freedumbz ago

DrogeAnon won't stop. Fucking. Lying. About everything. He plays nice to your face but very obviously is not doing a god damn thing to actually fix this verse.

SGM11Z2 ago

NO! not at all...I lurk here now and then to see if the shit is still staining, which it seems to be, and instead spend my time in other subs.

that "except for this one" part refers to the comment, not this sub.

CentipedeRex ago

Fuck all these jackass moderators. They fucked GA and now they are trying to fuck everything up. Get a new hobby, posers.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we've investigated ourselves and found no problem lol, my guess now is they're merely pretending to be retarded to get the change of rules he requests here

SandHog ago

Hillary as head mod explains everything!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oof don't reveal hillary's secrets she'll b so sad when you commit suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the head

SandHog ago

At least I might get a bike rack named after me, I guess.

data57 ago

This speaks Volumes about the mods! How can you invade voat and then segregate yourselves ? Make your own rules? It seems a bit deep state like ! Fucked up!

showbobandvagene ago

Theres Fuckery Afoot...

ESOTERICshade ago

Theres Fuckery Afoot...

Maybe once they realized that the modlogs were public they decided they don't want to be here and are just using this sub as a waypoint and a holding pen for people on their journey to 8chan. They already announced to their flock that this sub was here so they are sort of stuck with it at the moment. Maybe they don't want this sub to function correctly because they don't want their flock to get comfortable here.

SGM11Z2 ago

Is there no way to figure out which mod is doing what? It seems like maybe there is a kike in the mix, jewing it up for the rest of us.

I like it here, but I'm not posting or commenting in this sub (except for this one) until this shit gets sorted out.

SandHog ago

On plebit shit started going sideways as soon as Drogeanon was added to their mod team by HowIonic. He was booted by one of the existing mods (FartOnToast) after he saw the fuckery and then HowIonic brought him (Droge) back under an alt of his. Which caused the guy who booted him to leave and make his own Q sub. Droge had lots of alts there and I'm sure he does here as well. He would delete a bunch of threads at random and also troll people in the comments with his alts. You can see FartOnToasts side of the story over on r/draintheswamp.

It's also curious that the Q blogger a lot of people followed, NeonRevolt, singled out both FartOnToast and the mod of v/greatawakening here (srayzie) and painted them both as deep state conspirators using some very flawed logic and evidence right after r/GA was banned. He is also the same guy that made the Q-clock app (kek) that would mine bitcoin in the background on anyone's device that used it. Oh, he also sells tshirts and hats and shit. The very definition of a paytriot. Why people still listen to that guy i don't know. All he does is read Q threads on 8chan then does a write up about them mostly using other people's work. Which is fine by itself but when you add in the money-grubbing and the propaganda it's an entirely different animal.

Given all of this people should be asking themselves why is there a concerted effort to herd all the Q followers to one place that is under the control of the same people who shit up r/GA? Wouldn't it make more sense to be decentralized so that infiltration and subversion would be much more difficult?

@Boban_Rajovic pointed out some of the fuckery 3 months ago when the initial disruption happened. More info can be found here. I wonder how long that sub will stay up now that I've pointed it out?

IMO the community should demand all of the current mods step down. If they really cared about the movement they would have no problem doing so as their continuing presence taints the community. I don't trust any of them so I'll not be participating anywhere they have an ounce of control. Their actions as mods are a huge reason I came over to voat in the first place. Imagine my shock when I saw what they started doing as soon as they got here.

Msmwatcher ago

My money is on “dropgun”. Problems with that one on Reddit many times. He was horribly made fun of in high school. Might still be in high school?

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you even looked at v/greatawakening and seen how smoothly things run over there? A LOT of your fellow refugees are over there posting away and having a big time. Why not at least give it a shot?

SGM11Z2 ago

That's where I go.

Type-o-Negative ago

The compromised mods would lose control, they cannot have that at ANY cost!

mwoew8t5cs ago

Yes, the shilling goes very smoothly there.

kneo24 ago

Great, user for two whole days, who is shilling over there?

mwoew8t5cs ago

Is that all ya got?

kneo24 ago

Apparently it's all you have. You didn't even attempt to answer the question.

mwoew8t5cs ago

OK, the answer is people who don't talk about Q, but fill up the board with butthurt bullshit because redditers invaded their little club, or set up their own little club or whatever. Anything to discourage people looking to talk about Q.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes, the shilling goes very smoothly there.

All subs with much traffic have shills. Comes with the territory.

Crensch ago

I doubt Putt would burden the servers more with keeping a backup of who clicks what moderation tools. Not worth it in effectively 100% of cases.

Imovedfromredditgize ago

The fact that a single Scientologist is a mod should set off alarm bells.

kneo24 ago

Which one is the Scientologist?

Gitmo_money ago

Droge - who is comped and has been for a long time.

Bludgie ago

Scientology's intelligence capacity rivalled the FBI's according to Ted Gunderson years ago.


Tom Cruise.

ianadba ago

Scientologists are worse than Muslims. They will lie to your face with a smile.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Thats not a very clear distinction, you also described a jew.

kneo24 ago


cnp4500 ago

Maybe keep the drama in Washington D.C. and not on the boards? Just thinking out loud...

Crensch ago

Maybe TA users can stop being victims and move to a non-compromised subverse? Goats will not let this go until either all the mods step down and this shit is fixed, or all the users here move to another subverse that isn't victimizing them.

It's OUR goat pen, and we won't abide sheep abuse in it.

Vindicator ago

This is why I love Voat. :-)

kneo24 ago

@Rainy-Day-Dream is who you meant.

Crensch ago


Thank you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Gas boomers.

kneo24 ago

Gas the boomers, age war now?

ExpertShitposter ago

cue heavy guitar riff