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ObamasPinkSock ago

The super-cool thing is that we can finally be free to explore ALL research, including the politically incorrect stuff.

That is critical given reality is not politically correct.

I suspect this free speech environment won't grow at quite the rate that it did on Reddit, but that's good because Reddit was a censorship nightmare and the time for fucking around is over.

America and western civilization is fighting for survival and we don't have time to be politically correct!

NoisyCricket ago

The super-cool thing is that we can finally be free to explore ALL research, including the politically incorrect stuff.

And now you understand why the mods here, who came from Reddit, wanted to maintain absolute control over this sub (making it private and isolating it away from the rest of Voat) and the people in it. Only after they realized that their actions were transparent and auditable did they suddenly tell everyone to go elsewhere (8chan).

Onetime1 ago

NOW you are getting it, Noisy Cricket!

Good for you!

Keep reading, learning, expanding your reality while ALWAYS remaining wary of efforts to manipulate and control.

There are a TON of you Reddit refugees, which is why you are so feared. Welcome aboard.

NoisyCricket ago

I've been here for years. Longer than I've had this account. ;) But I appreciate the warm welcome.