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Pickzilla ago

I just don't understand this either... whats with the mod conspiracy?? This mod crap is such a distraction to the good work being done by real Patriots. Old goats are saying "your mods" this and that. And NR "this and that". I have no idea what to think, who to believe nor do I really care, unless there has been a deliberate attempt to subvert the movement at whole. And if the agenda by hiding this sub is nafarious, then we do indeed have a problem.

high-valyrian ago

Leaving this post up (although it's completely off-topic) so I can respond to you.

Voat's site effectively works against itself in many ways, imo as a product manager. Two days ago, we were very close to be able to change this setting (something we've weighed the pros and cons of doing). I checked the time remaining before going to sleep Saturday evening. When I woke up and refreshed the settings Sunday morning, the hour countdown had been reset once again, to 48 hours. No one on the mod team pressed the "Save" button that edits this hour countdown. We have asked the owner of the website here multiple times if there is a software issue, or some other thing at play, and have received no response.

I originally applied this setting because I had a feeling the Reddit trolls would follow us here (they did), and also had a lack of understanding, as there is no FAQ or Support or Help pages explaining these settings that can be navigated to.

There are pros and cons to this setting, and I'm not 100% convinced it should be changed, as it seems like most of the people calling for this are not here in good faith. Changing this setting to zero would place our posts on voat/All, which I can't imagine that those who continue to harass us, send death threats, and spam our community would want.

We would like to put up a poll, calling for the community to comment and vote on this as we've done in the past, but are unable to post. At the time I am typing this, there are 14 hours left. We will see if that countdown actually goes to zero, or if it continues to stay and reset itself programagically.

This mod crap is such a distraction to the good work being done

a deliberate attempt to subvert the movement at whole.


"MODS SILENT AND HAVE ABANDONED" - can't post/comment due to Voat's content restrictions stifling and silencing speech.

"MODS PURGING MODS" - can't edit moderators, so you have to delete all moderators in order to change their settings. additionally, some of our moderators have decided to leave as they don't enjoy the platform.

"MODS CCP BLAH BLAH" - we have wasted our ten comments a day speaking about this at length.

"MODS CREATED KARMA FARM" - NEW! One mod helps new mods trying to test post by creating place to do so, eventual goal of testing out new stylesheets so that user experience here isn't changed, but somehow we're "karma farming" by jokingly commenting on a test post.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection for Starters! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Hey Putt, those Reddit power mods are claiming that you won't help them and have been ignoring their pleas for help in fixing their ccp issues with their sub. I guess I should assume that's fake as well? If you were ignoring them, it wouldn't be out of malice, it would be because you're busy as fuck.

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ObamasPinkSock ago

but somehow we're "karma farming" by jokingly commenting on a test post.

FYI: the Minimum CCP required for downvoting on the CSS testing environment is set to 5, which makes farming impossible.

high-valyrian ago

Context: another mod, who previously did some of our CSS work and works in development, set up a subverse here so we could play around & get familiar with the site and test things out. Someone created a "Q-proof"-esque graphic with screenshots of our (admittedly silly) test comments, to say that we were trying to engage in vote manipulation.

When creating the sub, I set the CCP to -5 in hopes to prevent karma farming, dissuade shills/trolls from following us here, and to make the transition easier on those who scroll v/All. I did check for documentation before saving the settings, but wasn't aware of the other effects until Voaters chimed in. I'm not sure offhand if CCP is turned on or off in that test sub, but I'm glad you mentioned this - thanks for edumacatin' me!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Are the v/theawakening mods going to release the subverse restrictions?' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @atri:

A CCP setting reset should be possible about 5 hours from now unless the count is again sabotaged by someone/something before then.

Citing relevant mod post:

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high-valyrian ago

I would prefer to take a vote amongst the users, but am not able to post. I suppose we'll change it since most sentiment prefers to say yes and see what happens. :)

SearchVoat ago


SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'(META) Why is the ccp req. still up?' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @theoldones:

@girlwonder @high-valyrian @RonaldSwansong @DrogeAnon @Doom1776 @BleachyMcServerwiper @YippeeQ_A @omnipresenthuman @ObamasPinkSock


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(Ref #100)

kneo24 ago

and also had a lack of understanding, as there is no FAQ or Support or Help pages explaining these settings that can be navigated to.

Did you ever think to reach out to similar communities and ask for help? Of course not. Your sock puppet attack dog @neonrevolt, who speaks for you all, claims they were comped with the most flimsy of evidence. You shot yourselves in the foot there. @srayzie would have helped you had you asked. She even offered. You guys wrote her off. You could have just made a post in v/askvoat (let's not pretend you couldn't have thought Voat would have something similar to r/askreddit). Your account was made how long ago? Oh, that's right, 18 days ago. How about the owner of this sub? Oh, that's right, 7 months ago.

You had time. You had opportunity.

larryhuston ago

We're watching. And waiting for one of you to admit "oopsie, I hit the reset by accident" /S

LostandFound ago

For the record most you guys would be and are highly welcomed on this site but the setup of this sub by the mods for whatever reason has restricted your own ability to use this platform correctly. Not the other way around.

The trolls are here mainly because you react and feed them, once you banned one person the others wanted it as a badge of honour that they had upset you, hell even I gave it a go. You are formally invited to join the rest of the site and post and comment as normal, if you are up for it. We are mostly reasonable people here and if you cant hack people that value logic and reason your not going to make it in the wild.

theoldones ago

your words smell like more bullshit then a cow fart.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Mod high-valyrian Tells user theoldones why v/theawakening still has a voting restriction. [Archive here:]' was posted in v/whatever by @GoBackToReddit and permalinks this comment.

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(Ref #93)

GoBackToReddit ago

I never have to worry about pinging again with a x-post. So far, I like this bot.