Silverlining ago

Exuinox Saturday - Full Moon Monday - Harvest Moon - Will He Reap what they Sow?

Sunday Japan PM - Monday Kavanaugh - Tuesday UN - Wednesday World Peace & Prosperity

Silverlining ago

It would make a lot of sense to have Kavanaugh confirmed on Monday so Trump Chairs the Iran discussion at UN as an all conquering God Emperor.

MSM on the run, weighing up where their self interest lies, whether to endorse Trump candidates before it is obvious there is going to be a Red Tsunami - presumably they have access to the "real" poll numbers.

Trump is fixing the UN deck with Abe on Sunday. Bilaterals arranged with S Korea Japan France Israel UK Egypt - are they the troublemaking hold outs?

Dinner Security Council Members Tuesday

Silverlining ago

Nikki Hayley briefing 9/21

wonderfuldonut ago

One can only hope the American Nightmare is being destroyed.

HST ago

They're clearly not versed in how to run a sub on voat. Making the sub NSFW makes no sense in the first place. Making it anon makes it fully retarded