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KKOH ago

I find this platform Voat to be frustrating and rude. The whole CCP thing is annoying. I had 2, then 0, then up to 7, now down to 6. I don't really care to post anything, but would like to message people at least. It is oppressive. And the language is extremely foul. I support President Trump and Q, and I thought I would meet many kindred spirits in this movement, but that has not been the case. This dampens the spirits. The momentum is waning.

Lavender7 ago

concern troll

xenoPsychologist ago

either back to somalia with you or its into the ovens you go!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

foul mouthed comments

are protected under the first amendment

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

do you believe in immigration laws and a legal immigration process that prioritizes the needs of the current citizens? because it's the same thing really

elitch2 ago

Fuck off back whence you came, faggot.

KKOH ago


PuttItOut ago

Now you're getting it! Respond in kind, don't flinch. You'll be fine.

KKOH ago

Yeah, and I went from 7 CCPs to 1, and probably in the red before the night is through. So lame. Going to read a book instead - Ingersoll Lockwood novel written in the 1800s, about a time-traveling Baron von Trump, whose address is the same address where the Trump tower stands today. Hmm. More interesting characters than what I've seen here. Thanks PuttiOut

PuttItOut ago

I think I actually might like you.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Don't give up. Fight back, and build up your ability to tolerate "foul language".

KKOH ago

Thanks, I would rather punch them in the face, and I don't want to feel that way. Not with people I am suppose to be fighting alongside with. Just last year I was a Bernie bot, then the veil was lifted. Now I support Trump and Q because they are enemies of my enemies. Since then, I have gained more enemies, lost every one of my friends, family relations - done, jobs - lost, opportunities - lost. All casualties of this war. What have I gained? Not much so far. I wanted to do my part in beaconing truth, but I don't see it has done much good. I will vote RED in November. That is the best I can do I guess.

xenoPsychologist ago

family relations - done

dont do your family relations! thats how you end up with redditors.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

please try to contain yourself in public, taking actions detrimental to your life benefit no one. I don't think your friend Q anon would want you to destroy yourself

KKOH ago

Thanks, I do not go out of my way to do anyone harm, including myself. My path is not one of self-destruct. It is of self-awakening, graduating, and not returning. Imo, this time of great awakening is one of choice. We can choose to stay in the dark (bliss of ignorance), or step into the light of knowingness. My family members are walking dead people, zombies. They've made their choice. We have nothing in common to discuss. They will stay in the reincarnational washing machine until they are ready. Friends are just acquaintances if we are not political allies. And political allies are just acquaintances if they lack love, intellect and a desire for saving children and the course of the human race.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your earlier comment is very worrying, having strongly held beliefs is a good thing but please make sure that you have a job and people in real life that you can talk to. The point of making america great again is so that we can live in it. Maybe try your local GOP meetings to search for like minded individuals. Also having a job is a must, Q is on trumps side and our president wants every american to have a great job and be successful.

good luck and be careful

KKOH ago

Thanks, I have jobs, no worries, including with the local newspaper. I also pay taxes, and I vote. I do not suck off the government tit, I earn my way through my own merits. I will always speak truth and make a stand for the innocent, as I hope all good people would. I am one face, without multiple masks to suit others. I am not like most others, am highly empathic and intuitive, so I prefer solitude. Group settings are not my thing, and that is the way it is supposed to be, for me personally, that is. Yours may be different. Thank goodness for individuality and a self-chosen path.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

alright good, your comment about jobs being lost and friends/family being gone worried me if you've got a job you're probably managing pretty well, and I'm pretty introverted myself so I get it but still be careful not to isolate yourself too much. I'm glad you're doing okay I got a bit worried. Take care of yourself and have a nice day : )

KosherHiveKicker ago

Just think of it as being "Deprogrammed" from being conditioned to be easily "Triggered".

heygeorge ago

Since then, I have gained more enemies, lost every one of my friends, family relations - done, jobs - lost, opportunities - lost. All casualties of this war.

Lol all you are is a single vote, not a warrior. You lost ‘jobs’ (plural?) because of Trump and Q? This is absurd. I take back the marinade commitment.

elitch2 ago

My mom, what?

lord_nougat ago

Your mom, SIR!

Timmy2 ago

That's not terribly bad for baby steps.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'I cant tell if this a bot, a shill, or some new guy curled up in a fetal position.' was posted in v/whatever by @HillaryClintonsShoe and permalinks to this comment.

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Pizzalurker15 ago

Executive order today. Soon we will only be on 8ch. The foul language is to test your metal. We created this cesspool by not standing up sooner. Free speech good or bad.

KKOH ago

Do people talk like this on 8-chan? Insult and demean each other? This is not me, and I don't want it to be me. Not ingredients I want in my marinade. I don't care to be tested or accepted by people. I just want to take down satanic pedophiles. I am used to being a loner, and will continue to do so. No biggie, just disappointing.

lord_nougat ago

You're a loner. A rebel. People wouldn't understand.

KKOH ago

Smile. You are describing most of us I suppose. We adjust.

Pizzalurker15 ago

On 8 chan yes but not on Qs board. Stick around. Check out the front page. This site is what its members make it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yes they absolutely do talk like this on 8chan

Mumbleberry ago

Voat is tame compared to the chans, lol

everlastingphelps ago

Whaa, I want to leech off what I don't contribute to! I'm being oppressed! I'm being oppressed!

xenoPsychologist ago

come and see the violence inherent in the system!

KKOH ago

Smelly goat.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Hold on for the ride or get the fuck out pussy.

KKOH ago

So foul. Are you luciferian goats or what? You give the Q movement a bad image. You are not an ingredient in my marinade.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the 1st amendment covers foulness, don't be unamerican

heygeorge ago

Are u hot? I’ll ingredients your marinade!

kneo24 ago

You're just so nice, always trying to share your cream of sum yung gai with everyone.

heygeorge ago

I tried to, but unfortunately was then compelled to rescind my offer in a later comment.

Mumbleberry ago

An exposed larp should have a bad image.

PuttItOut ago

I get it. I'd feel the same way coming from reddit.

You have to contribute at Voat. These limitations are why our community is proud and protective. They've earned it.

Most of the off-putting language is to ensure you really value freedom of speech. It may not be the best method, but it separates the wheat from the chaff.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but it separates the wheat from the chaff.

this is pretty fucking metal