Wise2TheLies ago

You wouldn't do shit in real life so GTFO.

ExpertShitposter ago

Say that to my face, and not online, babyboomer scum, and see what happens.

gabara ago

G Anon > Q Anon

ExpertShitposter ago


Luellaloveheart ago

This is hateful and not what we are about. Go away

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck of grandma, you're in nazi territory now.

koolchange ago

Sad little sock puppet.

ExpertShitposter ago

3 day account calls a 3 year old account sockpupet.

Cool story grampa.

Wise2TheLies ago

You still have a 3 year old's brain.

ExpertShitposter ago

And you have a 90 year old fart brain.

ExpertShitposter ago

This is true, i have verified this information.

DrogeAnon ago

As have I. So tell me, "Expert", what are your rules around here about offtopic posts that waste everyone's time except the little troll amusing himself? I see on so many subverses here that there's a rule for posts to be ontopic - does that mean they remove/delete posts like this or is that "not done"? Can you explain in your infinite wisdom how keeping a shared social feed focused on topic avoids the Voat cardinal sin of Censoring?

kneo24 ago

Believe it or not, you fucking retard, you could actually check the removed submissions log of those places and figure that out for yourself and you'd have your answer.

DrogeAnon ago

Believe it or not, you fucking genius, I have actually checked the removed submissions log of those places myself. I thought you smartasses would understand your own tactics when you see them. My interest is in what YOU have to say about it, genius.

kneo24 ago

Believe it or not, you fucking retard, had you checked the remove submission logs of those places yourself, and actually understood Voat culture, you'd already know what was thought about those tactics.

I feel sad for you. You're so utterly incompetent that you probably couldn't figure out how to escape from a room with twenty exits all leading directly outside.

ExpertShitposter ago

I said a bit on that here: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2721825/13850051

You will always be trolled here and there, but only for cuckoldry will you be bombarded.

DrogeAnon ago

Thank you. An actual answer - I appreciate it.

Understandably, most of our audience have given up. Your goal is achieved. But some of us don't give a flying toss what a bunch of upset kids have to say - if we're not breaking your rules, then we're a part of your free speech club too. Your own system lets you set the ccp restriction to something other than zero. Putting aside the fact that we haven't been able to change it for greater than 24 hours now (seems like a completely retarded system to me but I'm sure there are good reasons I'm not aware of) - your system LETS US DO IT so all the people crying about it here - if any of them are actually real Voaters and not just shills - are being hypocrites. Free speech, free choice - we all do what we want, right?

If you care to - and I don't blame you if you don't - but if you do, I would appreciate it if you can point out any ongoing cuckoldry so we can address it. We've taken most of our rules down. We're dedicated to playing by the culture here but it seems there are more shill accounts pretending to be upset Voaters than actual Voaters. If you're real, we'll listen.

ExpertShitposter ago

Your goal is achieved

Let me ask you..... people have given up on the only free place left on the internet because a bunch of people yelled niggerfaggot and posted a few Hitler webms...and they call them selves..."patriot warriors"? Warriors?

What the fuck kind of "warrior" runs in fear from words. They will "fight" and "save" America, and beyond.....but they don't have the patience to post a few comments and collect some ccp normally? They will drain the swamp, from its 3000% jewish over-representation, but they punch their screens in anger because someone wrote "kike" on the internet?

Some tough warriors. You want a person like that in the trenches next to you?

And no one was taking away your free speech. Me saying "fuck boomers/kikes/nigger" in your sub doesn't take away your ability to speak.

Furthermore, yes the complaints were from real voaters, not shills. I know this because the exact same welcoming is given to EVERY reddit migration. As a matter of fact, you actually got the nicest welcoming than any previous group. For example, the deepfake porn people, had to deal with 3 days worth of non stop shitpoting and downvoting.

Are the shills looking to take down society destroying porn addicts? Don't think so m8.

This of course doesn't mean that there aren't shills on voat. There are plenty, but they operate on a more sophisticated level than spam. They will infiltrate your sub in a completely different manner.

Voat is important because its unique. It is.....the last free place on the internet. 4chan used to be "the most free place on the internet". With even /pol/ banning many things every day, this title now belongs to Voat. Voat is the most free place on the internet, and the last free place the internet. Its what makes it special, unique and important. If this feature is tampered with, just so some "patriot warrior" wouldn't have his feeling hurt, then voat becomes just another random reddit clone. Us goats will not let that happen.

On a side note, unrelated to your reply, you might be wondering:

"How come they don't appreciate us? Don't they understand how important q-research is? We are patriot warriors, and we will fix America!"

Many of us here find your work to be relatively unimportant. Here we discuss some long term solutions that go beyond putting a few congressmen in jail, while still paying out of your ass for govt assistance and loosing the demographic war, and with it the ability to ever elect another trump.

Here we discuss alternatives to the failed system of democracy is self, and the dream of peace and freedom through pan European ethnostates. Hitlers version of national socialism, anarcho capitalism, civil war, economic collapse, prepping, women's roles in society and politics, these kind of things. Nothing is taboo.

Here we discuss how to build a new system that will last, rather than thinking that the old system just needs a few band-aids. We don't think old people will save the world, because they wrecked it to begin with, and lack the mental flexibility to even accept simple new ideas such as total free speech. So how could they ever dream up a system superior to democracy? They cant even comprehend fresh ides.

This of course doesn't mean that you shuldn't post here, its just an explanation to how some one could carelessly disrupt your work with jokes even tho he isn't a shill. Because you are probably a useless bunch in the grand scheme of things and events that will unfold around the world in the next 10 to 100 years.

Additionally, while you think you are red pilling the world on "draining the swamp" we might have interest in red pilling YOU on demographics and the jewish question. So remember that next time you call someone a shill for pointing out jewish roles in your "swamp".

DrogeAnon ago

people have given up on the only free place left on the internet because a bunch of people yelled niggerfaggot

No, that's the lazy thought version of what has occurred. People have said 'fuck these childish morons - we'll wait til you find a better place to go; ain't no one got time for this sheeit.' Patriot Warriors don't sit around on internet forums listening to children yelling 'niggerfaggot', bud. Look it up.

Thanks for explaining shills to me... without acknowledging the actual classic shillery going on, like: "strange how your mods aren't posting to explain anything (even though we're all well aware of the systems that prevent them from doing so) - they must be comped!"

You "goats" can be proud of your self-proclaimed Patriot Warrior status for yelling niggerfaggot in your little corner of the internet and keep bringing up your belittling strawmen as if it matters but we got better things to focus on yo, like real discourse, not this arrogant, irrelevant-strawman-demolition posturing you people seem so proud of around here. Try debunking the real Q anon narrative not some thirteen year old's version of a conspiracy theory.

It hurts me so bad that you think our "work" is unimportant but I guess we'll just have to pull up under the scathing superior truth you're dumping on us and try and find some motivation to keep going! Wish us luck, friend! I know you care!

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, they sit around internet forums waiting for a 4chan larper to post "mysterious code". Nigga please.

I guess do have to explain shilling to you since half of you fucks are paranoid about everything. I've been in right wing circles long enough to see every single person who ever gained any notoriety to be accused of being cryptojews.

There are people both here and on /pol/ who will claim that Adolf Hitler him self was secretly jewish. Yes there is shills everywhere, but not everyone who doesn't take part in your qlarp, or has a different world view is a shill.

your little corner of the internet

That's mighty conceited for someone who just got BTFO'd out of his house, and had no where else to go but here. Our "little corner" is your only place now, or else you're a bum sleeping on the street.

we got better things to focus on yo, like real discourse

And as i have explained to you, that is your opinion only. Others think your are useless larpers who are focused on less relevant issues of the west as a whole. I'm not expecting you to change your opinion on your mission, just like i wont change mine. I'm just telling you not be surprised when you don't get respect you think you deserve. Because its not caused by everyone else being a shill.

hurts me so bad

I know you don't care, I wasn't even trying to make you feel bad. Just explain to you why people here can not care or laugh at you and not be leftists or shills. You have no idea how many nazi/right wing subs were banned on reddit. All these people are here, and they know only one final solution. And your solution doesn't solve their complaints. You were stuck in the reddit echo chamber, and now you will see the real gay rainbow of opinions.

Cyrus_Q ago

Lets see it please

ExpertShitposter ago

Do you have the appropriate security clearance to be making that kind of request? What is the code?

Cyrus_Q ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Inkorekt. Death squad dispatched to your location.

Cyrus_Q ago

Oh shit, I'll just have to call Praying Medic to save my soul.

Mkanon ago

This is not wanted here. Peaceful revolution is the way.

Seeker_of_him ago


TheStorm2018 ago

Gotta agree. Not a helpful post. We're here for a reason.

ObamasPinkSock ago

The OP is attacking this sub by posting illegal content in the hopes of getting us banned.

He's friends with the new mods over at GreatAwakening and they all moderate SoapboxBanhammer together.

This is GreatAwakening attacking this community.

Shizy ago

Just about everyone over at v/GreatAwakening who isn't an asshole or a troll is friendly with each other. That's not a bad thing that a positive rapport has been built amongst users with similar interests. People there have been working and interacting with each other for months- sometimes longer since many of us came over from v/pizzagate together.

And the mods there aren't "new". Not srayzie at least. She started that sub 8 months ago and ran it all on her own until she asked me to help her mod about a month ago because it was growing. Until yesterday it was just two of us moderating that board, and I do not moderate on SBBH so I'm not sure where you are getting your information. SBBH is just a shitposting sub where posters say things that are funny or shocking to joke with each other. It's one big off color joke fest. I don't know why people are implying that it's some evil sub, especially if they haven't seen it for themselves.

ExpertShitposter ago

illegal content


dunklederf ago


ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Peaceful revolution is impossible. ZOG made sure of it by controlling both parties and both candidates, and made the country 44% non white.

ESOTERICshade ago

ExpertShitposter, after reading this thread, I have a whole new wheelbarrow full of respect for you bro.

srayzie ago

I like @ExpertShitposter. He’s one of those I can laugh and have fun with. We both are into a fun sub and they accept me even tho I’m a Q person. There are all sorts of people there lol. It just seems like a place that doesn’t judge each other. As long as you want to have fun then that’s what matters.

I found it because of my tranny friend @HeyGeorge

ExpertShitposter ago

You are the kool kind of q person and you make bomb OC memez. I rip on the boomers often because well....they react!

And don't forget that hey george has poopy pants.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks bro. We gunna make it breah.

eronburr ago

and made the country 44% non white.

They might have filled the country but they didn't get to change laws that make them permanent residents. So this years census change to ask if you're a citizen, it key to the next 10 years and unraveling all their NWO changes.

We can't have anything but a peaceful revolt otherwise we're just teaching them how to replace us should they ever become the majority.

Ultimately their benefit is they're not afraid to recruit in person, while right mostly is because it's being demonized in MSM.

Support the cause in your local area and keep the emotion to a minimal. Kids see two groups to join, groupL is glorified by celebrities and groupR by people they hear aren't like them because they're the minority.

Until they see groupR isn't the minority and it's safe to be in this group, they're going to question it more while they question the other side less.

Gotta flip the script.

ExpertShitposter ago

First of all, there will be no unraveling of the NWO changes, because the republicans and Trump are controlled opposition, just like every other "right wing" political party on the planet. They are giving you just enough to think you are winning, and then they will take it back to the left. This ping pong game is designed to last forever, while you always just wait 4-8 years for "your guys" to win.

And second, you are about to become the minority, so ether you enact a white ethnostate, via a violent civil war, or trump/republican victory will never be possible again. Even in this election, the leftists were crying foul because the popular vote was in Hillary's favor, and demanding that the electorate method be abandoned. Even if you remove the vote fraud, its about a 50/50 deal.

This is how non whites vote: https://imgoat.com/uploads/7d1e990583/147007.jpg

And this how non whites procreate: https://imgoat.com/uploads/7d1e990583/147009.jpg

And note, that the bottom graph is incorrect, as it doesn't account for all the "Hispanic whites" and white mud babies who are all reported as white.

So with those two graphs combined, how do you think you will do in the elections after trump? Non winnable any more. And when you have the leftists in the whitehouse, congress and courts......USA ----> USSR.

So what are you gonna do? "Red pill all the niggers and spics?" Yeah right, you cant even handle all the white communists, cuckolds and self hating SJW's. If it hasn't happened in 60+ years, then it wont happen now.

eronburr ago

Where's your voting map data from? I don't believe it's that biased, if it were your whole narrative is upended because you're suggesting whites were the only to vote for Trump, everyone else voted Democrat, yet Trump almost tied for the popular vote. Your map seems more like an MSM projection that Trump is a white-only crowd.

Your birth rate chart doesn't account for citizenship. The census allows anyone that wants to take it to fill one out. That changes come next census.

ExpertShitposter ago

Where's your voting map data from?


Your map seems more like an MSM projection that Trump is a white-only crowd.

In the various MSM and CNN charts you can find, it was actually more whites voting Clinton than is presented in my chart.

whites were the only to vote for Trump, everyone else voted Democrat, yet Trump almost tied for the popular vote.

The numbers work out closely. Officially, 65% of people are white (56% in reality) but a bunch of white women voted Hillary, so trump, instead of getting 65% of the vote, got 50%.

Your birth rate chart doesn't account for citizenship.

Not sure what you mean but its based on how many kids white people have, and how many kids non whites have.

I'm not sure if it accounts for immigration, but 1 million people per year can still enter the US legally and be on path to citizenship, and most of those are not white. Why would a rich German move to the USA? Its the Mexicans, Africans and middle easterners that are coming, and all of them have much more kids.

So included or not, its well projected.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Now that SBBH is moderating /v/GreatAwakening you are attacking this sub, hey?

Is this how you cunts are gonna help in the lead-up to the midterms, but spamming other QAnon communities?

This is kike-level pathetic.

ExpertShitposter ago

What? Trump is the biggest jew in america. See for your self: http://www.evilyoshida.com/thread-13718.html

And don't pretend like this sub is gonna red pill anyone on anything. At the very minimum, because the jew mod team made it invisible in settings, and banned people who pointed that out. Thanks to that, no one who isn't already here from day one is gonna even know about its existence.

Boomers aren't gonna save the world, it boomers who wrecked it to begin with. Its up to the young guns.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Trump is the biggest jew in america.

"The biggest Jew" who crushed ISIS, created peace with North Korea, gave us the biggest tax cuts in U.S. history, is protecting our borders from shitskins, is in the process of creating the greatest economic recover in U.S. history and has set us on a path to be the world leader in energy exports.

The only people who hate these wins for hard working American families are kikes, liberals, ISIS and you.

ExpertShitposter ago

He didn't do shit t ISIS you dumb fuck. I follow the Syrian and Iraq battles every fucking day for the past 3 years. And he is a massive faggot for taking credit for it. And he actually bombed he people who did crush ISIS twice now, over a 9-11 tier fake gas attack.

He made peace with Korea after their nuclear research tunnels collapsed after their last test and buried their program and its scientists.

His biggest tax cut is nothing compared to the total tax you pay, that should be close to 0% anyway.

The economy is gonna collapse in the next year or two because its that time in the cycle.

This is you: https://imgoat.com/uploads/d5e957f297/146958.jpg

ObamasPinkSock ago

He didn't do shit t ISIS you dumb fuck.

Wrong. President Trump stopped supporting the Syrian rebels (a.k.a ISIS) and dropped so many bombs on ISIS that we could barely keep up the supply.

Secretary Mattis is now doing "clean-up".

And he actually bombed he people who did crush ISIS twice now, over a 9-11 tier fake gas attack.

You really aren't very bright, are you.

You are referring to 59 Tomahawk missiles that President Trump used to destroy a few empty sheds on a Syrian military base... which was operational again 6 hours later.

What President Trump did with those missiles was stop Congress from starting a real war and stop NATO from implementing crippling sanctions on Syria because Assad had already been "punished".

Those 59 missiles were a gift to Syria.

We have peace with North Korea and nuclear disarmament has begun

There hasn't been a North Korean missile launch since Trump's negotiations began in December 2017.

North Korea starts dismantling missile launch facility

Freed North Korean prisoners arrive at Joint Base Andrews

North Korea returns U.S. remains from Korean war

The economy is booming

New York Times: We Ran Out of Words to Describe How Good the Jobs Numbers Are

The Trump economic boom: optimism and prosperity not seen since the 1990s

Love Him Or Hate Him, Trump Deserves Credit For Booming Economy

U.S. Growth Hits 4.1%, Fastest Since 2014, in Win for Trump

We got the biggest tax cuts in U.S. history

The middle class tax cuts were MASSIVE!

I really enjoyed my Christmas bonus too!


We have the lowest unemployment rates for blacks and Latinos in U.S. history

Black and Hispanic Unemployment in America Reach Record Lows

Our borders are being protected

Trump's immigration enforcement helps slow illegal border crossings by 76%

Supreme Court permits full enforcement of Trump travel ban

We are about to become the world leader in exporting energy.

In 2017 we surpassed Saudi Arabia to become the world's number two oil exporter and recent data shows that we export more liquefied gas than we import. The Energy Information Agency now projects that by 2022 we will become a net exporter for the first time since 1950.

ExpertShitposter ago

You dumb fuck you have no idea what is happening on the ground. Rebels and ISIS were created by the USA. Hillary and Obama said it them selves on top of all things. Trump only stopped funding them AFTER the Russia stepped in and wiped them out out of almost all of Syria. Take a look at the map before and at the point when the funding was cut. It was when it became clear that Assad is here to stay and it became a waste of money. You are just an idiot that reads articles.

Dates are important. Check military maps at the time he went into office, and at the moment when he cut the CIA support. He didn't cut shit until he lost the Syrian war first.

And Mattis clean up is a joke. They have been dealing with small territories for a year now. Deliberately refusing to actually clear them because then they have no more excuse to be there. And it wasn't the us that fought on the Iraq side but Iraqi paramilitary forces and kurds. The large area they did clear was by making a deal with trbals in the Omar oil field.

It was not 59 missiles because he struck twice. And take a look at how much those strikes cost the US tax payer. And yeah, it was ineffective, because the point of all us wars from the beginning was to justify the military industrial complex. And now they are preparing a 3rd attack as the liberation of Idlib has started. He is still keeping the presence at Tanf area. and don't even get me started about sending troops to Afghanistan to guard the big pharma poppy fields.

There are no patriots in the us government, and their flag is a bar of gold. And it has 3000% jewish over-representation.

Mhmmm, he dismantled it. And what happened BEFORE he agreed to do it?

Hint: google "north Korea nuclear facility collapsed"

Check when that occurred, and when trumps "diplomatic victory" occurred.

So if you make 50k, you save 2k? And that's your mega tax cut? LoL Typical dumb boomer that is blind as a bat.

There are things like:

  • Individual income taxes
  • Payroll taxes/FICA
  • Corporate income taxes
  • Excise taxes
  • Estate and gift taxes
  • Other receipts

This system is specifically created so that people wouldn't understand just how much they are actually paying because they only look at things like income tax. Real tax is 25%. And sure, EU has about 35%, but they also get free college and healthcare. So if you were to deduct that, than a lot of that 35% would melt away. So the US tax rate is not low whatsoever! Even in the age of kings tax was 10%. Just enough to pay for the roads and army. As it should be.

If someone cuts it by 1%, then of course the guy after that cuts it 2% will be able to say "biggest tax cut ever". Its still way too high. And that's only the begging. Take a look at corporate tax.


Third highest in the world. And who do you think corporations bum those taxes off? You, the consumer, as part of the product price. So you actually pay A LOT MORE than the claimed 25%, and especially more than just your income tax.

But you did not know that did you? Yeah, it was designed that way.

Yeah the economy is booming.....because he is borrowing money.


Just like Obama. Just like any Hugo Chavez, just like any communist country. The economy is always booming when you are flooding the country with debit and devaluing the currency.

lowest unemployment rates for blacks and Latinos

And you are proud of that you filthy mexican nigger? What about the employment rate of whites, who, you know, founded the fucking country? Is it 0%? Because it it isn't, then why the hell is the legal immigration rate still at 1 million per year, and why hasn't trump already shut that down to 0?

Firstly, you are 56% white at this point. That is 150 million violent niggers and Mexicans in USA. Who even gives a shit about 10 000 illegal crossings at this point? And second, 76% number is based off how many apprehensions they performed. All people who weren't detected couldn't be part of the statistic then could they?

And trumps travel ban was a fucking meme that idiots like you fell for. Firstly, it didn't include Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, THE MOST RADICAL MUSLIM COUNTRIES IN EXISTENCE. Literally the country where they acquired the suicide pilots for 9-11.

And second it lasted for a fucking month. What good is a travel ban if it's not a permanent policy, and doesn't include the two countries that exported the actual Wahhabi muslims that most of ISIS consists of? Just one more thing invented to delude dumb idiots waving the "Israel is ur greatest ally" flag. Fucking boomers i swear.

I haven't seen someone suck Ben "The jew" Shapiro and Trump's cock so hard since visiting /r/clueless-morbidly-obese-baby-boomer-neckbeard

I'm sorry debit ceiling is being crushed, nigger crime statistics, and a record breaking number of nazis makes you REEEEEEEEE.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Rebels and ISIS were created by the USA

And President Trump ceased Obama's funding of those "rebels".

How awesome is that?

Surely that makes you happy?

So if you make 50k, you save 2k? And that's your mega tax cut?

Yes, a 50% tax cut is MASSIVE!

Surely even someone as angry as you can't dismiss a 50% tax cut???!!!


And you are proud of that you filthy mexican nigger?

Yes this is awesome news because shitskins should be working and Trump has sent 'em back to work.

Why does shitskins not consuming my tax dollars as welfare make you cry?

Do you like it when white people spoon feeding Negros?

Was there anything else you were peeing your panties over?

ExpertShitposter ago

It was a good thing, but he didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, but because they outlived their usefulness to the MIC. Had Russian not stepped in, he woun't have done it as they would still have capacity to wage war. Only when their wings were clipped did let them go. Its like shit thanking you for not stepping on it. You didn't step on it because you don't want shit on your boot, not because its morally right not to step on shit.

And he still funds white helmets, the civil wing of Al-qaeda that extracts all the rebels, and set up all the fake chemical attacks.


Are you that stupid? Where is the 50%? I just explained to you that if you make 50k net, you actually did 75-100k worth of work bruto, and you were taxed all the way down to 50k. And you are bragging about getting back 2k?

So instead of letting them buy alcohol with food stamps, and food with drug money, he will now make them do it the other way around. Buy food with food stamps, and the alcohol with drug money? Good job! Total win.

How about cutting assistance altogether? Ever heard of that idea? Too radical for a "right winger" eh? You are so pathetic you are actually celebrating lunch packs for niggers, instead of demanding a bullet for each one. Keep feeding the niggers with your tax, and then pay for their Obama care the republicans voted not to cut just as much as the dems did.

ObamasPinkSock ago

It was a good thing, but he didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, but because they outlived their usefulness to the MIC.

Did Trump tell you that in a dream?

Are you that stupid? Where is the 50%?

I was being generous after I used to tax calculator for a family with two children on an income of 50k.

Good job! Total win.

Except it's working and the shitskins are becoming taxpayers instead of leaches at a record breaking pace.

But let me guess, that makes you sad too?

instead of demanding a bullet for each one

Will you be screaming and crying about Trump unless he mass murders all the shitskins?

How many niggers have you murdered?

Just a rough number will do if you've lost count.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, i just happened to observe territorial maps and combat reports every day for the last 3 years because i thought the war was interesting, instead of just reading a random article on the internet.

You still don't understand tax or math. Just as the jews in federal reserve planned.

Shitskins vote like this: https://imgoat.com/uploads/7d1e990583/147007.jpg

And pump out babies like this: https://imgoat.com/uploads/7d1e990583/147009.jpg

Stock up on ammo faggot, after Trumps second term, its bye bye to your "peaceful revolution", and time for race war.

ObamasPinkSock ago

So how many niggers have you killed?

A rough number will do.

ExpertShitposter ago

Zero. What point are you trying to make?

How many food packs and foodstamps and doctors visits and tomahawk missiles did you pay for in your life?

A rough number will do.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Zero. What point are you trying to make?

How can you expect Trump to mass murder niggers for you when you murdered zero?

That just makes you a silly keyboard warrior.

An internet tough guy.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't expect him to. My point is that he can't, and doens't want to anyway. Witch means, there is no political solution, there can only be an armed revolution. And that revolution will come only if people are presented the truth of their reality. And yet here you are, telling people that everything will be all right, as long as they vote trump. Up until the point that there is no more trump even if 100% of whites vote for him. While what you should be telling them, is that no government is ever your friend, and that they should be stocking up on bullets.

But you are the meme,

my boomer frien.

ObamasPinkSock ago

there can only be an armed revolution.

Go on then - do an armed revolution.

Who's stopping you?

ExpertShitposter ago

Civic nationalist boomer blind as bat cuckolds like you.

kneo24 ago

That was savage as fuck.

ExpertShitposter ago

He even posted it elsewhere as proof that i suck.....even tho he made him self look like an idiot by failing to address any of my points besides repeating the fact that he cant do math.

kneo24 ago

I bet they're some sort of nigger.

ExpertShitposter ago

I think he is one of those "Israel is our greatest ally" types.

kneo24 ago

Traitors get the rope first.