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Wildlifer2017 ago

This is off topic, but I need some help here! I attempted to contact moderators due to an issue with CCP's with the following message, and got the message that I don't have enough CCP's to send moderators a message:

"I'm noticing that my up-vote points seem to be climbing, but still no Comment Contribution Points, even though I've commented on several contributions. Since I cannot post new topics or down-vote air-head comments, etc. I seem to be going nowhere in this, and I'm becoming frustrated not being able to post new links.

Thanks for your help."


NellerBean ago

"I notice that many of you have commented (because you can barely do anything else) asking why you don't have CCP (Comment Contribution Points). So I want to explain because I feel bad that this wasn't brought to your attention earlier.

Voat limits all new accounts for reasons of SPAM. To unlock your account you must earn CCP by commenting and having others upvote your contributions. It is orders more difficult for a botnet to unlock accounts with this requirement in place and is why we use this particular method.

For example: You need 10 CCP to make a submission or send a message. You need 100 CCP to unlock downvoat capabilities. The reason you don't have any CCP is because the moderator(s) set a particular subverse property that prevents the earning of points in v/theawakening.

This subverse property is called: Minimum CCP required to downvote and when it is set to anything but zero three things happen (which are documented in the subverse settings. This information is also displayed in the sidebar so you can see what subverses have set what values):

It prevents users who don't have at least X CCP in the subverse itself from downvoating content in that subverse. It prevents all submissions from showing up in v/all (basically making the subverse private). It prevents contribution points from accruing (This is an anti-farming measure).

No one has earned points in v/theawakening since this setting was set to 5.

I hope this helps you understand why."