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RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

in Q Related Links there is no v/QRV this needs correcting or the link needs removing. There are numerous boards that are not v/QRV which is the official board other than 8ch that Q specifically referenced. It's WWG1WGA not just go where ever the fuck we feel like. I do like to keep up with this sub, but it does not come before keeping up with Q, or staying up to speed with what Q has already authorized.

srayzie ago

You came from here somImdint know what your deal is. I never try to keep people from going anywhere. All I do is try to keep THIS sub running smoothly. V/QVR is NOT the official Q sub. It’s the official Reddit replacement sub. Instead of listening to rumors, go look it up for yourself.

Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Next line down. "One Central location (non 8ch)." You've done good work but you can relieve yourself now, or carry on, just make clear acknowledgement of v/QVR as THE alt to 8ch qresearch and patriotsfight. It MAY be a means of central communications that could prove invaluable. This would build your rapport with a wider audience than it would otherwise have. I don't mean to fight or unnerve you. I support what you have done and what you continue to do, but I have to part ways with not representing v/QRV accurately. If this minor at the moment detail is addressed you make things 100% clear that you are not a sleeping shill, but are in fact a patriot as I have always and still strongly suspect you are. I merely say this to patch up holes in our community. I want to see greater unity and strength. Please forgive my aggressive blunt approach at first. I really am not and suspect I never will try to drive people off of this sub.

srayzie ago

One central location for Redditors. I’ve never said NOT to go there. I can relieve myself now... That’s ok. Thanks.

If that’s a problem for you and you must part ways, so be it. I’ll relieve myself only if Q asks me to.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

In regards to relieving yourself. You just have the freedom to do so if you wish. We are all grateful for what you have done thus far. It would be nice if you included reference to v/QRV as Q directly pointed us to that board whenever you give a list that included boards Q related. It's a BIG slip up. It LOOKS bad. It's not making you bad, or causing direct harm that I can see right now. It does set a seed for division in the ground. It didnt come off right the part ways bit. I was going off of a quote of Abraham Lincoln regarding standing with others when they are right and parting ways when they are wrong on the matter of where they are wrong. I'm still with you on everything else thus far I just cannot agree that casually omitting the board is whatever no big deal and even no need to even worry about . Just... don't ommit reference v/QRV. That's an important detail. That is all. I would hate to see you abandon this sub never meant it to come off like that. I have a hard time caring about how things come off especially over the internet. If you can discern by what could be seen as my pettiness I'm just caught up in considering all the details and how they work in the big picture and what needs to be done to perfect the matter at hand that is before me.

srayzie ago

Q endorsed it as the main Reddit sub. I used to have the Reddit sub on the bookmarking/start up page I made.

I removed it after they were banned. I even have v/CalmBeforeTheStorm on there. I did not add v/TheAwakening because they have been shady since day one and have done things that I haven’t even said publicly.

v/QVR has another sub. v/QClearanceRefuge. It’s a CCP farming sub. The moderator from that sub, is also a mod on v/QVR.

I don’t think Q would be ok with that. It’s clearly against the rules for this whole site. The owner of Voat @Puttitout made a post about this...

Attention Q Reddit / r/GA Folks

Just because Q endorsed that sub as a Reddit Replacement doesn’t mean I have to link to it from mime. I disagree with who is running it at the moment. But people are free to do whatever they want.