kneo24 ago

I like how he pretends they had no help to figure things out. They had time and opportunity to do so, but instead chose to purposely gimp themselves and attack the community.

"Look at me, I'm a victim."

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'(META) Why is the ccp req. still up?' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @larryhuston:

My thoughts exactly. And there's this, which seems like a giant crock of shit;

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(Ref #95)

theoldones ago

i'm going to take a random guess and say he mysteriously forgets to revisit this topic.

kneo24 ago

I'm going to take a random guess that one of the three [O]'s there "accidentally" clicks something and resets the timer at 5 am.

GoBackToReddit ago

I wonder if they think they can wait out the 7 day limit to switch the button and gain all those points without downs or something.

GoBackToReddit ago

..if only Putt didn't give answers they did like repeatedly. They were doing all of Voat a favor by adding those restrictions. In no way was it a hasty attempt to hide the sub from all in the hopes of farming points unnoticed. That's why no one has shared many off site posts linking to unrelated subs with calls to up vote their users.

Memorexem ago

They have, though. That brain dude himself had 3-4 things he posted on feddit telling people to go to v/jokes or v/mathematics to get some voats. They're around, maybe you just haven't looked hard enough?

Memorexem ago

Hey, meow. Don't get on the stage of you can't take a heckle.

I'm assuming that's you staring me down, anyway. I haven't watched the Simpsons since I was like... Well, single digits, and I don't meme very much.

Soooooo. Howzzit goin'?