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absurdlyobfuscated ago

A redditor, a 4channer, and a guy from voat meet on the terrace of a café and see a couple enter the hotel across the street. A few minutes later, the couple leaves the hotel with a child.

The redditor comments: it's clear, they are part of a vast global pedophile conspiracy that leaves clues about pizza and spirals everywhere. Q predicted this.

The 4channer: no, it's simpler than that: >greentext story about gore and MLP loli porn.

The guy from voat: do you REALIZE that they're ALL Illuminati transgenders , you nigger faggot kike ? Outer SPACE is fake . Q anon is a tranny . TV = Talmud Vision / Tranny Vision .

RumpRangerRick ago

Outer SPACE is fake

The Earth is fucking flat !

Dropswakeyou ago

Let's go find the edge together so I can push you off it.

Athenaethana ago

no it isn't.