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TitanThinkTank ago

BULLSHITE ! i had gained points and i made some posts but then some one the SJW down voted me to like 60+ points and ever since then VOAT IS A USELESS PILE OF CRAP for me. And every time i say this they further down vote me , BLOODY MOTHER FUCKERS ENEMY OF MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH. BASTARD Kids OF WHORES.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You're being downvoated for being an illiterate shitskin. Calling people racists here doesn't bring the up voat squad like Reddit. Shitskin

TitanThinkTank ago

really ! so how is that FREE SPEECH, YOU RETARDS ?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

how is it not?

TitanThinkTank ago

LuLZ!, i dont care about his shit website since i get what i want to cursing on multiple websites claiming Free Speech, Poor retards at Voat.