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14088253? ago

He's right, though. /v/GreatAwakening has been compromised since inception. Since you guys joined Voat, it only got more blatant, because they think they don't have to hide from the oldfags anymore. The names he listed are known alts of the same account, and he doesn't really understand that the SBBH crew is less than 20 people.

I did a test yesterday of their effectiveness in downvoat brigading. I have karma to burn, so I wanted to see how badly they could brigade me if I flat-out goaded them into a downvoat party while they were reeling from the flood of new users. One user was so triggered, he made the comment into a new thread in /v/whatever, which added to the attention the post received. the sum total of their force, even when fully-advertised on the site proper, is 46 downvoats total. All the other comments I made in the thread only got 10 downvoats each, which means that their actual non-brigading army is about 10 people maximum.

Let that sink in, newbies. There are 1,874 people in /v/QRV right now. We outnumber them 12 to 1 right now on average. 20 to 1 (or more!) during peak times. in 2 weeks, when all you newbies have more than 100 Comment Contribution Points, You'll be able to downvoat as well. They're terrified of that fact.

14088581? ago

Ok whoever you are. You can just fuck off right to reddit or tel aviv. PUTT is not stupid. He's monitoring things.

Please don't do this. If that's neon, he sounds fucked up. If it's someone else he sounds like a paid shill. Do not do this, please.

14089028? ago

Look at this little Voater beg anonymously. You even said please. I don't think I've ever heard someone say please on this site in the 3 and a half years I've been here.

Putt is on our side, BTW.