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Crensch ago

The only good Jews are the dead ones, and the unicorns that sterilize themselves, infiltrate and destroy their own kind, then gas themselves.

You know what your kind does, and you have the option of allowing it to continue, or supporting the one race that's most likely to get us off this rock before a global extinction event.

The holocaust was a hoax, and the number of people realizing this are growing exponentially.

Get fucked, kike.

VinnZoat ago

I'm 95% sure you're trolling to test me. Or, you are just completely crazy. Either way, it doesn't matter :)

Try to offend me some more!

Crensch ago

False dichotomy. I mean every word, and got here via information being available to me about your kind. You can blend in and be on the correct side of subjects and be fine here. The moment you step off into kikery, you'll be reminded to grab a towel and soap bar.

VinnZoat ago

Honestly, I have NO idea what you even have against us, or what "kikery" is supposed to be. We tend to occupy pretty powerful positions, sure. So?

Please do expand, because​ I sincerely don't know what grudge you hold against us.

ShineShooter ago

I dislike actions and ideologies which are degenerate to the righteous, loving Christian culture in the United States. I have a disdain for many ethnic Jews because of their misuse of power and a litany of other actions witch Crensch has wonderfully listed. The belief in righteousness through Christ is important to me while also being a wedge between 'your people.' I find that orthodox ashkenazi jews produce the most propaganda for the deep state and must be met with a furious righteousness in the public sphere of influence.

You don't worry me. You hold no power over Voat and are therefore not a threat

Aside from your introduction, welcome.

Crensch ago

Honestly, I have NO idea what you even have against us, or what "kikery" is supposed to be.

Pushing multiculturalism, race-mixing, globalism, victimhood narrative, or the holohoax. Pretending to be white to call out "us whites"2, having dual citizenship with your lie of a country, attacking the US from that lie of a country, being Israel-first faggots, only hiring kikes to top positions of companies you've infiltrated, subverting our government with your child-slavery-and-fucking mutual-destruction blackmail. The fact that questioning your holocaust lie is illegal, that you fucks have been removed from 359 countries you previously pulled your kike tricks in, your Loxism, and trying to genocide whites with your "open borders", and how likely it is that you'll try to Bolshevik us if you ever get real power in the US.

We tend to occupy pretty powerful positions, sure. So?

You use those positions to try and destroy non-jews and their countries. You also only hire within your own tribe, which solidifies your power hold.

You can whine about the same happening to you, but if that was the case, why did you thieving kikes get your grimy little hands on the companies, or positions in the government in the first place?

Please do expand, because​ I sincerely don't know what grudge you hold against us.

The same grudge every country you infect holds against you. You're subversive slimebags that cannot support or create a country of your own because the only thing you know how to do is be parasites. You needed to subvert the US and UN to force Palestine to give you a homeland, and you need the US to keep giving you shekels to keep your country alive.

There's more where that came from, and you're welcome to push the envelope, but you may just want to educate yourself on the situation if you're truly so out of touch, and re-examine your entire life. Your genetics subvert the one race that'll allow humanity to colonize other planets in the universe, and you do this for a stupid reason like "they're not the chosen ones, they're as good as animals"


Oh yeah, gun control2. Gas yourself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Holy shit that was a beautiful beatdown.

TruthSeeker4 ago

No, it isn't! What is wrong with you guys?!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

replying to a 1+ month old comment with a 3 hour old account.


Crensch ago

Glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully it will be a useful link for goats in the near future when confronting people about the JQ.

Crensch ago


Aside from that, let me say with utmost sincerity, that there will never be a place that you're welcome. Your welcome depends on the hosts not understanding what you are before welcoming you. Every welcome you've had is because of your lies and deception, and you and your ilk seem unfazed by this.

Any white would feel shame and attempt to remove themselves from where they're not wanted, and where their presence has caused nothing but problems for a race that could propel humanity to being a Type II civilization. A kike feels no shame in this.

Ask yourself why that is, then gas yourself.

VinnZoat ago

I appreciate your sincerity. It's nice to have an explanation of the antisemitic point of view.

@AOU @KekistanEmperor @GetWithThePogrom

Now, I recognize that we are the most powerful ethnicity relative to our size. Not only am I fine with that, I'm very proud of it.

I would like to disagree with this however:

and where their presence has caused nothing but problems for a race that could propel humanity to being a Type II civilization

First, we have done a lot of good. We are at the top of pretty good reasons, you know. We are only a few millions, yet occupy the world's topmost positions. We are scientists, CEOs, ministers, bankers... the world runs on Jews. Remove us, and everything collapses. Science, banking, industry, economy, everything. We'll see how far you go in your fairy-tale of a 'space conquest' without literally every aspect of modern civilization. Or actually, we won't; because we ain't going away anytime soon. We're here to stay, whether you like it or not ;)

And now, on a more personal note: the concept that individuals within a race can hold personal opinions apparently seems alien to you. Some Jews hate whites, some whites hate Jews; everyone has the right to think as they please. I personally don't hate whites in the slightest; in fact I consider myself white, because I'm just as much of European descent as of Jewish descent. Both are part of my identity.

I'll add a little something to conclude. You've made an excellent point for the state of Israel! Your arguments all go to show why we can't really trust other countries. Germany betrayed us during WWII; who's to say this won't happen again? I used to think it was impossible, but your nice little essay has just convinced me it actually is possible. It could happen again, so long as nutjobs like you continue existing. Note that I say nutjobs like you; not whites, because I have nothing against whites. But people like you make more to deter the human race's progress than pretty much everyone; whining slobs who are sad not to be powerful and chose to reject the blame of their own failures onto us, who actually are successful.

I'm both sad for you, and enjoying your own pathetic situation. You are so frustrated with your life. Everything is wrong, and of course it's because of the Jews. So you rant on the internet, because you just need to let the anger out... you can't actually go in the street and hit Jews, not because you're a moral human being, but because you'd go to jail, and a coward like you is afraid of that. I'm sure you have considered suicide, but the reason you haven't acted on it yet is the same as above: you're too scared. Terribly scared. And a scared animal is very, very dangerous.

If you care so much about that space conquest of yours, how about you man up and get to work? Maybe it'd go better if you developed that brain of yours, and actually used it for something useful. Go ahead, start working! I'll be watching from my office, lighting a cigar with dollar bills while I discuss the next step of world domination with my globalist kike friends ;)

Tallest_Skil ago

First, we have done a lot of good.

Citation needed, kike.

We are at the top of pretty good reasons, you know.

Nepotism is the only one.

We are only a few millions

A few millions too many.

We are scientists

Plagiarism isn’t science.


Fucking zionist heretic “jews are still chosen” kike demon.


No shit.

the world runs on Jews

And when you die it will run better.

Remove us


and everything collapses

lol, no. We’d rather be free. You invented nothing.

We’ll see how far you go in your fairy-tale of a ‘space conquest’ without literally every aspect of modern civilization

Reminder that it was whites who got us to the Moon, not kikes.

because we ain’t going away anytime soon

You’re so fucking TERRIFIED that you have to say this to self-actualize yourself!

Some Jews hate whites


I personally don’t hate whites in the slightest

No one believes you.

in fact I consider myself white

Science doesn't give a fuck. You are not white.

Both are part of my identity.

Kill yourself, globalist traitor.

Germany betrayed us during WWII


you can’t actually go in the street and hit Jews

Self-actualization. You have fewer than 20 years to live.

VIP740 ago

You're fun. I hope you stick around!

VinnZoat ago

Thanks :)! I just looked at your comments and you seem like a nice guy. I might stick around on some of the smaller subverses; I hope you do too!

My reply rubbed many of these guys wrong, but then again, that was the point. It seems some of them have trouble detecting sarcasm ;)

Crensch ago

Thank you so much for writing this. Most here haven't had direct confirmation of what you kikes really are, and now they do. This might be the only thing you should ever be proud of: helping to redpill more users here where Jews are concerned.

Trs0817 ago

you can't actually go in the street and hit Jews, not because you're a moral human being, but because you'd go to jail, and a coward like you is afraid of that. I'm sure you have considered suicide, but the reason you haven't acted on it yet is the same as above: you're too scared. Terribly scared. And a scared animal is very, very dangerous...

...I'll be watching from my office, lighting a cigar with dollar bills while I discuss the next step of world domination with my globalist kike friends ;)

This type of shit is exactly why people fucking hate Jews

Crensch ago

Now, I recognize that we are the most powerful ethnicity relative to our size. Not only am I fine with that, I'm very proud of it.

Only a Jew would be proud of your history.

First, we have done a lot of good. We are at the top of pretty good reasons, you know.

No, you haven't, and what?

We are only a few millions, yet occupy the world's topmost positions.

Hiring only Jews when whites will hire whomever is qualified tends to work out that way, doesn't it?

We are scientists, CEOs, ministers, bankers... the world runs on Jews.

You're psychologists, CEOs are psychopaths, your ministers suck baby penis in a disgusting paedophilic ritual called metzitzah b'peh, and your bankers destroy strong economies. The world doesn't run on Jews, it grinds to a halt.

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

Remove us, and everything collapses. Science, banking, industry, economy, everything.

No, it all works fine without you. It did for hundreds of years without your influence. You used WWII to peddle your holocaust lie to gain entry into the US and sympathy from the civilians.

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

We'll see how far you go in your fairy-tale of a 'space conquest' without literally every aspect of modern civilization. Or actually, we won't; because we ain't going away anytime soon. We're here to stay, whether you like it or not ;)

Literally every aspect of modern civilization was made without you contributing a god damn thing. Of course we won't get off this rock, if we don't rid ourselves of the most dangerous plague to humanity since at least 733BCE.

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

And now, on a more personal note: the concept that individuals within a race can hold personal opinions apparently seems alien to you. Some Jews hate whites, some whites hate Jews; everyone has the right to think as they please.

I don't care what you're virtue-signalling at the time, you're all either narcissistic, psychopathic, or both, and you all favour your subversive tribe over races that are better than you, and better for humanity than you.

Here we see you trying to pull this "not all Jews are like that" trope that reminds me of the "not all muslims" these days. No, enough of you are outright degenerates trying to harm whites that we're justified in rejecting ALL of you; and the rest of your populations don't speak ill of the ones obviously against us, and even support them.

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

I personally don't hate whites in the slightest; in fact I consider myself white, because I'm just as much of European descent as of Jewish descent. Both are part of my identity.

Your Jewish half will get you gassed, since it's defective. Be "proud" of that half while you still can, kike. Any pureblood or even mostly-European person would be ashamed of the kike history, but you? You're a poster child for why mixbreeds get the full-oven treatment.

I'll add a little something to conclude. You've made an excellent point for the state of Israel!

Maybe as a disease/drug testing site, or a zoo. Maybe as a Truman-Show-style freakshow of a "country".

Your arguments all go to show why we can't really trust other countries.

Yes, this lovely host country that has done you no wrong, and HELPED you achieve more than you pathetic kikes could ever achieve on your own is the one that's untrustworthy. You kikes attacked us without provocation. Do I need to link my comment again?

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

Germany betrayed us during WWII; who's to say this won't happen again?

"But goyim, muh germany and trust issues so we must destroy you so it doesn't happen again".

Germany kicked you out for being subversive kikes, like the rest of these countries that figured out what you were doing.

Maybe if you Jews could put in an honest day's work and stop stealing and lying and sucking baby penis for a few decades, you'd find a host country that wouldn't mind keeping you around. But you don't.

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

I used to think it was impossible, but your nice little essay has just convinced me it actually is possible. It could happen again, so long as nutjobs like you continue existing. Note that I say nutjobs like you; not whites, because I have nothing against whites. But people like you make more to deter the human race's progress than pretty much everyone; whining slobs who are sad not to be powerful and chose to reject the blame of their own failures onto us, who actually are successful.

A white provides evidence of a Jew's misdeeds, and this is what the Jew responds with. I'm a "nutjob" because I can look at what's happening and say, "those people are not good for whites, they're acting in ways that should be considered declarations of war".

"I'm very proud of it." - only a Jew would be.

I'm both sad for you, and enjoying your own pathetic situation. You are so frustrated with your life. Everything is wrong, and of course it's because of the Jews. So you rant on the internet, because you just need to let the anger out... you can't actually go in the street and hit Jews, not because you're a moral human being, but because you'd go to jail, and a coward like you is afraid of that. I'm sure you have considered suicide, but the reason you haven't acted on it yet is the same as above: you're too scared. Terribly scared. And a scared animal is very, very dangerous.

This is about what your kind has contributed to the (((science))) of psychology.

Note to readers that this kike is basically saying he's proud of all these things. He's not attempting to prove any of them wrong, he's PROUD of them.


Note that I say nutjobs like you; not whites, because I have nothing against whites.

I'm very proud of it.

"I don't dislike whites, and I'll call you a nutjob for believing these things you have sources for, but I'm proud of what Jews have done"

Only a Jew would be.

If you care so much about that space conquest of yours, how about you man up and get to work?

Because subversive kikes are trying to topple my government, turn it into a Bolshevik 2.0, and they'll succeed before colonization can be realized if people like me don't call you hook-nosed degenerates out.

Maybe it'd go better if you developed that brain of yours, and actually used it for something useful. Go ahead, start working! I'll be watching from my office, lighting a cigar with dollar bills while I discuss the next step of world domination with my globalist kike friends ;)

Readers: This is your "based Jewish friend". This is your "I don't hate whites" Jewish neighbor. This is your holocaust-toting Jewish actor.

Nothing but contempt for goyim. No excuses for their behaviour, no support of anything showing anything here to be wrong. Not even attempting to do so. They accept it, then say:

"I'm very proud of it."

VinnZoat ago

You're pretty funny, you know.

I'm proud of our success, but I deny the existence of many things you described, and am completely against most of the others. I campaign against Communism whenever I get the chance and I'm a Trump supporter. I'm against mass immigration of unqualified individuals in pretty much every country. I support traditional marriage and gender roles. I dislike interracial marriages, although I still think people should have the right to do as they please.

But since you wanted to hate, I gave you reasons to. Most of those you cited are low-quality conspiracy theories. If you had brains instead of claws, maybe you'd realize that a poorly-edited picture with superimposed text does not count as evidence. People like you tend to use them because you can't be bothered to read an actual academic paper or a book. You're too busy hating on strangers.

I'm pretty sure your parents had a poor relationship. So much anger, so much frustration. Did they divorce? Did they want to abort you? No siblings, or no relationship with them?

Oh, I know. You were picked on at school, like so many of your fellow failures. You were that awkward kid everybody hated and now you want revenge. And of course it's the Jews' fault. Everything is, for people like you.

I didn't come here looking for confrontation. But if you want trouble you'll find it.

By the way, telling me to gas myself isn't very effective, as I appear to still be unharmed. Try a different strategy.

Crensch ago

I'm proud of our success

You've had none. Your successes are things that would turn a human's stomach. It does nothing to a Jew, though.

but I deny the existence of many things you described

You sure didn't the first time around. Only when called out for being a kike did you backpedal on that.

I campaign against Communism whenever I get the chance and I'm a Trump supporter.

Kikes lie.

I'm against mass immigration of unqualified individuals in pretty much every country.

Yet you're proud of your people that cause it in pretty much every country. How awesome of you.

I support traditional marriage and gender roles. I dislike interracial marriages

Yet you're proud of your people that push feminist/anti-white bullshit. How Jewish of you.

But since you wanted to hate, I gave you reasons to.

You didn't give me anything. You did your best to subvert this website and got utterly rejected.

Most of those you cited are low-quality conspiracy theories.

No, they're facts. How Jewish of you to claim "conspiracy theory" about your people.

If you had brains instead of claws, maybe you'd realize that a poorly-edited picture with superimposed text does not count as evidence.

Nah, but if what it says is true, I can support that later. Not that I really need to here, because most of it is pretty well known to be true.

People like you tend to use them because you can't be bothered to read an actual academic paper or a book. You're too busy hating on strangers.

Most won't stare at a book to prove their preconceived notions wrong. A few image macros here and there do wonders for that. The fact that I can point to the text about each of those is really all that matters here.

I'm pretty sure your parents had a poor relationship.

Pretty sure yours were kikes and race-traitors.

So much anger, so much frustration. Did they divorce? Did they want to abort you? No siblings, or no relationship with them?

Oh, I know. You were picked on at school, like so many of your fellow failures. You were that awkward kid everybody hated and now you want revenge. And of course it's the Jews' fault. Everything is, for people like you.

Freud was a Jewish crackpot that more or less spawned the (((science))) of psychology, and here you are following his footsteps. How trite.

I didn't come here looking for confrontation. But if you want trouble you'll find it.

You came here to subvert the users of this website, and you found trouble. Nobody wants to be your friend, nobody will accept a kike, or any of your kikery.

By the way, telling me to gas myself isn't very effective, as I appear to still be unharmed. Try a different strategy.

Don't worry, you likely won't die a natural death anyway.

VinnZoat ago

Yet you're proud of your people that cause it in pretty much every country. How awesome of you.

No I'm not.

Yet you're proud of your people that push feminist/anti-white bullshit. How Jewish of you.

No I'm not.

Pretty sure yours were kikes and race-traitors.

Can confirm they were kikes. 10/10 logic here, Sherlock.

Not that I really need to here, because most of it is pretty well known to be true.

Oh really? That's probably why many of your theories are rejected by the vast majority of scholars. There is truth to some of them, of course. But others are mere products of hatred and insanity, like denying the holocaust or thinking we have a world domination plan. You'd get laughed at if you said things like that in any major, or even half-decent university. Then you'd go to jail for holocaust denial if you are in a European country. Luckily for you, you're in the USA, so you'd only get ridiculed.

Crensch ago

like denying the holocaust

What, of the holocaust, do you believe is true, kike?

You'd get laughed at if you said things like that in any major, or even half-decent university.

Have you seen what passes as a university lately?

Then you'd go to jail for holocaust denial if you are in a European country. Luckily for you, you're in the USA, so you'd only get ridiculed.

I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you, Jew?

VinnZoat ago

What, of the holocaust, do you believe is true, kike?

~6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany and its allies in death camps, by firing squads, through starvation, through suffocation, by being beaten to death during pogroms, etc. Historians are right.

Besides, a large part of my family were murdered during the Holocaust. What do you think, that they all just vanished or live underground in Israel?

Have you seen what passes as a university lately?

Good point. But social science and history are very different things.

I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you, Jew?

I wouldn't just like that. I'd enjoy it immensely. One can dream...

Crensch ago

~6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany and its allies in death camps, by firing squads, through starvation, through suffocation, by being beaten to death during pogroms, etc. Historians are right.

You like the 6 million number, and the idea of death camps.

Why don't I see showers and gas chambers here? Don't get lazy and "etc." this shit unless you want to accept the whole narrative. In which case you have to defend the whole narrative.

VinnZoat ago

I guess you didn't look hard enough. There's evidence all over the place. Testimonies from German operators, from G.I.s, pieces of equipment, stories told by survivors.

You seem to think I have to defend the narrative; I don't. You're the one who's contradicting literally 95% of scholars and history books. The burden of proof is on you, not me. If you claimed general relativity isn't real, I wouldn't have to prove you wrong; you would have to prove your own claims.

But you'll always mention 'evidence' that supports your own view, and say nothing of the mountains of documents that contradict it. I'm done arguing here. I won't convince you and you won't convince me. See you elsewhere on voat, maybe.

Crensch ago

I guess you didn't look hard enough. There's evidence all over the place. Testimonies from German operators, from G.I.s, pieces of equipment, stories told by survivors.

Yet you have provided none here.

You seem to think I have to defend the narrative; I don't.

Yeah, you do. You have to tell me what parts of it you find compelling, because if I disprove death rollercoasters and cremations, you'll kike to the gas chambers and lampshades.

Tell me. What. You. Find. Compelling.

What you, personally, believe is true about it.

You're the one who's contradicting literally 95% of scholars and history books.

((())) yeah, I am.

he burden of proof is on you, not me. If you claimed general relativity isn't real, I wouldn't have to prove you wrong; you would have to prove your own claims.

You would have to explain what about it you believe is not real, unless you think the whole thing is a hoax, in which case, I would have to show that general relativity is, at the very least, useful in GPS calculations.

Then you'd claim GPS was a lie, and I would prove that it was not.

So, if you think every claim about the holohoax is real, then I will happily disprove some parts of it. Then when you come back for X Y and Z, you will have no credibility left to raise an objection, because you owned the whole of the narrative.

Is that what you want, kike?

Will you own it when I show that the gas chamber couldn't possibly be real? That the "starving" wasn't purposely done to the Jews? That there were no death camps? That the number 6 million is beyond grossly exaggerated?

Will you own it? Or will you start talking about the ovens and torture?

You're a kike, so I don't believe you anyway, but you get to write it out here regardless.

But you'll always mention 'evidence' that supports your own view, and say nothing of the mountains of documents that contradict it.

Strangely absent.

I'm done arguing here. I won't convince you and you won't convince me. See you elsewhere on voat, maybe.

See you as your life flashes before your eyes as the oven turns on, kike.

Kal ago

You can't go around calling yourself god's chosen people without rubbing others the wrong way.

The "we're better than you" attitude that is on full display here is exactly what stirs shit up.

Scablifter ago

He made this post just to say he and his religion are the best, thats all, it's a setup job. Plus, Israel did not exist until after WWII.

But anyway, welcome to Voat.

AOU ago

That's when you know you've been kekiked.