CrudOMatic ago

Congrats Jews, with the Qfag shit you've convinced boomer Trump supporters that:

A.) you're all innocent angels and any attempt to point out otherwise is shills trying to distract

B.) Invading Iran (something you deep state & finance kikes have wanted for a long time) is a good thing because the deep state is headquartered there (bullshit lie; the deep state is entrenched all across the west & in Israel - you want to invade Iran because of oil & the fact it is one of the few nations left without a Rothschild-controlled central bank. Stirring up war between Russia & USA/Europe - aka white nations - is just a happy accident).

C.) That CivNat bullshit is the way to go forward, especially with Europe (even though it is the white homeland and was NEVER built by immigrants), and that there is no white genocide afoot.

xx88 ago

How long must we wait until they just drink the fucking cyanide already

lissencarak ago

even i am impressed by the reckless faggotry displayed

ThoseFeels ago

Wait wait wait......


Are you fucking kidding me, in the blink of an eye we just became Paris!

PeterJames ago

What, full of niggers?

CrudOMatic ago

Qfags are white niggers who hang on the every word of Jews.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Seige requires gaulish resolve to survive

videocodec ago

"Have you ever wanted to see what a cancerous growth looks like?" Africa? Yes, a cancer to the world.

RockmanRaiden ago

They intend to purge Voat. They're not here in good faith. Do with them what you will, goats.

Firinmahlazer ago

Not gonna lie. When I first saw the Q posts as screenshots on 4chan I was pretty intrigued. Bought into some of it. I kinda forgot about it and moved on.

Holy FUCK these people need to calm down. It's like a god damn cult.

I'm not usually a. "get off my lawn" kind of Voater but these people need to fuck off to 8chan or something.

RockmanRaiden ago

These idiots were nothing before Q. It's all they have. Their identity. They add nothing useful to discourse besides numbers. They haven't even done any research. Seriously. The JQ is level fucking one and they cant get past it.

Kr1ll1nX ago

And their dear leader already called it out;

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


RockmanRaiden ago

That's something everyone keeps missing. Apparently the newfags get up in arms about Israel without even reading any of the drops. Just a bunch of spectators looking for amusement.

OricaTonithos ago

Looks like the many arms of an AI construct sending out something point-filled and grammatically correct.. all congratulating itself for enlightening itself.

I'm gonna go play Far Cry 5.

SweetChicken ago

(((Synagogue of Satan)))

Onlio ago

I thought this was going to be a photo of Alyssa Milano

JoeFacts ago

She's proof that being a child star in Hollywood can cause mental Illness.

maxoverdrive ago

Seriously. She's an awful fucking communist bitch, but when she was young? She was hot - definitely needed to be plowed by some wholesome white cock....

kneo24 ago

I feel the need to point this out anytime someone brings up her name. She is a part of the illuminati. Her husband worked for the CAA (creative artists agency), whose headquarters (in LA) were designed to look like masonic symbols from an aerial view.

Hydrocephalus ago

Holy shit that was gay.

BentAxel ago

Holy shit this whole thread is gay. We are all guilty of it, but drawing attention to a post is the same as vote manipulation. It's a LOOK AT ME post. I have all the faith in the world that Voat users will sus out any bullshit, and the Great Awakening is just as much a fad as Pizzagate was.