GoyimNose ago

El goblina based and redpilled


Spanish is a European language you know that right. So its La Goblina. In any case I love that.i speak Nahuatl too.

GoyimNose ago

I know Spanish is a European language I'm a meximutt myself, I just identify as having 100% Bavarian phenotype. Nahautl? Do you practice witchcraft or something lol


I remember you on reddit. You talked shit on lauren southern right

I do not practice witchcraft but my mom and grandma do. I just want a nice white bf

GoyimNose ago

Also if that really is you I would block out your face at least as there are fags who lurk here and will try to ruin your life given the chance


That really is me and no one can ruin my life as much as I have already so don't worry about it.

GoyimNose ago

Aight as long as you know the risks, and its never to late sistah. Listen to Elliott Smith if you get the chance, helped me maybe it will you too.


Elliot Smith killed himself

GoyimNose ago

Yeah, well I mean so did Hitler. Only 5-10 minutes of his genius life, evenso stabbing yourself in the heart with a knife is probably the most poetic way to go.


Hitler did not kill himself. He fled to Argentina

GoyimNose ago

I mean maybe, I've seen the evidence but I'm not convinced personally. That's besides the point though many people have killed themselves but did great things in their life.

GoyimNose ago

Don't even get me started on that kikeress. Are a believer have you seen them do any magic? My grandparents were into it to but I'm thinking it's "make your enemies peepee shrink" tier. Oh know what you mean, the only girls I'm attracted too are super light skinned Mexicans (sorry but majora la raza) and white girls. It's sad though because each white girl I've dated I've always unironically told them we can never have kids as I don't want to fuck up their gene pool.


I've seen them cut the head of a chicken and snake off and use the blood to form a circle. They've done the egg shit on me too. I don't mind it. It's like how black people do the law of attraction. I've known black people who write 100 000 $ over and over in a notebook

That's nice of you. So you must be brown skin huh?

GoyimNose ago

OMG LOL I used to be roommates with two soundcloud rappa niggas and they would always do that stupid shit. It was the most surreal thing as they fully believed in it even though after 2 years of doing it consistently nothing came of it. I think there's definitely something in the rituals, I mean literally every culture did it at one point, it's just I'm to skeptical Im like Eddie Bravo and need to see it. ALTHOUGH there was one thing that happened but it's kinda a long story. I am actually a super crypto-beaner, I look like an ordinary white man with a little bit of extra hair eventhouch I'm more Mexican that anything else and my dad looks like the sterotype except he's 6'1 instead of 5'5


My dad is also brown and 6'0 that's how he was able to get with my blonde Spaniard mom . My grandma is a natural blonde and has green eyes.

13860605? ago

Why she flying the American flag in distress?


This isn't my room. Ask gadsden1776 why

WorldPeacefulRefugee ago

where can I find my autistic female counterpart


I found gads because /r/againsthatesubreddits used to link GC all the time. That's how I found MDE. Every woman is gendercritical. Find your gf there.