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srayzie ago


Why are you sending me private messages wanting my opinion on all this when it looks like you’ve already made yourself comfortable with your CCP farms...

Want to know more about the board owner @Breadbox

Breadbox ago

I'm not the board owner retard

srayzie ago

Well I meant mod. Retard? It’s nice to know such good patriots run the official Reddit subverse.

Breadbox ago

cry some more

Type-o-Negative ago

Actually we are winning. Keep harrassing her or I will dox you.

Breadbox ago

who am I harassing now?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

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dunklederf ago

you're literally retarded nigger, this is a bait thread to downvote newfriends

Type-o-Negative ago

So you are offering health benefits then?