OminousZ ago

You pretend to just being the messenger, why then are you gloating? I say fuck you because instead of helping, the vote brigade took up opposition immediately. You cannot deny it.

FindingTruth ago

Well, those were the darpa early days, but yeah.

FindingTruth ago

And when they get big enough, rinse and repeat. 8 chan will be the future, and then hopefully something truly free.

altagracia21 ago

Great response, nice comeback. I rest my case here.

Indenture ago

If Voat is the Free Speach location... why would anyone care if there are two or a dozen 'awakening' subs? All exposure to Q is a net positive.

altagracia21 ago

Hmmm, be careful folks!! Remember Q only uses one site/page for communication and that is 8-chan. Voat, Reddit, YouTube, etc. is just extra stuff others have set up. Ask yourselves, why are they shilling SO HARD for us to join v/greatawakening???? One invite is fine but I’ve come across over 10 since I joined. Ask more questions folks!! I, for one, will decline this invitation. I don’t trust your motives and what you’re trying to do.

high-valyrian ago

"We love free speech, but conform, or leave!"

kneo24 ago

Yeah, how dare us to ask you to not be complete shitstains on the community.

freedumbz ago

I can't tell if you're dense or desperate at this point. More likely the latter.

altagracia21 ago

Yeah something else is going on here. Why are there SO MANY posts on here instructing folks to visit v/greatawakening? That sub may have been here before us but what does that matter?? The mods on this sub are just as new to voat as the rest of us and are doing their best during this hectic move. Why do you want to corral Q supporters into v/greatawakening? Why can’t they both exist peacefully? Are you just looking for a way to more easily group and control Q supporters? Who are the real control freaks, the mods here or YOU?

Tradinghorse ago

First Post

divine_human ago

i got your intent and thank you for waking people up.

moderator is a power position; most people cant handle power responsibly, they easily abuse it when things dont fit their agenda.

time for people to wake up from the sheeple program. be a leader upon yourself. dont lead anyone and dont be lead by anyone but lead your Self and Be a model.

stop reaching for being a leader of community but become a steward that serves communities greater good. dont act from power-over-others but from power-within.

may the time of followerhip end NOW.

deplorablecanadian ago

thank you!

mmende32 ago

Great info thanks.

OminousZ ago

This board was targeted from the beginning. Fuck you.

VigilantBlackheart ago

Gotta love the people who come from another sub and throw stones. It's a little too obvious their self interest, taking advantage of the confusion.

Whoohoo ago

Pretty sure that was just a creative post to get a lulz and upvotes.

joecamoe ago

I use both subs and will allow the drama to unfold.

Q suggested that great Awakening discussions will be barred from every site anyway.

divine_human ago

it wont be long... i thought it would be months, just now i think it will be days, at the most weeks.

time to create fora on private servers, away from social media giants.

timurr ago

OP, we are aware of that. Thank you.


Just subscribe to both for a few days. I did and The choice was obvious. I still look at awakening for anything I might have missed but my fellowship with patriots comes from v/greatawakening. Having options is freedom.

uniqkusername ago

Thanks for the help. It will take a bit of getting used to. I should just take the time to figure out how to navigate the chans.


Just subscribe to both for a few days. I did and The choice was obvious. I still look at awakening for anything I might have missed but my fellowship with patriots comes from v/greatawakening.

divine_human ago

the majority doesnt have 100 CCP yet to downvote anything at all. some of us cant even reach 10 CCP to post as brigades are downvoting everything. sigh.

SnapAwake ago

I see a pretty amazing consistency amongst voaters so far: the love to insist that people who are new here can't think for themselves. There's also a lot of suggestions and advice being dished out - suggestions on what to research, how to go about digging for it and what to click on, amongst others. I assure you, as I have assured everyone I've interacted with here thus far, that the vast majority of the thousands and thousands of people who have come here this week, are not retards and do not need recommendations on how to think for themselves. The sentiment to continue thinking of yourselves as somehow better because you've hung out here longer is obtuse. So obtuse that I can't even call it insulting precisely because it's so childish. And we don't get upset with children. We simply try to show them a better, less arrogant way, whenever possible.

SnapAwake ago

Ok thank you for that.

And yeah, I've been in discussion about this around here. It's a weird dance. So many voices yelling "they're infiltrated!!" Across the room at one another.

NZ_Walter ago

Just decided to head over to check it out, was impressed. I'm not someone who is comfortable with 8chan so knew with Reddit gone down. I had to make my new forum home here. I'm now wondering what all the fuss was from the reddit GA mods who came over.

NoisyCricket ago

I'm now wondering what all the fuss was from the reddit GA mods who came over.

Turns out Neon Revolt is one of the mods from Reddit. So he endorsed himself without declaring it. We've confirmed that at least one of the mods is compromised even though NR vouched for all the mods. The mods decided they wanted to control everything everyone could research and learn. They created this place to be needlessly restrictive. It is all about power, censorship, and control.

Feel free to browse my comment history as I made an attempt to reach out to them. Needless to say they lack a desire to communicate, fix anything, or really do anything other than steer people away from liberty.

FindingTruth ago

On a positive note, no banned users. Deleted posts was very interesting. No being able to go on ALL is like being the Donald of reddit on voat. Thanks for the info.

NZ_Walter ago

thanks for your reply. I follow Neon blogs and a little disappointed with him if this is case as you have shown. Thanks again for welcoming us to your home

4TheRepublic ago

The Freedom Fighters want you gone.. Will you go?

MissMartine ago

Gotcha patriot!

Smo-Guiver ago

Thanks. Wish I could post some more again. A couple months ago, I had put together an entire powerpoint presentation to show a co-worker what has been really going on behind the scene. It seemed a shame to have such a small audience to share with so I started posting slides to Reddit, until it got shuttered. Then, just that one slide posted to Voat from my powerpoint got 484 upvotes, but my CCP dropped to 1. Go figure.

divine_human ago

cant wait to see your work.

this voting system annoys the heck out of me. i get the good intent behind it - make it more difficult for trolls and bots to flood the board with BS - but from what i see right now, its being abused to silence certain people.

i havent come for karma whoring, thats such a waste of energy! the voting system is designed for abuse and hell does it work, even better than on reddit!

SnapAwake ago

Wait. How did they drop? I thought CCP was the score that can't go down? (Also totally new to this sytem)

Smo-Guiver ago

Not totally sure, but I believe that people searched for all of my comment postings to other subs where I had posted to build up CCP and downvoted them there, The give-away was the 2 downvotes I received on the 22lr sub, which only has 3 members, including myself.

uniqkusername ago

Alright. When I do that I get kicked off of the one I am currently subscribed to. For example I am subscribed to v/theawakening, an then when go to v/greatawakening I get unsubscribed from v/theawakening. Does anyone else have the same issue?

Neon__Wolf ago


The sub v/greatawakening is the compromised sub, not this one.




divine_human ago

The sub v/greatawakening is the compromised sub, not this one.

sauce? you made allegations in your article that spread far and wide and manipulated people to thinking that v/TA is the only good place to go.

but where is your evidence?

and how come you seem so comfortable to scream with ALL CAPS that people who doubt the system and your recommendation are shills?

i used to enjoy reading your articles although i got from reading your rare interactions with people that your social skills are poor.

but your last article with the attacks on v/GA - which has been here almost all year - is ridiculous and shows that it may very well be you who is the shill. i read your more or less aweful responses to the v/GA mods.

who made you a leader of the Q movement? you are not. people learn to lead themselves now. high time. thanks for helping that process, you are a great training tool for people to flex their discernment muscles.

jonzee65 ago

They were kinda here first. You know, before the reddit ban.

ESOTERICshade ago

The sub v/greatawakening is the compromised sub, not this one.

Sure, bud...the mods in THIS sub rigged it so that you can't get any CPP, but you can get CPP at v/greatawakening. You can also say whatever you want to say at v/greatawakening as long as its not illegal and doesn't dox anybody. I think you might be confused.

adogrocket ago

clowning much?

jonzee65 ago


IQonUIQonI ago

Mod team is legit comp'd

Burn em

Smo-Guiver ago

Yep - they knocked me from 11 back down to 1 within minutes of making my first post. I even received 2 downvotes for a comment on another sub that only had 3 members, including myself. What are the odds?

jonzee65 ago

am there, just made my first post

MisplacedMan ago

You guys rock.

uniqkusername ago

How do you subscribe to more the one subvoat?

gonadsofsteel ago

eh? who ever posted this doesn't know jack shit abot how voat works. Go read the manual.

LegalPERSON ago

Voat is a different animal from Reddit all together. Don’t complain; just contribute. If you fit in around here, you’ll have your ccp in no time.

rebelfofoz ago

Anyone noticed how upvoats on individual comments can as high as they want, and still your CCP remains under 10? Or that if you are under 10 CCP, you cannot even upvote other people's comments. Smells like controlled opposition to me. More red flags than a Communist Party Congress in China. #TruthWillOut

divine_human ago

if you are not being downvoted again. what a perfect way to silence certain voices!

pilgrimboy14 ago

You have to fit in to earn the right to post. Conformity is beautiful. War is peace.

magavoices ago

Every day it's more and more sketchy shit from reddit mods who think they actually own the patriots who were using reddit. This is coming from someone who was very active on reddit.

/v/GreatAwakening is awesome. They're not tripping all over themselves to accumulate fame or build followings there. Give it a try.

jonzee65 ago

not worried about ccp, they restricted access to it. I go to v/greatawakening

jonzee65 ago

ccp fuckery made me leave. i'd rather be called a fag and a kike than to be submitted to censorship.

Intrepid865 ago

I've already had a comment deleted. What's funny is that my comment was about how i liked being able to say whatever i want here unlike Reddit.

VisKyns ago

amen, faggot