Pudge76 ago

Thanks, Patriot!

Breadbox ago

retarded post OP

solo7 ago

ok, now I get it, but you have to wait 30 seconds before a second post and I'm a fast type'r and fast thinker.

solo7 ago

what is a ccp

Patriotic_Canadian69 ago


AuthorUnknown ago

I am glad that Q mentioned Voat. Good to see people I know again. Happy to see a similar-looking UI here. I just want to encourage anyone here with good things to say

DrShivaQ ago

Please upvote so I can post a video of Posobiec being confronted in person about Microchip fakes and the 9:41 timestamp

TrumpProphecy1 ago

The Jews are Gods chosen people. Jesus is a Jew. Dont listen to the Nazis on this site. They are cursed Forever! Genesis 12:3

TrumpProphecy1 ago

PLEASE voat me!

PatriotLady ago

I have no idea what I am doing here, except that Q sent me. I up voted posts I liked. I have not down voted anyone as I don't know how that affects the post or the poster. Q told me to meet up here with you all, so here I am.

Massalian ago

Hello! I was introduced to Q a few months ago and am completely engaged with your excellent comments! I want to share some great news from an ancient book! There is a code inside this ancient book and revealed in 2016 that: Trump would be president; HRC will go to prison; Huma Abedin is a mole; and that James Comey was paid off! I saved several of the URLS and here is one that will knock your socks off! This is truly worth watching!! Follow the letters carefully as you might want to pause to see them before the next frame! Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS26iIEX_qU

Mumbleberry ago

You are a prize qucumber, dumber than most.

elitch2 ago

Downgoats for everybody!

elitch2 ago

How's that working for you, faggot?

NewFaggot ago

Bring it on

seniorQ ago

Relax honey, I wont stick it in to far. I promise. wink wink

electronicka ago

yall got any more of them CCP??

kneo24 ago

Shalom, Kikenberg Shekelstein!. Please, tell us more about "who cares" why you try to farm for these points that you claim don't matter.

electronicka ago

I'm not farming anything I'm posting words on a screen genius

Mumbleberry ago

And how's that working out for ya?

magnetface ago

not too bright eh?

it's working out flawlessly. all of my words are on the screen

Mumbleberry ago

And your CCP is falling

magnetface ago

you aren't bright at all friend. you are over there worrying about CCP and fake internet points

what a life you are living

capnflummox ago

And you're worrying about the people worrying about CCP and fake points... you aren't living a life.

kneo24 ago

LOL They made a brand new account too.

newaccounttt ago

i did no such thing.

but if i did, it would be because this website, that is very similar to 9gag and ifunny, has a weird voting system

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ever wonder why the system is in place?

Type-o-Negative ago

Hi @Breadbox!

Breadbox ago

sup faggot

Type-o-Negative ago

Dang T _ _ _ _, that wasn't very friendly!

Well...Since I got you, when will you, erm I mean @RonaldSwansong aka @NeonRevolt going to address my allegations?

Breadbox ago

not your personal army

Type-o-Negative ago

You are absolutely correct, I do have your personal email addresses T _ _ _ _ !

Can you tell me a bit more about Hackban?

Breadbox ago

It's a bot command for prebanning someone from a discord server

Type-o-Negative ago

Why would someone need prebanned?

Breadbox ago

ban evasion among other reasons like for instance not wanting defango or baruch on your server

srayzie ago

Type-o-Negative ago

Thank you srayzie.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

sheepsexplode ago

Makes rules on sub.

Doesn’t fallow rules on site.

You Q guys ok? You seem to have some double standards.

Is it truly that inconvenient to participate in intellectual conversation to earn some points legitimately?

How many ways can we explain this to you?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Another CCP Farmer Shows Up' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by @kneo24 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#524) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Use this to get the CCPs you need' was posted in v/QRV by @2735690 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#523) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

m-axi-m ago

MAGA from North Carolina!

FrozenFire74 ago

Don't be giving us a Bad Name. Upvote farms are against Voat Policy

dunklederf ago

yes, please all new posters post here, make yourself known, so that your fellow Qanons can voat you!

ChrisTheAngler ago

Hello all newbie here. Still on 8chan and I follow Q. #WWG1WGA!!!

digitalentity1497 ago

Translation: "I'm a headless lemming."

kneo24 ago

Yes, please come here so the Voat community can downvoat you faggots into oblivion due to your consistent need to abuse the system.

electronicka ago

who cares about points and numbers and being heard and abuse and the system

nothing is real it's just condensed light and intelligence, get over it

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread, from @kneo24, refers to this:

Shalom, Kikenberg Shekelstein!. Please, tell us more about "who cares" why you try to farm for these points that you claim don't matter.

This notification (#533) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

srayzie ago

Look who the board owner is

Check out @Breadbox


SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

This notification (#551) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

kneo24 ago

I really hope Putt puts these guys in their place.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Or just go to v/introductions like a normal person... We are mostly assholes here but we're mostly not vindictive ones...

3131847 ago

Thanks. Just tried to do that but got a "need 10 CCP" error when attempting to submit.