cancerian11 ago

They all thought she would win and they would get away with their plan to circumvent the presidency.

koolchange ago Have you heard about this???????

Awake2Truth ago

Every perversion of the law by Hussein is now being used by Trump to drain the swamp--It is ironic, brilliant and so fun to watch! Q="Mirror"

JCNJ07305 ago

What happens if they find Hussein was an illegal president due to not being born here and overturn everything he's done? I've heard rumblings about that.

Smarti7337 ago


patriot2008 ago

Right now the left/communists/deep state are thinking they might be in it deep. Poetic Justice is sweet.

Metavinci1 ago

The implications of all the Q proofs in that EO, as far back as 2009, are being overlooked. Those proofs were put in there by a Q operative back when the document was assembled in 2009. Is there an older proof than that? Who was the document author? Not holder.

Stonenchizel ago

It truly is amazing that Hussein thought that this Executive Order would be the one that he uses to take down the Conservative Right, but the irony is fucking phenomenal in this case...... I sure love this great country America, Land of the Free & Home of the Brave! WWG1WGA

amarQ144 ago

What were they thinking?...these people are stupid...

bungalowwil ago

This reminds me of when Harry Reid wanted to change the Senate rules to allow a majority vote instead of the required 67 votes needed to confirm Federal judges. They warned him that someday the Republicans would be in power and that rule will be used against the democrats. Well folks...that day has come. Fuck Harry Reid. When they find out the details about all the land deals, he's gonna end up with brain cancer too, just like his pal No Name. And just like his pal No Name, HE WILL SHARE THE SAME FATE.

Bestnaunieever ago

Rut row Scoobie I do believe he will regret this soon. 😂😂😂

Foxfire1028 ago

Ooh, it is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver!

SassQwotch ago

Elections have consequences!

Submariner_SS ago

Better than anything that ever come out of Hollyweired.

Wildlifer2017 ago

This is off topic, but I need some help here! I attempted to contact moderators due to an issue with CCP's with the following message, and got the message that I don't have enough CCP's to send moderators a message:

"I'm noticing that my up-vote points seem to be climbing, but still no Comment Contribution Points, even though I've commented on several contributions. Since I cannot post new topics or down-vote air-head comments, etc. I seem to be going nowhere in this, and I'm becoming frustrated not being able to post new links.

Thanks for your help."


NellerBean ago

"I notice that many of you have commented (because you can barely do anything else) asking why you don't have CCP (Comment Contribution Points). So I want to explain because I feel bad that this wasn't brought to your attention earlier.

Voat limits all new accounts for reasons of SPAM. To unlock your account you must earn CCP by commenting and having others upvote your contributions. It is orders more difficult for a botnet to unlock accounts with this requirement in place and is why we use this particular method.

For example: You need 10 CCP to make a submission or send a message. You need 100 CCP to unlock downvoat capabilities. The reason you don't have any CCP is because the moderator(s) set a particular subverse property that prevents the earning of points in v/theawakening.

This subverse property is called: Minimum CCP required to downvote and when it is set to anything but zero three things happen (which are documented in the subverse settings. This information is also displayed in the sidebar so you can see what subverses have set what values):

It prevents users who don't have at least X CCP in the subverse itself from downvoating content in that subverse. It prevents all submissions from showing up in v/all (basically making the subverse private). It prevents contribution points from accruing (This is an anti-farming measure).

No one has earned points in v/theawakening since this setting was set to 5.

I hope this helps you understand why."

Flahusky ago

The taste of sweet sweet victory at their own hands demise is close

bruno19611 ago

Use their own pen to bring the cabal down. Finally it took 10 years but something BHO did right. God bless DJT and enjoy show!

mmende32 ago

Using thier laws against them, WOW.

Mvwparker ago

Guilty of all 4!

tjliberty69 ago

Well if its signed by obummer is it legal ? well that is the question then isn't it ? And I always thought the question was "to be or not to be ? " Finally found a use for Shakespeare other than "jeopardy" .

patriotsinthetardis ago

I can’t get over how smart their plays are. Best. Movie. Ever.

MissMartine ago

Hello fellow patriots!!

Spookybutt ago

This kind of information coming from the WH , Q and some MSM points directly at the idea this was/is a very elaborate setup of the deepstate. I wouldn't be surprised if both rosenstein and Mueller are part of the take down.

Smo-Guiver ago

EO13526 was signed in 2009, by Obama? 1+3+5+2+6=17! What a coincidence!

WhiteSquall ago

And look at Hussein’s EO Number: 13526 which adds up to 17. And then Q quotes section 1:7. And he mentions September 17. Hmmmm. The irony. “Hey Hussein Karma is a b*tch!”

justken1 ago

The EO was about 30 pages of BS and four lines that counted.

pat1776deplorable ago

I wonder if Flynn helped to write it knowing that it would be used against obama

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

Well that's inconvenient, Obummer, isn't it?

ProceedPlanBravo ago

I. Can. Not. Wait.

lbeni540 ago

Didn’t think you were going to get the shaft with your own pen did ya Hussein? Smfh

pat1776deplorable ago

Good one!

8888Delta1-9 ago

Turn the screwer into the screwee ! Love it, Swearing in the troops again. Is POTOS going to call Q into the streets like the Anonymous movie ? Section 1,7 is that a lower case q ? Nunez is going public with the interview transcripts of all DOJ and FBI people.

Smarti7337 ago

Ready to bring the pain on these corrupt idiots!

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

I love it when POTUS uses their own tools against them lol.

AsOnlyIAm ago

That was my thought too, I didn't see the Punishment for Violations though wonder what they are..

Wildlifer2017 ago

Those rules were put in place thinking the dems would stay in power and that HRC would win. Same with the FEMA camps. Now it will all be used against them.

squall_line ago

They never thought she would lose

Suzo ago


swimrobin ago

Huh. I just assumed the FEMA camps would be taken disassembled or used as evidence of what was planned for us. It will definitely be interesting to see if we hear about them.

pat1776deplorable ago

I hope they kept them set up for the swamp!

lynnmar ago

I seen they were using the ship for hurricane victims

AsOnlyIAm ago

Ya and in TX they own ACRES build cement tall slabs, fill them, then cover the tops to camouflage them. They got sloppy and greedy some young guys came across them and filmed them There are SO many it's disturbing, and this was like 6, 7yrs ago.

AsOnlyIAm ago

Have you seen the videos of their cement slab in ground coffins in Texas. It's sickening how many and how easy they buy up land to do this.

Smo-Guiver ago

Turnabout is fair play! - is what my Grandfather used to say.

YoikesandAway ago

Signed by Huissen. That is rich! Ah the irony... Q is right, it is like watching a movie! Totally enjoying the show!!

0perationchromite ago

Yes the mood setting is over now comes the action scenes.

NamelessMofo ago

They never thought she would lose.


sufficientlydusty ago

Hahahaa .. really had a good laugh when i read that one too. Immeasurably Rich.

aRaez17q ago

And what a MAGAwesome show it is! Good WILL Win! I truly believe a Holy intervention occurred. God Bless WW Patriots - especially those in harm's way! WWG1WGA!

side note re: Good conquering evil, satanic scum - guess in all their arrogance and power-intoxication they poo-poo'd the idea of a boomerang? They really should've known better. They really are stupid. They really are toast.

Q post 452, "YOU EVIL SICK BASTARDS ARE STUPID!!!" Who is Meeting in Secret

Adarcer ago

not the only irony who signed "the patriot act"

1whoknocks ago

sweet justice!

pat1776deplorable ago

Yes it is. Using his own EO against him & the deep state. You gotta love this!

tonkatina ago

Does it matter when it was signed? It is still legal no?

Stretchmac ago


Curious_1_Q ago

Excellent dig Anon! Worth your time for sure! Hussein had no idea he would one day deal his own fate.

4TheRepublic ago

just information. chunk it if you want.