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NZ_Walter ago

Just decided to head over to check it out, was impressed. I'm not someone who is comfortable with 8chan so knew with Reddit gone down. I had to make my new forum home here. I'm now wondering what all the fuss was from the reddit GA mods who came over.

NoisyCricket ago

I'm now wondering what all the fuss was from the reddit GA mods who came over.

Turns out Neon Revolt is one of the mods from Reddit. So he endorsed himself without declaring it. We've confirmed that at least one of the mods is compromised even though NR vouched for all the mods. The mods decided they wanted to control everything everyone could research and learn. They created this place to be needlessly restrictive. It is all about power, censorship, and control.

Feel free to browse my comment history as I made an attempt to reach out to them. Needless to say they lack a desire to communicate, fix anything, or really do anything other than steer people away from liberty.

FindingTruth ago

On a positive note, no banned users. Deleted posts was very interesting. No being able to go on ALL is like being the Donald of reddit on voat. Thanks for the info.

NZ_Walter ago

thanks for your reply. I follow Neon blogs and a little disappointed with him if this is case as you have shown. Thanks again for welcoming us to your home