JoseOrtz ago

THANKS TONS. Much appreciated.

JoseOrtz ago

Does that explain why I have points for comments on the comment but my 0 total never goes above 0??? Mystifying and annoying.

Eevanora ago

Heh well I can block you and not have to hear from you again. Win for me no more trolling for you

TemetNosce ago

Yes!!! Thank you. I understand that. Convoluted as fuck is the ccp. BUT now I understand the explanation.

TemetNosce ago

Yes I read your post. I thought (am probably wrong) that after all the ccp I got for my comments + an original post I made, had me above the minimum ccp. I look at the sidebar of the post I made, and, well, can't make any sense of it. (the ccp this and that.) Oh well moving along. Thanks for reply. CHEERS!!!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Reddit-Nigger-Jews gonna Reddit-Nigger-Jew.

TemetNosce ago

So, the day this shitstorm of a subverse happened, I made a post in this fucked up sub. Got all sorts of upvoat Karma points. I made many comments in the thread, and all those comments got upvoated. SO CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS MESSAGE I GET EVERY TIME I TRY TO DOWNVOAT HERE???

""""Denied - Subverse 'theawakening' requires 5CCP to downvote (Subverse Min CCP Downvote 2.4)"""

I sincerely don't understand the message/makes no sense/does not work.


the r/GA mods set the parameters so this is a closed off room. Your points made in this room do not count. Thats how it was explained to me and its one of the many reasons for division in our ranks...not to mention now it looks like the mods who fucked up just left to 8chan and left us all fucked up. Thats why I go to v/greatawakening for fellowship but still check both subs for info

jonzee65 ago


Goathole ago

Because they are cunts.


ObamasPinkSock ago

Not one of the fourteen mods have done ANYTHING since they un-banned everyone.

I think they are trying to make a point to show us how much they are needed.

The problem is, while they are making their point, shills are posting illegal content to this sub - calling for mass murder etc which endangers the entire Voat platform.

Pure fucking insanity and the perfect way to make a string of wild fuck-ups so much worse.

kneo24 ago

So why is it you're a designer here now on this subverse? I see you shitting all over this place, yet they make you a part of their team?

ObamasPinkSock ago

You don't think my questions were sincere and fair?

If not, why not?

FYI: Since I posted my questions, at least one mod has returned and the spam and illegal content have been removed.

kneo24 ago

I'm entirely questioning why in the whole comment chain you're now a designer (which more or less makes you one of their "in people") despite more or less stating that this place is a graveyard and you'd like to leave for greener pastures.

You guys are on a different playground. This stuff doesn't go unnoticed.

ObamasPinkSock ago

You question is: how can I work in a team without being a toady little boot lick?

Answer: because I'm not a toady little boot-lick.

If I don't like something then I'll question it.

If all the mods vanish then I'll make some noise, with or without their permission and with or without your approval.

It's that simple.

kneo24 ago

As it stands, it looks like you're playing both sides. Only time will tell if that's true.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I know high-valyrian has been doing awesome work clearing the spam, but I'm not sure how much help from the other mods he is getting.

Now that I know we haven't been abandoned, I think we should 100% support the mods that have chosen to help when they are needed.

I'm not sure how many of the other mods will return to be productive, but some do, I will support them also.

In the meantime, as a Graphics Designer and CSS developer, I will do whatever I can to help the cause.

Goathole ago

The perfect way to make all of Voat hate us so much more.

After the bannings and THAT CUNT @SerialBrain2 made Vote Farms.........I couldn't hate you fucks anymore than I already do.

Your mods are only half the problem, YOU CUNTS are the rest of it with your whining, begging, bitching and complaining. You could have come here, set up shop and integrated but no, you came in full force and tried to push your way in with reddit faggotry. FUCK OFF.

Tenebre ago

I mostly agree with you and still say sod off poof

ObamasPinkSock ago


Nah, free speech is a two way street even if that makes you sad.

I'm happy I'm here now and I'm glad all the power-hungry censorship-loving Reddit mods have fucked off to 8chan because I intend to both help fund Voat and discuss politics here freely.

I seek neither your approval nor permission.

Goathole ago

Go fuck yourself! You're a precious little cunt snowflake that will self abort anyway. You got some tranny in you, I can tell.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I'm sorry about your feelings... although I think it's funny how melodramatic you're being.

I like you. You're fun - like poking a pig with a stick to hear it squeal.

Ha ha ha.

Goathole ago

You only like me because I have a dick you want to suck. You ain't gettin' any of this sweet meat homo.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Your penis - describe it for me.

Goathole ago

I KNEW IT! Full homo.

Eevanora ago

Dude... That dude was so easy to trigger man.. I mean went full spectrum of insults from snowflake to tranny. Then ends with how you want his dick. Just has unsocialized written all over him.

Goathole ago

Hey newfag, you replied to me you cockslurping little bitch. Learn to use voat or gtfo.

I bet you like the taste of his penis though, you're sucking it awfully hard.

Orien_Blue ago

Why not man? Nobody else is. Please cry some more. You are so tuff using mean words on a message board........


They lifted the bans and left the site. They ran off to 8chan and took a lot of users with them.

ObamasPinkSock ago

If none of them stayed, they is totally disgusting.

Our movement would benefit greatly from NOT having all it's eggs in one basket and Voat is far more user friendly that 8chan.

I'll give 'em a few more days before I unsubscribe and move over to /v/GreatAwakening.

Jammer78 ago

Except that isn't true. Check out Removed Comments and Removed Submissions links. There has been activity. Granted not much.

abattoirdaydream ago

I'd go to /patriotsawoken first and try to get them to come lift the restriction also.


Yup. There are a lot of posts popping up of compilations of people writing us off on 8Chan and refusing to return.

But it's alright. I'm sure a chunk with thicker skin will stick around and join GA too. You should just subscribe to both. Eventually one will die and everyone will settle on a single sub, but until then you can be active in both.

ObamasPinkSock ago

What a clutch of bitter, butt hurt little cunts.

Their fee-fees were hurt so they tried to burn down Voat and take a huge shit on the larger Q community.

I wonder if those mods will create new Voat usernames and try to start crawling back when their need for power goes unfulfilled over on 8chan?

Orien_Blue ago

Yes. But the group will have moved on and fragmented. The three days they gave to voat before running is fucking embarrassing.

Orien_Blue ago

I’m part of the invading reddit horde and I say lift any restrictions. I’ve made the crossing before, once around two years ago with The_Donald and then again when CBTS came over. I can tell you every attempt before crashed and burned because we never integrated. Believe it or not the usual goats here don’t give a shit, they just like to call out the newbies. And, restrictions. Do we really appreciate free speech? I think so. They don’t think so.

Imagine voat is a continent. We just moved to an uninhibited section and built a fucking fortress. Now, when the locals come in with their balls slapping about, as is their custom, we eject them and say “my sensibilities!!!” It’s their land though, and as it is written the balls must be for everyone to display. Eventually they assemble the masses and a gigantic ball slapping sensibilities war ensues. The correct approach? Allow the nudity. Who cares? Eventually the natives stop coming as they don’t understand why we don’t allow our genitalia to roam freely - “barbarians!” Maybe some of them like their special spot covered “damn this is nice, no squirrels after me nuts.” The point is we came to their place let’s try and make something work.

Doodle_and_me ago

I mean, when Europeans conquered what became the USA, they pretty much did just that. Came in, built forts, expanded, and drove the natives out of significant existence. It was progress in action.

Carsoir ago

Neon has a lot to say on this subject but the gist of it is that each change takes a specific amount of time. Read and you will understand what’s happening.

theoldones ago

we have our own Q board here you fucking idiot. go there

Orien_Blue ago

You actually have two, moron.....

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

right now you're sitting at

7265 subscribers

~502 user(s) here now

theoldones ago

bullshit. we do not. we have the one...

and then theres this piece of shit here run by (((14 REDDIT MODS))) that appeared in the dead of night. you're either complicit, ignorant, or an idiot. in any case go back to reddit

Orien_Blue ago

Hahha, you are retarded - PatriotsSoapbox is another. God damn, for a informed Voat advocate you are an idiot. Go to bed.

DaraChaos ago

I agree!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

because they know the bitch babies they lead here would cry if people disagreed with them.

they also already tried bringing up the whole "downvoating us is censorship" for why they won't post comments outside this sub and I responded as follows:

downvoats aren't censorship you retard. This site opperates under a democratic system of voting, what you're effectively arguing here is that "people having the right to disagree with the things I say is censorship." Downvoats themselves as well as upvoats are a form of free expression that give the userbase, the site's citizen's if you will, a modicum of agency over the site. You faggots whining about the rules and restrictions is the equivelant of illegal mexicans whining about the legal immigration process.