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srayzie ago

I think theee is definitely something shady going on. I do not trust that mod team and especially Neon Revolt. But, instead of Q’s Tripcodes being hacked, it could be that he’s unaware. I’m gonna go gather some screenshots of my own. Neon Revolt is nice and comfy with the board owners in 8chan. If these guys are corrupt. And Neon Revolt is corrupt. and he’s connected to the 8chan board, Q may have no clue. I think QResearch is compromised.

I think your screenshots are awesome and you have done so good at capturing all this as it’s unfolder. Now, how do we get the attention of Q?

Aaronkin ago

No outside comms, has be done on 8han.

Are_we_sure ago

Ah, history repeating itself.

If only the Czar knew how badly the landlords treated the serfs, he would change things.

If only the Fuhrer knew how the Gestapo treated Germans, he would change things.

If only Q knew, how the mods were treating the anons, he would change things.

Type-o-Negative ago

Someone on the thread said the Q link to 8chan went redirected somewhere else.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

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TruthIsMyReligion ago

So why have a share flair on this then? Looks like you are acknowledging this Q hacked tripcode theory.

TNLunatick ago

I’m almost positive that Q is aware of everything EVERYONE is doing. Use logic. I’m going to watch it play out and see what happens.

GranimalSnake ago

I agree... there's supercomputers sitting in the NSA. They monitor everything. Q clearly has access and a team.

If there's active deception afoot, it will be uncovered. All we need to do is follow the truth straight from Q and stop worrying about these distractions... outside those people exposing them for what they are that is.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Going by this post and the creation of QRV... My logical conclusion is that this sub-verse is also comped in some way. No choice but to trust Q.

Type-o-Negative ago

I have no idea how to contact Q. Everytime I respond to his post it is always capped at 750. It is worse than trying to call a radio station trying to win free tickets.

Any 8chan people here?

KKOH ago

Maybe tweeting POTUS will get you better results.

InsaneOrange ago

When that bread gets full follow the next bread link and keep going. Don't expect a reply from Q either. It's a hit or miss since there are so many on the board.

Type-o-Negative ago

Problem is I get lost from there.

bulrush ago

8chan threads are capped at 750 replies, that's it. You have to make a new thread to maybe contact him. He might also be too busy to reply.

Type-o-Negative ago

I will try that then.

Silverlining ago

You just did - I felt my algorithm change...

BlueDrache ago

capped at 750

That's by Sharia Blue design.