Boban_Rajovic ago

wut? this is my real account, it's just new because I never used voat before

you even have my reddit nickname in those links

Mad_As_Hell ago

The fact that GA is allowed to exist whereas CBTS was deleted tells you all you need to know. Looks like they're coming here to divide and conquer too, let's resist the infighting and focus on the task at hand.

srayzie ago

I find it strange that CBTS has a 24/7 live feed on youtube andbthey haven’t been removed. A lot of people have been removed, but not Corsi or CBTS? Strange.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I’ve already had one say Voat is controlled. Since I am the only one that runs this sub, I’m assuming that means me. 🙄

srayzie ago

I’ve already had someone say that Voat is included. This is my reply...

It is NOT voat. I have no mods. I run this sub by myself. I answer to nobody. I haven’t even been approached. I’m just a normal person that started out at pizzagate, support our POTUS and believe in Q.

I have...
Banned only 7 users
Removed 8 comments
Removed 6 posts

I’ve banned very few users and have not deleted many posts. All can be seen in the logs on the bottom right. Q didn’t even mention Voat. Before you go accuse me of being controlled, then you should look thru the logs. If anything, I should ban more people. But, I truly believe in free speech.

Of course there will be people that will accuse me of being controlled because that’s just how Voat is. I’m called a Jew constantly.

Boban_Rajovic ago

which is why I made a voat account and shared this here too

voat is a very different site where you can't hide your shit like you can on reddit, so it would be very stupid to do such stuff :)


srayzie ago

Oh it wasn’t you that I was referring to. It was some little shit talker that said it.

Mylon ago

And we all know that /r/conspiracy is a shill sub that bans users from mentioning Q and is overall anti-Trump as well.

When did conspiracy turn? Not that long ago the shills were whining that /r/conspiracy was T_D2 and it was controlled by Russia. But recently I have noticed a very different anti-Trump trend in the content and comments. The pro-Trump content and anti-trump comments gave me hope that the Conspiracy mods were still somehow against all odds, not compromised. But here we are. :/

Boban_Rajovic ago

no idea, all I know is that in the last 3 months I used to check out some stuff when people linked them from /conspiracy and I found a bunch of anti-Trump and anti-Q stuff, all upvoted nicely, while the rare pro-Trump/Q stuff was regularly downvoted

they insta-banned me over there when I jumped in and said that EyeTheSpy is an obvious and debunked LARP that never offered anything new

Blacksmith21 ago

This post is ludicrous horseshit. This post is spam.

Boban_Rajovic ago

nice try faggot

Quicktor ago

Blacksmith lives 8 miles from can trust him...

one month to the day you were outed as a shill shit you CIA/MOSSAD cunt....

Blacksmith21 ago

Go fuck yourself. I'm the anti-shill. Check my submissions and comments if you wish to be proven a lying hack.

YoHomie ago

Actually, you're the industrial strength faggot. Your mom told me... she said you like to suck her dick.

Boban_Rajovic ago

mom "jokes" lmao, school's out I see

MrShekelstein ago

It's not just reddit, it's voat too.

reddit, 4chan, 8chan, voat, who knows what else.

Mylon ago

Voat is too much like reddit. The playbook to control reddit is already written and battle tested. Most of it applies to voat.

srayzie ago

It is NOT voat. I have no mods. I run this sub by myself. I answer to nobody. I haven’t even been approached. I’m just a normal person that started out at pizzagate, support our POTUS and believe in Q.

I’ve banned very few users and have not deleted many posts. All can be seen in the logs on the bottom right. Q didn’t even mention Voat. Before you go accuse me of being controlled, then you should look thru the logs. If anything, I should ban more people. But, I truly believe in free speech.

Of course there will be people that will accuse me of being controlled because that’s just how Voat is. I’m called a Jew constantly.

MrShekelstein ago

good try shekelstein.

srayzie ago

Whatever. You aren’t Q so go fuck yourself Cuntstein.

MrShekelstein ago

Took the words right out of my mouth.

You should have kept your mouth shut.

Boban_Rajovic ago

I would be surprised if it weren't the case

worlddownunder682 ago

If you check the threads with the photo of obama with the occult outfit, it seems like it's being attacked by shills. Lots of people attack it as fake and shopped they get hostile if asked to explain why. It could be fake but it could be huge if real.

MrShekelstein ago

I have an archive on the original instagram post.

shills got their work cut out for them hehe.

lovely1 ago

save offline

derram ago :

Q#1489: Q calls out reddit mods as compromised. : greatawakening :

Q#1489: Q calls out reddit mods as compromised. : greatawakening : :

Is it time to expose the shill mods at the GA sub? : Q_Research :

Is it time to expose the shill mods at the GA sub? : Q_Research :

Q talked anout reddit mods abusing power. This is tied into the big picture. Many threads are much worse. : greatawakening :

MOD's PLEASE answer this question. : greatawakening :

reddit: the front page of the internet :

Damaj Incorporated (u/DamajInc) - Reddit, :

Is it time to expose the shill mods at the GA sub? : Q_Research :, :

Our message to everyone is: The Great Awakening is about unity and coming together. That has never changed and will always remain to be the objective. : greatawakening : : : : : : : : :

Nastavnick comments on Is it too much too ask to keep this a Q only sub. I have seen an uptick of non-Q related posts. : : :

Nastavnick comments on Our message to everyone is: The Great Awakening is about unity and coming together. That has never changed and will always remain to be the objective.

This has been an automated message.

Boban_Rajovic ago

history of mods

About 10 days ago I asked a new mod (new account too) about his main account:

As you can see, he wouldn't reveal it. No further comments needed.

Newest thread about the Q #1489 (at least the one which hasn't been deleted, but you'll see why it wasn't)

The thread link

As you can see, refugee is the damage control mod. Sent first to swerve people onto other subs.

They also have their trolls on duty as backups. I'm sure you can figure out which ones are those, but I'll give this one as a fresh example. (note how he can freely swear and all that, but when I ask for proofs and evidences I'm being toxic, and other people as well)

I had to go through about 7-8 pages to finally arrive at this (the transition point):

The guy suddenly arrived to GA and became a very frequent commenter, when he rarely (if at all) commented before. Just posted threads.

Later on, howinic arrived, as usual

Some of them were also mods on CBTS? That doesn't sound an alarm to anyone?

thank--Q saying he was a mod in CBTS:

fart about CBTS mods when I tested him after finding out that one of the new mods (thank--Q, new account as well) was also a mod in CBTS

I used some bullshit "proofs" about the others being mods in CBTS along side thank--Q, just to see what he'll drop, and boy did he deliver now that howionic dropped that one today... future proves past I guess lol

some other interesting stuff about them

A guy find fishy that mods don't have their "mod title" visible (in 99%+ of the cases and they've only started to put them more frequent recently) like all other subs have:

Notice howionics response. After diverting this Q drop to T_D and other shill subs as they claim. He's now using T_D as a comparison metric that not all subs do that. Regardless of whether or not all subs do that or not (from my experience all subs mods are distinguished all the time). Am I the only one who chuckled at this?

Also, after the initial damage control by refugee, quite a few of them arrived and wrote lots of comments.

Another gem when a guy asked how does one become a mod:

howionic linked an old thread, which they stickied after troll attacks (almost all from T_D, going anti-Gowdy mostly, spewing same talking points) at the end of May

I commented over there when I was done wasting my time battling all those trolls and shills (that filled the sub in the last 6+ weeks) and only got slandered, insulted and banned by these mods.

I knew it will be the final nail and I'll be permabanned after that. So I threw a bait just in case they don't miss/ignore that comment (the part about the comment not showing on top despite being new). And howi bit like a pleb that he is.

He deleted his comment in which he basically talked shit as always about me being divisive (same as fart did when we exposed Jones/Corsi/Green and co.). We all know who uses that term in the wrong way just to make the other side look bad.

That's it for now, but they keep giving us more materials for exposure, they really are stupid.

Boban_Rajovic ago

mods promoting LARPs

Mods have left all those spammers about EyeTheShill alone to spam away. The board was cluttered with ETS garbage. Suddenly reposts and all that stuff doesn't apply there.

Same thing with Tucson camp. They've promoted the shit out of that one. Anyone who dared to ask for factual stuff and wasn't a part of the bandwagon was downvoted to oblivion, called a troll, a shill, blatantly insulted (no rule breaking there lol) etc.

Q drop #1487

Think new arrivals.

Proofs are important.

Thank you Autists/Anons.


I've "studied" new arrivals and said to other people to observe their behavior for weeks now, a month maybe (as did some other patriots).

And I've also been labeled as an asshole/toxic by GA mods for asking for proofs of claims and other stuff. Proofs are important. Otherwise you get a shitfest of nonfactual garbage, making the entire sub look like a place where your typical "conspiratards" are spewing non-factual stuff.

Q is definitely talking about the GA sub with those drops. We know that other subs like T_D and /conspiracy are being lead by shills, why would they waste their time on that? That's not a good intel.