pairadocs ago

I still accept that I could be wrong but I would think that the Q I have come to know would know better, what the effects of a post like 2266 would have. Have you read through the posts on the home board over the last 2 hours? It doesn't even seem like he knew what we had here or the conflict that assigning his own BO from somewhere else would cause. and on a high anxiety day no less. Well its not my circus and they are not my monkeys. However, I will stand up for this sub, it's members and it's mods.

Minxy_84 ago

No judgement here. I hated yesterday's chosen questions. I would have preferred he chose any other questions. That being said I keep thinking; the general public is not ready for the truth and that disinformation is necessary.

Shilud ago

Words to live by right now "STAY CALM"..... Enjoy the show.... :-)

oddlike777 ago

Q is not one person.

enoughofthisshit ago

OK, so I've seen a lot on here the last few weeks about Q and the two awakening subs and i have a couple of questions. The GREAT awakening is like the real deal right, and the awakening is just a reddit knock-off? My other question is about Q, how does he tell us things? how do you know it's him? I mean, couldn't anyone say "Hey i'm Q" and how would you know it's not? I'm really serious, I'm not very tech minded. Thank you

pairadocs ago

Others will be better to answer this in full from a technical angle. But, thumbnail is, a special sub was set up on 8chan that has multiple safe guards so that Q is usually the only one that can post there. You can verify that a post on that board is truely him by what is called a tripcode. The correct tripcode shows that the poster has gone through all the safe guards. It is changed occasionally. The current trip code looks like this Q !!mG7VJxZNCI and will be shown on all those sites that re publish his posts. the top line of a legit post will look something like this Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cbe23c No.3128926.

common post pages include:

Otthers may have other ones

bopper ago

This is the best one here. The mod and talked about it just before she started it months ago.

Shilud ago

But are not we all a "little" nuts.?.?.? Enjoy the show...

bopper ago

Who me...

I will (enjoy the show)

AlbitEinstein ago

  1. Q has to login to an account with a password to post. The account he is using now is: !!mG7VJxZNCI, that's how you know it's Q.

  2. v/greatawakening - a community for 9 months v/theawakening - a community for 9 days You decide! But really, there is no officially endorsed source of Q info other than Q himself. ("no outside comms")

SkelSoc ago

The swamp creatures are the ones to be anxious.... not you. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the rally.

pairadocs ago


LurkMaster ago the pace of the Storm now.....

There ya go! Things will start to move faster has 'the time' comes nearer.

slanginpino ago

Why are you concerning so hard rn?

pairadocs ago

It may just be my high anxiety today. I am concerned that Qs tripcode may get comped. If you are wondering about me having a "concern troll" agenda, please look around the board or on my comments page. I think you will see that that does not fit who I am here. Thanks for checking on me. We do need to be careful.