facepaint ago

So have they figured out why Reddit is the shithole that it was? Have they learned nothing? Why are they trying to recreate the reddit-shithole here. They really need to stop the bad reddit practices. Anyone following those suggestions are as much of the problem.

Pulverizor ago

What's next? 'Pretty please take us back reddit, we'll be ever so good, Serena doesn't look like an ape anymore I swear!'

Captain_Hamerica ago

They don't realize there is a second calculation involved, your downvotes cannot exceed your upvotes.

Unless they participate in the voat community and upvote farm constantly they won't be able to generate enough of a ratio to silence anything.

Mumbleberry ago

That anon is likely @ SGM11Z, going by the retarded profile pic

Grifter42 ago

ITT: SBBH trying to poison the well.

wt1984yb ago

Haha I wonder which faggots decided to downvoat this... hmmmmmm

GoBackToReddit ago

Probably those who are sick of hearing about it honestly.

Log out and take a look at v/all... welcome to voat now.

Womb_Raider ago

If the old goats know that they might get 50 or 100 or 1000 downvotes for their nonsense, they will be much more reluctant to post or comment vulgarity, off topic nonsense, or insults.

Old goats? Only a voater would use that term... looks like fake content

divine_human ago

been here for a week and learned this term for folks like you pretty quickly ;)

TheTrigger ago

I openly invite these faggots to try. I bet each and every one of them could spend all their downvoats on my account, every day for a month, and I'd still be able to wreck their accounts before they could even make a dent. And I'm only one person.

If even a quarter of the most active users around here busted their alts out— these qtards would all be thousands in to the negatives by lunch time tomorrow. I am well and truly not worried. Like, not even a little.

Womb_Raider ago

You shouldn't use alts. What you're describing is abusive.

GoBackToReddit ago

Only a voater would use that term

It's a term that's been tossed around quite a bit recently.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't buy it

bb22 ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, goat. We need to watch these sneaking fucking shill faggots.

armday2day ago

Lol ok give me 1000 downvotes

TheTrigger ago

Hell, give me a thousand every day for a month.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

<anything><awake/awoken> is extremely ironic for people that un-awoke.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

"Patriots" = people that think skin color doesn't matter what it means to be American. What a fucking joke these people are. So fucking stupid.


Also posting as anons concern trolling, insisting that Voat is cancer, is probably a worthwhile tactic.

Submariner_SS ago

Thanx for this.


So downvote every new account. Got it.

divine_human ago

not fair towards those of us who throw up from reading that voat-attack shit.

Merlynn ago

They just don't get it,do they. I wonder how long the jews have controlled them.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If a JIDF shill like you is attacking PV it can't be all bad.

Durm ago

And the PV post did get an immediate downvoat

Durm ago

Yah well everyone good and bad looks there. Lots of people still use it.

People that like to DV and game PV itself, don't generally realize that people just look at the new posts since they are so infrequent.

Good point though.:)

StormVet6 ago

I just posted this over there. I hope you pay attention as well.

Oh, for crying out loud people! This shit from BOTH sides NEEDS TO STOP!! We’ve got assholes on one side that are mad at all of us because of what happened at the beginning and can’t drop it, then someone from here wants to do the same to them?! NO MORE!! If Putt can actively help negotiate a cease fire (which he did), why in the hell are we firing it back up?! Or do we have someone in our midst still that is pulling more sysop shit?! AGAIN, NO MORE!!!

Durm ago

We are talking about someone talking about attacking voat, no one is attacking you. Are you Debra Messing?


StormVet6 ago

Can’t stand the bitch. And you’re right, it is someone attacking not just Voat, but patriots as well.

Durm ago

Yes. Retards messing things up is all it is. :)

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

I've been on this site for about 4 years just shitposting and never knew how any of the Internet points worked. That was a pretty good write up and clear explanation, I've got to say thanks to that faggot for that. Seriously they have no idea what they're getting into though lol, bunch of niggerfaggots.

Fibbideh ago

@puttitout do you have any comment this?

PuttItOut ago

I have code to stop this already. I'll try to enable it tomorrow if I see it going on.

Also, don't worry. Voat has been through so much more challenging things.

It's funny though how control means so much to some people that they will abandon their primary mission to regain it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'SBBH shut down until further notice.' was posted in v/SoapboxBanhammer and includes this reply from @TeddyJackson:

Back to reddit, faggot.


This notification (#659) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

divine_human ago

It's funny though how control means so much to some people that they will abandon their primary mission to regain it.

these people on control trip have control as their primariy mission, they worked on hijacking the mission right from the start.

Res_Publica ago

It was cut from the jew version of the Bible, but before God gave Adam flesh, he explained the game.

He said “I’m making you guys so that you can achieve anything. You can colonize galaxies and fuck three-tittied bitches like the one in Total Recall. All you have to do, is not be faggots.”

But God knew Adam was a faggot.

Dsciexterminationist ago

For real though

MaunaLoona ago

Could raise CCP required for downvote. Really, if only 5-10% of Voat could downvote that would be plenty. I see no drawbacks.

Fibbideh ago

I'm not worried, but we should never let our guard down. I'll help in any way I can. Thank you for your hard work.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

Samuel Adams

TeddyJackson ago

SBBH has been operating has an upvoat farm for years but nobody on voat seems to care.


Well maybe just maybe someone cares.

AnmanIndustries ago

You are such a fag.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

A Carefag?

AnmanIndustries ago


Durm ago

FYI, I simi-cross posted this in v/TheAwakening


chags ago

Remember to go to www.voat.co/user/username to see their comments and downvote every single one. There is no way for them to see who downvotes them.

They're not counting on admin intervention, and I guess if they achieve success it will be the only remedy.

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH isn't counting on admin intervention either.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They aren’t going to achieve success. They are a joke. For most users they think they could alter behavior for their action wouldn’t even be noticed.

chags ago

I also think they won't, and maybe the author of that thread is just stirring shit for whatever reason.

GoBackToReddit ago

They're not counting on admin intervention

There won't be any. Putt has already stated that he WANTS these people here. This entire thing has been very eye opening for me.

divine_human ago

further up, putt says he will install a code against the attempt tomorrow.

GoBackToReddit ago

I read it. Time stamps.

chags ago

I remember putt banning a lot of accounts for brigading. They were dumb enough to name their targets. If it really happens (I doubt because the thread didn't got traction), the elements will be available.

Durm ago

They named them in the chan post this time, unless that's what you meant. I posted for all to see over here:


chags ago

That's what I meant, they named the targets in the 8ch post. It's a matter of monitoring for putt.

Le_Squish ago

You should read the rest of putts comments. He's aware of what's going on but he puts most of the blame squarely on the corrupt mods. Also making the custom set neuters them in the nicest mist discrete way possible.

PuttItOut ago

You are a very wise person. Much love.

Le_Squish ago

I know machinations when I see them.

<3. I'd give you three whole internets with extra tubes if I had them.

PuttItOut ago

It's the tubes I seek.

Le_Squish ago

Noted. More tubes shall be a priority when the Great Meme War enters reconstruction phase.

WilliamCutting ago

I feel like the only person who saw this comment, faith reaffirmed.

We have so few places left to speak the truth.

GoBackToReddit ago

How does any of this argue against my point that there will be no admin intervention?

Le_Squish ago

He's watching them in ways only Putt can. I think he won't interfere unless needed. He'll probably let us keep ripping them new assholes.

Durm ago

Take back? What a bunch of retards.

The retard fight continues.

xenoPsychologist ago

theyre such cartoon villains, yet they dont realize it. its completely bizarre how someone could be so willfully evil and think "this is okay. this is an okay thing to do". they truly are somalians.

bakersdozen ago

Voat has white power faggots. Q has reddit censorship faggots.

Echo chambers are designed to ignore their own hypocrisy.

bb22 ago

It’s not an echo chamber when you leave the door open. You just have no argument.

hellocensorship ago

oh is that why my account has been CENSORED so i can't comment anymore you dumb lying faggot LOLOLOLOL!

bb22 ago

How are you censored here you little bitch? I’m still seeing your kvetching.

xenoPsychologist ago

im sure you are quite the expert on what voat is. did someone say something mean to you? who hurt you??

hellocensorship ago

isn't that what reddit says to you all the time. who hurt your fronthole? LOLOLOL! you dumb faggot kike your'e too fucking stupid to realize that you're crying like a little bitch about reddit censoring you when that's all you do here on your white power faggot echo chamber LOL! go cry to your mommy you fucking faggot.

xenoPsychologist ago

that sure is an awful lot of projection you have going on there.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I'd like to see them try.

Those kike shill Qtards don't know when to quit.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

If you really want to have some fun, you can see anything any user does by going to www.voat.co/user/(insert username here). Across the top of the page, you will see links to Overview, Submissions, Comments, etc. Click the comments link and you will see all comments made by a user. Under each comment are several links and if you click the "context" link you can upvote or downvote that comment. You can upvote or downvote any comment that is less that 3 months old. So, if you like a certain user you can give them 1 CCP for every comment they have made over the past 3 months. This would be a quick way to increase a users CCP rapidly. It can also be used to downvote and take away CCP. If 20 patriots did this to the more offending old goats we could reduce their CCP by thousands in a very short time. If 100 patriots did this, we could give them a taste of their own medicine and take away their ability to downvote brigade any of us for quite some time. Out of the 7000 patriots here, are there 100 of you willing to take control and run our subs the way we want?

These reddit faggots never change. They think they are "red pilled" but they are just slightly moderate leftists. Rope. Lots of it.

odinist ago

I'm pretty sure @PuttItOut has said in the past that upvoating directly from a user's page doesn't actually count.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

But they are just oh so clever!

bakersdozen ago

Fuck Voat. Might as well be the DNC


Headhunter1 ago

The island of misfit toy's Keep preaching charlie in the box,

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Does anyone here speak retard? I don't know what this boomer is trying to say.

ViperCarbz ago

Across the top of the page, you will see links to Overview, Submissions, Comments, etc. Click the comments link and you will see all comments made by a user.

With instructions like that, these people seem much dumber than the average Reddit user.

Durm ago

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

How fast will it be removed, do you think?

Durm ago

Did you watch the video?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I did indeed. Very fitting, hah.

Durm ago

Atm is +2 -1

I suspect it will get downvoated to my lowest 3, or well beyond my lowest 3.

Durm ago

It will take a while

Durm ago

I had to block the awakening again for myself.

Also thanks for posting that snippet for more people to see.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

No problem. It needs to be seen.

bb22 ago

Yes, it does. I'm glad this submission was created so that goats can be aware of the shilling efforts openly organized by these tremendous faggots. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be disgusted by these pukes.

Durm ago

Like they are too stupid to figure it out for themselves by clicking on someone's name to learn something the first time.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

That isn't an instruction manual. It is a rallying cry to mass downvoat anyone who opposes their dear leaders. They talk about "taking back their sub", which is one thing, but mass downvoating across someone's entire profile for hurting their feelings is a-typical redditard behavior and is a textbook jew move. They want voat to be just like reddit. Controlled and well-behaved.

outside-the-box ago

Maybe it would make sense to remove the ability to downvote on comments that have been direct linked (or in the user summary). You could still go to the full comments section, find the desired comment and downvote, but it would take a lot longer (which should only really punish people doing mass voting). Another option is to only allow someone so many votes on the same user within a set timeframe.

Durm ago

I understand. The wording used to describe it is inadvertently condescending to its audience. They sound like idiots.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Ah, I gotcha. That is also typical with reddit mod behavior. Holding dominion over their mindless goy followers gets their rocks off. What's really sad is how used to it and conditioned the masses are. They just roll over and show their bellies for fear of downvoat brigades and banhammers. Pathetic.