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Pickzilla ago

What are you. The Borg? Assimilate. Assimilate. Bzzzzt.

theoldones ago

you came to us, to our space, you waste our resources to host your shit despite us already having our own Q sub, and i'm going to simplify this for you: you are refugees

a refugee should assimilate, yes? after all, when they dont assimilate, do you want to know what that looks like?

it looks like no-go zones. it looks like sandniggers raping European girls. YOU have all made a NO-GO ZONE here in OUR SPACE. by all rights, putt should delete your sub for wasting the time and money of not only him, but us as well. we donated the money that keeps you fuckers afloat. you're all literally welfare sponges. all of this, just becuase you dont want to see the word nigger

YOU ARE A REFUGEE. YES, WE DO EXPECT YOU TO ASSIMILATE. now do so, or fucking tell us why a muslim no-go zone is A-ok

you fucking bring your reddit sharia into our website and expect us to just leave you be. fuck you. thats not happening

Submariner_SS ago

You are one fucked up, brainwashed idiot. Other than that I sure you're a sweet little girl.


theoldones ago

said the guy on a sub run by moderators from the same website who banned him.


Submariner_SS ago

The mods who run this sorry excuse for a web site would drown going anywhere near a real boat. But, I know know when I'm beat so, I'll leave you to your sorry little subverse and you can stay in mommy's basement and dwell in the shithole you've created for yourselves. You were born a loser, you're doing the only thing you've ever been taught, so you'll die a lose too. You've been amusing, but now you're just beginning to bore me. C-ya. Sad, just sad. Oh and one last time, just for shit and giggles! WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

oh, you misunderstand, the people running this site put in features that your mods setup in a way, where the point in this subs dont count because of measures against vote farming. which, this subs users and mod team have been shown to be guilty of

you sound agitated friend, are you angry, or is your bot programming failing?

Submariner_SS ago

oh, you misunderstand, we're not politicians, we don't give a twat about your votes. Keep your sad little votes, this prove just how pathetic your lives are,...... votes? BWAHAAAAAAAAAAA! ha. WWG1WGA! I can't stop you girls make to easy!

theoldones ago

oh sure, you say that now, BUT, points matter on this site for how many votes you can give, how often you can comment, whether or not you can send PMs, and and how many downvotes you have loaded for motherfucker like yourself

this, again, is to prevent vote farming and botnets.

you've noticed that gap in function, havent you? wouldn't you just love the ability to DOWNVOTE?

Submariner_SS ago

"you've noticed that gap in function, havent you? wouldn't you just love the ability to DOWNVOTE?" No not really, don't care. Try to wrap your little pea brain around this concept, please, not here for V O T E S, just here for info. It's been a slow news day so I decided to entertain myself fucking with you. WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago


but unfortunately you cant have them, because the mods here fucked the settings up.

Submariner_SS ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar". That's progress, even for a pretty little bottom dweller like yourself. So, does this mean you've taken my advice and crawled out of mommy's basement for a few shots of fresh air? Bless your heart. But no matter how much you whine it's still WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

lying about what? the mods broke the sub

read it for yourself. tell me how i'm lying

Submariner_SS ago

WOW! You are really not capable of following following a thread, and I use this word sparingly in this context, ummmm, conversation, are you? I wasn't calling you a lier. Go allllll the way back to your post, a mear 1.2 hrs. ago. I think you need more fresh air . You've wasted enough of my time, things are getting busy now, I gotta go, c-ya. It's been amusing. You've been a real joy to fuck over. That means ga-bye. WWG1WGA!

theoldones ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar"


I wasn't calling you a lier.

are you sure about that my dude.

Submariner_SS ago


theoldones ago you think im retarded you fucking bald faced liar?

you literally called me one, then reversed yourself after being called out

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Bro he was quoting you. You were calling him a nigger and a faggot, then you called him a liar.

theoldones ago

and your are retarded. he literally lied within one response

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Congrats, you've graduated from "nigger and faggot" to "liar"

In response to you calling him a liar in this post

He's saying first you were calling him a nigger and faggot, and you graduated to liar

The guy is obviously an SJW useful idiot for the Jews, but he didn't say you were lying.

theoldones ago

if you were any less goddamn sincere your nose would lengthening

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Whatever, you little bitch. You can't admit when you were wrong.