Beverly3717 ago

Thank you!

LibertysCrossing ago

finally, a greatpost....

It is not so clear, the progression of acquiring CCP.

Now It is clear what is happening

Redcobra ago

REDPILLS FOR SHECKLES please donate generously to help extend (((our))) reach

Redcobra ago

Wow !! You Qfam sure are a good bunch of guys I really feel like this is a safe space for my groupthink psyop conspiracies!!

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'CCP Farming here is NOT allowed! NEON REVOLT - Here is your chance. - v/QRV is the Official REDDIT Replacement sub says Q. Not official Q subverse.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @srayzie and refers to this submission.

This notification (#905) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

LadyMisfortune ago

I recommend the pizzagate subverse... if you can handle it. It migrated here 2 years ago already when reddit killed the who citizens investigation!

jaybee333 ago

Thanks L. I am well up to speed on all that sick crap unfortunately. Epstein. HRC, pools, art etc and Video of HRC that NYC police found on Wieners laptop. I pray the Q team bring ALL of that to a COMPLETE end. Free the kids. Protect the kids. God bless

LadyMisfortune ago

That laptop vid is supposedly pretty much all over the net nowadays though I havent brought myself to actually searching for it... no need to see it all IMO

tompas ago

Hello fellow anons. Just migrated from reddit. Hopefully this board does not get the censorship bias bug. Would appreciate an upvoat to start getting some ccp score and will do the same . Thanks.


bavure ago

/v/theawakening is registering CCP

Beverly3717 ago

Need to watch....Trump@war movie. Won’t let me post the link!

stray502 ago

Ok so first where are the settings and second where do you write your bio I keep hearing about. Is it all done right on this site? I also have no idea where to look if someone answers this question.Any info will help thanks.

jaybee333 ago

I prefer to not publish bio. Anonymous is best. This is not a social media site. Don't even put an email address on. Setting are in the usual coffee wheel symbol at top right, just to the right if your user name and scores. God bless

Redheadgal ago

Doing as you suggest! Will go back and forth between the two to watch everything being posted. ThanQ WWG1WGA

ES-Trader ago

I am still relatively new to Voat -- but very experienced in the School of Hard Knocks.

WHY would we participate in forums where we are so tightly controlled? Oh yeah, that's right, we can't. We get silenced there?!

If this place -- v/GA -- gives us a voice and upvotes -- I for one, am staying here.

I will look in on v/QVR . . . because Q recommended it. But I will not be going to the v/a place. Anything said there is said here, probably first. Also, I get my Q-drops from Q himself/herself/itself. I don't need a bunch of posts repeating the Q-drops on a forum.

Q has encouraged us to think for ourselves and act independently.

I welcome other patriots' thoughts and analysis . . . but not being fed controlled information as in the other place (not v/QVR) set-up to herd us on Voat or to a website to sell shirts.

Laskolurch ago

Yes sir. Very well said. I use this site It's not hard and I get everything I need. Then I come here and they discuss what Q said. Done deal. Not hard. No drama.

jaybee333 ago

You are 100% correct. But Q needs an easy access/understandable public forum like this for the mass audience. Most of this audience will never be on 8ch and could not cope there. Many of them never even make it to sites like Q is baking different bread for different houses. God bless

Gofer1 ago

I also stay away from v/a and only peek at QRV. I much prefer it here. Real. Unvarnished. True insights. I like to lurk...

LvndrLdy ago

Greeting to all. New to voat. Q sent me.
Red pilled for years, but it crazier than i realized.
Be careful all. Do you have preps in place...

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuckoff to whatever site sent you here. Youre literally asking for gibs and trying to game the system. If you dont want to play nice in the voat house then expect to be shit on.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Mhhmmm steamy and dreamy! Tasty also! Everything a growing niggerfaggot could need!

Crensch ago

I've appreciated a lot of your comments, but your Reddit is showing on this one.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Sorry about that. I calls em like I sees em.

insanitea ago

Here, have an upvoat.

Also, I can't make a dedicated post for this because of low CCP, but i noticed this sub back on reddit being targetted by the very same shills we're dealing with.

I was also just mentioned by a bot or something over here on voat. I guess I'm on a list now? Flattering.

James_Grace88 ago

targetted by the very same shills we're dealing with

You appear not to understand the definition of the word "shill." You came to Voat. Voat didn't come to you. These people, these """""shills,""""" were here long before you ever showed up. You don't agree with them so you call them names like racist, bigot, anti-Semites, etc. If anything, you are the normies shilling for civic nationalism. 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Communism was invented by Jews. Karl Marx and the Frankfurt school were all Jews. Lenin and Trotsky were Jews. The Jewish Bolshevik murder of tens of millions of Russians was the largest mass murder committed in history. The German civil war was started by Jewish Communists.

I already know you don't believe me. So here are two rabbis saying what I am saying, that Hitler hated the Jews because they started Communism etc etc The original lectures were much longer but jewtube shoah'd the videos (surprise!). It's almost as if they are censoring information that they don't want you to know. Hopefully you can find them if you keep searching.

NannyOnline ago

When you are over the target, you get flak. You must have hit a nerve!

WhiteRonin ago

Nope you aren’t on a list yet. There aren’t any mysterious lists. Just people who start hating you that go on down voat sprees.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

They are on someone's shit list, but I seriously doubt it's anything more that pissed off goats protecting their baby. Understandably, too.

WhiteRonin ago

Nope. I know many of those who have been called down vote brigadiers. We give a fuck and just shit post but rPV blames us anyways.

Voat night work in small packs like 2-4 people but if you are a retard the masses down voat you. This is then a personality problem.

isalod_2298 ago

You could also, you know, participate in the site as a whole and that would no longer be an issue. This is not the only subverse that exists on the site.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Get that logic out of here before I call the logic police!!!! @srayzie halp!! Haaalp!!! Goatizens arrest! Goatizens arrest!

srayzie ago

Lol. LOVE your username. I’m sure you were immediately accepted! 😂

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

It didn't take very long :)

Jacx6771 ago

*TOO new to this form *****Be being an odd curmudgeon, that I am - I've been RED-PILLED long ago, and I'm going to learn how to work this platform.Veteran,USN

wokie ago

Curmudgeons on voat, by definition are refined, gentle, kind people. Welcome.

v888 ago

Thank You for your Service.

tradstew ago

From one curmudgeon to another, I can't even open the QRV page. No problem finding this page or any (some unfortunately) other but when i try the QRV I get a "Warning" - then i click the take me to the home page, it's the "home" of Voat.

Silverlining ago

try this if you're still stuck - took me hours to work it out.

Minxy_84 ago

You have to find your settings and allow adult content. I had this problem too.

angelCole ago

Under subscriptions(upper left)>settings>then little boxes to check to allow whatever(don't remember what it said) then save

tradstew ago

Great, it worked, thanks!

angelCole ago

You are welcome 😊

NannyOnline ago

You need to change your settings to allow NSFW access. New accounts default to this setting being off. Turn it on, then you can access QVR.

Light_Guard ago

You should be able to ignore the warning and click through to the page, but if not, try this link to get there:

StormVet6 ago

Good advice, but one correction: theawakening has been giving points the last few days. Just watch out for the rampant downvoating shill brigade that followed over from Reggit!


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

If you actively participate in the site as a whole, you will accumulate imaginary Internet points quickly. If, on the other hand, you make posts like this whining about your lack of imaginary Internet points, expect to take a beating.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

It's TMOR, banout2018, and Qult doing the brigading. If you see it or see any signs of it please report it to pull it out so that these people will at least have to keep recycling IP addresses and hopefully it will be more annoying than worth the trolling to them.

gsoClarke ago

Right, there's an aggressive core here on VOAT that gets some sort of satisfaction from downvoating newcomers. The only thing I can compare it to are children who won't share and to bullies. Sad, truly sad.

Gofer1 ago

Don't blame them. They got shit on just like us when we migrated. Treated like their platform, a truly great platform, wasn't good enough for redditors. And redditors were brought over with ZERO instructions on how it worked, how to integrate, or to lurk until we found our way. And to make it worse, they intentionally segregated us then censored and limited what we saw. The biggest culprit in this attitude were the Reddit mods. It's getting better. But the newest newbies are treating voat like fb and won't keep their mouths shut long enough to see what's going on.

Morbo ago

You boomer newcomers are the bullies. You came to our house, setup shop and proceeded to break all the rules we have then have the nerve to call us "children" when we fight back. This is typical boomer behavior. Do whatever you want, blame the kids for it. You're only here because your "leader" said to come here. That makes you a sheep not a goat. Also, if you're going to be stinking up the place with your shit, you should start paying for Voat. You're using up server resources and bandwidth which costs the admin of the site a lot of money. Donate bitcoin to the site since Q isn't going to do it for you. Be a fucking adult and pay your bills, play by the rules and be respectful of other people's things. So far you're failing all around so get your shit together grandpa/grandma.

gsoClarke ago

All the bitcoin in the world will not change bullies into civil neighbors. Twice the bandwidth and double the processing power would yield bullies posting faster, period.

And how are the newcomers bullying anyone. With all the downvoating from goats newcomers are posting almost nothing, and the ability to downvoating is remote.

Morbo ago

And how are the newcomers bullying anyone.[sic]

Not good at reading are you? Okay I'll say it again. You came to our house, setup shop and proceeded to break all the rules we have then have the nerve to call us "children" when we fight back. Are you completely daft to think that this is acceptable behavior? If you think it's fine then please send me your home address so we can crash your house and do the same things you're doing here. You wouldn't stand for this in your home so why think it is acceptable to do it here on Voat? Are you that selfish and brain dead? YOU AND Q DON'T OWN THIS SITE!

NannyOnline ago

Hang in there, many newcomers are here for free speech and Q, so we will support each other. Ignore the trolls.

WhiteRonin ago

Forum sliding is worthy of down votes. Some multiple postings will also get down votes.

Why do we need 10 posts about the same topic within an hour?

4ChinSnacker ago

Maybe you fucking retards can stop voat farming which is explicitly against the rules. Or go back to your safe space. No bullies there.

Diggernicks ago

Internet points don't matter. You have to go back.

jaybee333 ago

Thanks for the update