Mah_Selectah ago

It seems since GA was axed, that this place has got a lot of hostility as well. I would only assume that since Q is a "larp" and not real, that there is an obscene amount of push back and disinfo. That's not weird.

Jay_J ago

Anons on 8ch getting ready for the collapse of twitter, Google, Voat, will be the mother of all get-together web pages.
New post Explains how to get onto that board. You can stay here and there for now, as long as these social places are up yet...but fully expect ALL the go down!!!

MissMartine ago

Thank you voat for protecting my First Amendment Rights!

valero73 ago

To walk alone as an Anon...I have often felt alone in trying to understand the real then to choose what is masqueraded as reality. I have come to understand the ability to see beyond the fiction is a very rare gift yet it is a curse….you are surrounded by those who are asleep with no regard and often tell you to shut the fuck up. Often I wonder if I am the mad hatter in a world made of my lies and delusional granger…. My wife tells me to stop talking about the real and watch the zombie diatribe of cable television…the Kardashians, the Bachelorette, and the Property brothers. My friends ignore what I say and I often wonder why they never reach out. The only solace I have is the 3 am prayers to God and Jesus who guide me and fill me with resolve. Only in grace do I know my path to truth and my beacon to freedom will lead me to redemption. I will be here to help those who are lost to find the way by the grace of God…….Stand together ANONS…because WWG1WGA!

Jay_J ago

so, 300K people ALL feeling like you? NOPE. Buck up, kid. You are not alone. If YOU WISH to feel this way, well, so be it. You need to realize, there is a growing number of people IN YOUR CAMP, and that if you do not "anon" for them, they could get lost 'cause we're not as smart as you are.
Pity these people who ignore! Keep the PACE anyway! Hear, tell, next month when Hillary is in cuffs right before Halloween....there will be millions of people interested in WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! Get out of the blues....dude! Get into the RED WHITE AND BLUE! Thanks for your service....Trump's got a medal for you, I'm absolutely SURE OF THIS!

Slidewizards ago

Need Help "An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

Jay_J ago

I know. Rules are rules. You understand why, don't you? Shills just popping in here doing their damage. So here's an up arrow.

Slidewizards ago

Need Help "An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

Jay_J ago

and again. ^

Doodle_and_me ago

Along those lines...i know there was a huge crop of incoming users and the servers took a hit. How bad will it be when the declass happens or some other big news comes out and we light the servers up again? Will they hold up?

Chokaholic83 ago

I created an account here when /r/pizzagate got banned but can't for the life of me remember my username. Oh well. I already like it here better too btw.

Anyway, if I could get hooked up with some upvoats, that would be awesome. Thank you.

Suzo ago

Thanks! I was moving this week, so although I kept up at a high level, just starting to post. Who cares the platform. We are Q!

freedomatlast2018 ago

[Here is a link to song on Vimeo](Trump Has Balls (Ever Heard of Q)) I wasn't able to create a post yet so am adding this here as a comment. Back in July I was inspired to write a pro Trump and Q song and went online to see if there were any and found none. So I wrote and recorded this one and posted it back then on the recently closed subreddit. Since then every time I checked the post the upvotes would go from 4 to 1 to 3 to 0 etc... every time I refreshed. But never any higher than that. So something was keeping it down despite significant upvotes. I thought this could be another medium to help spread Q's message through song. Encouraging musicians to record, upload and share your own version if you all like it.

*Verse 1: Chords - Em Am Em This world has gone to hell Its like we're living in a padded cell Don't know how to see what's real Evil has taken over the wheel It isn't left or right It's all about joining in the fight Moving from the dark to light Waking up restoring our sight

*Chorus: Chords - G C D G Trump has balls, cause he's seen it all Most haven't got a clue The news is fake cause they're on the take Ever heard of Q We have more than we know, The future proves the past Where we go one We go all Freedom's here at last

*Verse 2: A voice is calling out from the net To expose the real threat While the POTUS takes the heat In a long game to defeat The sick and twisted powers that be Just don't want us to see The truth among the shaded lies Q is helping open our eyes

*Repeat Chorus:

Majanihan ago

We sure do appreciate you voat.

AUSAFVet ago

Thank You VOAT! I will probly never get enough to post but I appreciate liberty and freedom to read and comment!!

Bigfoot_lol ago

Voat is going to have to really get their servers ready for when /r/The_Donald is banned. They're the end goal for the purge of Reddit.

0x75 ago

Subscriber count is suppressed on this sub. I've watched the number not change when I've subscribed twice. FYI. It's no big deal just thought everyone should know.

SEdwardNash ago

Give me liberty or give me death!

musicmaker1 ago

Appreciative of being able to read differing viewpoints. Being able to think for oneself is a breath of fresh air. So different from being feed the same, tired message that dumbs down the masses.

HotTuna ago

Free speech in its finest!

Big_hairy_armadillo ago

I appreciate VOAT welcoming us here, but I honestly have no clue. I was new coming on to Reddit (mostly reading, not much commenting), then they kicked us off (such nice folks [NOT]). Continuing to read and learn. Much patience is required. WWG1WGA!!

Jay_J ago

I've been paying attention to Qanon since late Jan to early Feb. I've gotten use to it now. BUT, this reddit change was a HUGE disruption to ME, too! Q cannot post classified intelligence. So, Q asked the anons on to decode his Q's questions. And then also sent out helpers once in awhile to get HIS points out to the public. A person is NOT going to get ANYTHING from the regular TV news anymore. They (MSM = main stream media) are all compromised. The owners of the stations, like CBS or ABC are ALL Cabal (Globalists)! Q, people have been told, is 10 people. 7 are in the military and 3 are civilians (one being President Trump, himself). Speculation is that JFK, Jr. is still alive and is one of the three civilians. I'm assuming that if any of this is true, then there will be a shocking reveal coming in the next two this whole MAGA movement/plan is a three year total Special Operation. One year is almost over with now. Two years to go yet.
People have been gathering at This is the MAGA 'twitter'. All the people over there are banished from twitter. It is a pretty neat group of people. Now there is voat - the awakening...and I guess voat - the greatawakening.
You can ALWAYS read on This is where the anons do their conversing and work decoding.

Q posts on his "only" board. There is no talking on this board between anons and Q. Q needed an absolutely SAFE board because the evil people (Black Hats) were trying to pretend that they were Q, and they were doing a really good likeness, so that was why Q went to his 'only' board.

There are anon blogs. I know of two: This anon filters through all the discussions on 8ch and presents what the consensus is on 8ch.

Also Lisa Mei Crowley and ExtrovertCovert at Click on the 'Q' picture.

I guess SerialBrain2(anon) is moving his posting on reddit to voat now. He may have the special 'sticky' on the top of theawakening board when he has a new blog.

He was always over at reddit. I read him all the time.

Then there is YouTube. BE CAREFUL over there. There is a group of youtube professionals over there that have proven themselves to be EVIL (Black Hats), although, you'd swear they were totally on board with Q. Alex Jones has earned himself a really bad label, as has Jerome Corsi. You need to listen there, but know some of which may not be true Q decode, correct decode.

StormChaser70 ago

So what do you do when you're new to ALL of this? Very little social media. Part of WalkAway, everything about this is new. Keep getting admonished and I Don't know why on other sites (the few I visited) have JUST heard of this Qanon, directed to Reddit...had to download THAT...only to find out the great awakening site I was looking for is GONE. No idea what this place is and feel so far behind I Don't know if I'll EVER catch up! See things that Don't make sense, half the Q stuff I read makes sense, half seems fantastical at the very least but I am not computer savvy enough to figure this shit out I fear. I Don't even know what 8 Chan IS and I cannot find it thru my tablet which is all I have. Thoughts, anyone? Or should I just give all this up and go read a damn book?

Big_hairy_armadillo ago

Hang in will get easier. I tried to put a more thoughtful response here and it's managed reject me 3 times now. Trust me, you aren't the only one. I've been working with computers for over 40 years and the worst piece of software out there isn't as dumb as how these websites work [no offence VOAT :-)]. Just keep stumbling around and it will start to make sense. What God's doing through Trump is historic and it's "worth it" to know what's going on. Posting (at least attempting to post) a link to the "8 Chan" site, but I must warn you, it's pretty raw. You have to dig through some horse crap to get the pony. WWG1WGA!! Title Here

VioletStorms ago

Sadly your situation (& mine to some degree) seems exactly what these Reddit traitors (see Jessica Ashooh & Co) were hoping for. To completely splinter and confuse any group cohesion. All that does is make me 100% confident that the Left are criminal (above all else) devious, manipulative and DESPERATE. These tactics just reinforce everything we ever suspected (HOW they think they have the actual intelligence to govern a country I don't know. We'd be in recession within a year and our already massive debt would triple. Their solution to their deficit would be starting another war with yet another poor country. That's how useless they are at budgeting and economics. AND you could also bet they'd circumvent every law because at heart they're thugs andcriminals). They can try to fracture groups like Reddit's Great Awakening but - apart from shutting down the ENTIRE internet (which they'd never be able to get away with because just about every legitimate business, Government Dept and entity now has an internet presence - not to mention their own needs) they can't stop people from reading, seeing, researching and learning. They may try to blow up the town square but there are a million safe houses still pumping out content. I too am not real comfortable here at VOAT (not least because the natives are objecting to an outside imposter coming in, which is completely understandable - they already had an existing Great Awakening site - why bring in another??!!) so in the absence of a new couch for the night, I can only suggest to check out the Q posts (suggest and or directly on 8chan (but if you're on Android download Omnichan from the Playstore instead). It makes 8chan much easier to read. Delete the sample accounts (cooking, etc), tap the plus (+) sign and add - patriots awoken, qresearch and patriotsfight - the 8chan posts are then easier to read, they load in half the time and each comment loads already open, like Reddit was. In addition subscribe to one of the many Youtube decode channels and you'll then get pretty good overall coverage. Then just check out any links. This whole mess is because of that devious, decaying old George Soros (& his bum buddy David Brock from Media Matters and Shareblue) and their band of useless idiots who think that if you just shut the store, the public will go back to being blind and in the dark and THEY can then get back to the business of corruption. They're too stupid to realize there's thousands of shopping centres and a billion different stores out there, so shutting down one of them (Reddit) ain't gonna do squat. Good luck, stay engaged, stay together.

StormChaser70 ago

Thank you!!!! I am trying! All these sites are so confusing to a computer idiot like me!

dSaint2 ago

I’m with ya StormChaser. Figuring out these chat forums can be nerve racking. I suggest Youtube channels for help with decodes. I like “In Pursuit of Truth” (IPOT). He does a good job decoding qpost. Try starting with some videos from a few months back to get up to speed. Justinformed Talk is a good channel too. But keep in mind, youtube is starting to aggressively go after Q related post so get in there soon before they’re all gone. Welcome to the basket of deplorables, btw! Stay strong. We got your back. WWG1WGA

Onetime1 ago


Never, EVER give up.

blackfriday44 ago

URGENT - PLEASE HELP Italian govt permanently banned italians from 8ch access.

It happened just 10 days ago, and the ban comes from Interior Ministry (the Salvini Ministry! Salvini is buddy with Trump, and everybody here supports him). I believe Salvini knows nothing about this, there's a deep state hand in the Ministry preventing italians to follow Q.

Since the enemies can't shut 8ch, they are trying to bypass the problem by banning whole countries via deep state connections inside those countries. Will it happen WW? Are we expecting this? More countries?

Can you tell 8ch owner to do something for this? More important: can you help us to INFORM Q of what is happening? Repeat: I believe more countries will ban 8ch in the future. This is a big risk for Q WW movement.

Hugs from Italy.

trich1972 ago

Yes, thank you for accepting all of us refugees. Much appreciated!!!!

lnsip9reg ago

I hope as the transition improves, it'll be like the 300 Spartans who became 30,000 Greeks! Numbers matter, but so does quality. In this new land of Voat liberty snd free speech, v/greatawakening will grow stronger. And v/theawakening will adapt as well. WWG1WGA!

Don_Tomaso ago

Bring the reddit guys over here. Those censoring cunts at reddit can loose their 300k Q followers. I wont shed a tear after they banned the awakening over there.

Kuhnaydeein ago

Differences of opinion on how to use your freedom of speech aside, this has been a pretty awesome transition.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ahhhhh, awesome! These are the kinds of comments I was waiting for. Wow, all of that in-fighting in the beginning was unnerving.


Whew lad. The timeline.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think it's settling down. I made some comment on Gab to NeonRevolt about v/GA being for more "serious research" while the new v/TA seems more like shitposting and he freaked and said I was posting "disinfo".

I hadn't looked for a day or so, but it seems as v/TA is settling down a bit. I'm not a fan of the niggerfagkikeshill salutation process, but it is what it is. Personally, I think it discredits a lot of the hard work and research on v/GA.

It seems like the shill accounts are getting a little quieter. Or they took Sunday off.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hopefully their comm systems were blown up and all of the shill-handlers are being interrogated right now... I'd die a happy man if their posts were reviewed in tandem with our occasional responses/retorts within a secure location... lol.

Blacksmith21 ago

Unfortunately, the alts we do battle with are so low level, they are 1099. Hourly workers

I believe in my heart they will reap God's revenge. We are under assault from all sides. The Armor provides protection. Prayer provides comfort. We shall do battle against evil in a cyberbattlefield an we will be victorious. The War has been long. The War has been kinetic. This is just a new phase of battle we shall persevere.

The War has been won. We are performing mop up, we just don't know it. Awaiting next transmission.


SoSpricyHotDog ago

I'm personally approaching this from a Good vs. Evil standpoint, Truth vs. Deception, Progress vs. Stagnation. It is very difficult to determine who is being honest and who has been compromised in this battle. Accounts could be hi-jacked. Opinions can be swayed by effective disinfo. I still look at each Q post objectively, which is something that members of a "Qult" would simply never do. We all try our best to invest as much time as possible during each phase, re: each leak, and try to stay ahead of the curve while connecting previous dots to future developments.

I am confident that the truth seekers will be on the right side of history. I do not immediately dismiss the claims/theories/rumors/stories against our POTUS - as the stories tend to dismiss themselves given time. The trend of false information against us, Q and POTUS/Admin is staggering. You'd think that by now the mindless sheep would wake up and realize they've been lied to for years on end.

As always, I wish there was more that I could do. I contribute to those who truly need it and have maintained strong research, to the platforms that offer shelter from mass censorship. My goal is to red pill at least one person per week (all this takes is for the person you speak with to start asking the right questions/realizing that the narrative they've been fed doesn't pass the sniff test) while doing whatever I can in our online networks to move the needle and connect more dots.


Blacksmith21 ago

So great to hear that my Patriot brother. I'm not trying to be nationalistic, but this is a battle. We are under assault. I don't EVER claim to be religious, but I am sensitized to good vs. evil. I believe in a God above. He has lifted me out of situations that I was sure to do without explanation and I do not question.

We do our best to do Q's work. We do not want glory. We do not need fame. We want our Nation back. Custodes Vero.

Hydrocephalus ago

You guys came in like faggots so we treated you accordingly. The greatawakening guys have been here for months with only minimal hassle because they didn't come in like faggots. We want voat to be a fun place to come and unwind, not a stomping ground for whiny pc faggots, so when a flood of faggotry comes in we heckle until they leave, which seems to have worked. Most of the faggots have left already, which os why v/theawakening only has 650 or so people here at any time, about what v/greatawakening has. Feel free to stay, we welcome new users who aren't faggots.

Blacksmith21 ago

LMAO - I don't even know what to say. IRL It's one big double-edged dichotomy of a Mobius strip. I'm all for free speech and saying anything you want. But in certain contexts, inappropriate language becomes a distraction. It's like going to the gardening club and asking questions about jetting a carburetor.

My gut says that outside observers would be turned off. I really have no idea how many people are "observing" us right now.

Hydrocephalus ago

If you're all for free speech, go use the sub v/greatawakening where the mods aren't faggots and your ccp actually counts. And I don't give a fuck about outside observers. This isn't a site for normies, there are enough sites for normies on the internet.

Blacksmith21 ago

What are you smoking dude? I was subscriber #4 to v/greatawakening.

Hydrocephalus ago

Lol, sorry, been hazing the reddit fags so hard over the past two days it's become a habit.

Blacksmith21 ago

Lemme ask you this - does it seem like the amateurs went to v/TA and the "pros" stay around on v/GA? I got into a spat with NeonRevolt over this point of contention. To me it seems like a Pied Piper operation - the exodus. Split the herd.

Hydrocephalus ago

I fogure the only people on v/TA must be amateurs at this point, why stay on a sub that is obviously being controlled, to the point where their ccp doesn't even count?

Blacksmith21 ago

WWG1WGA. Stay strong. Trust the plan. Stay the course my friend. I am under assault from all directions. It seems like the personalities build themselves to a point where they can then peel off a big chunk of adherents - Pied Piper.

KTLS ago

Here from GA board. Glad this is expanding like it is. I’ll be bouncing back and forth.

Trojanbear ago

I agree. There are a lot of us switching but we all want the same thing-to speak freely without persecution. The double standard is infuriating but we will not be silenced.

freedumbz ago

You will find a lot of offensive content here on voat. Deal with it.

KryptoKoins ago

Reddit just made Voat like half a million subscribers

KryptoKoins ago

This shit is crazy it's like half the internet just got displaced all for a Larp

Blacksmith21 ago

The move to ban r/GA should have served as the solidifier of truth for many many anons. User communities don't get banned for no reason.

Catiame ago

Awakened fully about 2 months ago. God bless potus and our patriots.

Onetime1 ago

As one who was redpilled in the early 80s via James Bamford's "The Puzzle Palace", I do not know that either of us will ever be able to be awakened fully as the deceptions are so pervasive.

Still, successfully destroying the Deep State will go a long way to establishing a more just society for future generations.

LastoftheBoomers ago

The good news is that the r/GreatPurge was an act of desperation. I believe it will come back to bite them in the ass.

I look forward to the day when the Patriots take control of Reddit and make it a utility of the people.

8_billion_eaters ago

Once you start bleating with the GOATs, you'll never go back to reddit.

Scottnaye1 ago


mzjulesaz ago

Yes, thanks!!

NZ_Walter ago

Another Ex- Reddit user wanting to say thank you Voat

Awake2Truth ago

Sooo glad to be here on VOAT! A little rocky at first, but starting to feel like home!

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

It's like chat roulette! Gotta wade through the dicks ;)

Awake2Truth ago

No kidding--I think I have the crabs at this stage.

stmfg ago

Just getting settled in, the people here are awesome! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. They may seem rough around the edges, but that is just their banter!

Morninglark ago

VOAT was there when Reddit deleted the Pizzagate discussion. Guess we should have learned our lesson back then!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this actually is still a gripe I have why doesn't it bother you when other's are censored?

Kellygirl13 ago

It bothers me ... my serious research was always removed but my stupid cheerleader Trump selfie post remained. I hated it. Glad to be here on Voat!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no I mean yours was not the first community to be unfairly treated and ultimately removed and censored off the platform by the Administration and moderators of reddit, I didn't even use any of the subreddits that got unfairly banned at the time I came here but I still came here and left reddit over it, because such censorship is wrong. What possessed all of you to use a website like that for so long when they're openly and blatantly been doing such egregious things for a long time

Kellygirl13 ago

I understood your comment ... I was not on Reddit when pizzagate was banned. I didn't know it occurred. I came on board later with GA. I also still use Twitter and Facebook because my friends and family are still on there. I'm not gonna get off of there voluntarily ... I'll fight to stick around ... spread the word ... not isolate.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

alright fair enough

Kellygirl13 ago


madhatter67 ago

Feel free to post some of that research info is always good!

Kellygirl13 ago

Thank you ... I'll have to get on that ... I'm an amateur no doubt but anybody who is here is because of research! Like Dave Chapelle said ... maybe he connects some dots that shouldn't be connected! Ha ha ... He was being modest for sure! :)

Onetime1 ago

Gracious comment. I'll say one pretty obvious thing ... there are a TON of you Reddit guys. On the pizzagate sub, getting comments and upvotes numbering in the dozens does not happen very frequently. The number of comments and uovoats since you all arrived has just exploded. THIS is why you/we have the power if we stay united and focused. Welcome aboard.

VioletStorms ago

Gracious comment yourself. Many appreciate it.


Thanks for the welcoming message. United we stand!

trich1972 ago

Please upvote comments so we can all post! Been commenting without one upvote yet!

Hydrocephalus ago

1) Don't beg for ccp faggot.

2) Upvoats on this sub don't count because you're faggot mods made this place a safe space and in the process made ccp on this sub invalid.

Chokaholic83 ago

Upvoted. Can I please get one back? Thanks

Hydrocephalus ago

Don't beg for ccp faggot

Chokaholic83 ago

Get back to the cock your were sucking you peice of trash.

Hydrocephalus ago

Learn to spell faggot! Enjoy your nonexistent ccp

Chokaholic83 ago

I could give a fuck, cuck.

Hydrocephalus ago

Cry harder! Your tears give me joy!

Chokaholic83 ago

I find it pathetically hilarious that you're on some sort of high horse because you have been on VOAT longer. You've got to be young. Probably around 18 or so because only immature people would care about something like that.

If you spoke to me in this way in person, I'd curb stomp the fuck out of you. Just imagining it brings me joy, cocksucker. So go ahead keep playing internet tough guy from your mom's basement!

I'm done with you.

Hydrocephalus ago

You're not a faggot because you're new, you're a faggot because instead of earning ccp by saying something interesting, your just begging for them. Sounds like your doing a lot of projecting there faggot. Cry harder!

Chokaholic83 ago

No, no projecting, I'd actually do that to you! Trust me on that!

Hydrocephalus ago

Trust someone who begs like a faggot for ccp? I trust you're a faggot.

Chokaholic83 ago

I trust that I could choke your faggot ass out in a physical confrontation, easily.

Hydrocephalus ago

Judging from how you get your ccp you'd just beg me to pretend you could so you wouldn't feel like such an impotent faggot, then you'd fail

MaezieMay ago

Here’s an up voat. Would appreciate one in return.

Hydrocephalus ago

Don't beg for ccp faggot. Plus upvoats on this sub don't count because your faggot mods screwed with the settings.

AperionPatriot ago

Because of the moderators settings, votes in this sub do not contribute to your CCP because it's functionally a closed sub that they actively censor. Go to

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

Don't think of us as reddit guys. Fuck that place. We just want truth and somewhere to communicate. I'll admit when I first came here I was pissed and frustrated with the platform but I quickly learned why it was built the way it is. Glad to be here.

Doodle_and_me ago

Zackly! I couldn't have cared less about reddit specifically. Wasn't married to it. That's just where the conversation was happening.

BadMonk ago

Yeah, a bit of a shake up for everyone involved. I didn't know VOAT even existed until all this happened. I'm 62 and don't get around like I used to, even on the It's good to be here though!

Slidewizards ago

Need Help "An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

clearly48 ago

Ugh...I'm gonna be 70 next month.

Blacksmith21 ago


I'm not that far behind you! I admit to being a bit sheltered before this election, but that's not happening again!

data57 ago

Same here!

iamapersondamnit ago

Way more interesting content on this site for sure

0x75 ago

The subcriber count is suppressed here just like reddit. I've had to subscribe twice and on the second time i noticed that the number stayed the same. I unsubscribed and hit subscribe again and no change in number. I would make a post about this but don't have the upvoats to do so.

Hydrocephalus ago

It's not being supressed, voat takes time to show shit. Usually I won't see my mpst recent comments on my profile for like an hour or two, same with upvoats I get.

0x75 ago

Someone else explained the tech side of why. Thanks

realopticsguy ago

I switch back and forth between both. Not a real issue.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Few people realize just how horrific the Reddit GreatAwakening censorship was because most censored comments were done silently by the mods. The user who made the comment could see them but they were hidden to everyone else.

I'd daily switch between the Reddit and Ceddit interfaces so I could see what the mods were up to and it was depressing.

It especially worried me because reality is not politically correct and I suspect some of the upcoming Q posts are gonna be red-pills that are difficult to swallow.

If we continued using the Reddit platform for much longer, I suspect the mods would have started censoring Q posts too.

The slight down-side with not having a politically correct safe space is our numbers won't grow like they were, but that is how it has to be because the time for fucking around is over.

BonesDC ago

I wanted to upvote your comment just as badly as I wanted it to stay at 17, so have a typed out upvote.

trich1972 ago

They could d grow here. Some long time voat users may be curious to check out our movement. Quoting General Flynn, We Fight not because we hate our enemy but because we love our Country. There must be some common ground in that statement alone!

MrrHandsome ago

The mods deleted any comments which would give the admins ammo to ban the sub, we all knew we were being monitored. Why is it so hard to understand that? I know this first hand as i had a few comments deleted also when i made a few violent comments about Hilary but always got a notification to tell me. Its not like they shadowbanned people

Hydrocephalus ago

So why'd they immediately start deleting comments and submissions and mass banning when they got here?

Kodo0 ago

How did that work out @MrrHandsome ?

iamapersondamnit ago

Yes this place is a bit rough around the edges but indeed the time for fucking around is over.

NoisyCricket ago

There is culture shock but you'll appreciate the value of liberty. Liberty is the number one rule on Voat.

Make sure you check out the rest of Voat and the parent Q-sub, /v/GreatAwakening.

You'll also be interested to read:

MeditationAnon ago

We got this, team.

oneida ago

yes.....its good to have places to learn about what's going on....thx

Lord_of_the_Hundreds ago

Voat might be the usual globalistic Internet entity, and may only be humoring us, but we still appreciate the bandwidth, the space, and the understanding.

When everything else is seized by Federal authorities under EO 13773, I think Voat will stay solvent and under original ownership, simply out of gratitude of those in charge who lurked here.

Reddit is toast, and if their management complains, they can then enjoy the challenge of cleaning up 60-year old buried toxic nuclear waste in southern Washington State.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

voat was set up by 2 guys as a hobby and is run by only one guy now and is user funed/coded

trich1972 ago

Donations to voat might be a good way to say thank you for giving us a place to be right now.

Big_hairy_armadillo ago

Do we know how to do that yet?