : )

KosherHiveKicker ago

Just think of it as being "Deprogrammed" from being conditioned to be easily "Triggered".

heygeorge ago

Since then, I have gained more enemies, lost every one of my friends, family relations - done, jobs - lost, opportunities - lost. All casualties of this war.

Lol all you are is a single vote, not a warrior. You lost ‘jobs’ (plural?) because of Trump and Q? This is absurd. I take back the marinade commitment.

elitch2 ago

My mom, what?

lord_nougat ago

Your mom, SIR!

Timmy2 ago

That's not terribly bad for baby steps.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'I cant tell if this a bot, a shill, or some new guy curled up in a fetal position.' was posted in v/whatever by @HillaryClintonsShoe and permalinks to this comment.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Executive order today. Soon we will only be on 8ch. The foul language is to test your metal. We created this cesspool by not standing up sooner. Free speech good or bad.

KKOH ago

Do people talk like this on 8-chan? Insult and demean each other? This is not me, and I don't want it to be me. Not ingredients I want in my marinade. I don't care to be tested or accepted by people. I just want to take down satanic pedophiles. I am used to being a loner, and will continue to do so. No biggie, just disappointing.

lord_nougat ago

You're a loner. A rebel. People wouldn't understand.

KKOH ago

Smile. You are describing most of us I suppose. We adjust.

Pizzalurker15 ago

On 8 chan yes but not on Qs board. Stick around. Check out the front page. This site is what its members make it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yes they absolutely do talk like this on 8chan

Mumbleberry ago

Voat is tame compared to the chans, lol

everlastingphelps ago

Whaa, I want to leech off what I don't contribute to! I'm being oppressed! I'm being oppressed!

xenoPsychologist ago

come and see the violence inherent in the system!

KKOH ago

Smelly goat.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Hold on for the ride or get the fuck out pussy.

KKOH ago

So foul. Are you luciferian goats or what? You give the Q movement a bad image. You are not an ingredient in my marinade.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the 1st amendment covers foulness, don't be unamerican

heygeorge ago

Are u hot? I’ll ingredients your marinade!

kneo24 ago

You're just so nice, always trying to share your cream of sum yung gai with everyone.

heygeorge ago

I tried to, but unfortunately was then compelled to rescind my offer in a later comment.

Mumbleberry ago

An exposed larp should have a bad image.

PuttItOut ago

I get it. I'd feel the same way coming from reddit.

You have to contribute at Voat. These limitations are why our community is proud and protective. They've earned it.

Most of the off-putting language is to ensure you really value freedom of speech. It may not be the best method, but it separates the wheat from the chaff.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but it separates the wheat from the chaff.

this is pretty fucking metal

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

funny!!!!! this is not auto meme land, you gotta work for it here

voats4goats ago

Yeah we still make our memes by hand. We are artisan memesmiths here goddammit

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Amish memes

everlastingphelps ago

Deutsche Amish. Deutsche uber alles.

interneth8machine ago

I like my memes in bas-relief form thank you very much.

ampman ago

I don't understand yet how to get the most out of this board. Thanks for the information,

something_went_wrong ago

Would you make an example of these reddit refugee mods by maybe stripping them of mod status for a couple of days? Long enough to hopefully teach them a lesson that censorship of their subscribers is never tolerated under any circumstances here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm against power mods but I'd prefer a hands off administration as well, voat can solve it's own problems with words

b0ard2death ago

Well said. We don't want to address power-tripping with more powerful power-tripping.

everlastingphelps ago

They've already turned their sub into a containment sub. What more do we need to do that they haven't done to themselves?

Firevine ago

Fuck you Redditfags and your upvote farms. I love this shit.

DankOrganism ago

I like this system, the noticeable lack of bots/shills is very refreshing.

mynewaccountagain ago

@derram is a voat farming bot that is endorsed by voat's version of SRS and other fools. There are many bots around.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

There is a user that uses @derram to post shit. And the bot only posts article summaries and archive links

mynewaccountagain ago

I can't tell if you agree with me or are a fucking retard

enormousatom ago

That and voat shills are different than Reddit tier shills. Ours aren't necessarily more intelligent, but they definitely have a harder job than anywhere else. Partial security through obscurity, but with every r/whateverisracistthisweek ban we become a little bigger. Subsequently, this increases the size of the shill target on our back.

fluhthreeex ago

the noticeable lack of shills...

stick around, amigo

B3bomber ago

Yeah it takes them about 2-3 years to get enough to see bots start posting shit sometimes. I've seen a few too many accounts older than mine with just enough CCP to post things.

Lordsendme1019 ago

We needed this. Thanks for sharefagging. I really wish oldfag voaters could come up with a better insult than to /fag /nigger every. fucking. thing.

That being said, "it's a new world!" (and I quote Kanye pre 51/50)

We have a lot of work to do here Patriots. Our kindness has, and will be, mistaken for weakness. It will take us days, if not weeks to have any validation here. Patience is no longer our virtue. Fuck our patience! We now require ENDURANCE. Are we ready and willing to endure the shitstorm ahead? The little redditfag refugee game is old news. It's time to go back to the beginning. HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH. /fag

TNLunatick ago

Patient Endurance. What a revelation.

Fagtardicus ago

"The jew* is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

*in the modern age it has developed that the faggot and the darkie, in being trained in subversion by the original masters of the craft, have obtained their weaknesses

Schreiber ago

Jews and Darkies are tribal and only fuck you because you are not part of their tribe.

Faggot whites however would fuck you and sell you out as long as he can continue fucking other men. They are far more despicable because, traitors are always more despicable than the enemy who are just fighting for their tribe.

Faggots are backstabbing unstable piece of shits that can't be trusted. They are mentally ill and will always be a problem, independent of the existence of foreign tribes.

rebelfofoz ago

The problem with shit-pushers is - apart from their disgusting bedroom habits - that they are basically female brains trapped in a male body, a recipe for disaster. You combine female narcissism, irrationality and impulsiveness with male testosterone and physical strength, you get some hell of a bitch. #TruthWillOut

Khorrl ago

Pro tip: the whole fag-something thing, is very much chan culture. Gives you away as not yet part of the rich tapestry of voat assimilation.

shrink ago

Stop fagsplaining

Voat culture at this point is anon culture, and it has been since the time I first registered. It's why I even bothered.

something_went_wrong ago

"it's a new world!" says the 3 day old account

alluphill ago

You got it.

Lordsendme1019 ago

Eat shit.

Rotteuxx ago

Actually the newbies are worse than us with the insults, it's like a teen whose just popped his cherry and can't stop talking about it.

MammaKrass ago

Shut the fuck up asswipe. ive been swearing since before your mama wiped her ass for the first time. I just think it would be nice if you guys could stop all this bullshit about us Q fans being here. For fucks sake, just give us a break. We are fighting for the right to swear anyfuking time we want. Please give me a freakin vote. Is do it for you..... * Respect*

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah, you see that superiority complex right there ? Drop it if you want to catch a break.

MammaKrass ago

Im just trying to sound like the rest of the weirdos on here. Sorry if i triggered you into a crying fit.

GoodGodKirk ago

worse, it's like when the parents attempt to show they're still cool with the lingo.

Kahlypso79 ago

and you'll do the same thing someday if you can haul your carcass out of the mancave and go find a female and breed.

GoodGodKirk ago

too late, already embarassing the shit out of them. Why do you think I said that? Real life trolling is fun.

alluphill ago

We Newbies will happily talk about anything. You have to step on our toes really hard to make us turn away.

Wahaha ago

Give it time. We'll figure something out.

Lordsendme1019 ago

The newbies (really?) are indeed gayer, and faggier, and more niggerier than you can imagine. How else do you old voatfag emperors think we got here? Shut up with your seniority. We get it. Really we do. You are the Masters of the Universe. You rule the inter "webs". Literally the biggest insult you have on deck is calling us niggerfags. Try harder.

Awake2Truth ago

So with you--The Masters of the Universe are starting to bore me--broken records repeating each other.

something_went_wrong ago

"Hello fellow white power person. How do you do. Just like you I care about white power and like being called a faggot."

Jesus Christ, your ilk sickens me. How about you not try so hard.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Um... Your Mom!!

PuttItOut ago


Perfect phrase. I'm making it mine now.

gabara ago

I literally tried to explain this to the Owners of v/theawakening.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


fuckingmockies ago


Jay_J ago

Thank you so much for accepting us. We know you are trying your best.
The flux of humans coming is HUGE, about 300K, we are told. And BAM, here you, VOAT, are today!

It will work out....until.....the left shuts this board down. Q said this will happen. Voat, realize, Black Hat evil people will FLOCK here and it will get difficult for you. How to manage? You may just need to erase us all to survive yourself. That is understandable. Your efforts at this time are MOST honorable!!! Thank you Patriots! Thank you, World WIDE lovers of Peace and Understanding! thank you, VOAT.


the military set up Everyone is fully expecting the need for this because there will be no place left on the web to communicate, censorship will be so harsh.

Sessions will activate his anti-bias specialists in the DOJ. The first meeting will be Sept 25th. But this is just an introductory meeting to see if it is necessary to begin a probe into anti-conservative communications.

If possible, learn about Faraday boxes! See if you can put a computer in one, an analog radio, a cell phone. Learn about survival .

We are in Emergency prep month. Sept 1st Trump announced this. DO YOUR PREP! I STRONGLY URGE you to prep! The threat is EMP attack. LEARN ABOUT EMP.
Realize that if such an event, this will last and last and last, and it will be hard. The military will of course will do all in their power to stave off this, but IT COULD HAPPEN! There are two missing nuke. Obama stole there. One was blasted off in 2013, deep in the Atlantic. The earthquake records showed it was not a normal earthquake. There are Two left!...And who knows how many were shipped in containers elsewhere. Anyone who has been reading deeply knows our last administration was out to annihilate us all. And that threat STILL REMAINS.

So, when the emergency TEST happens on Sept 25th..know it is a test...but realize this is the most important test America has ever had.

Do not be complacent! Try try try try try try, to stay atune to Qanon news and know that GOD is with you!

everlastingphelps ago

It was brought to their attention.

The mods were deleting comments and posts telling them for "calling out mods."

They earned all their problems.

XSS1337 ago

PuttutOut : Get Out.

That is all

HateCumbuckets ago

Hey Putt, what would happen if someone banned you from a sub? Just for shits and giggles of course.

heygeorge ago

I ban @PuttItOut pretty regularly. He’ll nuke your subverse’s stickies if you do it!

HateCumbuckets ago

I did it! Knowing Putt has a good sense of humor, I was quite intrigued as to how he would get even. My sub is pretty crap though, not sure it's worth the effort.

heygeorge ago

He’ll probably secretly edit your comments. Just kidding

HateCumbuckets ago

Well that could only be an improvement

heygeorge ago

Which sub did you ban him from? I’m probably going to hold off on that for now, at least until he fixes our stickies.

HateCumbuckets ago

It was the rival to yours someone created that I ended a mod of. v/soapfoxbanhammer

heygeorge ago

Oh lol I remember that now that you mention it! I can’t remember that user’s name, tho. Must be getting old

HateCumbuckets ago

You and me both :(

heygeorge ago

As they say, it beats the alternative.

HateCumbuckets ago

It sure does. Lol I just found one of the mods from v/theawakening in the wild.

heygeorge ago

Ha! Good find. I was speaking with @high-valeryn earlier.

HateCumbuckets ago

Reasonable discussion?

PuttItOut ago

You and subverse stickies!

Seriously, tell me what's going on and I'll fix it, maybe tomorrow.

heygeorge ago

Lol! I was taught that it never hurts to ask! If I think of it, I will remind you again. And again. And again. :D

  • The stickies in sbbh are limited to 1. When you try to make another, the error message says that stickies are limited to 3.

PuttItOut ago


heygeorge ago


Not exactly: It happened again.

My latest theory is: There’s a bug that gets triggered when the specified sticky time limit expires. The sticky disappears, but doesn’t toggle the bit to release it.

The previous time I think ‘we’ broke it by stickying submissions which were then deleted by mod/user while still stickied.

PuttItOut ago

You're exactly right.

heygeorge ago

That never gets old to hear.

I hereby graciously accept my badge for being of excellent quality.

PuttItOut ago

I'd cry. Then get even!

HateCumbuckets ago

Challenge accepted!


I fucking hate the awakening. I'm from /r/GenderCritical.

heygeorge ago

You should probably check out v/fatpeoplesafespace as I think you may like it


Ha ha ha I posted a pic of myself to this very forum I'm not fat you moron

heygeorge ago

Qproofs or it didn’t happen

heygeorge ago

Listen to Elliott Smith if it’s not too late


Why would I listen to that depressing suicidal XY? IM OKAY WITH GADS DUMPING ME! jeez

heygeorge ago

Hey it’s ok to be fat

heygeorge ago

What were we even talking about? I cbf’d To dig through. I’m sure you’re fine.

GodsAngell ago

Hello, I'm a reddit/GreatAwakening and reddit/CalmBeforeTheStorm refugee too. I followed FBI-ANON from 2016, and in 2017 I followed Mega-ANON before Q even started posting. So I've been a Q follower since the beginning.

I'm trying to figure out how this website works. I found this HOW TO USE VOAT youtube, that new people might also find helpful: HOW TO USE VOAT WELCOME TO VOAT!

By the way did everyone see the Leaked Video of Google Executives that Breitbart posted this week? Its a real eye opener. No doubt they represent the sentiments of all of SURVEILLANCE VALLEY, CA.

And I just wanted to remind everyone what **Q said yesterday: This Censorship will NOT Last! ** Already Jeff Sessions has launched an investigation into this censorship of Q supporters and Trump Supporters, basically anyone who is AWAKE. **Breitbart: -- Jeff Sessions ‘Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google,

Facebook, Twitter ** Recently Twitter was called in on the carpet of Congress. **Google was a no show! So that's BAD NEWS for GOOGLE!!!

** Trump Team are ALL over this!

**Also see this Executive Order that Trump just signed yesterday, **regarding sanctions for anyone committing ELECTION Interference, and if this censorship isn't election interference, I don't know what is! Trump called it a State of Emergency! So Trump Team has moved into ACTION! I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one of two things happen: Reddit/Twitter, etc, get shut down by the government via a Cease and Desist Order OR people who have been banned get re-instated. Jack Dorsey, Twitter, CEO, did that before his Hearing before Congress, he reinstated the Congressmen who had been banned for saying politically conservative things (deemed hate speech). Suffice to Say Surveillance Valley has commit CRIMINAL OFFENSES and possibly Treasonous Offenses, and they know it, and THAT is why Google Execs were too afraid to even show up at the Hearing!

**Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election **

**Issued on: September 12, 2018 **

I will leave you with Q's words of encouragement to us all:






AJ [TEMPLATE] WAS DESIGNED TO ATTACK/CENSOR 'QANON' [primary obj]. Primary objective of censorship is to stop the Q movement.


TheAmerican ago


ImPhilippe ago

Jesus fucking Christ dude....

Lurkerwastaken ago

AKA stick with the og v/greatawakening ?

xenoPsychologist ago

its just as well, they were trying to upvote farm. they hate freedom and children.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they hate america

xenoPsychologist ago

but theyre pro mexicans and ooga boogas.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

exactly they're dirty spic loving niggers they have to go back

xenoPsychologist ago

back to somalia with them!

Tallest_Skil ago

And white nationalism.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats true. they are very... diverse.

kalgon ago


Anoxim ago

Boom. Clear and concise.

This alone should show the tenacity Putt has when addressing the community.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

"No one has earned points in v/theawakening since this setting was set to 5." @puttitout, lol you obviously weren't talking about cool points! I leved up Goat!

PuttItOut ago

Mass street cred

White_pride_cis ago

Their mods were a bunch of faggots who fucked them over from the second they stepped foot in here. I bet a lot of them are well intentioned people, but Reddit authoritarian mods will continue to do just that. The ones that have stayed behind are actually pretty cool. Prost!

TitanThinkTank ago

in a free open society there should be no individual moderators, dont humans understand such a simple thing?

Mustang23 ago please watch this

White_pride_cis ago

Watch what, exactly?

Mustang23 ago

It's called Declassified on YouTube her name is Gina she reported on Q and other things

AllahuAkbarSH ago

Yep, I should have like 200 CCP now, but because of mod faggots I can't downvote faggots yet.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

I love you too

daskapitalist ago

Give them a chance to adapt before breaking out the pitchforks. It takes time to see the value of freedom.

White_pride_cis ago

We chased the mods off and those who didn't like what they say. We will see if the others stick around.

MrDigging17 ago

How did you scare them away? With your white supremist Nazi routine? What's that prove? That you can say whatever you want? Free speech? Ok free speech, I get it. Can we move on now?

DanijelStark ago

I was in some doubt in which group to be - considering I was before on GA board on Reddit , and was never here on Voat before . But after all what happened here , especially after the Neon Revolt accusing and attacking main mod of Great Awakening group - I have decided to choose to be in one and only one group . They ( former GA Reddit mods and current "The Awakening" mods ) screwed themselves royally with their actions . I have seen main mod of Great Awakening ( srayzie ) writing a really respectful post to everyone here who came from Reddit , and it was very respectful to "The Awakening" mods . After that , Neon Revolt accused her ... so much for respect from the other side . Even if Neon Revolt isnt a mod of The Awakening , that was a pure and utter bullshit from his side .

Those who "forget" what Q movement is about ... let me refresh their memory :

Q is about free flow of information , full disclosure of information ( ultimately , everything will be disclosed with time ) and being respectful to others - because through mutual respect , the true unity is also achieved . And through self-respect , its also one of the first steps towards that ...

Those who think they can shit over others - theyre up in for some RUDE awakening , as they will be left isolated at one point .

srayzie ago

So let’s keep the people and dump the mods? 🤔

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

I love you too srayzie

srayzie ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Get a room faggots

magavoices ago

GA mods, you fucked up. Just merge with /v/GreatAwakening. It's the respectful thing to do.

Too much incompetent and sketchy shit going on with /v/theawakening

I'm loving it there (they don't sticky/worship SB2, points/commenting actually works properly there).

It's all temporary anyways, Voat will eventually go the way of reddit, we'll be banned from twitter/facebook/youtube and there won't be anywhere else to go but 8chan.

tacostacos ago

Fuck those power hungry cunts. Voat will deal with them in time. All the refugees worth keeping will find the right subverse. The rest will be driven out.

KBoy420 ago

I hope so. Because this cenaorship and shadowbanning is some bull.

Orator ago

I joined this one as it was here a long time ago.

sajahde22 ago

I never knew that a phone could be hacked without having physical access with it, all this hacker asked for were a few information on my partner to got into the phone without physical access. I immediately contacted him and got everything that my fiancee had been hiding, he was having an affair with 2 other women which was sickening I must say.. I can confidently recommend for any one interested in hacking any device, app,upgrade of school result and credit score upgrade.He would be willing to help you.You can contact him via his details below Whatsapp: +1 970 530 3783 You can send text or call: +1 908 693 9476 Gmail-PRIVATEJOSH3 at GMAIL dot COM

voatbakescookies ago

putt was just trying to explain in layman's terms why their collective assholes felt a burning stretched-out sensation and why the other goats were busy filming it and selling it on pornhub.

OsoCovfefe ago

Some of the folks who wandered in here at the behest of Q or others thinking to follow Q simply had no previous experience with very free free speech, some might have considered it all a bit much. That's not a judgement, just saying ,many did live in isolation bubbles from the perspective they chose not to be subjected to what they see as vulgar or in some cases obscene.

Very few of us had the skills of an anon or even adroit forum veterans, and being honest/polite sorts we/they default setting to expecting others to be so, if everyone shares the same Honest government desires here.

Mods who exercise their powers are almost always a-wholes.

A good number of migrants did wander into the chan board and seem shocked by this place...but partly that's because they did not really expect reddit to toss them and partly they were part of a Q proof in real time. Add in the fact of being lost and hitting that Free Free speech right in the kisser...well some of us honestly had no idea. Not all, not a majority...but some yeah.

NiggerOfFaglandia ago

Yeah, well I noticed many of the new Q people in here are also in the NiggerCuck voat group.

cosmyccowboy ago

i came here as a Q follower from the great awakening redditt site... it is true the other site was nothing but a cheer leading site and as soon as you deviated from the approved thought line your post would never make it to the board! i tried to post a thought that disagreed without any profanity and it was immediately blocked...

OsoCovfefe ago

I know, reddit has always been a very slanted place, it simply offered people like me a place where I could be seen/heard by a large number of 'others'. You and I don't need to explain why hillary bad/Trump Good to each other...we need to speechify to THEM. reddit gave us that place...people don't wander thru VOAT or the chan boards.

I left other media long ago, never had a twitter for instance, so reddit was good for exposing others to my self. WWG1WGA

TitanThinkTank ago

LOL, what a looser, this is not a freedom website , this is a website that help SJWs down vote good people into oblivion. you PSYHO !

OsoCovfefe ago

I have no idea why people worship the upvote/downvote, reddit does, this place does. Yeah this place is not 'freedom' in the sense one must kiss some native azz, let them hear what they want to hear then they lift restrictions... Still it let's one speak freely, even goof speech as what I think you hurled at me. SJWs are bothering you? MY goodness, the horrors!!

TitanThinkTank ago

instead i refuse to cooperate and do whatever i want as much as i can; and i also use multiple socials, So middle finger to Voat.

OsoCovfefe ago

Not sure what you said to me but as I considered necessary years ago when I enlisted...I Served for your ability to say whatever it was. Have an upvote, looks like you rode up on shoals.


voatbakescookies ago

and being honest/polite sorts we/they default setting to expecting others to be so

Except this is the Crux of your problem. You are assuming that you are honest/polite when just the opposite is true. You are no different than white Knights living in an echo chamber of your own private thoughts. In your mind you're honest and polite to girls, but in reality you're a dishonest, self-serving asshole whose dysfunctional behavior has never been publicly scrutinized or even revealed.

You guys come in here thinking you're championing free speech when you don't even know what constitutes free speech. Yet you arrogantly assume you are the moral Authority on the subject.

I think a lot of you guys learned pretty quickly that Free Speech isn't just good intentions, neither is it merely offensive potty words and it certainly isn't hijacking free expression and suppressing critical opinions.

Free Speech means that all ideas are allowed to fall under public scrutiny. This is how we judge and decide which ideas get promoted and which ideas deserve to get stripped of their power.

You cannot make a moral judgment about an idea unless you have a moral standard upon which to make that judgement. And if others are not allowed to scrutinize the standard you're employing, then that is a glaring indication that the standard itself is immoral.

Truly moral standards have no need of protection, suppression, or camouflage. True morality doesn't hide because its job is to reveal that which is hidden from view. This is why math is the only Universal standard for Morality. It is the only way we have figured out how to expose hidden motives and reveal ethical errors in judgement.

You guys have been living on Reddit for too long and assumed that they were a free speech platform just because they initially allowed you to voice your views. You found out the hard way that they were obviously not what they were purporting to be. But you came here with the same holier-than-thou thou attitude that you adopted from reddit's own culture of self-righteous indignation. They certainly couldn't teach you the concept of free speech because they didn't practice it themselves. So it's understandable that what you would bring your self-serving views with you to voat. But just as you abruptly discovered that your ideas were condemned by The Gatekeepers of Reddit, that should have told you that Reddit doesn't gain the moral authority over you just by disagreement alone. Just as they judge your words by their own hypocritical standard, you are no different than The Gatekeepers you're condemning. Which really means that you have to examine your own standard for freedom.

Freedom of speech depends exclusively on the right to express all views, not on how offensive the views may be to your standard. This is an important distinction that most people don't fucking understand. And this is why most people with good intentions end up becoming tyrants by virtue of being trapped in a self-imposed echo chamber of bullshit. This is what white Knights suffer from, and this is what Reddit suffers from. This is the cancer that we are currently fighting today on the internet, and eventually we'll be fighting in the streets over it as well.

nigger 1 + faggot 2 still equals cocksucker 3. Pseudo-intellectuals will focus on the qualifiers that determine how they feel. Valid intellectuals will focus on the substance that determines what they see. because what you see should determine how you feel, and not the other way around. Otherwise you become a very dangerous person to everyone around you who will be subject to your self-serving emotional standards of expression.

srayzie ago

If they weren’t Q followers, I would fall down laughing my ass off. You’re my kind of person 🤣

@Shizy we need to ping this guy to help us when we need it! LMAO!

Shizy ago

Yeah he's very creative with language. But that guy is a flaming asshole who told me multiple times he was going to blow his rotten load that no one wants on my face because he's too stupid to read submission rules.

GranimalSnake ago

Sweet mother of spunk... eww

Shizy ago

Yeah, it was really classy!

GoodGodKirk ago

I was building up a collection of humiliation porn to sell to Tucker.

NiggerOfFaglandia ago

lol good joke. so good.

Cosmic_goatkhrist ago

Tucker is such a little bitch. Laughs at his own gay ass jokes and won't shut the fuck up when a guest is talking. Avenatti schooled that little hypocrite douche. I loved every minute of it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone's talking about this!

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GoodGodKirk ago

And yet another humiliation porn submission to my collection. Thanks!

I have enough creepy porn lawyer humiliation porn, it’s good to know more is out there.

Cosmic_goatkhrist ago

What? I can't have an opinion?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Pathetic. Go make another account. 16 hours old?! Not even a day?! Fuckoff.

Cosmic_goatkhrist ago

Another wimp....

GoodGodKirk ago

You want to add more to my collection? Keep posting.

Cosmic_goatkhrist ago


blsdbe ago

Well Said!

MammaKrass ago

That was the most awesome reply from that newsfag. Creepy porn lawyer.... he such a dick. Upvote me please ??

GoodGodKirk ago

Sure, as soon as you post to v/greatawakening. It’s similar to the old greatawakening, but with childish rude discussions which act as a canary for freedom of speech and to scare away the shills.

Q said to watch who you follow.

Msmwatcher ago

Did u set your dvr on cnn for a few hours?

GoodGodKirk ago

Don’t need hours. A few minutes will do.

Awake2Truth ago


voatbakescookies ago

i'll trade u one avenetti creampie video for one CNN ratings snuff film

GoodGodKirk ago

All I have are /theawakening posts (don’t downvote me bro bans) and upvote attempts.

White_pride_cis ago

Well, get you’re happy ass out there and contribute!

voatbakescookies ago

Sorry, not into amateur porn.

GoodGodKirk ago

It's still a new kink, they're all amateur.

Rajadog20 ago


Fuster_Cluck ago

It was surprisingly profitable. That being said, I feel dirty having interacted even the slightest bit with those degenerates. Gonna have to take a sandblast alcohol shower.

NotInFormation ago

... which was, itself, surprisingly profitable?

ApoliticalProle ago

We're not all terrible. Gate keeping mods are, yes. But many of us users were lulled into some bullshit. We only have deep diving Voat users to thank for opening our eyes.

Fuster_Cluck ago

Well, I was referring to the degenerates at kike owned pornhub. Yeah, ya'll's old mods thoroughly deserved the beat down they received. As for the rest of you, time will tell whether or not you integrate into our community well. Personally, I like what I've seen so far from most of you who remained.

ApoliticalProle ago

Thanks, fuck you too Jew. ;)

Fuster_Cluck ago

You're welcome nigger :)

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

There it is folks! More Kikery in the flesh! NAME them!!!! Name the jew!!!

Fuster_Cluck ago

"Jew" is a slur around here you fucking idiot.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Not my first account cunt, unless I need to log over and insult you from there too.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

No shit you slippery faggot

TheTrigger ago

One step ahead of you. *hick*

Fuster_Cluck ago

Let me know how long it takes for it to stop burning. An alcohol shower is nowhere near as much fun as it sounds.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

May the head of my penis forever touch somewhere upon your body

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

You damned right. You're looking at one proud cunt right here

DawnPendraig ago

Thanks =)

Res_Publica ago

Assuming your response means you’re one of the recent refugees..

That fucking Neon dude is a sketchy motherfucker. I’m not saying this flippantly.. you honestly have a cult going on. I read some comments that freaked me the fuck out, and I went to his blog.

Please, for the fucking love of God, have some self respect. If you want to Larp about Q, fine, great. But don’t go signing up to have a boss tell you HOW to do it. Think for yourself. Neon basically tells all of you that he’ll do your thinking FOR you, and btw, buy my shit. He also phrases shit to take credit for the accomplishments of ANONYMOUS /pol/acks. Neon is a regular shitty nigger autist, not a weaponized autist.

If you MUST do your Q thing, have some damned dignity while you do it. The biggest thing about voat is, we may not be a bunch leaders, but we’re DEFINITELY not followers. A goat is a creature that will piss in its own face to spite you. They do not take orders.

TheAmerican ago

I have to disagree about voat people not being followers. Some definitely are and it appears that most are afraid to step out of line and go against the collective groupthink. Some people here are very fragile and very irritable and lack the capacity to have a conversation about a topic as soon as they hear one thing they disagree with. If you step out of line and say one thing that rocks the boat you're automatically a shill, nigger, kike liberal or faggot.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Anybody and everybody talking shit about NR is a shill. End of story. Next.

Incty ago

You don’t understand Neon at all.

Res_Publica ago

I understand that he wants to sound like a preacher, so he quotes Q posts not in a conversationally natural manner, but the way that preachers quote scripture. I understand that he plays up the religious elements of your ingroup context, he enjoys interpreting Q posts in an apocalyptic manner to borrow some of that Doomsday drama, and he lashes out at people and things that may challenge his prophet status by denouncing them as heretics.

dias17se ago

you cant ask sheeps to be wolfs

no wonder jews get us so well

Res_Publica ago

Wolves are collectivists. I wanna be a bear when I grow up.

Fagtardicus ago

i wish i was a bird

dias17se ago

hey some wolves get kicked out of the group too.

rpn68 ago

What???!!! You mean all the core routers of the world aren't going to unite and filter out everything, but for a single board on 8ch? Say it ain't so...

Res_Publica ago

I love how those dudes try to sound biblical with everything they say. They’re writing their own book of revelations.

bluefascist ago

yeah, that tagline of WWG1WGA is the clearest example of how it's a controlled cult.

I never knew what it meant, apparently it means people interested in Q stick together in a herd.

Nothing worthy of true inquiry would limit itself in that fashion.

Res_Publica ago

A strong people is made of strong individuals, not stacked together like codependent dominoes.

data57 ago

Omg! I read Neon's blog and it made my head spin! What an asshole! I used to enjoy his blog until he showed his true colors! I belong to both groups, because I can't remember which 1 is the unsegregated town. I want to be in the subverse that is segregated! What's the use of moving from Reddit to voat if you don't assimilate? I am not tech savvy either! It's the age thing and the vision thing. That's why I went to Reddit, and then all he'll breaks loose with the deleted texts, the censoring, so I joined the great awakening, wit FOT. Great guy! But I totally agree with you about making your own decisions and thinking for yourselves. I actually like the freedom here on voat.

Res_Publica ago

This is one thing I want to advise you.

You said you used to “enjoy” reading his blog. Be careful with that. Truth often isn’t joyous.. it’s more often sad, terrible and about all we can handle emotionally.

When someone tells you “hey, great news again!” every time they have news, it desynchronizes from reality.

Don’t let the fucking communists out-patience you. Don’t go on the emotional roller coaster ride. It’s like becoming a drug addict from the chemicals within your own brain. Gotta keep an even keel to survive the long game. False hope is worse than no hope, because no hope breeds grim determination.

data57 ago

Unfortunately, I learned this lesson the hard way.

Imthrowingaway ago

That makes a lot of sense. The mods were being such kikes because they were protecting their revenue stream.

Res_Publica ago

They want their shekels Q-uarantined.

think- ago

LOL Well said.

Plant_Boy ago

Neon basically tells all of you that he’ll do your thinking FOR you, and btw, buy my shit. He also phrases shit to take credit for the accomplishments of ANONYMOUS /pol/acks. Neon is a regular shitty nigger autist,

Can I define Neon as a regular shitty Jew autist? Because he wants you to do as he says and give him sheckles for only his wares.

I would say anyone who follows him and actually buys his shit are the regular shitty nigger autists.

The Jew basically trying to make a quick buck while controlling you and the niggers buy without thinking because its shiny.

Res_Publica ago

And somehow, he tapped into the technologically illiterate boomers, who are too old and tired to think for themselves, and he’s trying to drain their retirements. It’s fucking sick. Neon gets the oven.

data57 ago

I fucking love you! Speaking as 1 of those technologically illiterate boomers! I feel so fucking used!

Res_Publica ago

The important thing is not to be too trusting. Trust means letting someone else do your judging for you. If you want anything done right, you have to do it for yourself.

I’m devoutly capitalist, but it sickens me how far some people will go to avoid working for their things. Whatever my skepticism about the Q stuff, it became harmful when “leaders” emerged and started trying to corral people to click on their blogs and buy their shit.

I work in a factory for my living. I’m in my 30’s and it’s what I’ve been doing since I turned 18. I care about being a producer instead of a consumer. The information revolution we’re living through is being destroyed by small minded, selfish charlatans. I don’t trust anyone with a blog that has ads on it, or even twitter accounts with too many followers, because they have deals proposed behind closed doors to act as influencers.

data57 ago

I completely agree! I'm still working. Im a nurse. But I've worked since I was 16 years old, and I'm now 61! I hate lazy.people who freeload ! And thankfully my kids have followed in my footsteps with their work ethics! Both of my daughter's are hard working capitalists and can't stand the libs! I really hope something comes of these changes Trump has started ! Before I saw the difference he was making I had no hope! But just the amount of people who are waking up gives me hope that perhaps we won't let them win. We'll fight to the death. I know I will, as long as I'm not the only 1 because what good would that do?? Seeing young people like you, and my kids, gives me hope that the true American spirit will live ON! You restored my faith that perhaps we will win. You and many of the free thinkers in here!

Res_Publica ago

Please understand that many of the good guys aren’t going to look or sound like good guys. We use profanity, we’re terse, rude and verbally brutal, even though a lot of it is sarcasm.

Being polite is a form of political correctness. Many of us have had a personal revelation that we were being controlled through it, that the actions taken by the marxists were carefully undertaken beginning in areas where if you stood up against them, you looked like a bad guy.

We shed caring about looking like a bad guy a long time ago, and we can’t SEE you when we write comments and posts to you on the internet. We don’t see a 61 year old lady, we just see words.

The biggest reason for a person to end up here on voat is that we can’t stand being made to filter our thoughts into politically correct language anymore. We’re tired of being obstructed by people setting up hoops that we have to jump through to speak.

It’s always worse when there’s a flood of new people. The more the new people complain about our language being offensive, the more offensive we’re inclined to be. But if you stick around, you’ll find that there are a lot of people here who live according to the values that you may have thought didn’t exist anymore. People who like to build things for themselves, people who want normal families and quiet neighborhoods.

Helbrecht ago

"Being polite is a form of political correctness. Many of us have had a personal revelation that we were being controlled through it, that the actions taken by the marxists were carefully undertaken beginning in areas where if you stood up against them, you looked like a bad guy."

Good point. Many people seem to incorrectly conflate being "nice" with being "kind." There is overlap, but they're not the same thing

I like it here

data57 ago

I never mind rude sarcastic language! That is my life's mission! As a nurse, we see the most horrific things and believe me, people (normal people) would be shocked at what we find funny. I've actually literally LOL at some of the posts and comments on voat. I Agree that political correctness is what has put us in this bind we're in now. I appreciate a lot of the humor on here! Shit we weren't allowed to say. When I'm allowed to post, I've collected some memes that would fit right in here. Thanks for taking the time to engage me with this conversation!

Res_Publica ago

Welcome home.

TarantuLady ago

Butting in here... I’m new from Reddit. Thanks for the lay of the land. Gotta say the hubby and I feel at home here. Can’t stand the PC bullshit anymore & are glad to be free of it.

Res_Publica ago

There IS no butting in here. You just joined a conversation, there was nothing wrong about doing it.

It’s too bad your board got nuked, because I would have liked to see what the tone was like there. The feeling I get from the way you refugees speak is that you were tone policed pretty heavily. I tend to think that neon revolt guy was using all of you. He writes like a televangelist speaks. They also quote Q posts the way preachers quote the Bible. I’m not a practicing Christian.. but I believe in God. I’m a hedge-Christian, I guess, because I don’t trust anyone enough to ask them to tell me what the Bible means.

I think that guy really wants people to see him as the Pope of Q or something. And then to buy a t shirt. I mean, I swear a lot, but THAT is profane.

TarantuLady ago

Appreciate the response — thank you. I’m old enough that I learned to excuse myself when “interrupting” a conversation. lol Old — no, archaic — manners. Basic, but not necessary here in some respects, I see.😂👍

I gotta admit, my husband and I joined the r/GA board a long time ago, but I don’t go there anymore... Hubby permanently banned from posting at GA within a few months of joining, ostensibly because the mod had a hair up his ass that day. Other people have posted the exact same stuff as he did after his ban, so he wrote to the mod to ask about reply. Asshole mod. I stopped going to reddit after that. I don’t play that banning game. Screw them. That’s why I find voat refreshing. No walking on eggshells. No snowflakes turning you in.

The Cult of Q. Yes...a bit worrying. I am skeptical, but I read everything and file it away in the back of my brain. It may make sense someday...or I may never think of it again. Q is that way for me. I read it all & file it away. In Q I see an online ”entity” pulling people around by a virtual ring in their noses. I see a figure that ONLY has good news. I see commandments to “trust the plan.” Etc... Sounds like a psy op to me. One to keep the thinking Patriots at bay. We want something done about the corruption, so we’re beingvyold it’s happening. it?? WhoTF knows?

Yeah, I’m a potty mouth...but trying to not be so much of one. Good luck to

Res_Publica ago

I’m with you on the general approach to conspiracies. It’s outrageous what my brain managed to file away, and I’m thankful that the partitions seem to be holding up well enough that it doesn’t all melt together.

I despise social pressure. Things are true, or they aren’t, completely independently from how people feel about them. I can’t really ever be a member of any group, because it always gets to the point where groupthink takes over and people compete with eachother to promote an orthodoxy and rise in “status” in the group. Status is fucking retarded.. You’re right or you’re wrong independently from your status, but on the merits of your arguments.

Swears are words with special emphasis. They’re colors on the palettes with which we paint our ideas, so they may cross from our thoughts into the aether. It doesn’t do anyone any true good to restrict the colors they can paint with.


but we’re DEFINITELY not followers. A goat is a creature that will piss in its own face to spite you. They do not take orders.

Except in real life, where you're a total pussy. But really, this is as conformist a forum as anyplace else on the internet.You all read from the same script, use the same lingo. You're expected to hold certain views. Now be a good lil doggie and scream niggerfaggotshilltroll

Res_Publica ago

Nobody likes being wrong. Q is a Larp that got hijacked and turned into a cult.

heroicdanger ago

I'm a globalist liberal and have been here for years. You don't know what you're talking about.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Res, everything on the internet is a larp until proven otherwise. Calm down and stop pissing in your own face. It might give you zits, stinky zits.

Res_Publica ago

If my dick is long enough, I can do whatever I want with it.

SneakyWino ago

Neon Revolt is a patriot and he's calling out the fucktards that are trying to subvert the movement. FUCK YOU AND ALL THE FUCKING TOURETTES ASSHOLES HERE. Turns out 8chan is actually just fine. Way fucking better than this cesspool of subverts who kiss Killary's asshole and get hard saying nigger and kike. Fucking kindergarten here. 8chan has the autists that are doing the heavy lifting. GA peeps - go to 8ch. Way smarter people, better decodes and memes and it's adults not nappie shitters. I swear, the people on Voat all got their dicks chopped off and are gushing from their front holes. Fuck this place.

Fagtardicus ago

garbage post typed out by a barely sentient mound of garbage

think- ago

Fucking kindergarten here.

You're coming from Reddit, and call Voat a kindergarten? Hahaha.

Hand_of_Node ago

What's going on?

What are we doing here? I've been looking around this site, and it looks like there are boards for all kinds of deviant pornography, from child porn to bestiality. I thought Q was fighting against all this, why is he posting here and bringing us to this vile site?

Fagtardicus ago

poor retarded boomers

heroicdanger ago

People say mean words so I'm definitely smarter than them. Nah.

White_pride_cis ago

Proper swearing is an art. If it is forced (or done by a woman), they look retarded at best.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Hey, chief....not everyone is trying to subvert your precious movement. I voted for Donald Trump.....and you couldn't pay me to fuck Hillary's cunt with Soros's 500-year-old dick.

And yes, of course we have paid shills here. What do you expect? We have shills EVERYWHERE on the Internet now, because the creepy Luciferian globalist elites are OBSESSED with subjugating the entire world...and have hired a literal army of paid shills to SUBVERT any sizable forum that has political discussion. Their evil and juvenile OBSESSION with controlling everyone around them is not an impulse that I particularly understand, but I just have to accept that this is the way the world is now.

Meanwhile, you have to accept that people WILL scream "nigger", "kike", and "faggot" on any platform that has free speech. It's INEVITABLE. And any time a platform has even a little free speech, it eventually turns into an alt right wankfest. It's to be expected, when we're shamed into kissing the collective asses of blacks while they overtly demonstrate more stupidity and violence than whites ever have. It's also to be expected when today's institutionally powerful "Jews" are the most powerful and privileged ruling class in the history of mankind, and seem to be going to great lengths to demographically replace white people all over the entire planet.

But let's face facts. You and your asshole friends tried to take over this site, whether you admit it or not. What happened recently was nothing short of a board invasion. Your asshole Reddit moderators immediately started censoring and banning posters on a site that is specifically designed for FREE SPEECH. A forum on a free speech site with a dozen moderators from Reddit who constantly censor and ban people? Yeah, that's not suspicious AT ALL.

Believe it or not, you are NOT obligated to use ethnic slurs or racial epithets. I avoid using such slurs myself, but I also don't get butthurt when people talk like that here.....because I have no confusion about where I am. You're obviously making the same mistake that other Redditors make. You see, Voat is NOT kindergarten; it's the Wild West. You just haven't figured it out yet.

Voat has FREE SPEECH as a CORE VALUE, and theawakening moderators do NOT value free speech. You probably don't either.

Oh, and by the way.....people really don't like being invaded by migrants in western Europe, so why do you think they would like it here?

Blehblehbleh73 ago

This. I like this.

BaldMiscreant ago

Enjoy your lack of censorship transparency, and try not to rupture your colon when you're taking those kool aid enemas.

White_pride_cis ago

No, I left when Ellen Poa (spelling) started the FPH hate years ago. I used to read the Neon Revolt every time I chunked up a wellfare baby... So I had no part in the whole debacle, other than stirring the pot as it came. I do not disagree with you at all, having someone tell you how to do it.. especially when Q said don't follow those seeking to profit from the ordeal. Which each one was... I have been here for quite some time... My only point is, when push comes to shove, we have an opportunity. We either fill it, and take those who chose to embrace our ideals, or we drive them away. To each their own.

Res_Publica ago

I believe pizzagate is legit. Maybe not everything they ever claimed, but I believe the core of it, James Alefantis and all that. I believe Trump wasn’t supposed to win, and the deep state are globalists. I like Alex Jones.

I do not subscribe to Q, I think it puts everything else at risk.

teraskasi ago

Alex Jones is controled Q even said it and yes pizza gate is very real and their is even more stuff that will make you sick like the Hillary Clinton video that was going around on the deep web.

Res_Publica ago

I believe Alex Jones on some things. I think he gets carried away, but he’s a good guy.

I think Q was a LARP and has evolved into a cult. Q cultists have a terrible habit of disregarding the actual work of real human beings such as Katica, who exposed Stonetear, and falsely attributing all the progress that the anti-communist crowd has made to their fictional God.

teraskasi ago

I know you say that but look into his background, look for yourself to see don't just go with flow research it.

Skeeterdo ago

what... the... I read the comments and actual post in question by NEON. Took a step back and analyzed your "cult" analogy. It is indeed very screwy. I had only seen the subverse here, I did not know it existed on reddit. The people here were.. Not really like that.

Res_Publica ago

They’re at the “let’s rape Simon with our stick-spears” phase of Lord of the Flies.

EyeOfHorus ago

So much gay drama. If voat takes off the kikes might make @PuttItOut an offer he can't refuse. Stay out of MIT servers and be safe.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if putt actually wanted to make money like that I doubt he would've gotten involved with any of this in the first place lol

EyeOfHorus ago

Do you think money is their only tool?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

true but I think putt will keep himself from being suicided by luminescent african operatives

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Ignore v/theawakening... period.

Master_Admin ago

Put answer my inbox please. I really need your input and just want to post pictures of Poop...

JoeFacts ago

Play stupid games get stupid prizes.

HarryVonZell ago


stmfg ago

Newfag here trying to figure shit out. Not trying to step on anyones toes. This is good information; the more the better!

TNLunatick ago

I still haven’t even figured out the “Newfag” thing, lol. But luckily I’m not offended at all by the word because my some of my 1st American Revolution Patriots were Faggs Manor Presbyterians.

Res_Publica ago

It is vernacular adopted from 4chan back in the mythic era of the internet. Everyone on 4chan was a faggot of some sort. Newfag, oldfag..

Just imagine being in high school in the 90s, and all your friends called each other fags all the time. That’s the sense in which it’s used.

roznak ago

This is voat, you are expected to step on peoples toes. Just realize if you step hard, 100 other people may step back on your toes.

AmericaTheSinful ago

I propose a new rule that exclamation points are illegal here.

fuckmyreddit ago


DGaaf ago

The absolute stink of soy from this post.

fuckmyreddit ago

Better soy than goat piss.

Fagtardicus ago

Goat piss helps your winky stay up.

madhatter67 ago

Goat piss gives you horns


Welcome to voat you faggot niggerkike.

stmfg ago

Thank you, nigger!

MyDrunkAccount ago

What's wrong with stepping on toes? Fuck man, I'm not trying to pick on you, bravo for staying, you're a goat in my eyes; but, you can always smell a fresh off the boat redditor by how they tip-toe around while taking, it's like they've been shat on for so long that their natural default had been rewired to show defensive supplication and unnecessary justification of thought. Just say what you want to say here, your not going to be punished for saying what's on your mind, even if it's something that stomps on someones toes. Be yourself, be honest. Faggot.

Nesano ago

I say what I want regardless of where I am and fuck what anyone thinks.

Beanandginger ago

You would be shocked at what we have to say if we could get enough CCPs to actually post. The only reason I can think that a forum would be created here only to censor us further is to try to break up more than 100k very engaged people in this movement t. It won't work.

data57 ago

Thanks! And you're right we're all shell shocked from the control. It'll probably take me a while to get used to the fresh air and truly appreciate the freedom.

White_pride_cis ago

Amen you degenerate Kike!

kikidan ago


MyDrunkAccount ago

OUR HOUSE NIGGER! You're not getting away from vacuum cleaner duty that easily.

kikidan ago


Fuster_Cluck ago

He should count himself very lucky that he doesn't have to clean up Sane's rotting putrid funk.

ZipperFoil ago

Or maybe they’re just being courteous faggot. Why talk about Rednuts anyway. Fuck that site.

MyDrunkAccount ago

There's a distinct difference between being courteous and the redditesque "Hey guys! Just to clarify, obviously what I meant was that not all fresh off the boat redditors are like that, and I'm not saying that those that are do so intentionally either, I guess I'm just thinking they have their own unique culture of communication that is somewhat discordant from our own!" Fuck face.

stmfg ago

This is your house, I'm just settling in. Appreciate the kind words, faggot!

glassuser ago

You... you can stay.

poopingaccount ago

I like this one. Now get in the kitchen and fix me a bacon sammich

throughtheblack ago

That's Niggerfaggot to you!

MyDrunkAccount ago

This is our house, you're a goat now. Welcome home, and remember...

stmfg ago

Bix nood brother!

The_Ghost ago

Your account is more than a year old...

stmfg ago

Came here briefly during the exodus when T_D went private. Went back, now I'm here again after GA got banned. Think I'll stay here, the people here are chill.

The_Ghost ago

I figured as much.

Hand_of_Node ago

The chill is seasonal.

DasReich ago

Why were you such a bitch the first time?

stmfg ago

Was more of a lurker then. Feel like contributing more now. That's all.

gazillions ago

My account's a million years old and I don't know how to do shit except yell at people

poopingaccount ago

That's half the battle.

BillieLynne ago

I don't understand a thing yet either! I hope I don't give up!

BillieLynne ago

I will be 77 in October and the older I get, the harder it is to learn something new!

fuckmyreddit ago

There are quite a few of us older goats. They may put us on an iceberg someday and set us out to sea, but so far we've been holding our own by hiding behind the sea lions when we do something excessively retarded. Well I'm speaking about myself. These forums are a fairly new thing for me, but I just bumble along stumbling as i go, because what the hell can these little snot nosed kids do to me? If they become truly annoying, I can move to the Big Island and live in the analog world.

Le_Squish ago

Oh, no please don't. We can't support the old people we have. We don't want anymore.

Hand_of_Node ago

v/bigisland is a thing, with our own excellent @Le_Squish on site.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Woot woot for us geriatrics! Technology blows!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

people need to be yelled at

gazillions ago


AmazingFlightLizard ago

Jesus, stop yelling at him.

gazillions ago


AperionPatriot ago

It's a thankless job, but someone's got to do it.

quillsong ago

Where is the add a meme/photo button? Thank you.

MolochHunter ago

you have to use linked images

heygeorge ago

Thank you, this is my favorite recent comment on Voat.

PuttItOut ago

It is truly perfect given the context of it all. Unintentionally hilarious.

SIayfire122 ago

Are you talking about the "Share a link" button found on the sidebar and the header?

ooltapoolta ago

Oi, this is going to take some time to get used to. Hog tied here using a mobile device too. Is there an instruction page? You goats are not an apparently user friendly bunch. Thanks for letting us fags in though.

Fagtardicus ago

how are you even on such a website as voat if you dont know how to do this? facejew or twatter? or did some glorious madman pay for a phonebook entry for voat?

ooltapoolta ago

Some Reddit refugees posted it on TheDonald

Fagtardicus ago

hm, i was expecting you to have come from facebook or twitter.

okay assuming you still dont know to do this, get the direct link to the image you want to use, imagehosts allow to to upload your image and gives you that link, but right clicking any ole image out in the wild and then selecting "open link in new tab" does the same thing. you can simply drop the link down like this but sometimes you want to dress it up for whatever reason so youd put it in formatting;

hit the "source" under this comment to see how on reddit and voat do it. EXAMPLE

ooltapoolta ago

Thank you patroit. I came from Reddit. Feeling a little lost but finding some new resources here and there. It's probably good for me to be pushed out of my comfort zone once in awhile. Keeps me sharp.

l_voated_today ago

Did you ever post to a web forum? phpbb, vbulliten or even reddit a couple of years ago?

It is pretty much the same.

quillsong ago

Is there a way to just put a meme, on my post? thanks.

NotHereForPizza ago

when you're obviously not in the know

welcome, newfirend

Slayfire122 ago

What are you talking about? I've been here for 3.2 years and have 10x the ccp you have.

NotHereForPizza ago

We can always tell when we're dealing with new people.

It shows how green you are

Slayfire122 ago

Member for 3.2 years SCP: 37401 CCP: 24539

Doesn't look like a new account to me.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you're just making it worse.

How long has Voat been around?

Slayfire122 ago

About 4.7 years if you go off of Atko's account age.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now imagine if that were multiplied by four or five times.

Let's just say: voat is quite young.

Skeeterdo ago

people tried to tell you in that in theshittening subverse but the admins banned it.

mynewaccountagain ago

mods. Voat admins didn't ban anything.

Skeeterdo ago

good correction i'll change it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's only one admin

sunshine702 ago

On a good day

Morbo ago

Atko will always be an admin in our hearts.

sniper98g ago

You know Atko is not actually gone, right?

SexMachine ago

He saved us when Putt decided to take a vacation with his tranny "girlfriend".

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Fuster_Cluck ago

The maker is always with us.

Atomized_Individual ago

Don't waste your time here, honestly

NotHereForPizza ago

So, my estimation was a bit under, eh?

What are we looking at here, ~10 million?

BlueDrache ago

More like 6 million! Oy vey!

One-Way_Bus ago

I see @PuttItOut is wasting his time with v/theawakening fags who are barely literate niggerkikenufags. At least he's putting the effort.

PuttItOut ago

Kind of like seeing an animal in pain - hard not to do something, anything.

One-Way_Bus ago

I do understand. Thanks for the effort.

alluphill ago

PuttitOut is a teacher and is doing a good job.

ideologicidal ago

It's just, there are so many of us

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nobody cares

heygeorge ago

There ain’t 300k of you, that’s for certain.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean even if that number was accurate that means 294k of them were too scared of voat to even try using it

One-Way_Bus ago

So there's enough of you to make a single literate idiot?

ideologicidal ago


One-Way_Bus ago


ideologicidal ago

Indeed, well played, niggerfaggot.

One-Way_Bus ago

I've been here since r/CoonTown was banned.

ideologicidal ago

Tell us more experiencefag.

One-Way_Bus ago

I pray for your gassing and you corpse being dumped in an oven.

ideologicidal ago

All of the dumping!

Le_Squish ago

I know right? Even though a bunch of them deserve to be banhammered for coordinating upvoat farms.

ideologicidal ago

Hurr durr censorship


A niggerfaggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

vote manipulation is explicitly against the rules

White_pride_cis ago

You're trying too hard man... You're at a 10... I need you at like a three...

Goathole ago

He cares, it's sweet.

But that won't help those fucktards now. Blood is in the water.

White_pride_cis ago

The ones that have lingered have potential... There's even boomers trying to integrate. Those fuckers need all of the help they can get. If you have crayons, bring them.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Hey, im good with crayons. Yeah, might have that crown of glory (gray hair) but if ya knew all the pictures in my head. Still gingerly walking between the two 'verses. Not fearful, hell no, but just not wanting to stumble in too hardly. Gonna take my time. Not trying to get points,maybe just maybe someday i can make a point. Be of use. Punch the enemy in the face. I keep saying that. We have all been through too much to take this lying down. Respect the house, i know everyone gets a "beat down" but i am saving my ammo for the enemy.This might sound corny, i dont care, but i feel appreciation well up for all that you all (goats) have been doing before we came here (i sound like a pilgrim, i aint no pilgrim) this "free speech-verse".

Goathole ago

I give GreatAwakening a wide berth but theawakening is a free fire zone. I'm not ready to forgive yet.

White_pride_cis ago

Nor should you. They gave their POA months ago, when they said there are SO many of them, they can steam roll us. Fuck those cunts... However, and this is a big however, the ones who engage still have the opportunity to change. They have the willingness to converse. There is still hope. I deal with my boomer Father, who is just like most of those window lickers. Maybe I feel that each person I convert is finally opening his fucking eyes.. Who knows?! I am 3 bottles of homemade Apfel Wein deep right now. But don't write off someone who has an open mind. Yes, the mods fucked up, and everyone followed them like sheep. Our immune system kicked in, as it should have. But I have actually had good interactions with those who came and asked "Why are you so racist" and "What did the Jews do that upsets you". Those opportunities do not come often here. Most people who came here know the transgressions of the hooked nosed baby fuckers. That is my opinion.

Goathole ago

What yeast are you using for your Apfel Wein?

oh and yeah yeah, don't hurt the normies feelings so we can turn them got it.

White_pride_cis ago

Well I have two different recipes. I have the actually processed apple juice (according to the SG, it is at 14%) and the actual cider. I had to clear and rack the cider so much that it got concentrated. It is like fire water. I used Montrachet Yeast in both recipes, but I had to add a lot of table sugar to the real cider. I find this odd, because the real cider was supposed to have no sulfates... yet I couldn't get it to ferment. It took 3 days for fermentation to happen. I bottled some of both in a mixture in nutmeg, all spice and brown sugar. It tastes legitimately like apple pie... but there's still trub floating in the bottle which is a turn off aesthetically.

Goathole ago

I had to clear and rack the cider so much that it got concentrated.

That doesn't sound right. Clearing and racking doesn't increase abv.

but I had to add a lot of table sugar to the real cider.

That's where your elevated percentage comes in. Try adding it during the cook, less than 150 for 40 minutes or so or make a simple syrup. Try using honey, it IS the best vehicle for fermentation as it IS ~100% fermentable.

I bottled some of both in a mixture in nutmeg, all spice

yes, yes, keep talking dirty to me..........

there's still trub floating in the bottle

There will always be some but your repeated racking should take care of most of it. It sucks to lose that pt or so but the end product is what we're after.

Shhh! There are other yeasts that yield less alcohol but are much much smoother on the pallet.

White_pride_cis ago

Okay... now you're talking my language, dirty boy... I brought it to slow rolling boil, and cooled it off outside (Iowa in the winter time hits -20*). I added that to the fermentation bucket. Next go around, I would change the yeast. I want an authentic German Apfel Wein, but everyone is at a loss for the yeast. In terms of the abv being concentrated, unless you use a cold distilling, it shouldn't raise the abv. This I know, but the hard cider packs a punch and hangover to be reckoned with. You seem to know your stuff. What would you attribute this to? I got the cider from a local orchard. Perhaps it was the sugar content in the cider? Or.. the wild yeast took over?

Goathole ago

I brought it to slow rolling boil,

You gotta be careful. You shouldn't boil it, you're only heating it to kill the bacteria and any wild yeast that might be in there. 150 degrees should be your max temp....for 30-40 minutes. That could be the problem. Tannins or some such shit.

I want an authentic German Apfel Wein

That's difficult. They are using their natural wild yeast I believe which makes it near impossible for us.

I would change the yeast.

My version is not going to make a wine, more of a fruity sheri/beer concoction. It's GOOD, I won't lie and no one I know of is doing it. It was more of a need/want/can't find issue when I first did it.

This I know, but the hard cider packs a punch and hangover to be reckoned with.

That's adelphines(?) or something......from the yeast and the way it ferments.

You might want to add yeast nutrients and control the temp of the initial fermentation better for a slower/faster ferment. A carboy on a cold basement or garage floor is going to ferment slowww whereas one in your kitchen at 70 degrees will be too fast. This will also affect flavor much like a lager or an ale.

  • sorry to skip around but back to.........

I find this odd, because the real cider was "supposed to have no sulfates"... yet I couldn't get it to ferment.

"Supposed to have no". - Santa Claus is real too. Unless you go directly to the mill, see the pressing for yourself and watch it be pasteurized with ONLY UV lighting, you cannot trust anyone.

Also, Yeast starter and temp will fix most fermentation problems. A blow off tube will come in handy for sure.

Next time we'll exchange oatmeal cookie recipes! Maybe we can get some matching aprons? Mine will definitely have to have a swastika though. Goatholes Bakery LLC.

White_pride_cis ago

I switched to my Oktoberfest bier, but you had me laughing,


mein Dude... I am too worried to use a wild yeast, could end up with a lambic or vinegar. That is the last thing I want. Until my skills are honed, I would prefer my yeast from a package. I could do a cider beer, although I do not like ciders too much. Angry orchard and the like are not my style. That being said, to each their own. That is what makes this hobby so great! I have a flash drive with 4,000 award winning recipes. When I have the money, I would like to make each one. Regardless of personal preference.


So I live in an old mansion built in 1907, which has a built in (what I call) my beer cellar. It is 10' under ground, so it hits 67* in the winter, and 73* in the summer. Not too shabby.


For the cider, I had to do a makeshift blow off tube. Holy hell... The cider had so much trub, it filled a 1 gallon jug in a couple of hours once it kicked off. You seem to know your shit. I waited a year to drink the Apfel Wein, but I am not impressed. I should pm you for more ideas. It tastes like lightly flavored apple and a fuck ton of booze. I want to share to get people into the hobby.


You can't have the swastika, mine all have it!! Fine, I will have 1488 embossed in all of my home brew and wine making equipment... swear to God though.. When we cook, I will break your knees if there is 1488 on ANYTHING!

White_pride_cis ago

Why would someone downvote my wine recipe?

Goathole ago

Teetotalers. We must find a Final Solution to the non drinker problem.

White_pride_cis ago

I am a firm believer... Never trust someone you can't eat bacon with, while drinking shots of whiskey.

xenoPsychologist ago

they sure asked for it, didnt they. they could have been good and acted like humans. but they just had to go and steal our watermelons.

theNakedNecromancer ago

So, this brings up an interesting question:

If the mods remove this subverse property, do all of the upvoats suddenly count for all of its users?

WhiteRonin ago

From a programmer view: I am going to say no.

The interaction would need to be stored with the idea that a subverse would change rules and a function would have to look at all the points and retroactively assign them.

So, unless @Puttitout or @Atko spent the effort to do this, I doubt we have that ability. I highly doubt the effort was made. Also, it would need to thoroughly tested to ensure voats were being assigned properly. Thus, I am lazy, I wouldn’t bother to spend time on this.

Honestly, even if I were paid to do this, I would still argue against it.

dv1155 ago

The source is available if anyone wants to sift through.

heygeorge ago

The existing ones will not. New ones will start to count.

PuttItOut ago

This guy codes

heygeorge ago


I can’t wait for the new update as I’m sure it will fix the nuked stickies issue and the smail bug (the one that redirects responses to my eponymous subverse instead of the subverse it’s intended for.)

think- ago

On a side note, the damn distinguish button often doesn't work. Any idea how to fix that?

@PuttItOut @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

PuttItOut ago

Smart ass reply: Don't use it ;)

I'll look into it.

think- ago

@PuttItOut: To be more precise re the distinguish button bug: It usually works when we press it.

The problem starts when we leave the thread in question - when we go back, the 'M' badge is gone, as is the green colour which highlighted our names.

So we sometimes go back several times, press 'distinguish' again, the 'M' badge and the green colour show each time after we have used the button, but somehow it doesn't stick. :-/

PuttItOut ago

That is because of cache. I think comment trees are cached for 5-10 minutes

think- ago


But in cases when the green colour and the M badge disappear, they won't show again later (even hours later).

PuttItOut ago

I consider this a bug, it's just a low priority bug, but I still need to fix this, so don't think I'm not taking it as such.

Say you D a comment. Come back in a few minutes or refresh and see it's not D'ed. So you click D again. Well now it's removed instead of added.

Since it was saved as a D to the database after the first click, the second click will remove the D from it.

The bug here is that that particular comment is not updated in cache to reflect the D. Instead you need to wait until the comments themselves are reloaded and it will be pulled back with a D.

Does that make sense?

TL;DR: Only click it once. It's a cache thing. I'll fix it soon. ;)

think- ago

Ok, thanks very much! :-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch: please see parent.

think- ago

Smart ass reply: Don't use it ;)


I'll look into it.

That would be terrific!! Thank you!! :-) :-) Saying this on behalf of all v/pizzagate mods!

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch @heygeorge

heygeorge ago

Nice moves! I like that Puttsy had a very similar initial response to mine. It really is the easiest fix!

heygeorge ago

I haven’t heard of that one. Who uses the distinguish button anyway?

think- ago

Who uses the distinguish button anyway?

LOL - we should make you a mod after all, then you'd know..... ;-) We are almost getting mad because it's not fucking working every second time we want to use it.

Any ideas how to fix that issue would be highly appreciated.

@PuttItOut @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

heygeorge ago

we should make you a mod after all, then you'd know.

No thank you, I am attacked frequently enough as it is! :D

We could add ‘moderator’ tags to y’all in the CSS, if you wanted to go that route. (And if you haven’t already done so; I haven’t really been paying attention.)

think- ago

No thank you, I am attacked frequently enough as it is! :D


We could add ‘moderator’ tags to y’all in the CSS, if you wanted to go that route. (And if you haven’t already done so; I haven’t really been paying attention.)

Well....we've discussed this, and tried it for two days, but since some mods didn't like it (including myself), we abandoned the idea in the end.

But Putt said that he would look into it, so I'm confident we might see the issue getting fixed now. :-)

heygeorge ago

discussed this, and tried it for two days

I see; that’s why I was confused. I thought you had them, but then when they were gone I again thought that maybe I was in a different subverse and just confused.

Thank you for reading my pointless anecdote.

think- ago

Thank you for reading my pointless anecdote.

Anytime. ;-)

inthemimeofnick ago

yo whata bout ya/ whadda bout da boooooooty?

heygeorge ago


polwarrior1030 ago

Nobody is on that shit anymore anyways. Everyone moved to the Q board on

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is an excellent idea, spread the community out further that surely won't divide them

VisKyns ago

uh... what?

heygeorge ago

Let me explain: @polwarrior1030 is a spamming feggit.

theoldones ago

if they remove it, the rest of the site downvotes EVERYTHING in that subverse to hades itself because their reputation is as plain as day

Mumbleberry ago

We can start now, the CCp req. has been lifted.

Goathole ago

it's like I'm licking my lips as you say it.

Ina_Pickle ago

We generally do not behave that way. The site has been provoked though so who knows.

theoldones ago

m8, we ALWAYS downvote shit we know to be hostile. what fucking planet have you been living on?

Ina_Pickle ago

Hostile stuff yes. We don't normally appreciate downvoat brigading though.

These people are fresh from Reddit where downvote brigading is a daily occurrence.

Someone posts wrong think? Instant downvote brigade.

Don't want them to jump to the assumption that we do the same thing here for stupid crap.

theoldones ago

its not the fucking brigade, its that THE ENEMY WILL BE REMOVED

fuck your "optics" concern

Ina_Pickle ago

Downvoat brigading is downvoat brigading.

It's like pointing a gun at someone who is trying to rob you versus pointing a gun at the store clerk you are trying to rob.

Intent is different, but it is still a fucking gun.

Don't be such a faggot.

theoldones ago


Ina_Pickle ago

You are missing the damn point entirely. Everyone keeps screaming at the new people to integrate, but few of you faggots are taking the time to show them the ropes. It's not about how we look. It's about explaining to them that what they're used to on Reddit does not work the same way here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the beatings must continue until moral improves, if anything I say we need to hit them harder

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The strong will survive it.

kneo24 ago

but few of you faggots are taking the time to show them the ropes.

I disagree. All I see are their (((leaders))) corralling them around so that those that are trying to help can't. I have seen plenty of Goats explain this very sticky to those guys. Their mods knew about the restrictions on the first day, and never communicated it back to the community quickly.

Kellygirl13 ago

Thanks Ina ... we appreciate it! Trying to learn our way around as quickly as possible.

theoldones ago

i'm not missing a single iota of the point.

action is the best explanation, you fucking pussy. now sit down so that the rest of who have balls can DO and not merely TALK

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh go fuck right off. Unless this is your alt, you are practically a newfag yourself.

theoldones ago

im sure all those EU girls who got raped tried very hard to "explain" why it wouldnt be OK

Ina_Pickle ago

Not even remotely the same. The people here now aren't the mods. They are the.newbies who will probably stick around. You know damn well you don't want them acting like they are still on reddit.

Or maybe not because the minute someone disgreed with you, you started downvoting like a little Reddit fag. Fucking hypocrite. You no longer have the right to call these new people out.

theoldones ago

the head man, the retinue, same thing.

keep talking to me if you so wish, but i wont respond because i refuse to indulge your (((optics))) concern when you dont even have the decency to call what it is

go ahead, tell me why it would be bad to do this action.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Everything will return to normal soon, Q people respect voat and goats and there will be a truce, just relax you are in a safe space now.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yo. Someone on that sub called us Natives and suggested handing out smallpox blankets. My space does not feel so safe.

BillieLynne ago

Voat is the site, but what is the goat?

fuckmyreddit ago

We are the goats. If you stick around, you'll be a goat too. You just decide you're a goat one day, maybe today.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Some of the goats around here have no manners. Myself included. However, most of us will help you if you're sincere.

The problem is that some people in forums like this are paid provocateurs who work for the bigwigs who want to destroy our country. Well, that's one of the problems. A lot of the undercurrents here are related to people trying to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Don't freak. The bad guys can't do much. They just try to hijack the conversation or tell lies for various reasons. You can usually tell who the jerkheads are after a while, but not always.

I am glad you're here. So many people know there's something wrong with our country, but people who are open minded and curious will be the only ones to get an inkling of what is wrong with the USA, the UK, the Western World, etc. You are old enough to have seen the changes to our countries, as am I. To me, the changes seem dramatic, and I hope there is some way to revert back to how things were many decades ago.

Pizzalurker15 ago

The goat is the reddit alien. They dont hate evrything about reddit. This is a clone of reddit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

go the fuck back, you faggot

Ina_Pickle ago

Voat's mascot is a cartoon Goat.

theoldones ago

"you are in a safe space now."


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Q people respect voat and goats

by their behavior the ones recently here from reddit clearly do not

Sustanence ago


I just snorted water out my nose.

I definitely feel safe!!!!!!

KosherHiveKicker ago

They will reap what they have sown.

Had their moderators, and a large portion of their fellow Q's not intentionally shit on Voat's core value then you would have been welcomed just like /v/milliondollarextreme and /v/greatawakening.

Pubiclouse ago

I've got so many points good ones too and I'm not in the negative. It's good feels knowing you niggerfaggots agree with a lot of my genius comments

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Upvotes should not signal agreement

FireSauce ago

iGotPepperUBringSalt ago

Lol, faggots.

The most genius part of voat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that none of the Qcumbers have either the courage, intelligence, or truthfulness to answer my questions about their god.

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

DamnLiquor ago

this nigger is trigger'd

Tallest_Skil ago

So why can’t you answer my questions, redditor?

Kahlypso79 ago

why did they let the last 70 years happen... So you agree.. something is fucking rotten in the heart of your government? You can feel it yourself. The people in charge let in happen and they let it happen to fill their own pockets. I dont see why you have difficulty with understanding that.. People responsable for the last 70 years of shit and piss and rape of the planet : (or maybe its just because 'They' werent even born yet you dumb fuck, but hey.. dont let facts get in the way of your delusional fantasies :)) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry Truman Dwight D Eisenhower John F Kennedy whoo boohou, hizza my hero. He institionalised MONARCH programming so he could fuck girls who wouldnt remember and he was a Jesuit Roman Catholic Lyndon B Johnson Richard Nixon Gerald Ford.. THIS fuck wasnt even voted in! Great political system.... Jimmy Carter Ronald 'the Mockingbird' Reagan George HW Bush the White Man's Zionist!! Bill Clinton Rapist in Chief George Dubya Bush.
Barack Obama.

I think what you need to do is read Mindwar and ask yourself, is Q Michael Aquino? If he./she/they are not, then whoopey fucking doo. What's your problem?
If he/she/they are Michael Aquino, then Fuck yourself sideways with a cactus and lie on the floor and wait to die in agony. It'll be quicker and less painful than the centuries to come if the Temple of SET has taken over running the gov. from the Frank Jacobin Satanists.

Tallest_Skil ago

why did they let the last 70 years happen... So you agree.. something is fucking rotten in the heart of your government? You can feel it yourself. The people in charge let in happen and they let it happen to fill their own pockets. I dont see why you have difficulty with understanding that..

I don’t see why you have difficulty with understanding the question and answering it. If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen? Otherwise they’re not patriots.

or maybe its just because 'They' werent even born yet you dumb fuck

So why, if there are more patriots than traitors in the government, did they let the last 70 years happen? Why can’t you answer the question?

but hey.. dont let facts get in the way of your delusional fantasies


What does your list of names have to do with anything?

read Mindwar and ask yourself, is Q Michael Aquino

I don’t need to do that. I don’t care who or what Q-LARP is. I want to know why anyone should believe what it says when it has been proven false.

What's your problem?

I don’t like liars.

If he/she/they are Michael Aquino, then Fuck yourself sideways with a cactus and lie on the floor and wait to die in agony.

Why can’t you answer any of my questions?

if the Temple of SET has taken over running the gov. from the Frank Jacobin Satanists.

Reminder that the jews, who practice judaism, have taken over the government, and they did this because they are jews, and not because they are anything else, because they are not anything else, because they are jews. They behave the way they do because they are jews. They do the things they do because the jewish religion tells them to do it. There are no good jews, anywhere. They all believe the same thing.


Kahlypso79 ago

Mindwar is a Psyop manuel written by a practising satanist at the time, called Michael Aquino, who was in PsyOps in the US military. Which basically boils down to, make your enemy not fight by making them think that its a lost cause or they have no way of winning. Making your enemy sit on their butts by letting them think the war is being fought and being won is relatively the same thing. But you dont need to read it. It would only prove yourself right to yourself, but you dont need that right? When you say "They" in why did they let it happen.. Who are you refering to? You know that George HW Bush's father was a Zionist war profiteer who helped finance the nazis rise to power and was one of the people who censured McCarthy. But then again, what else can you expect from the son of Samuel P Bush, an industrialist who was best buddies with Rockefellers (well known zionist, communist wannabies..) and the Harriman family. Im sure an wise man such as yourself knows of their impact in the CFR. So.. why did they 'let' it happen.. Twas a time, when the leaders in place were actively following their own private agendas. . you may want to check out Pentagon Papers in wiki google bla bla to see why they 'let' it happen. It filled their pockets with money. Eternal war paid the military industrial complex that WW2 leagued to the generations that followed. I think that Jews have a hold of media and cinema and hollywood, and whatever, let them have it if they want it. Zionists have taken over government.
Frank Jacobin

Tallest_Skil ago

make your enemy not fight by making them think that its a lost cause or they have no way of winning

In contrast to Trotsky tactics, wherein you just control your enemies and tell them [Y] is the enemy when [X] is actually the enemy. You know, like Q-LARP.

Making your enemy sit on their butts by letting them think the war is being fought and being won is relatively the same thing.

Exactly! “Don’t grab your guns, don’t do anything. The ZOG will arrest the ZOG because we say so. Trust the plan.”

When you say "They" in why did they let it happen.. Who are you refering to?

I knew you people were stupid and gullible; I didn’t know you were illiterate.

If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?

Diagram the sentence, for fuck’s sake. “Why did they let the last 70 years happen” Who is they? “There are more patriots than traitors in the government” Now here’s where you need to be white, apparently, to figure out the fucking relationship between these two sentences. WHO. LET. THIS. HAPPEN.

a Zionist war profiteer who helped finance the nazis rise to power

You’ll want to pick one and only one.

Im sure an wise man such as yourself knows of their impact in the CFR.

Just not sure of the relevance to the discussion.

So.. why did they 'let' it happen

Yeah, still waiting for you to justify how the “patriots” in the government let the last 70 years happen if Q isn’t lying.

It filled their pockets with money.

So… YOU admit that Q is lying, too?

I think that Jews have a hold of media and cinema and hollywood, and whatever, let them have it if they want it.


Zionists have taken over government.

And so your support OF a zionist (Q) is… why?

Kahlypso79 ago

"I knew you people were stupid and gullible; I didn’t know you were illiterate."

I'm just trying to find out if you actually know who you're directing your flamethrower of hate and piss in the right direction. You go Apemode and write in big letters whenever you go near a Jew, but do you know that there are non Jewish Zionists who are actually responsable for the last 70 years of shit and piss for your poor white ass.

"Just not sure of the relevance to the discussion." How can you be aware of the CFR and then ask WHY did the patriots in government let the last 70 years happen.. because they MADE IT HAPPEN (I can write big too) They started Wars to feed the Military Industrial Complex that the USAF became after WW2. I have to admit Im having fun but I can only link you to more books that are full of history that you wont read because... JOOOOS!!

"So… YOU admit that Q is lying, too?" Over the last 70 years...the people in gov. have never been patriots to America and its been blatantly obvious to EVERYONE (big writing) outside USA that since Lyndon Johnson sweared himself into power next to the brain covered widow of his predecessor, that your governement doesnt even no the meaning of the word patriot and that the american people have been led to the slaughter ever since. You can shout zog Jew and hooknose to the skies as much as you want, the people who ARE responsable dont give a fuck about jews or christians or muslims or buddhists or mormons or scientologists or wiccans or frankists or martinsists or freemasons or communists or jesuits.. you're just showing how oblivious ignorant you are. Religion means nothing to the people who are betraying YOUR country.


Im not an American citizen so take your nationalist bullshit and shove it up your incredibly congested asshole. Idiot. Must be nice to shout non sequiters at people as if it were a reason. People like YOU make everyone else look smart. Ill bet you didnt even know that Hollywood was started by Jews so they could run away from Edison and his patents in New York. And Edison was a motherfucker too, he only stole other people's ideas and registered them first in the patents office so it appeared as if he invented them. Real Merikan Hero! So if Jews want to keep Hollywood and their pedophilic incest and abuse of children started by jews, what the fuck difference does it make to you.. No.. really what do you care?? White Genocide.... What the fuck are you talking about. There will NEVER be a "white" Genocide and again.. your lack of knowledge is showing.. You really need to read Carroll Quigley's work. What the fuck are the other 'races' going to use to commit a white Genocide? What you need to worry about is this guy (and I dare you to click on this link, just once..

15 April 2006 : SCIENCE: Scientist calls for death to humanity -

and another for bonus material :

There may not be enough JEW in there for you to stay interested, but thats the real shit you actually need to be worried about.

"And so your support OF a zionist (Q) is… why?" I have no idea if they are a Zionist.. and Im not sure you understand what a Zionist is. I dont support Q anymore than I support an American. I will support the project and Trump if he manages to dismantle the child abuse rings in Hollywood and Washington. I like that Q has awoken a shitload of people to just how corrupt and full of shit the government is. I dont know if America is headed for an Animal Farm situation or not.

alele-opathic ago

Butting in here to add a few things that may help:

  • To quote something, use the 'greater than' symbol, a la 8 chan: >
  • To figure out how someone else formatted their post (there are some undocumented formatting characters), click 'source' underneath a post.

They started Wars to feed the Military Industrial Complex that the USAF became after WW2.

There is a lot more to it then that - nothing (((they))) do ever serves a single purpose. Wars - which do enrich them, yes - have been started to institute regime change, expand central banking (banking of which is a Jewish invention, btw), drive forward the development of wartime technologies (to the exclusion of all else), test systems for gov't takeover of economic sectors (like used in WWII), and, most importantly, wars kill off the soldier-types we would normally rely on to kill off our cancerous gov't.

Ill bet you didnt even know that Hollywood was started by Jews so they could run away from Edison and his patents in New York.

Additionally, before that, they created the 'Nickelodeon', which was the precursor to a movie theater. The first Nickelodeons showed, as you may have guessed with Jews, porn. FWIW, porn is also a Jewish invention. Most of us here, regardless of where we lie on the political 'spectrum', know this.

White Genocide.... What the fuck are you talking about. There will NEVER be a "white" Genocide

Most people, when thinking of 'genocide', think primarily of an aggressive act with weapons and such. FWIW, the 'official' definition, according to NATO, includes "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;" which is all any of (((them))) have been doing for the last 4 decades. There is a popular copypasta from the chans comparing Time shilling for being 'kidless' over decades, then now shilling for demographic replacement because 'birth rates are declining', but I don't have it available.

Additionally, the NATO text I linked considers inciting, conspiracy to commit, and complicity with genocide punishable as the actual genocide itself. FWIW.

What the fuck are the other 'races' going to use to commit a white Genocide?

It doesn't come from the other races, and it isn't committed with guns. It's a Jewish thing - they comprise like 80 percent of the ownership of all US media outlets shilling propaganda that literally qualifies as genocidal by the NATO definitions.

Obviously, things are a bit more complex than this, but you can't honestly say that US media wouldn't qualify as "complicit" per above, nor could you honestly say that the propaganda they spout isn't "genocidal", also per above.

Kahlypso79 ago

thanks for the pointers on the formatage, appreciate it. Banking came from the Templiers. They werent very Jewish. The Jews recuperated that shit after the Pope and the King of France backstabbed the shit out of them and stole all their money. Jewish banking comes from Venice. It was the only job they were allowed to have due to the laws of the time. So .. Jew becoming bankers.. is kind of the fault of Venetian Dogues. The big step forward is with the first Rothschild where he assassinated the duke or baron he was working for and suddenly became mega rich.. then the other Rothschild who tricked the market with war bonds at the end of Napoleonic war.. Wars have been going on a long time before Isreal was even mentionned by the Egyptians as a destroyed country with no more seed...However.. WW1 was started to destory the Nobility in place and the Empires of the Hapsburgs mostly (one of their titles is King of Jerusalem) But it was a continuation of the Boer War started in South Africa. WW2 was started to mount fascism against communism and let the protestant population of northern europe get massacred (which is was) and to give a reason for the creation of Isreal (which is an illegal country that shouldnt exist, the romans destroyed it and threw the jews out (their 3rd exodus and 2 temples destroyed.. cant people take a hint?!!) the only genetic ties of jews to isreal are the jews living in palestine (that are being shot and sniped at by germans and polish jews who are the remnants of Jacob Franks failed messianic bid to replace Sabbatai the Muslim Jew.
But you need to be very careful of banks nowadays..They're responsable for all of the pain in this world. I have no idea if its a jewish thing or just a greedy bastard thing. Banks need to go the way of the Templiers.

""It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes. Andrew Jackson" ept 10 1833 - President Andrew Jackson announces that the government will no longer use the Second Bank of the United States, the country’s national bank. He then used his executive power to remove all federal funds from the bank, in the final salvo of what is referred to as the “Bank War.” To Jackson, the bank symbolized how a privileged class of businessmen oppressed the will of the common people of America. He made clear that he planned to challenge the constitutionality of the bank, much to the horror of its supporters. In response, the director of the bank, Nicholas Biddle, flexed his own political power, turning to members of Congress, including the powerful Kentucky Senator Henry Clay.... Henry Clay Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852) was an American lawyer, planter, and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives. After serving three non-consecutive terms as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Clay helped Adams win the 1824 contingent election in the House of Representatives. Jackson denounced Clay's role in Adams's victory, as well as Clay's subsequent appointment as Secretary of State, as a "corrupt bargain"...

CORRUPT BARGAIN : see also Election of 1876, for Rutherford B Hayes, and Gerald Ford's 1974 pardon of Richard Nixon was widely described as a "corrupt bargain" by critics of the disgraced former president.

Abraham Lincoln.

""America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Abraham Lincoln"" ""You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Abraham Lincoln""

Yankee bankers from New England formed a secret society called The Mystick Krewe of Comus in 1857. They used the idea of this Cowbellian society to create a front for an international banking cartel, the House of Rothschild, headquartered in Europe, as well as for Skull and Bones-a branch of the German Illuminati established by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. The name of this newly formed secret group was the Mystick Krewe of Comus . The three secret founders of the Mystick Krewe of Comus were Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin, and John Slidell.

On February 23, 1857, United States President James Buchanan was poisoned at the National Hotel in Washington, DC. Not a single Southern man was affected or harmed. (it is believed that arsenic was sprinkled in the bowls containing tea, and the southerns preffered coffee.... (gives new meaning the the Tea Party in the Republican Party..)
President James Buchanan survived the incident and began to politically clamp down on those who were secretly engaged in breaking up the United States Republic by fostering slavery and a Civil War. In 1859, seven states succeeded, headed by South Carolina, taking seven forts, four arsenals, one navy yard, and the United States Mint at New Orleans holding $511 million. The total value of government property stolen was worth $27 million; in addition, $8 million in Indian Trust Bonds was taken.

New Orleans before Civil War was the wealthiest city in America and a hotbed for banker-agents of the House of Rothschild headquartered in Britain...

Before the Civil War, on a per capita basis, New Orleans was the wealthiest city in America. In 1857, Judah Benjamin was an agent of the House of Rothschild living in New Orleans. His job was to fund the Confederacy and help foster a devastating Civil War. Judah Benjamin started in the Confederate government as Attorney General and later became Secretary of State. Judah Benjamin also became head of the Confederate intelligence and was a key player in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The House of Rothschild was fearful that the new United States Republic would begin printing its own money and have a central bank not tied into the House of Rothschild. This would weaken the House of Rothschild ' s control over the monetary currencies of the world.

In 1832, William Russell, whose family fortunes were made smuggling opium to China through Turkey, founded a chapter of the House of Rothschild ' s Illuminati - Knights of Templar at Yale University and called it Skull and Bones. Caleb Cushing partner of William Russell and an agent of Skull and Bones Level 33..(it has been suggested that a Killing of the King ritual is required to pass to level 33). was involved in the arsenic poisoning deaths of United States Presidents William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841, and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states.

On June 4, 1963 President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.

Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later

After 911, the FBI, ONI, SEC, and all other government agencies now grouped under Homeland Security focused much of their efforts on “terrorism.” These investigations included: the theft of national treasuries of Russia and the Philippines; the use of heroin sales proceeds to fund covert intelligence operations in in Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Georgia, Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.; illegal bribes to various Central Asian oligarchs from major corporate financial contributors to the Bush campaigns, as well as directly from George Bush Sr.; illegal gold and money laundering operations; and $280 Billion in fraudulent Brady Bonds issued to Russian criminal oligarchs.

Conveniently for the culprits being investigated, the two WTC airplane strikes were direct hits on the largest traders of U.S. Securities, which were the only trades that were made on the morning of 911. The FBI center holding the records of the investigations exploded before the first plane struck. Rescue teams had already reached the FBI offices before the first plane struck. Towers 7, 4 and 6 all exploded, and the records in those towers were also destroyed. The $2.3 trillion that Rumsfeld announced the day before can be traced to some of these investigations. There was much to be lost by many bankers, brokers, and CIA politicians and operatives in those investigations.

So yeh.. be very carfeul of bankers. Especially full on criminals and pirates like HSBC, Citibank, Deutsche Bank and lets not forget the Vatican Bank..

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm just trying to find out if you actually know if you're directing your flamethrower of hate and piss in the right direction.

  1. Kill yourself for claiming that hate is bad.
  2. Yes, you stupid illiterate sack of jewish brainwashed shit. Your Q-LARP is a proven hoax and you spam this jewish bullshit everywhere you go. You’re a fucking race traitor.

do you know that there are non Jewish Zionists who are actually responsable for the last 70 years

Thanks for asserting something that absolutely no one questioned, you FUCKING JEW APOLOGIST.

HOW can you be aware of the CFR and then ask WHY did the patriots in government let the last 70 years happen

Because you’re mentally ill and brainwashed by jews if you think the CFR is the source of all this. It’s literally not relevant in any way.


Nope. Thanks for continuing to spam jewish lies.

(I can write big too)

Thanks for admitting you have no evidence for your claims.

They started Wars

Total falsehood. Israel started the wars.

the Military Industrial Complex


I can only link you to more books that are full of history that you wont read because... JOOOOS!!


Over the last 70 years...the people in gov. have NEVER been patriots to America

Thanks for admitting that Q is a liar.

You can shout zog Jew and hooknose to the skies as much as you want

Because the jews are responsible.

the people who ARE responsable

The jews. You will never trick us.

dont give a fuck about jews

They are jews. You will never trick us.

or christians

Jews hate Christians. You will never trick us.

or muslims

Jews use Muslims to kill Christians. You will never trick us.

or buddhists

Keep crying, jew. You will never trick us.

or frankists

The jews. You will never trick us.

or freemasons

Founded by jews. You will never trick us.

or communists

Founded by jews. You will never trick us.

or jesuits

Entirely owned by jews. You will never trick us.

you're just showing how oblivious ignorant you are.


Religion means nothing

It’s the foundation of their entire worldview. You will never trick us.

Im not an American citizen

So you’re a foreign enemy, then.

so take your nationalist bullshit


non sequiters

Everything I said is directly on topic for what you believe.

1. Do you believe in white nationalism? 2. Do you believe in the right of a people to their nation.

People like YOU make everyone else look smart.

Not an argument. Thanks for exposing yourself, paid jewish shill.

Ill bet you didnt even know that Hollywood was started by Jews

lol, keep crying.

So if Jews want to keep Hollywood and their pedophilic incest and abuse of children started by jews, what the fuck difference does it make to you.. No.. really what do you care??



White Genocide.... What the fuck are you talking about. There will NEVER be a "white" Genocide


You really need to read Carroll Quigley's work.

I tend to stay away from jewish propaganda.

the other 'races'



going to use

Kill yourself immediately, you illiterate pile of Q-LARPing shit.

What you need to worry about is this guy

  1. The 5 races are not the same species.
  2. No, I don’t care about “humanity”; I care about whites.
  3. Your paid link is irrelevant to me. Unless the scientist is a jew or shabbos goy, he’s meaningless and will never threaten anyone.

thats the real shit

It’s a proven hoax.

I have no idea

No one cares what you know. Your beliefs are completely irrelevant. Truth exists outside of your feelings and experiences. Q-LARP is a proven zionist.

Im not sure you understand what a Zionist is.

That’s funny, you don’t even know what a zionist looks like. How are you going to tell anyone what they are?

I dont support Q anymore than I support an American.

Thanks for admitting to supporting Q-LARP, since you’ve been shilling it for days now. It’s the reason your account exists.

I will support the project and Trump if he manages to dismantle the child abuse rings in Hollywood and Washington.

So you don’t support the project, then. This isn’t happening. Admit you don’t support it.

I like that Q has awoken a shitload of people

This didn’t happen.

I dont know

There’s a fuckton of shit you don’t know, isn’t there.

Reminder that you have not only exposed yourself as a paid jewish shill, but have exposed your Q-LARP as a hoax.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're funny. I think your Jew detector is malfunctionning due to it being filled up with nigger-cum from being gangbanged by your daddies for too long in the prison shower. Im not a jew you idiot. But it doesnt matter, you're a moron who sees jews everywhere. For info, Im a 1.8m blue eyed blond haired aryan who doesnt believe in the Roman Scatholic Hurrian Sky Daddy concept, certainly not the basterdized concept that was stolen from the Babylon Slaves and the concept of Monotheism stolen from the Egyptians. The church is an administrational tool created by Constantine 1 because he was copying the Arabs. The Sumerians and the Nordics and Aztecs and the Hindus and Egyptians had Giants that walked amougst them that were praised as Gods. Its nice discussing with you. Have fun.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you have absolutely no argument or refutation to what was said and that Q-LARP is a paid jewish shill and proven hoax.

Trump just abandoned declassification because the jews told him to. WHERE IS THAT IN YOUR NARRATIVE, YOU COCKSUCKING YID?

OpposableGums ago

All that typing, and yet, you left out the single most important fact.... Everything that's wrong on this planet is the fault of the mainstream news media. Nothing important can be fixed until the mainstream media is made free again. Trust the plan.

Tallest_Skil ago

Everything that's wrong on this planet is the fault of the mainstream news media.

The media is owned completely by jews. The banks are owned completely by jews. The education system is owned completely by jews. The governments of the Western world are owned completely by jews.


Nothing important can be fixed until the mainstream media is made free again.

  1. Trump has absolutely no intention of arresting anyone in the media.
  2. No one else does, either.
  3. The media DOES NOT MATTER IN ANY CAPACITY. They still own all the banks, all the publishing houses, all the schools, and all the governments.

Trust the plan.

That’s not an argument. No, I’m not going to trust someone who has been proven to be a hoax.

shrink ago

This is like saying everything wrong in a corrupt and evil corporation is the fault of all middle management. You're a number of steps too low on the totem pole. MSM does cause lots of problems, but that's not where the buck stops. The MSM is caused itself, it is not the end of the trail, and making the MSM "free again" is not going to solve the core problems. It will make a number of things much better, but it's a symptom that is exacerbating other symptoms, it is not the illness itself.

OpposableGums ago

I agree with you that the source of evil lives at a much higher level than the news media (or Hollywood, or the Universities, etc.). But the mainstream media is not "middle management". They are a weapon. They are the reason these voat headlines would never be said in a place where our employers would see them and connect them to us. They are the reason everything is twisted or ignored. They are the reason why most people, who feel patriotic, are too distracted to maintain their thoughts on an important track. The solution is to disarm our enemy by allowing journalists the freedom to spread the truth. That is what "The Plan" will ultimately do.

NewOddKitKat ago

@Tallest_skil @alele-opathic I haven't been at this Q thing but a couple of months, & I'm not at all the kind of research nerd a lot of these people are—but I'm intelligent & curious. Once I started going through all the Q posts, the things he/they referenced, & the stuff the real research types came up with, I was fascinated. So, my POV on establishing legitimacy:

It can't possibly be just one person—there's too much there & too many specialized details to be the work of one person, LARP or not. Q has claimed to be a team of “less than 10” people, most in Military Intelligence, very close to President Trump. One of the primary things that convinced me that it IS someone close to Trump is a number of pictures Q posted, which have been verified to have been taken on board Air Force One. The researchers compared the photos inside the plane with photos inside AF1 available online, & verified the locations in-flight through Google Earth. These were posted while Trump was traveling in Asia. Other photos have been posted that lend credence to the claim, such as items on POTUS' desk in the Oval Office. Other “proofs” have been such things as words & timestamps coordinated between Q posts & POTUS tweets & speeches Trump has given.

The military intelligence claim & the references in the posts line up to me based on both logic & my own exposure to the military. I'm a Navy vet, & I have many family members & friends who have served as both officers & enlisted in all branches except the Coast Guard. I'm not an expert, & my service was in the 1970s, but nothing in the posts has struck me as inauthentic. Researchers who claim to be military or vets, & who know much more than I do, are convincing in their statements. It also makes perfect sense for Trump to be working closely with MI in order to get around comped agencies like the NSA, Clowns In America, DOJ, & FBI; & he has the legal authority to do that. It also makes sense that long-term career military people are the most likely of anyone in government to be true patriots. Military careers require a lot of sacrifice on the parts of both the soldier & his/her family, & it's not especially lucrative. I have a hard time imagining anyone who isn't devoted to the service in some way making a career of it—unless they're devoted to undermining the military from the inside. There are lots more comfortable jobs in government that lend themselves to undermining the military.

As I recall, Q never specified being part of the Department of Energy, but asked the question, “What is a Q security clearance?” It exists in the DOE, but applies to other government agencies also. See As the DOE deals with nuclear power, it makes sense that the highest level of security clearance would be required to access some of that information. It also makes sense that if there are traitors entrenched in our government--& I've been convinced of that for a long time—anyone working with the president to uncover & deal with the Deep State would have to be cleared to access the most highly classified information, & to be well-versed in a number of national security matters.

“What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard?”

Using the chans makes perfect sense if: (1) No classified information is directly exposed that could result in legal charges or actual risk to the country; (2) it's done at POTUS' direction; & (3) you want to get information to the public without being thwarted & censored by the corrupt agencies & lying media that you're working against.

The format of asking questions & coded messages keeps it legal by not revealing classified information, but giving just enough that someone who cares enough to research it can find what you want them to find & know. I can do simple research on the questions with internet searches. I depend on others for figuring out what coded stuff means, & I don't get it all. I get enough to see a lot that makes sense, though. The posts are cryptic, but not indecipherable, & not vague if you research what's there.

“They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.”

That's the thing. Sure, there are undoubtedly a lot of Q followers that don't question much, & just follow because it's something that gives them hope. I don't think that's most of them, though. Most of us DO question & take the trouble to look stuff up, which is a huge part of Q's point—to make us question things, look them up, & find out for ourselves.

One of the things Q repeats often is “Future proves past.” They don't just say, this thing is going to happen then. Or if they do, you can be sure it's going to turn out to be code for something different. You get the questions & the clues, do the research, speculate about what you find out & what it might mean--& then at some point later, you see the news that explains & verifies what was said. That serves at least 2 purposes. One is that you're establishing that you know something is going to happen before it does, & the event confirms it when it occurs. The other is that those who are working against you can't figure out what you're planning & doing ahead of time—because you KNOW that those who are corrupt are watching everything you say, too.

All this is just my personal reasoning behind believing this is a legit thing. If you're curious about how I got to this point, you can look where I started:

Tallest_Skil ago

It can’t possibly be just one person—there's too much there & too many specialized details to be the work of one person, LARP or not.


Q has claimed to be a team of “less than 10” people

All with the same clearance? Sounds like a security nightmare, particularly since they’re LEAKING TO THE PUBLIC NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW.

most in Military Intelligence, very close to President Trump.

And what’s the evidence that they’re not just Twitter interns?

One of the primary things that convinced me that it IS someone close to Trump is a number of pictures Q posted, which have been verified to have been taken on board Air Force One.

How do you know the photographs don’t come from stock or archival content?

The researchers compared the photos inside the plane with photos inside AF1 available online, & verified the locations in-flight through Google Earth.

Yes, but Air Force One is not the only Boeing 747-200 in the air. All you have to do is fly the same route at some point and upload the pictures later.

as items on POTUS’ desk in the Oval Office.

The letterhead for presidential memos is well known. Printers are widely available.

Other “proofs” have been such things as words & timestamps coordinated between Q posts & POTUS tweets & speeches Trump has given.

I like your use of quotation marks there. I’m going to ask (of anyone, not just you) how that isn’t just pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia. I’ve seen some of the “examples” they offer. There’s no direct correlation. At the very least, someone could have gotten Q to get Trump to say “I don’t disavow white nationalism” instead of “I disavow the concept of white nationalism; it’s disgusting and evil” and literally tell us all that he doesn’t want any support ever again.

& he has the legal authority to do that

Know what else he has the legal authority to do? Declare martial law and deport every single last illegal and nonwhite in the country. But even Q admits that they don’t support white nationalism. He also has the legal authority to have the military ARREST everyone in the list you provided, as well as all of Congress–federal and state–for the TREASON that we HAVE ON PUBLIC RECORD they have committed. Never mind arresting the media for it. So why won’t he follow the law?

It also makes sense that long-term career military people are the most likely of anyone in government to be true patriots.

Now we come back to an earlier statement.

I’m a Navy vet

And your service was in the ‘70s. Surely, then, you know of the USS Liberty. Surely, then, you must understand who America’s only enemy is. Having said this, why has the military not subsequently revolted against their orders to die SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY for the sake and benefit of this enemy since 1982? And even before that, of course. Since the military has not revolted, why would you expect them to ever go against their orders, given to them from foreigners? There’s a reason that you’re shipped halfway across the country once you join up. It’s so that you don’t have any qualms about shooting your own citizens when the order comes down, because you won’t know any of them.

As I recall, Q never specified being part of the Department of Energy, but asked the question, “What is a Q security clearance?”

It named itself “Q-Clearance Patriot” There’s only one Q classification, and it’s in the DoE. It was chosen simply because “it’s above all the other clearances” and stands far and away one of the more glaring evidences that they’re not on the up and up.

applies to other government agencies also

I keep seeing that, and yet none of them are ever listed...

if: (1) No classified information is directly exposed

Aha, but why, then, should we believe it?

you want to get information to the public without being thwarted & censored by the corrupt agencies & lying media that you’re working against.

... You ever use an imageboard before Q came into being? We’ve been co-opted for about a decade now. 4chan’s /b/ has been owned exclusively by the FBI since roughly 2007. There’s a reason that /b/ never holds requests for new moderators–because the government is the entire moderation set there. And since 2014, all of 4chan has been owned and moderated by government officials. 8chan is hardly any better, and even /pol/ has been brought low thanks SOLELY to the actions of the website’s owner.

I depend on others for figuring out what coded stuff means, & I don’t get it all.

Here’s where that rubs me wrong, and that’s a personal matter: I’m not going to trust anything that I can’t verify myself. Taking someone else’s explanation of an acronym (or what have you) at face value makes me think of... what’s the term... “leading agents”? Something like that. Where unknown information is posted and then someone working for the poster “finds out” (tells/guides) everyone else what it means, to the extent that it’s drawn off the correct meaning.

I don’t think that's most of them, though.

At the beginning, maybe.

They don't just say, this thing is going to happen then. Or if they do, you can be sure it’s going to turn out to be code for something different.

And this, to me, reads like “Here, go ahead and read into any event whatsoever whatever you’d like to see. Anything that happens, we did.” It’s too convenient for me.

Good, another link. Thanks for your time!

Ps4Freedom ago

I'll give this a go but it will have to be in stages because I've never explained before. Q is not a god and most of us don't worship in a cult. Q is very specific about two things. He serves at the pleasure of the president. And the president serves at the will of the people. We are Q, the people are Q
This doesn't really make sense until you add the intelligence of Trump and the generals plus code breaking skills. Gemantria is now all over the place. Like Trump's texts, speeches and many Q drops. As well as the cabal. They also use this code(I'm still learning gemantria so it's difficult for me to explain)
Why the crazy communication? Because of national security, Q can't spell it all out BUT because of open source he can point with clues and the anons dig and bake. Nothing classified is ever revealed. This revealed info is what's used to fight the information war. Knowledge is power. Waking up the sheeple is done by distributing the truth in memes.

Tallest_Skil ago

He serves at the pleasure of the president.

What is the evidence of this?

And the president serves at the will of the people.

Ostensibly, yes. However, when in the last 100 years has this been true? Look to the treason of Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, Ford, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Trump.

Ps4Freedom ago

Do you want to discuss or drown me in words? You don't have to agree with me. You asked for an explanation. You didn't even give what I said some thought. Your regurgitating your own words.
The trees are green...? The sky is blue? Lol

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you want to discuss or drown me in words?

They’re mutually exclusive?

You don’t have to agree with me.

Indeed, truth is not a matter of agreement. One’s opinion doesn’t matter in the face of truth which contradicts it.

You asked for an explanation.

I’m still waiting for a full one.

You didn’t even give what I said some thought.

Of course I did. How else would I have asked further questions?

Ps4Freedom ago

You can no longer say no one tried.

When two people try to do something they both hold equal responsibility for the task at hand. I am simply unable to explain my thoughts to you because we have no starting point. No common ground to agree on a basis of thought. No premise to build upon in the pursuit of exchanging ideas. With no beginning there is only a circle. Circles are limiting in that there is never a new road.

Tallest_Skil ago

...we have no starting point. No common ground to agree on a basis of thought.

The world is broken.

We agree on this. We disagree on the manner in which it is broken and on the mechanism by which to fix it. Truth, however, is not a matter of disagreement.

Ps4Freedom ago

My apologies. Lack of sleep and drama have worn me too thin, my fault. I was ho ping it would be fun to talk about this with you. And I think it will! We probably agree on much more than we think. And you can teach me some badly needed endurance if your willing to try again. Respects, Ps

FindingTruth ago

Nice of you to take the time. I found your formatting the best part. The Hollocaust analogy reply was piss poor though. Too many false assumptions to discuss, but nice to see the effort.

MI6chock ago

Many of the points you make are valid concerns to bring up against any kind of group that claims to stand against tyranny, in part it is a valuable template to vet a group.

Some of your accusations you make against Q and the Qs are not accurate though.

You claim Q is their god. After many generations of religious, authoritarian indoctrination it is easy for people to fall into worship mode. Time and again Q tries to counter that programming. When someone called him boss he linked to that post and says "No one is above the other". To get this program out of ppls thick skulls he also posted a meme with lots of people stating "we are Q", partially to try to break people focus on him as something unique i assume.

He tells people that it is important to go vote, even sends memes to drive it in. The post about votes being meaningless was about english and german citicens. He told them that their voice does not matter, talked about election rigging and "MASS EXT EVENTS DESIGNED TO DECREASE THREAT LEVEL OF POPULATION." and gave the gov's five days (post 1010). Some stuff that become public within these five days were that germany released the (ex-?)leader of catalonia unduly imprisoned two weeks earlyer (german judges of all people suddenly claimed that resistance is not a felony), and several foods were recalled in britain, while the ingredients lists of products in several supermarkets were updated.

He keeps telling people to fight, though the weapon of choice is truth, he wants people to keep the right to bear arms. Since your believe that Q is a larp is dogmatic (A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?) i cannot argue with that. Like Q says: "TRUST YOUR SELF".

Please consider that the believe in the inability of change, that something that is "too good to be true", that (((they))) are just to powerful is but another mind meme of control.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for the actual reply. This should be good.

You claim Q is their god.

Interesting that this is the first you pick. I would claim obfuscation, but I can still answer this anyway.

After many generations of religious, authoritarian indoctrination it is easy for people to fall into worship mode.

As shown by all Q boards on all websites. Dissent against the narrative (dissent is a word which here means “asking questions about Q claims”) on the 8chan boards = /24 block 90 day IP ban. On reddit, it’s an instant ban to question Q. On Voat it’s an instant ban to question Q. Look at the redditors’ new board. Look how many bans.

You’ll notice, too, that everywhere the redditors go they make their own hugbox. They don’t integrate with the existing boards, either on 8chan or Voat. THIS IS THE SHIA/SUNNI SPLIT. This is extremely indicative of CULT worship, not even religion.

Time and again Q tries to counter that programming. When someone called him boss he linked to that post and says "No one is above the other".

So… communism. The destruction of NATURAL ORDER and the existence of hierarchies. An act that all right-wing people know is evil. Literally shilling for communist takeover of society. I ask again: Why should we support this?

"we are Q", partially to try to break people focus on him as something unique i assume.

  1. Well, it’s unique in that no one else made the claim that the ZOG would arrest the ZOG, that the government would magically fix itself without any input or work from the people, that all the “bad” people were going to go away, and that this is happening thanks to Trump. You know, all 100% as-yet-unfounded claims.
  2. The cynic in me looks at your statement and says, “This is the method by which it obtains an ‘out’. This is the way it escapes the wrath of its followers when it can no longer hide that every single thing it said is a hoax.” Something like ‘We are all responsible for this! Ignore that I came to you with a fantasy and riled you up to follow it instead of the truth; WE are equally responsible for being wrong! Toodles now; thanks for the fun, and remember, Trust The Plan™!’

He tells people that it is important to go vote

And why would we care about that? All political parties in the West are owned by jews. I stop the sentence there because the rest of the world doesn’t matter. All persons running for office are equally owned by jews. They say what is needed to get elected, and then they do what jews tell them. The Democrat Party is communist. The Republican Party is communist. The former calls for communism publicly. The latter votes for communism when no one is looking and refuses to fight against it at any time, for any reason. Other than to get reelected, of course. And it doesn’t matter that they vote for communism BECAUSE PEOPLE VOTE THEM BACK IN AGAIN ANYWAY. ALL VOTING MACHINES ARE OWNED BY COMPANIES OWNED BY JEWS. WE HAVE DEMOCRAT PARTY OFFICIALS ON VIDEO ADMITTING THAT THEY HAVE STOLEN EVERY ELECTION SINCE THE 1960S.

Explain why someone who is telling us the truth about the world would tell us to vote when every actual right-wing person knows that since we did not vote them into power, we’re not going to vote them out. I had a thought recently, which I almost immediately answered for myself. I said, “If Q really wants to pretend that he’s legitimate while pushing another narrative, why not set up the claim that “the midterm doesn’t matter” because “we’re going to arrest all of the traitors JUST BEFORE the midterm.” That way people won’t be focused at all on canvassing others to vote, and they won’t plan to vote themselves. Come Election Day, when nothing happens, they would be totally unprepared and have to scramble to get things going, allowing the enemy to win handily.” That would do extremely well to get these people–which hang on its every word–to hand their country over to communism. But then I remembered that it’s MORE USEFUL to just keep the scam going indefinitely. We’ve seen this many times in history with cult-like followings. NOT having a set date by which an event will happen means that they hang on the lie for longer, even when the entire world knows otherwise.

The post about votes being meaningless was about english and german citicens.

Yeah, the vote couldn’t POSSIBLY be meaningless ANYWHERE in the West; it’s just specific regions that an anonymous person tells you it is. Right? Again, ignore the jew-owned voting machines and proof of THIRTY MILLION FRAUDULENT VOTER REGISTRATIONS (alone) in the US. Because “there are good jews” (Q said so), and “jews aren’t responsible for the problems in the world.” Right?

He told them that their voice does not matter, talked about election rigging and "MASS EXT EVENTS DESIGNED TO DECREASE THREAT LEVEL OF POPULATION."

Yeah, that’s… the entire West.

and gave the gov's five days (post 1010).

Something tells me those five days came and went.

Some stuff that become public within these five days

My question is how is this not just pareidolia and confirmation bias?

germany released the (ex-?)leader of catalonia

But Catalonia “isn’t” one of the places where “the people don’t have a voice”.

(german judges of all people suddenly claimed that resistance is not a felony)

And yet, in the interim, they have behaved in the exact opposite way to their own people, so clearly the “threat” was a paper tiger, since 1. There was no retaliation from Q, et. al. for violating the “terms” again and 2. They obviously don’t believe what they said for that single instance.

and several foods were recalled in britain, while the ingredients lists of products in several supermarkets were updated.

How does that relate to the people “not having a voice”?

He keeps telling people to fight

Yes, how interesting. Such as fighting for regime change in Iran. Awfully jewish.

though the weapon of choice is truth, he wants people to keep the right to bear arms.

And they won’t keep them if they don’t use them.

Since your believe that Q is a larp is dogmatic (A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?) i cannot argue with that.

The burden of proof is on Q to show that it is not a hoax. I may say whatever I please about the LARP that, in November of last year, claimed things would happen that were proven did not happen.

the believe in the inability of change

Which I don’t have. It is nonsense to “believe” that things cannot change, because truth is not a matter of opinion, and things, unquestionably, have changed. They have gotten universally worse over the last century. That’s change.

that something that is "too good to be true"

Obviously this is true. Of course something can be too good to be true. Every lie ever told by a jew is an example of this. We’ve hit all the platitudes, now I’d like you to see if you can answer some of the specifics. WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE ANYONE WHO SAYS THE CITIZENS WILL NOT BE TAKING UP ARMS AND KILLING THE TRAITORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS, BUT THAT THE MESS WILL SOMEHOW BE FIXED ON ITS OWN? Give evidence that the ZOG will arrest the ZOG.

that (((they))) are just to powerful

Certainly not; they’re the weakest and most feeble race on Earth. They don’t have to be strong if they just convince everyone that they’re not the threat that the world is facing.

Here’s a question for you: How can you believe Q and still name the jew? Q has said that good jews exist. Q has said that jews aren’t even the ones responsible for this shit. (see above) How are these beliefs not mutually exclusive?

NewOddKitKat ago

I actually read through all you've said slowly & carefully, & I'm going to take my time & gather information & come back with a thoughtful reply, instead of just shooting off a half-assed response.

alele-opathic ago

I'm also interested in your response. If you don't mind, ping me (put an '@' in front of my name) somewhere in your eventual reply.

Posts archive in a month or so, so you have plenty of time!

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 3 days

actually wants a discussion

HELL. YES. Take all the time you need. Now my only new question is why you stayed on reddit for so long when the writing had been on the wall for at least five years.

NewOddKitKat ago

I'd only looked at reddit in the first place because my daughter periodically texted me goofy, funny, or cute stuff from there. Only reason I joined was so I could subscribe to particular subs & avoid all the shit I wasn't interested in. Never paid attention to Q because it was too “out there” to merit my attention—until suddenly ALL the MSM, which had barely mentioned it, jumped on it all at once & labeled it an insane & dangerous conspiracy theory. When the media goes apeshit, I get suspicious & curious. Reddit just happens to be the first place I found ongoing discussions about it. The ban is just leading me to expand my horizons :)

alele-opathic ago

[..] ALL the MSM, which had barely mentioned it, jumped on it all at once & labeled it an insane & dangerous conspiracy theory. When the media goes apeshit, I get suspicious & curious.

You should be careful about this - suspecting good in anything the media demonizes is exploitable. Remember, from basic strategy, if you can control communication, you always first ignore your opponents - this prevents ideological spread. In your case, they literally taught you about their 'opponent', which is not correct strategy. Remember, they know about the Streisand Effect too.

They did something similar with the Silk Road, where they educated untold millions of potheads/shooters/tweakers/you name it on darkweb drug purchasing, making sure to specifically name the Silk Road. After driving gobs of traffic to the SR, the FBI finally closes down their op (they had been running the SR for years). Also a soft reminder that Tor was developed by the DOD, and is basically nothing but a fraud/guns/drugs/pedo crime platform now.

NewOddKitKat ago

I appreciate the warning. I'm a hopeful but wary old bitch though. I didn't necessarily suspect something good--just something they didn't want me to know :)

Ina_Pickle ago

Tallest... I think it's time we start scheduling mandatory date nights for you or something.

Tallest_Skil ago

Have you heard of the Greek play Assemblywomen? It’s a satire, written 2000 years ago, about the dangers of communism.

Crap, I have a longer and more detailed write-up for it, but that’s in the book I’m writing and I only have an early copy on my iPad…

The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst as a succession of ever older and more hideous women attempting to and eventually succeeding in dragging the man off to make love to them first, as laid down by the new laws. Assemblywomen, a play by Aristophanes, 391 BC

This is literally one of the “check your privilege” stories about men getting screwed over by the coming feminist society. And it was written over 2000 years ago. What’s scary about it is that people have always had this desire. It isn’t some new degeneration of society since the 19th century. It’s like a great creeping force of history that has always been held at bay until now. The only difference is that the society of which they have always dreamed only became possible when technology and production advanced enough to let them get away with it without it all instantly collapsing. As medical and production technology wipes out the need for family values, hard work, and individual achievement, how far will we see this nonsense be taken? Communism isn’t enough, is it? It can’t just be people getting their bread. It has to be maximum equality in everything because the personal is the political and my feelings trump your rights. It’s too late to stop this age-old dream becoming a reality. We have the technology to let mental defectives exist in a delusional dreamworld, and soon we’ll have the technology to let them inflict that dreamworld on reality, and immanentize the eschaton.

The best thing about communism and feminism is that they don’t work. A tyranny which is unstable and incompetent at least gives hope, and that’s why they’ve never quite been able to do it. But if we automate society enough, the human element of incentives is removed, and we’ll find ourselves in a world at the whim of those in control of politics. We’ll be in the far worse world where communism works. We’ll be under the boot that can keep stomping on our faces forever.

People think communism was invented in the 19th century, but that’s only because the century after is the only point where production had advanced enough to get it off the ground. It still failed, because even if communism could be enacted, it could never actually survive human nature, and the controllers could never coordinate their subjects with their meager abilities. That may be set to change, and we’ll have gone from the 2500 year dream of communism to the failed experiments of the 20th century and finally to a robotized and automated equality surpassing all communism, and all at the service of those controlling the politics of the day: today’s social justice warriors and feminists.

Why do I mention this in reply to your post? Because instead of actually holding a discussion about the topic, you chose to spew communist propaganda at me. You think that truth–REAL TRUTH–and the fight for it can be “appeased” or silenced by wanton, meaningless sex. Get bent, coward. As a man, I don’t want women by fiat. Relationships have to be organically cultivated. I don’t care that it was “just a joke, bro”; YOU ARE, EITHER KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY, SPREADING COMMUNIST PROPAGADA AS THOUGH IT’S SANE AND NORMAL BEHAVIOR. Don’t.

Ina_Pickle ago

Actually, I read way it way back when I was still in school. Required reading.

You can insult me if you want to, but I wasn't intending to insult you.

I don't follow this Q stuff, because I think its most likely just an extremely successful larp. But I did read the thesis you posted. You don't appear to believe in Q either, but you dedicated who knows how much time to writing pages about it.

For a larp you don't even believe in...

Don't you think you need to take a break? I know when I start to write a small Book on a subject I don't actually care about just to post to an internet discussion board, that it's time for me to step back from the computer. Get some sunshine.

fluhthreeex ago

There were too many morons and shills here who were falling for it and pimping it. If you find yourself addressing issues often, why not hit "save" on the post, or put it in a text file so you can improve on it or just use it later when the topic comes up again. The site has nothing to speak of when it comes to a history search.

There are too many people who have migrated from Reddit now, so it's a good time to bring it out and see if anyone is up to the challenge. It's going to happen eventually. Might as well be this way.

MisplacedMan ago

For those still on the fence about the validity of Q, click here.

Tallest_Skil ago

How is that, in any way, an answer to my questions? Don’t think for a second I’ve not been to that link. The questions are based on the content that ISN’T there, which form the foundation of Q-LARP’s claims.

ratsmack ago

No need to ruin the fun... it's their playroom.

Tallest_Skil ago

I just don’t see the benefit in my people chasing jewish hoaxes instead of putting their energy toward saving the white race FROM the jews.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

personally I don't know or care if it's a larp, but I can't support this regardless

Commerical_Storage ago

all this for a Q-LARP? funny!

MrPim ago

Damn I'm glad you reminded me of all that. Id forgotten it so hard It's almost like I never knew it.

Q1813 ago

Where did Q say

Obama went to North Korea

Tallest_Skil ago

During Trump’s “Asian trip” and specifically his visit to Seoul, right before he left for China. Note that this was also right about the time that the Saudi soft coup was occurring.

Q1813 ago

What specific Q post?

Tallest_Skil ago

That… is a good question. Do you guys number them chronologically, or do you just go by their 4chan post number?

Q1813 ago

Chronological order. Checkout, you can narrow the time frame, each post has the post number top right corner.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh my, you folks sure have created a useful website. I knew about it before, but only now do I see just how efficient your search is. You may not have written that code, but a good search function is terribly hard to find these days.

Anyway, I found it instantly. November 2, 2017. Four days before the first outright Q assertion was proven false.

Q1813 ago

Oh! BO isn't Hussein, thats Bruce Ohr he is talking about.

Yeah, that tool is pretty handy ain't it?

everlastingphelps ago

You misspelled tallest_shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for proving me correct.

CA_Hircus ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago


absurdlyobfuscated ago

Rule 1: Drink the kool-aid, no questioning or free thought allowed.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, that’s how the Qcumbers behave, all right.

xenoPsychologist ago


that is true beauty, rarely seen these days.

fuspezza ago

You typed all this for a larp

NoisyCricket ago

He is known as Tallest Shill. Everyone here knows he's a shill.

SurfinMindWaves ago

No, he typed it for you and all the others who don't want to see it. You aren't a larp.

Ps4Freedom ago

I don't mind seeing it. But does he really want an answer?

NoisyCricket ago

No. He copy-pastes that spam all over the place. He has been outed as a shill and he absolutely is not looking for an answer. He's trying to distract, create a mire, and discredit by pretending to offering "insightful questions" to which he already knows the answers but will lie about.

Ps4Freedom ago

I believe his posts have been removed. That's a big step in the right direction. I have to give him credit for that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure do. Take your time, do it however you like. I just want to know why we’re supposed to believe something that has been repeatedly shown to be untrue.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Not sure if he does, but others might. There are always fence-sitters lurking around.

Hand_of_Node ago

It seems so.

"I’m short and terse, more than any other reason, because we have the sum total of freely available human knowledge literally at our fingertips and people have the gall not to do some research for themselves before mouthing off about such and such. If there’s something I believe (or state as being true) that you don’t like, PM me and I’ll be… better about discussing it. This isn’t a call to action or anything; you don’t have to think of something right now. Just the next time you see one in the course of your casual reading, hit me up. I’ll drop some sources on you. And hey, if I am wrong, you get to drop your sources on me. It’s a win win. No one can lose if the prize is truth. Well, except for jews. They always lose when truth is involved."

Ps4Freedom ago

That's one of the nicest offers I've had in a long time. I will do that. I'm thinking I finally found the place where I can be quiet and learn. Well, except for the occasional rant... I feel like I was dropped in a big bowl of delightful gems. I'm just in awe of the wealth, the laughs and the freedom here. Thank you for your kind offer.

Hand_of_Node ago

To be clear, that was a quote from @Tallest_Skil, just above, that seemed to directly answer your question. (Even if it was a reply to a different user.)

Welcome to voat, and enjoy your stay.

think- ago

Come over to v/wildlife and v/pizzagate occasionally. ;-)

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you wrote 30 scientific textbooks that debunk every single claim made about the holocaust

wow that’s a lot of work to put in if it was fake; lol it’s totally real because you worked to show it isn’t real

Thanks for admitting that every word I said is true and that you cannot substantiate a single thing Q-LARP (which was disproven last November 6th) has said.

shrink ago

I swear, half the time you're a mouthbreathing lobotomized fucking faggot, and the other half the time, like now, you completely hit it out of the park. There's really no middle ground with you, it's like flipping a coin.

White_pride_cis ago

He is like an autistic Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde.

Tallest_Skil ago

a mouthbreathing lobotomized fucking faggot

I take it that I come across as callous or harsh in your assessment of those particular instances, but I assure you they all come from the same place and with the same effort as

completely hit it out of the park

-style events. I’m short and terse, more than any other reason, because we have the sum total of freely available human knowledge literally at our fingertips and people have the gall not to do some research for themselves before mouthing off about such and such. If there’s something I believe (or state as being true) that you don’t like, PM me and I’ll be… better about discussing it. This isn’t a call to action or anything; you don’t have to think of something right now. Just the next time you see one in the course of your casual reading, hit me up. I’ll drop some sources on you. And hey, if I am wrong, you get to drop your sources on me. It’s a win win. No one can lose if the prize is truth. Well, except for jews. They always lose when truth is involved.

shrink ago

No, I'm just going off of past remembered impressions. And my impressions of someone rarely have to do with their particular presentation but rather their content. I can't provide you with any examples and it's not worth it to go digging, but assuming I'm feeling argumentative I'll keep this in mind and let you know next time I randomly bump into a post and think something you said is just stupid. You're essentially saying that you always argue in an intellectually honest fashion, and I remember debating with myself whether you were trolling or baiting at one point or arguing in bad faith.

Hand_of_Node ago

Go hero worship on reddit. You can’t trust people to be your heroes. It’s important to remember that you never truly know your heroes. Heroes are just people. People change. People are bought. People lose sight. People die. Never forget, no matter how it happened, that whenever you lose a hero, the things you believe don’t stop being true. The people you believed in weren’t the physical embodiment of whatever it was for which they had stood. If they betrayed you or turned their back on their ideals, the ideals themselves are not any less valid.

This is because it’s not the person in which you believe. They didn’t make you believe those things–you already knew those things were right. You saw a strong person working toward your ideals–or one who had a clearer, fully conceptualized idea of what they were. In that moment, you knew they could be realized, because another person–fallible, like yourself–sought to achieve them. They only thing they really made you believe in is yourself. The reality is that since you never really knew your hero, they were always just an idealized projection of you. With them gone, you can choose to let those ideals die, or you can choose to pass them on yourself. A hero is just ideals with action. Choose to be your own ideals and you choose to be your own hero. A hero is just a focal point for the self.

Another hit, imo, from awhile back. Had only seen the other side until this, and it completely changed my impression of TS.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

This one was remarkably good too. That's what changed my mind about TS.

Hand_of_Node ago

"Remarkably good" is an understatement.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I tend to understate things. Posted it to /v/bestof, if that says anything.

White_pride_cis ago

Jesus... Does your handler know that you've snuck online after lights out?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that every word I said is true and that you cannot substantiate a single thing Q-LARP (which was disproven last November 6th) has said.

White_pride_cis ago

You keep claiming that I am confirming what you are saying... Yet I never do such a thing.

chuckletrousers ago

That's because he has the mind of a spoiled 5 year old brat.

Tallest_Skil ago

And yet you remain incapable of refuting a thing I say. Why might that be?

ooltapoolta ago

Your bloviating isn't worth the reply, that's why.

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 56 minutes

How interesting. So I’m to assume that you, personally, admit that Q is a proven hoax and jewish paid shill, yes? Failure to reply–or to engage in discussion–is also an admission.

ooltapoolta ago

Nope. Q is not a paid shill but you are.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that every word I said is true and that you cannot substantiate a single thing Q-LARP (which was disproven last November 6th) has said.

chuckletrousers ago

Oh I refute you all the time, but you're too immature to acknowledge it. Reported for being a little bitch.

Tallest_Skil ago

still can’t list even once

Keep crying, kiddo.

chuckletrousers ago

Kiddo? Oh, you want @Shortest_Skil

Tallest_Skil ago

I need you to not invoke your own alt, please.

chuckletrousers ago

I wish I could take credit, but it's not so.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Reported for being a little bitch.

I was neutral until you said this. Fuck off back to Reddit where the censors can give you a nice hug box again you fucking child.

chuckletrousers ago

So you're one of @Tallest_Skil alts, hmmm? You sound like you need to fuck off back to reddit yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m my only alt.

chuckletrousers ago

Why is he getting so incredibly butthurt about my sarcastic parody of the fact that you report people like a little bitch every 10 minutes then? If not an alt, butt buddies.

go1dfish ago

These people disappoint me in the same way 9-11 truthers do. They seem to be well meaning people who intuitively realize that their is something very wrong with our government.

But they latch on to Hollywood esque conspiracy theories that paint these actors as some satanic cult of pure evil.

The truth is that there is more than enough evidence in the public record to condemn the US government and want to reject it outright.

By focusing on these easily digestible (but divorced from reality) condemnations of the elite you completely discredit your rational opposition to those interfering with your daily life.

Take a step back, and ask yourself why you really think government needs to radically change, and you will find you don’t have to resort to the unprovable to effectively argue the case.

The black pill here though is that even if you do take the rational, clear headed approach your vote doesn’t matter at all.

AR47 ago

This won't change simply because of human nature.

We are a safe slaves and it is always going to be that way. Sure every so often you have a leader among us that everyone will describe as chrismatic generally. You ever wonder why that is? Because I do.

If all it takes to lead humanity is chrisma then we will always have problems.

This shit with conspiracy theories and whatever else that orginates in 4chan is bullshit to me. The becons anyways or mods of the boards.

Look at pizzagate for a moment and see how much these people dig up or somehow connect to nafarious shit. What were they doing before their call to this topic? Betting it is all a distraction and so is Q.

Thing is that look how many times movements are subverted. Ones like pizzagate, or salt lake City day care, 9-11, or even ones like coontown.....what is one that never really seems to be fucked with?

Fatpeoplehate seems to be left alone and membership isn't fucked with.......why is that?

I took a long break from this place, and deleted my account because when I started DIY guns I had the best intent in that I wanted to help people learn a skill. Then someone reported me to ATF for illegal manufacturing and selling of firearms.

This was after I got a barrage of emails asking me how much I would charge to make willingly break the law and commit a felony.

The ATF visited my house and there was no one on this site that would help once they began to dox me. This place is just a corral to lure people and nothing more. Took me years to see that.

The day agents knocked on my door and went through my house and talked to my neighbors about something completely made up I knew it. So I deleted my account and made this one a couple months later.

TNLunatick ago

First, let me tell you that I’m not going to read your link because I have already made up my mind. All votes matter, but some matter more than others. My little pill for the world is that this all goes back to World War Zero and the Monarchy still exists worldwide.

riposte ago

While I have long known the problems listed in the video, the solutions leave me highly skeptical. I don't think using an electronic economic system that allows for even greater control is a good solution. I feel the tightening grip over our lives just at the mention of this technology.

The simple solution is to make congressional voting secret, just like it used to be, and just like it is for regular voters, for the exact same reason. If lobbyists can't tell how anyone voted with any certainty, then they can't buy votes.

It was in the 70's when their voting records become public, and this immediately became a problem. Overturn that, and the republic can once again rise if the damage isn't too severe to overcome.

Ochams ago

Thank you for that history lesson. I never knew that being made public is a relatively new thing.

riposte ago

As u/go1dfish said earlier, this is where I learned of it. It's a rather long video, but it goes into great detail if you are interested.

go1dfish ago

I know exactly the video you watched advocating the cardboard box reform, and it’s a very good one, and a solution that’s worth trying.

Regarding electronic economic system. Crypto economics are unlike the electronic systems you are used to.

If you can be more specific about the concerns you have wrt electronic money I can address them.

riposte ago

Sorry about my lazy and belated reply. It's just that being a Christian I understand where the future is headed, despite most other's not believing it. There will come a time where the ruling powers have complete control over electronic currency, and one man alone will be able to restrict everyone's ability to sell and purchase. No doubt it will be a digital crypto-currency that becomes the backbone of an oppressive system the likes we've never seen. So I am very hesitant of any system that eliminates untraceable cash transactions.

I believe it is coming and nothing is going to stop it, but I don't have to like it. Our system worked pretty well before we allowed legalized corruption, so I say we just go back to how it used to be, except for a better voting system.

go1dfish ago

Cryptocurrency is designed specifically to prevent this.

This is why Wikileaks and Voat both adopted it after being shut out by payment processors.

Surveillance is an issue with bitcoin, less of an issue with monero and other privacy oriented projects.

What’s more likely is a government will attempt to build a crypto like but centralized electronic currency that does allow for the sort of control you fear.

fluhthreeex ago

It's a government run and propped up Psy-Op. You can't fault them too much.. for a while. After some time though...

Hopefully Voat can be like their re-education camp

2Wierd2Die ago

I was a lurker over at r/ga. I'm still 60/40 on q. I want to believe. You can't blame us for fucking starving for justice. Knowing that traitors roam freely within our government. Watching our country being destroyed from the inside out. I just want public executions, after trials/tribunals. So that next batch of politicians know not to fuck around. Is that too much to ask?

Skeeterdo ago

You're nuts 50% of the time. But I agree with what a lot was said.

With that there is no proof of him but it's also difficult to prove he does not have the position he claims.

My problem is he touts off the bible but hasn't mentioned jesus christ as the son of god.

If he has said this please do let me know.

Be wary of people like this.

varialus ago

(((They))) don't like when it's called the Bible in the same way that many Christians don't like the rainbow being used for gay pride. (((They))) prefer to call it the Tanakh.

NotHereForPizza ago

this is what desperation looks like

Tallest_Skil ago

Desperation meaning… the mental gymnastics Q-LARPers have to go through to justify their belief in a proven false entity.

Thanks for admitting that every word I said is true and that you cannot substantiate a single thing Q-LARP (which was disproven last November 6th) has said.

Buff_Awesome ago

I thought that sub imploded. It's still growing?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're leaving for 8chan

super_jackoff_style ago


Alkibri42 ago

Thank you for the info!

elitch2 ago

Hopefully these faggots fuck off to somewhere else, soon.

Love your work, putt.


Subverses should be modded according to the guidelines laid out in v/whatever. Mods should only serve as content janitors and CSS decorators. No modgoat should ever be allowed to silence or censor a voatgoat.

Have your say.

Ina_Pickle ago

That wouldn't work for niche subs like the BanHammers though.

NotHereForPizza ago

While I can sense the utility in silencing known division artists, spammers, and the likes, I've gotta appreciate Voat's relentless insistence that no one be silenced.

Unfortunately, there are times in which these sorts of things are necessary. From my position, at least, v/theawakening is one of these situations. I mean, look WHO they were banning in the beginning - all of the typical offenders. The anons running the moderation know better (some because I've filled them in, others because they're just anons and they're not fucking stupid). This is why you've seen posts filling the front page (often from the same accounts) denouncing the phenomenon, seemingly to collect more noteriety with the newfags, but mostly to farm more points out of the migration (they do this EVERY TIME new waves come in - see my previous posts exposing @Crensch LITERALLY DOING THIS).

Even fullchan will ban niggers that just shill for days. See, Voat's issue is that it is more occupied by normies. As a result, they have a difficult time recognizing shills. In the event Voat becomes more experienced with shills and these sorts of environments, there will likely be a noticeable change in the desire to shame or ban known shills. Frankly, they get pretty easy to spot.

What you guys seem to be missing most about this, however, is that all of these people have been directed here from another place. We like to think of you guys as our DMZ (trust me, it works). Therefore, the issue is more that the transition to this new home brought with it some niggers. Also, the new direction activated sleeper accounts here, as well as inspire some of the big personalities to go cause a ruckus in this new place to the point that they were banned/censored, all so they could screenshot it and gain more points. These things SHOULD be more obvious to you guys, but I'm not really seeing any catch on. Again, this happens during each migration.

Any questions, just ask.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Any questions, just ask.

Did the lobotomy hurt?

heygeorge ago

How does it feel to be continually surrounded by idiots?

NotHereForPizza ago

damage control

shrink ago

I agree. I think this should be a site-wide rule whose egregious violation would result in the removal of the offending moderator(s). It shouldn't simply be a "subverse mods can run the place however they wish" method, because if every mod did that, and every mod was reddit-tier "i control everything" style, then Voat wouldn't be Voat. It'd be nothing but an exact copy of reddit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just give users a tool to remove mods, a way to vote them out or something, users need more power and mods need limited power, and putt is too busy for this kinda shit

Goathole ago

I thought we were doing that after T_D decided they didn't want to hang out with us anymore? There was a whole plan in place to implement.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

idk ask one of the goats working on code

shrink ago

Something along those lines would be a great idea, but that opens up a can of worms when you're trying to determine what's genuinely a grassroots effort to boot a mod, versus an astroturf of shills brigading the sysem in the effort to install one of their own. It may even come down to a split in the userbase, wherein there actually aren't any shills, but each side is convinced the others are saboteurs and shilly subversives trying to fuck over the board for their agenda.

It's a good concept that would be great if it worked ideally, but i've seen messy situations arise from them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the specifics are arbitrary voting is only an example, I maintain that uses should be giving more power and mods should be given more limits

ideologicidal ago

It does, thank/u.

mickblueeyes ago

Hey faggot! I’m a migrant and I’ll downvote you if I want (I won’t cunt)

PuttItOut ago

Submissions: This user has upvoted 23 and downvoted 1 submissions.

You did it didn't you! Don't lie.

mickblueeyes ago

Also, thanks for a great site you wonderful cunt!

heretolearn ago

what are your thoughts on all this Q drama

PuttItOut ago

I don't know what to think but I do feel bad that they were more or less abandoned and left to wander.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Like all the European leaders who felt bad for those poor aimless, homeless "refugees". There's plenty of places they can go with people who think and believe the same things they do.

There is an importance for having a place with differing ideals, beliefs and opinions, but looking at what their leadership did and how they behaved, those are things they do not value nor want.

I don't know what to think but I do feel bad

I'm not thinking, I'm feeling.

PuttItOut ago

You have a point. A very valid point.

I may be coming from an emotional frame of reference but I'm not making irrational decisions because of it.

I think the refugee problem is much more complex than misguided empathy though, but your point stands.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I may be coming from an emotional frame of reference but I'm not making irrational decisions because of it.

Making decisions based on emotion was my concern.

Thanks for the response.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

to be fair, v/greatawakening seemed more than willing to take them in

PuttItOut ago

100% agree. But I won't comment on that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but didn't you comment on it just now with 100% agree?

heretolearn ago

ya, you have a point. your benevolence knows no bounds.

Triple_Agent ago

.... cursed with forty years of wilderness wandering.

mickblueeyes ago

Wow! If anyone would know, you would. (But I upvoted him you fabulous faggot you)

argosciv ago

Genuinely lol'd.