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14088253? ago

He's right, though. /v/GreatAwakening has been compromised since inception. Since you guys joined Voat, it only got more blatant, because they think they don't have to hide from the oldfags anymore. The names he listed are known alts of the same account, and he doesn't really understand that the SBBH crew is less than 20 people.

I did a test yesterday of their effectiveness in downvoat brigading. I have karma to burn, so I wanted to see how badly they could brigade me if I flat-out goaded them into a downvoat party while they were reeling from the flood of new users. One user was so triggered, he made the comment into a new thread in /v/whatever, which added to the attention the post received. the sum total of their force, even when fully-advertised on the site proper, is 46 downvoats total. All the other comments I made in the thread only got 10 downvoats each, which means that their actual non-brigading army is about 10 people maximum.

Let that sink in, newbies. There are 1,874 people in /v/QRV right now. We outnumber them 12 to 1 right now on average. 20 to 1 (or more!) during peak times. in 2 weeks, when all you newbies have more than 100 Comment Contribution Points, You'll be able to downvoat as well. They're terrified of that fact.

14090928? ago

the sum total of their force, even when fully-advertised on the site proper, is 46 downvoats total

Not even close. That is just a message being sent. Keep pushing.

Let that sink in, newbies. There are 1,874 people in /v/QRV right now.

And that is not your personal army. No one gives a shit about you anymore. You're constant namefagging, famefagging, and drama has made everyone see you for the narcissist you are.

You're fake news and your 15 minutes are up. No one is looking to divide the community. We are just not going to put up with your shit.

14106246? ago

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14091580? ago

Don't you understand? I'm seriously trying to push. I have enough karma to burn for weeks of these threads. I'm literally willing to sacrifice my account to find out.

They're not pushing back. There aren't enough of you to push back. That's what makes all your words meaningless; I can measure you.

14093547? ago

I can measure you.

1) you don't gain or lose karma in anon threads dummy. There is no point in mobilizing people for something that serves no purpose

2) no one is in the mood to risk a ban at this point

14106228? ago

which means your empty threat of "That is just a message being sent. Keep pushing." was a lie. I'm still pushing in /v/whatever and /v/politics, which are your last safe spaces. and nothing's being done. -46 is the best you can do. That'll be simple to counteract in a week from now when all these newbies have 100CCP or more.

14106938? ago

-46 is the best you can do.

I have 250 alts that are capable of downvoting. And that is just me.

You better get busy.

14122175? ago

Hopefully, you're behind 7 proxies as well.

Fire at will, junior. pick any of my posts. you know who I am. Bombs away!

14124190? ago

Actually no I don't know who you are. I am just saying that the old goats have far more firepower than you think they do.

14137510? ago

If you don't know who I am, you're bad at reading.

Bombs. Away. Make it fucking happen or GTFO. Our house now.

14138932? ago

Our house now.


Tell you what - make a post in v/whatever under your main account. Declare victory over Voat. Call the site out publicly. Show us all how powerful you are. Otherwise go back to bitching on your blog about how no one appreciates what a martyr you are.


14141319? ago

You can't read, moron. It already happened.

14141857? ago


14146928? ago

Jesus christ you must be new to voat with all 200 of your alts. You can't scroll up.

14148452? ago

Go cry on your blog.

14154152? ago

So, no alts, and not smart enough to use them anyway. Got it.

14154183? ago

How's your reputation on this site doing?

14158050? ago

No change. Bombs Away!

14106770? ago


14090216? ago

V/greatawakening is not compromised. Reddit wants you to believe that though.

14091081? ago

Remember, I'm a user of 3.6 years saying this. This isn't reddit talking.

I used to think srayzie was on the up-and-up until I saw her add known shills and SBBH alum (The terrorists of Voat) to the moderator list, people I called-out for being concern trolls, after the Q migration happened. None of the newbies understood what was happening, but it was clear as day to myself and a few others. Our contributions to the subverse slowed considerably since the migration.

However, their counter-op they launched to subvert /v/theawakening showed the truth about TA's moderation team as well. Plus, there's so few of the drama starters/participants, that if they're being highlighted amongst the flood of new posts/users, that means someone is promoting them to be there, meaning, unless the promoted people are @SerialBrain2 and the like, the subverse is compromised.

Both sides (/v/GreatAwakening and /v/TheAwakening) are poisoned, and /v/QRV is the only subverse that isn't compromised yet. That's why we're all in here now.

14094734? ago

Ok ok ok! You could be a sleeper account too!

Or you could just well be one of the users who always gets targeted.

Post your alt mr know it all!

14099727? ago

you know exactly who I am.

14100344? ago

As you know me!

14106179? ago

Right, and you still aren't addressing the concerns I brought up, which means you're acquiescing to them.

14107152? ago

I didn’t do any of those things!

Ah! So you must be one of the mods from her or TA. Good one!

14109432? ago

You know who I am, and now you pretend I'm someone else.
You know you're guilty of all of the above.
You know Q had to step-in because of bullshit you and NR pulled.
You wasted resources, and literally wasted POTUS' time.
And now you want us to pretend it didn't happen.

14110302? ago

That is for giving me more credit than I thought I had!

You are such a drama ahead fag that you are almost lovely!

14111816? ago

Just stating the facts, ma'am.

14112043? ago

Then I must be some tranny whachamacallit it with a dick ... hmmm

14088581? ago

Ok whoever you are. You can just fuck off right to reddit or tel aviv. PUTT is not stupid. He's monitoring things.

Please don't do this. If that's neon, he sounds fucked up. If it's someone else he sounds like a paid shill. Do not do this, please.

14089028? ago

Look at this little Voater beg anonymously. You even said please. I don't think I've ever heard someone say please on this site in the 3 and a half years I've been here.

Putt is on our side, BTW.