Mah_Selectah ago

How many of us are GA refugees?

TermLimits ago

In their attempt to divide- often involves “collateral “ damage- or impacting those who were on the fence or “sleeping “ which only provides evidence of deepstates methods- thus fanning the #walkaway movement!!

TrueTemper ago

Question -- does posting in this sub help get you score (CCP or whatever) high enough so you can post? and downvote?

It seems like you get no credit for any upvotes in this sub

WhiteSquall ago

No. There are 7596 subscribers!

jsmithhomegrown3 ago


Trfsrfr ago

Oh Jesus not this shit again. Every thousand subs we'll hear this and it'll be R/GA all over again. Please stop. We can read.

usa100000 ago

Hope all make it over. Starting to get used to it.

fujison ago

I'm one of those subscribers but although I have 31 comment points my CCP is -4. This is due to downvoting from v/GreatAwakening which I joined before finding out v/theawakening was the real deal. Looking through comments on this subject, I notice I'm not alone. It looks like the downvote is a form of censorship as it can be done without cause or reason. If this is not resolved, the 7375 subscribers is going to become 73 as everyone will give up in frustration and move to 8chan.

JackBeowulf ago

which is what they want. VOAT old timers are azzholes, look at the post above, hazing. Childish and dumb. Plus I mentioned an issue about some of them attacking a religious person and said anti-chrisian.. wow, it went nuts..this is the nicest thing i was sent. MotoandGivi 0 points (+0|-0) 3 days ago go back to you childmolesting christ niggerfaggot. braindead worm.

Slidewizards ago

Need Help "An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

fujison ago

Good luck. I have over 31 comment points and my CCP is -4. Explanation is I'm getting downvoted. This system is flawed. Goats from other subverses shouldn't be able to come into v/theawakening and downvote everyone.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Downvotes here don't tally to the rest of the system, faggot.

SC_Patriot ago

Yes. the voat natives are childish assholes. Keep the faith. We will dominate and destroy these jerkoffs.

Qlobal-change ago

greetnings from germany and switzerland! we translate q drops in german language. for all who don't speak good enough english:

scarborg ago

I've gone totally from Reddit. Hello Voat

Qawakening ago

Hello fellow QAnon's. I too recently just made the transition from Reddit to VOAT. I am grateful to VOAT for welcoming us Reddit refugees as that must have been quit overwhelming to process the influx of new VOAT users. Anyway, let's all continue to work together with QAnon and do our part and exercise our first amendment rights on VOAT. We will not be silenced! Remember to VoteMAGA2018.


lnsip9reg ago

I will be on both. v/theawakening is settling in after a rough initial 48hrs. Quantity is its own quality as well, and the added numbers to a freer platform like Voat will make especially great QArmy soldiers. We are adjusting, consolidating, retooling, regrouping. And the focus will once again turn to where Q points us, and attack attack attack!

My-Name-is-Mud ago

What were we at 70,000+?

Mordecaim ago

Yes - over 70K. But I could remember when it was under 2K. It took about a year to reach 70K.

Stretchmac ago

Need upvotes please. GA refugee.

TravlingThroughTime ago

Yes please, fellow pedes. Much love to my frogs in arms.

Orien_Blue ago

I don’t think this issue has been resolved yet. I think we are still capped? Also, friendly heads up, goats hate this type of ccp farming. I am guilty of it as well. I just didn’t know.

Luellaloveheart ago

What does Q mean by ‘carpet bombs’?

freedomatlast2018 ago

[Song on Vimeo](Trump Has Balls (Ever Heard of Q)) Back in July I was inspired to write a pro Trump and Q song and went online to see if there were any and found none. So I wrote and recorded this one and posted it back then on the recently closed subreddit. Since then every time I checked the post the upvotes would go from 4 to 1 to 3 to 0 etc... every time I refreshed. But never any higher than that. So something was keeping it down despite significant upvotes. I thought this could be another medium to help spread Q's message through song. I wasn't able to create a post yet so am adding this here as a comment. Encouraging musicians to record, upload and share your own version if you all like it.

*Verse 1: Chords - Em Am Em This world has gone to hell Its like we're living in a padded cell Don't know how to see what's real Evil has taken over the wheel It isn't left or right It's all about joining in the fight Moving from the dark to light Waking up restoring our sight

*Chorus: Chords - G C D G Trump has balls, cause he's seen it all Most haven't got a clue The news is fake cause they're on the take Ever heard of Q We have more than we know, The future proves the past Where we go one We go all Freedom's here at last

*Verse 2: A voice is calling out from the net To expose the real threat While the POTUS takes the heat In a long game to defeat The sick and twisted powers that be Just don't want us to see The truth among the shaded lies Q is helping open our eyes

*Repeat Chorus:

TrustThePlan ago

As patriots like prayingmedic start spreading the word, I’m sure our lost patriots will find where a lot of us went. Newfag from r/GA checking in.

Christosgnosis ago

This forum is finally starting to get settled down to posting about matters relating to Q, the Great Awakening, The Storm, draining the Swamp - there may be hope for it after all

time_for_tribunals ago

yeah glad to see relevant news posts and Q drop discussions again instead of subverse drama and infighting. united we stand, divided we fall

Slimpickens1 ago

True solomanal

0x75 ago

The subscriber count is off here as well. I’ve had to subscribe twice and on the second time I notice the subscriber count did not change. So I unsubscribed to watch the number and resubscribed and still no increase or decrease in count. No big deal but thought it was important to state.

Christosgnosis ago

you know, if this site is being ran on clustered servers and is using things like Redis cache for tracking stateful numbers like subscriber counts, you could end up seeing different results from one refresh to another based on a load balancer hitting a different cluster node.

in a distributed system, it's typical that a lot of state is tracked in a way that does not comply with the semantics of ACID OLTP transaction semantics - it allows such architectures to scale and typically its not vital to track a lot of the state with ACID OLTP transaction semantics compliance

hope that's helpful

0x75 ago

Understood. Thanks for the info.

NickDixon ago

So there are multiple servers that are kept in sync, but it's expensive to ensure that the synchronization is always completed before data is displayed. Things like subscriber counts may be tracked correctly, but it's not all that important to ensure that you always see a correct current value?

Christosgnosis ago

Yes, that's it - in Wikipedia can read about something called CAPS theorem that revolves around this subject matter pertaining to distributed systems architecture

MrDigging17 ago

7300 from over 270000 that where actually subscribed to GA sub alone according to Q. Around 5200 and 1100 are on the other voat sites. Most of those are double counted because they are on all 3. So obviously the enemy fuckery worked in that they successfully divided the reddit Q supporting community. They knew we would regroup, they just wanted to scatter us and slow us Q supporters down. All for a LARP? What are they afraid of?

Mordecaim ago

They are afraid of the truth coming out. Their biggest fear is that the common man/woman finds out about them. And guess what? We are!

Christosgnosis ago

Well, we don't know if Q was referring to actual subscribers or the number of distinct viewers that r/greatawakening was attracting

It could be that the 70K subscriber count was about right but the traffic of unique views was on order of 270K

time_traveller ago

Subscriptions are a terrible measure, people might be subscribed but never actually participate, or on the other hand, participate all the time yet never subscribe. It's not a good idea to focus on such measures.

MrDigging17 ago

Traffic was much higher over a million views. Q was saying Reddit wasn't showing the correct number of subscribers it was manipulated.

Majorwood111 ago

Many of us suspected reddit kept the number low nice to hear Q confirm....First they ignored us then they joked about us and finally censor. But its not working, stay strong patriots!

BonesDC ago

Any sauce on that?

MrDigging17 ago

On Q's post? I'll look for it when I get the chance it was on 8 Chan research boad

SolomanAl ago

i like to think they didn't divide us: they helped us spread

2blesecretprobation ago

True, they gave us more publicity. Heard a lot of talk about the reddit ban outside of the greatawakening sub.

Bigfoot_lol ago

If you count the surge of over 3k people to the /v/GreatAwakening then it's over 10k!

Luellaloveheart ago

If we’re staying on voat we need to donate

Orien_Blue ago

I think this was the original plan.

ThatNorseGuy ago

yeah its at 5k i think now, NeonRevolt said something on the divide that was happening. Also, those people might just be subbed to both.

Bigfoot_lol ago

I'm currently subbed to both because I have no idea what to think right now.

NoisyCricket ago

Worth pointing out that Neon Revolt is directly responsible for creating a divide and massive confusion.

ObamasPinkSock ago

The super-cool thing is that we can finally be free to explore ALL research, including the politically incorrect stuff.

That is critical given reality is not politically correct.

I suspect this free speech environment won't grow at quite the rate that it did on Reddit, but that's good because Reddit was a censorship nightmare and the time for fucking around is over.

America and western civilization is fighting for survival and we don't have time to be politically correct!

BBPancakes ago

I'm excited to be on a forum that promotes free speech. Users, deactivate your Reddit account and when it asks 'why?', tell them how you feel.

timurr ago

I would like to mention, that there are still good subreddits like r/DrainTheSwamp. The big advantage of reddit, comparing to voat, is that there is a much more people who yet needs to be redpilled, and they should be given the chance to stumble across the information we want to spread. And to get to reddit users, you have to have subreddits there, otherwise you don't reach them. Ideally we should have presence on all social networks.

AlaricTheSloth ago

I deactivated with the message “because fuck reddit, it was a long time coming”

ChronoShaman ago

Wow, hilarious user name!!

NoisyCricket ago

The super-cool thing is that we can finally be free to explore ALL research, including the politically incorrect stuff.

And now you understand why the mods here, who came from Reddit, wanted to maintain absolute control over this sub (making it private and isolating it away from the rest of Voat) and the people in it. Only after they realized that their actions were transparent and auditable did they suddenly tell everyone to go elsewhere (8chan).

Onetime1 ago

NOW you are getting it, Noisy Cricket!

Good for you!

Keep reading, learning, expanding your reality while ALWAYS remaining wary of efforts to manipulate and control.

There are a TON of you Reddit refugees, which is why you are so feared. Welcome aboard.

NoisyCricket ago

I've been here for years. Longer than I've had this account. ;) But I appreciate the warm welcome.

rage_ELITE ago

You’re spot on. Tip toeing around difficult subject matters like Pizzagate because of reddit restrictions was getting very old, quick. Red pills shouldn’t be censored or censured.

fuckmyreddit ago

Most of the goats (good, housebroken goats along with bad, race-baiting goats) came from Reddit after being banned or from seeing the massive censorship. This place is not too bad once you become bilingual by learning GoatSpeech. I keep trying Reddit and fleeing back to Voat.

spinnerky ago

We’re starting to recover!

fuckmyreddit ago

Want to know why Reddit Refugees were treated to shock and awe?

Well, every newbie is treated the same way. Personally, I'm glad to see all of you invaders. Q needs an army, even if Q is not real. (Not sure yet.) The Q movement is mythical and an important cultural phenomenon showcasing alternative facts.

BaldMiscreant ago

The great filter has finished mauling the new arrivals, and has moved on... welcome aboard, and don't fuck it up.