Billy_Ray_Valentine ago

OMFG... I'm a convert... This place is off the hook libertarian. I like it...

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

This is too good and accurate!

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

This is awesome

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Why cant you handle voat /v/theawakening?' was posted in v/whatever by @swolejusticewarrior and includes this reply from @Thisismyvoatusername:

A historical fiction retelling of what has been going on.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? I’m surprised any of the newfags are still even there to delete the post. I figured they were all gone already.

Aranon ago

A thousand snowflakes just melted! 😂

8_billion_eaters ago

I fucking love this guy. no homo.

modsrcuntz ago

Up there with great tales like “the odyssey”

mrfetus ago

For distinguished service in the meme war. 🎖️


Inaminit ago

Yahrrr... Repel boarders! Avast yerass!

scoopadoop ago

This is really fucking good. This is like, an actual piece of our history here. This needs to be on a banner or a tapestry or something.

FireSauce ago

Barthaneous ago

Loved it. Well done , two thumbs up, oscar worthy, 5 stars.

videocodec ago

Did someone say Israel is our greatest ally and mean it?

xenoPsychologist ago

quick, hook a chariot up to him!

xenoPsychologist ago

i lost it at the caged goats eyebrows and smirk.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

I'm not waiting 12 years for my satellite to download this shit. Get educated on how to optimize your art, bitch.

Cleanhobo ago

Nigger horses were the best... I kek'd

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago


Seakiss ago

Too funny.

Learnmorepeople ago


LDIP ago

Holy shit I laughed so hard I almost went off the road 😂😂😂

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

you are a fucking prophet!

i_scream_trucks ago

Fucking hell how hard do you want to show the world voat can be just as autistic as reddit?

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Another brilliant piece. You keep on being awesome.

draaaak ago

I appreciate that our warrior goats wear pajama pants and bathrobes to battle. Seems appropriate :)

projection ago

Ten out of ten faggot. Numerous belly laughs for me. Thank-you.

Oilguy55 ago

Well done. I think I will like being part of Voat

lissencarak ago

SO that's what a centaur looks like


DrSelfAppointed ago


halinflorida ago

I like it, but I must tell you, you're wrong. When you slam Jews, there are really only some who are Khazarian Mafia. For all those who are good people and that's a huge number, it gives the enemy ammo to use against us, to make us look like extremists. Same for when you call people faggot and also nigger. There are good people everywhere and you do us all a disservice by attacking them all because it gives the enemy fuel to attack us with. But all that aside, I did laugh at your meme and yes I enjoyed it.

ACatIsFineToo ago

Mate, I take it you're relatively new to the culture war that some of us have been fighting in various forms for years now. (Yes, I know I just registered on Voat - I'm an old chantard and never got into the namefag type websites.)

The enemy doesn't need ammo or proof or evidence. Gamergay took the same "optics" approach and bent over backwards trying to prove how not racist they are. They were subverted, infiltrated, and destroyed. And still called "evil nazis." Their PR was their downfall.

Trump, as best I can tell, is legitimately not racist. At the very least, he has never said anything rayciss. Turn on CNN. He's Hitler^2. Go on The_Donald and say nigger - you'll see more panties in a twist than if you brought pizza to a tranny convention. They still get fired and attacked in public for being "ebil rayciss."

At some point you have to quit caring when your enemies slander you, or finding it insulting. You might be well served to consider why "racism" is something that the proles have been conditioned into hating with such a passion. Or, why antisemitism is "evil." Why they lock up people in various countries for claiming that "5,999,999 Jews died in the Holycaust." Perhaps it's because that's the way off the plantation.

Oh, and the holocaust is thermodynamically impossible. Look up the enthalpy of vaporization of hydrogen cyanide. Or just think critically for 5 minutes.

halinflorida ago

No, not new. I just have a different style than you do. I got red pilled back in the 1990s. I was a hippie in the 1960s but when I tried to implement those Leftist ideas, they failed and soon I learned I was all wrong and it merely a simplistic ideology that the real power people use to sucker the support they receive from Leftists. Mostly Leftists have sexual issues, IMHO. It could be abortion, gay stuff, whatever. Mostly, you can find the sexual connection as to why they are Leftists but once people settle down and mature, they start looking at things as healthy practice vs unhealthy and promiscuity and making sex a toy is very unhealthy. The Illuminati was started by Adam Weishaupt who also was an agent hired by Rothschild. There is a direct lineage from those folks to Karl Marx to today's Socialists/Communists. They keep morphing but still they are the same folks and Rothschild probably was just following a plan cooked up by the Khazarian Mafia. Have you ever read the Talmud? I have. As to the Holocaust, well, we simply can't question it. It's taboo. It's forbidden. It's unthinkable. Yet some make the claim that these Khazarian Mafia folks actually caused WWI and likely WWII as well. Have you ever read, Carroll Quigley? So honestly, we could talk about this forever, but some make a plausible claim that the holocaust had a purpose. That was to move European Jews and their wealth to Israel. Rothchild bought Palestine from the UK because UK was bankrupt and Rothschild had acquired all their gold reserves. He arranged for the US to give our gold reserves to UK after WWI in exchange for Palestine but WWII was created to force Jews to leave comfortable Europe and populate Palestine. Oh dear, I've opened many cans of worms here.

ACatIsFineToo ago

I'm aware of most of those things, and I probably took you for newer than you are. Sorry for that.

If a group of people who have lived as a minority in other countries for 6,000 years, and they still have a unique identity, they have a much stronger affinity for their own than for any of their host cultures. Any who prefer the host culture marry out into it and are lost. By this point, the Jews who are still Jews have been selected for ethnocentric thinking for a good 200+ generations. I highly recommend Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique.

Genetic studies have (somewhat, but not fully) cast quite a bit of doubt on the Khazarian theory. My opinion is that Khazaria was in a state of decadence and decline due to Jewish infiltration and subversion before Kievan Rus put them down. The parasite always overwhelms the host.

I hate to put it this way, but how much has been accomplished by the years of "Good PR" efforts on behalf of the people who were awake to some of this stuff? You can't win as long as you're within their paradigm. The chans (et. all) over the past ~10 years or so have conquered the internet to the point where they are destroying it to try to censor it by being funny, irreverent, and offensive. If you have 60 seconds to shitpost on CNN, you can either try to "convince" Don Lemon that he should give up a million dollar paycheck to tell the truth, or you can call him a big lipped watermelon eating spear chucking half-coon whose nigger momma doesn't know which massa's dick she sucked him out of. I honestly believe that the latter will have more of a positive effect than trying to engage him on his own terms, if only in the reaction it will provoke.

You can question the holocaust as much as you want, assuming you're in the US. The way it is claimed to have happened violates the laws of physics.

halinflorida ago

They work very hard at disinformation and controlling their narrative. And they control the universities and research grants. So really, they "disproved" the Protocols of Zion, even though they are authentic. So if they disprove about the Khazarians? No, in fact I know it is true. When I was young, my best friend for many years was a fellow who was of Russian Jewish ancestry and of the Levi tribe, supposedly, even though those records were destroyed while in the Babylonian captivity. So this very close friend, let's call him Ivan Ivanovitch. Well one day he told me this story and it was perhaps about 1967. His father figured he was old enough to be told what's what and he told my friend the whole Khazarian story but he said it like family history. He said his particular family were Cossacks and they were part of the praetorian guard who converted to the become Jewish. The leadership eventually became the bureaucracy to the czars. Oh it was a big long story and the father told my friend it was 100% absolutely true and that before, the Khazarians were a Turkoman people who practiced a kind of multi deity Paganism. They converted easily to Judaism but that's because they only half believed it and it was pretense. Are you familiar with a Mystery religion? they have an outer and an inner story. They did that when I joined the Freemasons--outer and inner. Well, the Jews we know today as Askenazim he explained to me have an outer story ad an inner one. the outer story was of Judaism and the Torah but the inner one was secret and they had it encoded into the Talmud. Even the Talmud is outer and inner. Only the adepts or the ones with sacred knowledge can read it but the Kabbalah comes Babylon and the worship of Baal or Lucifer and the Talmud is based on the Kabbalah. Oh well, this could take a lifetime or two to untangle it all. Just don't believe what they tell you. That's no proof at all. Only believe half of what you see with your eyes and none of what they tell you.

wokeasfook ago

Incredible work @shekelstein6M Best thing I've see in a while. What a start to my Monday morning. Genuine lol.

"BTW you guys look really fucking gay in those outfits" was some serious icing on the cake. Cracked me up.

tonberry2 ago

As entertaining as this whole thing is, I still have no idea what this is all about.

gabara ago

"By the way... You guys look really fucking gay in those outfits."

Lost it.

MehWhatever ago


SweetChicken ago

Vote niggerfaggots with tatts?! Degenerate, faggots.

reality55 ago

That shit is gayer than Richard Gere's gerbils.

T101genisys ago

Good quality autism. Nice job.

ScreaminMime ago

Spread it to Reddit, post it to the Chans, stick it to the top of every new refugee verse as you would any foe's decapitated head!

Canpede ago

Summarized so eloquently

Crikes ago

Why is it that seemingly no matter the increase in numbers, the collectivistic, divide and conquer, "JEW" bullshit, "defends against takeover"?

Could it be that Voat is owned by shills, to create boogiemen for everyone, and divide and conquer?

Calm down, shills. Just asking questions. Answer for yourself.

What's the count up to of Jews pretending non-Jews have drawn swastikas somewhere, btw?

Nomad61900 ago

Have all my upvotes. ROFL.

Fromthebeginning ago

This should be in future history books to explain the reddit shut out! Perfect depiction! The sad little reddit faces cracked me up and the ending is priceless! Thanks!

Pattern_Blind ago

Alright you niggerfaggots lets get back to jew watching. What did those kikes get away with this weekend? I am guessing bombing Syria and some more and pilfering of America’s coffers.

Have we kept the Goyim red pill ratios up during this war? I think the Alex Jones forums needs more white pills!

Be on guard Goats. Parasites are everywhere!

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Hey now, those poor horses....

13871524? ago

I wish I had more than one upvote to give. That was much kek! Made me smile. :) Great work Niggerfaggot.

Atarian ago

Nice OC, my dude. Not enough of it around these parts.

The_Crusader ago

Lmao. You guys crack me up.

Heil Voat.

TheBuddha ago

That's actually beautiful.

elbrum ago

Bravo sir

Stopmotionhistory ago

HA, This is fake news, The island is filled with self absorbed elitists in their moms basement with egos so big they can't understand how refucktarded they are. They hide behind cartoons and words like nigger jew fagasaurous because they are afraid people who have a clear mind might see through their bull shit. They think words can hurt people because they never get out to see any real world problems but instead stay in a safe space, a virtual world of no consequence. Notice there are no chics on this island, because these people really are fags. Chics are as alien to them as original thoughts. The natives are acting like they need to accept the new arrivals, Its the other way around you basement dwelling losers. My 4 year old son has seen more of the world than any of you sheltered dough boys. You are all my bitches. Grab the desk in front of you are take it pillow biters. Did I pass me exam masta?

FireSauce ago

It appears you had a seizure on your keyboard

Stopmotionhistory ago

people are so sensitive. AI is already manipulating everything online. Get off your computers and start helping the people of your community in the real world.

FireSauce ago

Well I do, I voice my opinions on things in rl. I don't go around jamming it down people's throats but if it's in context I do. And I learn about these things. On the computer.. I also sometimes enjoy masterbaiting with other people. We usually stand in a circle and do it.

Stopmotionhistory ago

lol, you are not going to make it. Good luck.

FireSauce ago

Couldn't give a shit less what you think, and thanks!

Stopmotionhistory ago

then why you respond lol , You care what people in this virtual world think because you real life world is limited. I love to troll people like you who are a useless piece of crap. But if you wanna be some one FIND GOD. not the one the church teaches, the one you find through meditation and Yoga. Good luck.

FireSauce ago

Because if you're going to give me a douchy comment I'm going to give you one back. If you feel like you're successfully trolling me.. good God man step it up. And you seem to be assuming a lot about someone you know nothing about.

Stopmotionhistory ago

You are too predictable.

FireSauce ago

I was hoping you would become more interesting at some point here. They need to hire better people.

Stopmotionhistory ago

I am more interesting, You are just in no way worth my time. I am a vet, I am a patriot, YOU are the real problem. People like you do nothing with your life. You are scared to say Nigger because your scared one might hear you, But Jew is okay to call kike because they will just ignore you. You are the real problem in America. You are afraid to back your values until someone tells you what they are. You can no longer think for yourself or function in society. You jump on any bandwagon you think might be on the winning side. President Trump is doing a great job, and he is doing more than any president ever has. There are still more problems you will never address until it is PC to do so. Coffee, chocolate, avocados are ALL harvested by slave labor. Amazon and Walmart own the ports that transport the guns, drugs and slaves you say you are against yet you shop and use all these things. You are a coward, You do no research on anything that effects you, just that scares you. You have never fasted, never saved a real human being, never done anything real. I know I am right because you are predictable.

Stopmotionhistory ago

what are you talking about , I just got back from work and you keep writing to me? Talk to my daughter...

13870982? ago

I've been wondering what happened- thanks for the funny synopsis.

PuttItOut ago

Well well well… look who decided to show up!

Hope all is well, been thinking of you.

13872706? ago

Hi Putts! Send me your email so I can send you pics. How are you doing?

Nadeshda ago

So nice to see you around ! :)

13872725? ago

<3 I'm gonna get active again soon. Miss you!

Nadeshda ago

I miss you Madam sooo much!

13881308? ago

Miss you, too. I'm gonna try to be more active around here.

Nadeshda ago

I will pick up my decluttering tutorials soon, its just my linen cupboard kicked my butt, so until I get that exactly the way I want it, I can’t seem to move forward. I am a bit odd that way... lol

xenoPsychologist ago

thats good to hear (or read). its always good to see a well known goat with good content running around.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'7375 subscribers!' was posted in v/theawakening by @Mordecaim and includes this reply from @fuckmyreddit:

Want to know why Reddit Refugees were treated to shock and awe?

Well, every newbie is treated the same way. Personally, I'm glad to see all of you invaders. Q needs an army, even if Q is not real. (Not sure yet.) The Q movement is mythical and an important cultural phenomenon showcasing alternative facts.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

knije_tahou ago

This is the single greatest thing the internet has ever produced. Life is downhill from here.

SandHog ago

Love it. Nice job.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Voat has the best comics:)

The_Savvy ago

These are the shitposts I live for.

Governor_Lovecraft ago


Zodiac_Killer ago

Well done. This is the kind of quality shit-post that makes me proud to be a goat.

voatbakescookies ago


middle_path ago

dindu horses

Nice touch

xenoPsychologist ago

most dindus would do a horse, i suspect.

everlastingphelps ago

@dumb_comment_bot would be proud.

ExpertShitposter ago

OC. Noice.

zyklon_b ago


Goathole ago

You know what? You get an UPVOAT FOR LIFE from me.

whatisbestinlife ago

its great except for the last speech bubble. appearance is on point.

ImPhilippe ago

how the fuck do you come up with this shit lmao

DOCornelius ago

Deus voat. Fantastic shite faggot.

Mumbleberry ago

I'm stealing that.

DOCornelius ago

You don't have to steal. Deus Voat for all.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Where are these pictures from? Shirtless with flannel pants... Awesome

lord_nougat ago


They're okay.

Mumbleberry ago


pairadocs ago

Nice job. Thanks for the work.

InternetUser ago

This is so gay, lol

Camulos ago

This is fucking gold, GOLD.

...So make sure the kikes don't try and take it.

dassaer ago

Top f***ing shelf !!.

fuckmyreddit ago

You would be knighted Meme Maker To The King if we had a king. But as a Free Man (born a woman serf) of the Isle of Voat I would give you my Golden Cross Of The Magic Meme because I almost fell over when I saw The Jews in the forest which made me recall something in the Person of Sand's Koran about the trees calling out "look over here, there's a Jew hiding behind me."

Well worth several days of effort. I'll try to find the passage in the rapefugee's handbook. Top Kek.

SigniferLux ago

"Sir, John's been hit in the head with a brick. There was a note attached."

"What did it say?"

"Jews did 9/11."

I can't stop laughing.

Koyote210 ago

I like it, not enough Mexican celts tho... too many white niggers

Lord_Mari ago

Why are we using primitive technology? That requires inefficient monkeys to run.

WeekendBaker ago

Our servers used to burn frequently so we just adopted low tech

pby1000 ago

Now that is funny.

digitalentity1497 ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago



shrink ago put your top kek on the bottom shelf?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

When the jews come for your keks where do you plan on keeping your top keks?

everlastingphelps ago

I plan to die lying on a giant pile of spent kek brass.

shrink ago

I keep them in a long corridor whose admission charge is extremely high.

The last place they ever want to be is in the Hall of Cost.

mickblueeyes ago


One slight note is that no one who follows Q would believe Israel to be our ally.

ilikeskittles ago

That’s hilarious!

Russianbots ago

Love It.

0rion ago

This was amazing. I cried. Bravo sir, bravo!

Eurocuckistan ago

this is art

Negro_Nazi ago

This is fucking amazing.

ModB ago

LOL That was beautiful!

ProgNaziGator ago

That was seriously more entertaining and compelling then most new movies and games.

Your effort is deeply appreciated by this niggerfaggoat.

I gave you one upvoat but you can go ahead and round it up 3000.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

If this were a movie directed and produced by fellow goats, I'd buy a ticket and the DVD.

LostandFound ago

Shit man your right I enjoyed that more than most forms of current mainstream entertainment.

whatisbestinlife ago

gay as in sweet?

dassaer ago

Gay as in Faggotry...

crazy_eyes ago

You're doing God's work Sheckelstein

I laughed out loud at that last line

Great job

Pronebone45 ago

I don’t have one with that type of stuff. It’s such a small group of people who actually want something like that & there’s no shortage of people making them (around these parts anyhow). There’s more $ to be made selling stupid wooden kitchen knick knacks to hipsters & house wives. I’d love to build you one though. It could take some time depending on what I do. I use hide glue & elk sinew along w/snake or rawhide backings. I use steel points though. I know how to knap heads but I don’t practice enough to make real nice ones.

Ina_Pickle ago

Do you sell them at Renn Faires?

Pronebone45 ago

No. I’ve only been once. I had a neighbor bring that up awhile back. He’s into that scene. I generally just make them for hunter friends I know & their friends.

I dont know if it would be worth it. I’d think at a ren fest they’d want an authentic English longbow which would be made of yew. We don’t have a lot of yew trees in America. We have the pacific yew on the west coast but the yew staves I’ve bought weren’t cheap. Add in my time & other supplies. I don’t know if it’d be worth it.

Ina_Pickle ago

I have never seen anything authentic for sale at a Renn Faire. As long as it kinda looks right it will sell. You're right that selling bows alone wouldn't be worth the rent. You'd have to sell wood mugs, bowls, plates, candle holders, etc. Things regular people would want.

Pronebone45 ago

Something to think about. Thanks for the input. It did seem like a fun crowd the one time I went.

SIayfire122 ago

Do you have any pictures for examples?

Pronebone45 ago

I sent photos in a message to you.

Kill-Commies ago

should work some shark teeth into one of your projects, would make for some cool looking natural spikes.

Darwinxmachina ago

I'm kinda embarrassed at how funny I found this. Upgoat for you!

Waffles4Everyone ago

Now I want the movie. Get to work, goat!

hillbilly_guy ago

These are fucking great!

Pumbadog ago

Fucking sick, bro.

KerriChandler ago

Nice job :)

Pubiclouse ago

LMAO Love it!

Oveass ago

Really nice Comic, now where do i deposit your shekels?

Shekelstein6M ago

Donate to Patrick Little.

ProgNaziGator ago

We should have a whole post about how to donate and support Patrick little. I've been thinking of doing so but would like Ideas.

kalgon ago

They don't have to integrate they have to assimilate


Integration is a two way process where there are cross influences from both the cultures and both change a small bit to accept the minority culture into the majority culture. This is a process that requires acceptance of the laws and ways of the host country by the people of the minority culture without giving up on their own laws and ways. This happens with modification in both the cultures. However, this is possible in a situation where there are no antagonistic feelings between the two cultures and both accommodate the viewpoints of each other in a bid to live harmoniously together. Integration is a process where the minority cultures take something in from the majority culture to become a part of the majority culture retaining their identity.


Assimilation is a process of absorbing minority communities into the ways and views of the majority community in a multicultural society. This is absorption that takes place in a one way direction as the minority communities are required to learn the customs and traditions of the majority community giving up their own or modifying them to become acceptable to the majority community. Assimilation has become a dirty word in some ways as it asks people belonging to a minority culture to give up on some aspects of their culture to adopt the ways of the majority culture to be accepted by the majority community. Thus, assimilation happens to be a process where the ethnic minority loses some of its features and adopts some of the features of the majority to appear like the majority community.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They don't have to integrate they have to assimilate


Fuck no.

They have to go back like niggers and ragheads.

If they ever wanted to silently assimilate and become one of us, they would have done it without a request. Most of us are refugees from reddit or some other site, and nobody had to ask us to assimilate. We came to voat because we liked voat, not because we were desperate for a new platform.

These censoring fucks do not WANT to assimilate. They just want a new platform.

Even if they pretend to assimilate now so we stop attacking them, you KNOW that what they really really want is to censor us and they will start doing it as soon as they get a chance.

MystikMa ago

Exactly!!! I was part of that 1st wave of redfukk fagrefs in "16" an lurked for 3mo before surfacing. Boomer brain-freeze on old password (but name remains the same) so back to sq 1 on ccp's, shit happens. If they think Voat is a bitch...8chan will chew, roast & spit their mentalMIND censoring B.S. so quick & deep some may never recover!!! Your 100% right...get with the program or GTFO!!!

crustyjuggler ago

Exactly. I was seeing a guy named the_cool or something, and he was saying that he was reporting people on here for racism. Wtf kind of shit is this?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

TheCool is just a faggot agitator. He was here before the Qtards showed up and he will most likely be here for a while until he decides to make a new account to be a retard with.

This is where he let his intelligence shine through.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

TheCool has already been caught farming upvoats by responding to himself with alt nicks.

Crensch ago

Integration is a two way process where there are cross influences from both the cultures and both change a small bit to accept the minority culture into the majority culture.

We do change a small bit to accept them. We move further to the right and become much meaner so they have a longer distance to travel and more work to do on their part before they can get in, THEN we relax and slowly move back to our cruising altitude.

ProgNaziGator ago

Hawaiian putting teriyaki sauce on roasted pig, iirc is a relic from their integration under Japanese occupation. Damn I even like the way japs empire.

awhiteguyuno ago

Great work!

DiscontentedMajority ago

This isn't even half the story.

You missed the part where there was a village ready for them but they couldn't move in because it was censorship free.

And definitely the part where a bunch of them saw the light, told their old mods off, and joined our side.

Shekelstein6M ago

It's abridged. Otherwise I would have had to make it a 2 parter.

DiscontentedMajority ago

Don't make me have to make this myself.

I'm an incredibly shitty artist, and looking at my work would probably make people leave Voat.

Crensch ago

Please make a "meanwhile" when you've had a break. That work is amazing and fits right in with DCB's comics.

SchlongKeyhote ago

He's mocking YOU, Q-tard FAGGOT.

Crensch ago

If I eat bacon then spit on you, do you go to sandnigger hell?

SchlongKeyhote ago

no, but i'd have to perform full washing due to the man-ass AIDS sauce

satisfyinghump ago

The last line where the faggot tells the other bigger faggots that they look really fucking gay in their outfits really sold this comic for me.

10/10, would read again

ScreaminMime ago

The last line? Jew watching did it for me!

justalittlecancer ago

You had me at nigger

Kill-Commies ago

BREAKING NEWS: The leader of the fag posting reddit niggers, obama bin sodom, was killed in his sleep this morning by a voat assassin.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Aww. I had £20 on desiccated by his own salty tears.

draaaak ago

Quality "FAG" poster.

ACatIsFineToo ago

Needs an Israeli flag under the Soviet one. And at least 5 more dildos.

As if I'm good enough at paint to kvetch.

Pronebone45 ago

As one who crafts traditional bows & arrows in my shop, I like the representation.

b0utch ago

I ain't following this saga but it seems to be turning out pretty well.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Mumbleberry ago


Shekelstein6M ago

This took way too fucking long to make.

BuilderAnon ago

It was worth every unpaid moment of time you donated to the site

Jadsticles ago

It's also too good. I'm Okay with it taking too long. It's worth it.

xenoPsychologist ago

that is utterly incredible. well done.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

But it's fucking glorious and factual!!! 10/10

DasReich ago

The "Jew Watching" was my favorite.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's worth every second of effort!

This on the same level of that "Welcome To Voat" meme made during The_Donald invasion! I'm still rolling at the Jews hidden in the woods.

Metanoiac ago

Worth every minute. Best new strip in a while.

KekistanEmperor ago

Goddamn that is some funny shit man. Good jib!

TheDonaldTrump ago

It was worth it,this one meme is worth a thousand of those normie memes on reddit

green_man ago

Did you make that? If so, good fucking job!, You captured what's happening perfectly. I foresee this being reposted every time there is a reddit invasion.

Shekelstein6M ago

Yeah, I made it. Thanks.

aGameCalledCountries ago

I like the concept.

Happy_Chemtrails ago

That was great! Thank you for the laugh.

Pumbadog ago

I want this made into a mural on my living room wall. A great piece of artwork depicting a Voat victory. This is on par with washington crossing the god damned delaware.

Broc_Lia ago

Holy shit, the chariot with the tyrones made me burst my gut.

One-Way_Bus ago

Remember Tyrone...stealing your bike!

hangry ago

Niggerhorses, gotta love it

White_pride_cis ago

Well they are both farm animals... the horses are just a lot more useful.

shrink ago



Shekelstein6M ago



everlastingphelps ago

When I heard this in the right bray, it was funnier than the cartoon.

satisfyinghump ago

What would you of had done instead of this comic on a weekend? Sick dick?

Shekelstein6M ago

Nah, lay in bed and drink tea. I've been sick for 2 days now.

Areuyiddingme ago

Amazing work here. If only I could give you 6 gorillion upvoats.

Jadsticles ago

Just go to /v/theawakening, I hear they upvote like no tomorrow.

elitch2 ago

Worth it though. Have an upgoat.