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SearchVoatBot ago

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Wrathwake ago

P.S. Luking is vital... I still haven’t posted because they will punish you roundly if you shit in the bread!!! No complaining about boobs either. It’s the bakers paycheck! Tits or GTFO!!!!

LurkMaster ago

True! Lurk for a few weeks, then lurk some more. I have yet to make a post after lurking for months.

Oh, and don't forget. Lurk Moar!!!

Wrathwake ago

I’m completely blown away at the brilliant minds that show up there in between the shills. I’m fascinated to say the least.

Wrathwake ago

Thank you for making it easier for the uninitiated... nothing like learning on your own and getting lost in a previous bread and can’t get back to where you were! I spent hours trying to learn that. It was good discipline though.

LurkMaster ago

Exactly how I learned, trial by fire.....

Wrathwake ago

Yep... my head just can’t seem to resist a brick wall!

Gofer1 ago

Right now my only internet is on my phone. I can't get 8chan to do anything but show me some boxes with interesting pictures. I get zero actual content.

LurkMaster ago

Yea, chans are not mobile friendly at all.....

CokeOrPepe ago

Its 10 times as fun doing this on a mobile.

knarnia ago

Found it interesting to go through the posts on qresearch board, checking catalogs and hovering over crumbs, especially after the Qdrop. Did that after Qdrop 2182 as an Anon posted "911 digits Q interesting" which sparked my curiosity. I saw many Anons commented on the Qdrop 2181 Notables assigned No 3045911. Looking at time stamps of posts and comments, could see where Q team may have been monitoring (baker ?) for Anons to prove the twitter-Qdrop time stamp in 2180. Then Q dropped 2181 timed for sequential number 30-45-911. [don't know if I'm correct but what preceived hovering and reading] Based on Anon posts and Q messages, 2181 and 2182 go together. After documents are declassified as Nunes discussed in the interview, POTUS45 will be able to bring down a 911 destruction of the corrupt and traitorous officials responsible for illegal investigations and corrupt government.

ThankQ for describing the details and terminology. Previously searched the catalogs and posted in patriotsawoke. It is amazing how fast the qresearch moves, especially after a Qdrop, but searching the posts can reveal some delicious crumbs. (new to 8chan and trying to learn the terminology; this was a great assist)

Cincosiber ago


My 10 cents Is you can shorten the text loads, it repeats a bit to. I only read it didn't load the images.

Red_Piller ago

How do I save this?

LurkMaster ago

You can archive the page or click [save] under my OP at the top.

CaptnObvius ago

Does anyone know if there is an archive somewhere that contains ALL the breads baked from the beginning?

LurkMaster ago

There are archives. Not a single giant one but many.

CaptnObvius ago

Have you got a link or links? I'd like to go back and look at some particular breads.

LurkMaster ago

At the bottom of the Notables table there are links to Noteable archives and the best of the breads.

The other way is to scroll down the catalog page and find the oldest QResearch bread. See what links they have there.

CaptnObvius ago


RidingWithTheKBoys ago

Great info. Upvoting because this is important. Thank you

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Can this have a sticky and remain on top of the board?

robot7247 ago

Thx, Yes it's long but certainly not as long as it would take me to figure it out alone.

Alice89 ago

Thanks for all this info! Maybe one day I’ll try 8chan.

Labreu ago

Awesome thanks for this, it complements Katie's video nicely.


Excellent summary. I'm new to here but not the Chan's. I don't know how I missed you guys on Voat, but I like the vibe. For anyone considering 8 Chan reading notables is sound advice. Lurk and look around, it's no more scary than here. On a side note, all the refugees from Reddit got corralled to their own board 'patriots awoke'. They are currently struggling a bit with keeping things going on their board. They have been calling for bakers and/or board volunteers. If anyone here wants to give them time or guidance, hop over there to help. Q research Don' t want them shitting the bread. Thanks for guiding newbies and some oldies alike. I shall now fuck off back to lurking across all Q sites.

FLmom ago

This is AWESOME!!!!! Thank you so much! I've been to 8chan before but couldn't make much sense of it. However I noticed boop'n'butt pictures with thank you notes = must be all males.


8 Chan is all anon. They are very particular about that. The pictures of boobs are posted as thank you for the bakers. So yeah guessing more males than females. It board culture to post these pics. You should have been around a month ago. Board owner was going to have a no boobs rule, due to shills posting questionable pics, and autists downed tools. Boobgate!! lasted about a day before it was resolved. Things that don't seem to make sense on the Chan's are likely Chan culture. Misspellings on purpose,certain memes,boob pics etc. Some of it goes back years. The Chan's are last bastion of free speech on the net in my opinion. Get In there and explore it.

FLmom ago

Thank you! Going to grab my notes and give it another try!

Azurulia ago

Very under rated thread. This needs more up votes. This is actually important to know for just in case.

QPilledLib ago

I will start upvoting content like this as soon as I get enough upvotes comments.

Azurulia ago

I'm out of up votes for the day, otherwise I'd help push you along. :(

rabernet ago

Just added my upvote - this was very helpful for me!

TNLunatick ago

Ugh. I keep resisting the 8 Chan.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you, will check it out after sleep happens.