Stonenchizel ago

Thanks Man !


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

in Q Related Links there is no v/QRV this needs correcting or the link needs removing. There are numerous boards that are not v/QRV which is the official board other than 8ch that Q specifically referenced. It's WWG1WGA not just go where ever the fuck we feel like. I do like to keep up with this sub, but it does not come before keeping up with Q, or staying up to speed with what Q has already authorized.

srayzie ago

You came from here somImdint know what your deal is. I never try to keep people from going anywhere. All I do is try to keep THIS sub running smoothly. V/QVR is NOT the official Q sub. It’s the official Reddit replacement sub. Instead of listening to rumors, go look it up for yourself.

Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Next line down. "One Central location (non 8ch)." You've done good work but you can relieve yourself now, or carry on, just make clear acknowledgement of v/QVR as THE alt to 8ch qresearch and patriotsfight. It MAY be a means of central communications that could prove invaluable. This would build your rapport with a wider audience than it would otherwise have. I don't mean to fight or unnerve you. I support what you have done and what you continue to do, but I have to part ways with not representing v/QRV accurately. If this minor at the moment detail is addressed you make things 100% clear that you are not a sleeping shill, but are in fact a patriot as I have always and still strongly suspect you are. I merely say this to patch up holes in our community. I want to see greater unity and strength. Please forgive my aggressive blunt approach at first. I really am not and suspect I never will try to drive people off of this sub.

srayzie ago

One central location for Redditors. I’ve never said NOT to go there. I can relieve myself now... That’s ok. Thanks.

If that’s a problem for you and you must part ways, so be it. I’ll relieve myself only if Q asks me to.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

In regards to relieving yourself. You just have the freedom to do so if you wish. We are all grateful for what you have done thus far. It would be nice if you included reference to v/QRV as Q directly pointed us to that board whenever you give a list that included boards Q related. It's a BIG slip up. It LOOKS bad. It's not making you bad, or causing direct harm that I can see right now. It does set a seed for division in the ground. It didnt come off right the part ways bit. I was going off of a quote of Abraham Lincoln regarding standing with others when they are right and parting ways when they are wrong on the matter of where they are wrong. I'm still with you on everything else thus far I just cannot agree that casually omitting the board is whatever no big deal and even no need to even worry about . Just... don't ommit reference v/QRV. That's an important detail. That is all. I would hate to see you abandon this sub never meant it to come off like that. I have a hard time caring about how things come off especially over the internet. If you can discern by what could be seen as my pettiness I'm just caught up in considering all the details and how they work in the big picture and what needs to be done to perfect the matter at hand that is before me.

srayzie ago

Q endorsed it as the main Reddit sub. I used to have the Reddit sub on the bookmarking/start up page I made.

I removed it after they were banned. I even have v/CalmBeforeTheStorm on there. I did not add v/TheAwakening because they have been shady since day one and have done things that I haven’t even said publicly.

v/QVR has another sub. v/QClearanceRefuge. It’s a CCP farming sub. The moderator from that sub, is also a mod on v/QVR.

I don’t think Q would be ok with that. It’s clearly against the rules for this whole site. The owner of Voat @Puttitout made a post about this...

Attention Q Reddit / r/GA Folks

Just because Q endorsed that sub as a Reddit Replacement doesn’t mean I have to link to it from mime. I disagree with who is running it at the moment. But people are free to do whatever they want.

sorosminion ago

So...WHY does Trump have to speak in some RIDICULOUSLY complicated numeric code? WHY are these Q drops so vague they need constant interpretation and explanation? WHY no arrests? ZERO. WHY was Manafort pleading guilty? Why is Cohen pleading guilty? WHY is Q suddenly posting about MSM links to news? And STUPID ROCK VIDEOS? WHY is there no "real" Inspector General's Report released? Did you forget? WHY has Trump backtracked "FISA" unredacted declassification? WHY does Q use the Nostradamus method of scattershot predictions? WHY , if Q is some hotshot in the Administration, has the "Deep State" not tracked him down? You people are like the Jonestown, the Halebop Comet , the Mayan Calendar people, members of an OBVIOUSLY fake cult , you follow some anonymous nut on IDIOTIC 4chan and now are on VOAT with PEDOPHILES, NAZI's, RACISTS and assorted psychopaths. NICE COMPANY YOU KEEP, YEP REAL JESUS LIKE! WTF ARE YOU DOING? Grow up, realize you fell for a childish fake.

JamesKin ago

is dis how ya talks to the movie screen ? : ) Watch the show an relaxs a bit, it all comes out right at de end ya knows, gets more pop corn an chill. Loves ya i does : ) oh PS many has resigned been arrested and fired, jus so a knows there IS some stuff a happenin oh an watch the HOUSE return to Repub an vote fraud exposed, next FISA declass, i could goes on buts.... : )

roughman ago

What happened to the "Sky is Falling" week? My popcorn is getting cold.

All4QQ4All ago

Avenatti's new clown looks like the joker!

fancypants211 ago

Has anyone noticed that post 2274 is not on patriots fight page? I kind of find that odd. I also feel like Q should have posted by now.


I just looked and it is there.

fancypants211 ago

i went again onto patriots fight in 8 chan. it is not there. the last post says trust grassley. this is weird because 8chan downloads into all the other locations

srayzie ago

Qanon deletes a lot of the Patriotsfight ones.

fancypants211 ago

yes but he usually leaves the last few. this post is the last one in three days and its not on patriotsfight board in 8chan


See All the Chicken Little Dems running around! ADAM Schiff is the one with extremely large eyes. Lol. Kavenaugh will be confirmed and then we will really start to see fireworks! POTUS will have to enact emergency funding for Psychiatric Hospitals to house all of these lunatics.


POTUS gave deep state a triple whammy by announcing declassification which includes making foreign deep staters show their hands and connections. WOW! Pass the PoPcorn!

DTrumplican ago

they went nuts that's for sure! Trump Weaponized Tweets hahahahaha


Yep. That threw them for a loop right off the bat!

TheTurd1911 ago

Fixing wiring, this reference is that some connections were wrong , he is back on track

LPanon ago

I'm dying for some Q posts. With everything that is happening, I need those words of calmness and assurance. I know. Trust the plan.

srayzie ago

Me too!

srayzie ago

I just noticed that I messed up the word “wrong” too 🤔😂 SORRY

ElbonRye ago


Thanks for the update. As much as I proofread and correct irl, my mind simply was not making that jump from "wring" to "wrong". 🤣

srayzie ago

😂 I guess I was in a rush!

cmiink ago

To err is Human.. A real Man admits his mistakes. Godspeed Patriot..

petevoat ago

Thank you

davidw221 ago

They will confirm Kanvanagh, so when the POTUS sets up the military tribunals, it will be supported by the USSC, and the Court of Military Justice.

Adopted-Patriot ago

I know it was over 40 years ago, but when I was schlepping thru Frisco, I stopped at a leather bar for a drink. I was approached by an older woman dressed in skintight leathers buying me a drink. Said her name was Maxine. The night went foggy, save for the time I remember her on top of me trying to undo my pants. Sitting here by the phone waiting for the Dems to call me for my testimony.

DTrumplican ago


UPboats4Patriots ago

Am I missing the sticky/post for the new Q drop today?

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3165055 )

wikipiques ago

Who is GJ? (under GJ investigation)

wps9d0 ago

I'm thinking Grand Jury.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago


angelCole ago

I still think Grassly will say f off to the dems and hold the vote no matter what probably this week. This will send the dems into full blown psychosis and they out/on their goons to hit the streets. President Trump seeing the trouble coming will send out the EBS message with martial law. Why else tie the ebs to the Kavanaugh confirmation like did?

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

This Friday at 09:30 from what I heard from another thread.

Adopted-Patriot ago

Post #2273 - trust Grassley. Q has been spot on so far, no reason to doubt him now.

Bodean1415 ago

Grassy is so setting the Ds up, got my popcorn n loving the show..

LPanon ago

I kinda feel that way too. This whole fiasco has had to made some people stop and look into the people they are supporting. DC has become so corrupt, on both sides, and we have to start demanding term limits for these people. These people have been around for decades and they know how to filibuster a vote. Kavanaugh MUST be confirmed. I believe that is when the lid finally blows.

Gorillion ago

Q's not happy with the bongs and emus.

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

I trust the plan. WWG1WGA!!

Presidenttrump16-24 ago


LPanon ago

Oh I SO want this to be true. Watched a video today with some compelling evidence.

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

Good Evening! Reading all the posts. Getting accustomed to this new web site

14029338? ago


lawfag123 ago

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Brett Kavanaugh

MolochHunter ago

well I dont know about you but Senarot Feinstein raed me in highschool

and she raped my wife, too, nevermind that she was raised on the mongolian plateau

lawfag123 ago


JamesKin ago

NO FEAR Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Never doubted it. Trust De Plan : ) Trump + Q and company has de Leverage ya know. Q say Enjoy de SHOW and what a SHOW it be he he he. We has more then what we knows.

14029362? ago

Everyone sees through the bullshit, it's really just embarrassing at this point

poeticmutiny ago

Dude, I was just on the fb group occupydemocrats and the terrifying thing is not everyone sees through it. I’m mortified. How can smart people not get it? It’s insane to me. They must have some serious issues.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

This is what our education system, mass media, and adding the Alinsky tactic had been designed to do. Corrupt all these and you provide any pre-defined narrative you desire.

Eliminate independent thought and you are nothing more than cattle for them to control.

PatriotOfTheStorm ago

All my dumb liberal friends think the allegations are legit

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Not only that, there are still many that think Mueller is still going to take Trump down.

poeticmutiny ago

Mine too! Except mine aren’t dumb! They’ve got really high IQs but clearly something is brain damaged!

Presidenttrump16-24 ago

I pray and believe.

RockmanRaiden ago

I have concerns. The momentum from the movement is being sapped by the fakes running around embarrassing us, undermining our credibility, and are actually trying to purge Voat. The movement needs Voat and the goats and these Q normies can't get passed the JQ. Level fucking 1. I've been a proud 'conspiracy theorist' since 9/11. I forget sometimes that most in the Q movement haven't really been redpilled. They can't even understand the drops and their significance. They're fucking spectators and I believe them to be a liability. Happy the plan is locked in but I can't ally myself with what are basically leftist shills masquerading as Q followers.

poeticmutiny ago

Somebody’s grumpy.

RockmanRaiden ago

I certainly was.

MolochHunter ago

the plan is advanced enough that it doesnt matter too much. The #1 disinfo we still need to deprogram in people is the Muh Russia Narrative

Once Hildebeast & the crew are in guantanamo, and the american people accept why and the nefariousness of their plan, then you can switch tack to more redpilling about the JQ

Dont go storming Normandy when half these cunts are still departing Dunkirk, yer?

Knowak ago

what is JQ?

Ruin3r ago

Jewish Question - Zionism

nullifyNWO ago

The easiest key for the superficial spectator to get redpilled is a combination of memes/forum news and real events. Like the falling of the Russia hoax and memes about RR & Cie.

Once redpilled with respect to one of the big lies, a person starts to see all other MSM/history tales with suspicion.

Jaxbuzz ago

They'll get past the JQ soon enough if they seek Truth. The JQ is in their faces on VOAT like they have never seen.

wikipiques ago

WHAT IS JQ? I am newb..

Bigfoot_lol ago

Wrong day, now wrong spelling in title. You're all over it today. :)

Maximus83 ago

Newb here. This is incredibly encouraging.

If Kavanaugh isnt confirmed can patriots still win?

Is kavanaugh our man ? Past seems tied to bush. I would bet he is woke AF now though.

astrogirl ago

I really think he'll be confirmed. Grassley's bizarre weekend tweet where he talks about playing second trombone to Schumer's direction:

"With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor"

He's pretending to be weak. I'm pretty sure it's just that: an act.

You're watching a movie - where's the popcorn?

Elfchiro ago

With or without him we will win. That being said. Trump and Sessions and the Q team are doing this by the book. Our laws, the Constitution have been violated by people at the highest levels. We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis. We need constitutionalists on the federal courts especially the supreme court. And Trump has made sure these bodies are stacked with them.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

And do you think RBG can stay awake for another 6 years?

furryfish17 ago

Kek : D

eyerighteye ago

Let's not forget all the info from bush's office his emails can provide. How do you make evidence admissible?

Jaxbuzz ago

Patriots will still win in Nov if he is not confirmed tho ultimate justice will be delayed.

Klah1g2b ago

Thanks so much. This really helps

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thanks, srayzie!

President's just sitting back watching them scurry and react. He's inside their OODA loop, forcing them on the defensive at all times.

caesarfecit ago

President's just sitting back watching them scurry and react. He's inside their OODA loop, forcing them on the defensive at all times.

It's worse. This Kavanaugh gong show has now become a siege. And the siege will break as soon as Ford is a no-show (and she will be, I doubt they'll try to make her lie her way through this). The Dems are screwed, they know it, there's nothing they can do about it other than light the biggest fire the North has ever seen! ... and hope they get away in the smoke. It's not gonna work. Americans don't like dirty tricks, especially when you get caught red-handed.

Tick, tock.

This is Alesia.

astrogirl ago

ZOMG, the Gong Show is the perfect reference. I'm thinking of the old one because, I'm, like, old.

PatriotOfTheStorm ago

I'm still half convinced Ford doesnt even exist. That sole picture of her can easily be faked and generated. All of her online yearbook sites have been scrubbed from the internet.... maybe they would show she didnt go to that school, and liberals would then have to say "she was absent from school on picture day" lol

Nolanthorn17 ago

I thought it was really Hillary. Wait she's too old to have went to High School with Judge K.

lynnmar ago

Ahhh but I read that some anon got access to her pre-deleted email.

Km4ywo ago

What I want to know is that really Ford passed out on the picnic table in only a thong? Anybody have sauce?

heygeorge ago

It’s not. That picture has been floating around the web for years.

Km4ywo ago

Had my doubts. Wish it was. Would have loved to hear her ans to a querry.

heygeorge ago

Wishing something is true and something actually being true are very far removed from each other.

LastoftheBoomers ago

Like it, like the analogy. One question, who's Vercingetorix, Hussein, Clinton, Soros?

JamesKin ago

Observe Orient Decide Act, We Win :)

GranimalSnake ago

A thousand times this.

Battlefat ago

Thanks, I rescinded my first up voat, but here, have another — we are all human srayzie, and that’s how I know you’re not a bot

MolochHunter ago

we schedule her fuck ups (and mine) on a regular basis for that very purpose of added credibility

hey @Srayzie ?