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NotHereForPizza ago

Hey, Putt.

Still genuinely not sure if we can trust you, but we've estimated that advertising the great awakening subverse will bring in something like ~300 thousand people.

Do you think you could sustain this capacity in the future?

You've never really enjoyed responding to me before, but I'm here to help the community, not necessarily any one person. If you want to make shit personal, go ahead. But, I'm genuinely trying to help everyone out here. I'll PM you the link to show you what I mean when I say we've estimated our advertisement will likely rake in such a number if you so choose, so you know I'm not full of shit. By the way, all you responding really does is confirm things for us. The transition is likely to take place regardless.


PuttItOut ago

I'm glad you don't trust me. Seriously.

We all suck at times so I'm sure you've had valid issues with me but I have a short memory so have none with you.

I'm so slammed still writing code so don't know how to answer you best, but Voat's main scalability issue is that of money.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not exactly sure I was looking at the right figure before.

It's estimated that 52-58 million will regularly track the phenomenon. We've put together that we can account for something around maybe 200k at most. I'm sure and will take a huge brunt of that estimation. But, I'm not about to overlook an estimation that still very likely falls at around the 20 million mark.

By the way, you enjoying such a thought certainly helps you out. Keep it up.

If you'd like, I can keep you updated and even potentially act as a go-between to get you to the people that are actually doing all of this thinking. There are currently several other considerations, with your service being the primary back-up. Although, since you don't seem to be handling it all that well currently, it seems to have quite a few people worried that there isn't an alternative option.