GoBackToReddit ago

Heads up, mod list grew again.

Goathole ago

It's funny how they can make all those changes but can't seem to undo the ccp restriction.

GoBackToReddit ago


  • Some shadowy group/person is out to get them.
  • Putt never responded to them
  • It was all to do voat a favor.

alalzia ago

Half measures , they remove posts and comments but they do not ban users . Their mods know that they will be downvoated into oblivion when the floodgates are open so they are probably waiting for more sheep to come and support them .

Also le fuck with the plebit self restrain , much of their language belongs to comments under cat pics .

thelma ago


More mods = more freedom ?

Goathole ago

Yes! And if I were a mod the first thing I do is ban agitators like you! Give me the Mod Power, I am The Mod God.

thelma ago

Moar POWRA !

Empire_of_the_mind ago

they just shuffle the same people over to alternative accounts and pretend it's someone different.

ANY mod drama means you've got power control freaks. The solution is always to move to another /v/. Mod power is a myth and a joke.

showbobandvagene ago

It takes 48 hours for the CCP restriction removal to take place, There was a post earlier that hinted at some fuckery by a rouge Mod that had been fucking with this setting, Which might explain the removal of 10 Mods...

Goathole ago

They could have lifted the restriction FIRST. They didn't. They consolidated POWER.

The clock is ticking on their next move.

GoBackToReddit ago

Old list:

girlwonder [O]
high-valyrian [O]
RonaldSwansong [O]
Doom1776 [M]
BleachyMcServerwiper [M]
YippeeQ_A [M]
Snap_Shot_in_Time [M]
Andrewcpu [M]
DrogeAnon [M]
BreadTwists [M]
mistahbang [M]
HowiONic [M]
DropGun [M]
golden430Q [M]

E: When was ObamasPinkSock added?

o0shad0o ago

So basically, all the mods got dropped, leaving the sub owners; and then "D" ObamasPinkSock was added. (What does "D" indicate? (And for that matter, looking at v/whatever, what does "J" indicate?))

MrPim ago

I think D is for designer. Someone to work on CSS and such.

GoBackToReddit ago

Explains the sub: https://voat.co/v/CSSTest01

I turned off CSS so I can't follow that path.

GoBackToReddit ago

Not sure about D but Cynabuns is a janitor for whatever.

Goathole ago

Earlier today he became the 14th(?) mod on the list, then the demod happened. Don't ask me how I know, I just know.

GoBackToReddit ago

They are probably going to rotate out all of them at some point with more "aged" accounts. As if by some kind of slut magic.

Goathole ago

well? they kind of have to don't they? their accounts are unusable

They could have played nice. They could have not vote farmed. They could have unrestricted their sub. They could have issued a SINCERE apology. They could have been MDE, Incels, Identitarians, deepfakes, or any of the other 30 refugee subs.

But no, they went the way of T_D.

GoBackToReddit ago

Really, all they had to do was use the existing sub.. that was already well known to them on R. Just one thing and everything would have been much better.

Goathole ago

That's what I'm looking for.

GoBackToReddit ago

Constantly re-archiving the page may be required.

kneo24 ago


Someone keeps changing settings incorrectly. And click here to laugh at them for it.

Goathole ago

and no, they have no intention of changing their ways.

No, actually we couldn't, since our users and us were deplatformed and Voat won't allow anyone to create posts. But many of you seem to be ignoring that fact, and keep pushing your misinformation campaign.

Edit: Additonally, we've all been downvoted so far that we can't moderate effectively. People continue to complain about a lack of moderation, Q posts, etc and then downvote so that they can continue using these lines to spread this misinformation. But that's okay, we'll keep fighting for Q, our movement, and our community until you run out of ammo. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there's a distinct lack of logic here that I can't wrap my head around.
