14103836? ago

The pity party for this was last week. I sent the memo. If he is doing faulty research that is one thing. Looks like he is smart enough to market his wares and bring awareness to more normies so it helps the cause. His is still a cryin little bitch for whining about us goat not playing fair with him and his followers. You should have examined the plumbing here before you set up shop. Fuck the car he should have paid someone to make his own Q forum. In the end he broke a code of conduct that most smart people know here. Don't be a Nigger, Or Beg for Gibs.

14103841? ago

You forgot to say joo!

You ain’t a goat, poser!

14093893? ago

YeAh I know NeonRenolg is a chiLL, and He iiss EaTing BaBieS, and KiLliNg Old LadiEs and aNd And RaPing lille GiRlz!! DowNvOte him, DownVoTe Him to heLL! We Hate MosSad AgeNts lIke him ANd Jooos!

14090814? ago

Look – and I’m not trying to relate myself to any Saint with the analogy here, so… understand me in context here – but part of the reason the Gospels are considered accurate is because they make the Apostles look bad.

@neonrevolt: "I am not trying to say I am an apostle, but I am an apostle of Christ

Is this nigger serious?

14091577? ago

@NeonRevolt sucks his own asshole

14089423? ago

@neonrevolt here,

I would like to clear up some accusations about me that are simply not true.

I was simply defending myself against the onslaught of users who systematically downvote my posts to prevent me from speaking. I never told my readers to brigade or attack these users. I would never do that. Division is the last thing I want. I contacted the Admins but I fear they are in on it. With Reddit and now VOAT attacking me, I am forced to reconsider where I post my opinions. It's important that you hear the whole story so listen closely to what I am about to say;

Soros came into my room to bring me a plate of Kebab and I literally screamed at him and hit the plate of Kebab out of his hand. He started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on him. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my master but I'm literally in shock from reaction on VOAT. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck are Jews losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want a Jew to be charge of VOAT and fix this broken websit. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Jews were in control? This is so fucked.

Now that you know the full story, I hope you understand why I've been stressed out lately. Please remember that I'm still the same old Neon you all know and love. I may be a Jew but I'm also human.

Thank you

14093681? ago

Just thank you. This is truly a piece of art. Well written and very very funny. And it teaches us something about neonrevolt. All in one story. Amazing stuff.

14090138? ago

Brilliant! Just Bravo!

14088673? ago


14088471? ago

WWG1WGA. Remember Q said United We Stand WW.

14088253? ago

He's right, though. /v/GreatAwakening has been compromised since inception. Since you guys joined Voat, it only got more blatant, because they think they don't have to hide from the oldfags anymore. The names he listed are known alts of the same account, and he doesn't really understand that the SBBH crew is less than 20 people.

I did a test yesterday of their effectiveness in downvoat brigading. I have karma to burn, so I wanted to see how badly they could brigade me if I flat-out goaded them into a downvoat party while they were reeling from the flood of new users. One user was so triggered, he made the comment into a new thread in /v/whatever, which added to the attention the post received. the sum total of their force, even when fully-advertised on the site proper, is 46 downvoats total. All the other comments I made in the thread only got 10 downvoats each, which means that their actual non-brigading army is about 10 people maximum.

Let that sink in, newbies. There are 1,874 people in /v/QRV right now. We outnumber them 12 to 1 right now on average. 20 to 1 (or more!) during peak times. in 2 weeks, when all you newbies have more than 100 Comment Contribution Points, You'll be able to downvoat as well. They're terrified of that fact.

14090928? ago

the sum total of their force, even when fully-advertised on the site proper, is 46 downvoats total

Not even close. That is just a message being sent. Keep pushing.

Let that sink in, newbies. There are 1,874 people in /v/QRV right now.

And that is not your personal army. No one gives a shit about you anymore. You're constant namefagging, famefagging, and drama has made everyone see you for the narcissist you are.

You're fake news and your 15 minutes are up. No one is looking to divide the community. We are just not going to put up with your shit.

14106246? ago

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14091580? ago

Don't you understand? I'm seriously trying to push. I have enough karma to burn for weeks of these threads. I'm literally willing to sacrifice my account to find out.

They're not pushing back. There aren't enough of you to push back. That's what makes all your words meaningless; I can measure you.

14093547? ago

I can measure you.

1) you don't gain or lose karma in anon threads dummy. There is no point in mobilizing people for something that serves no purpose

2) no one is in the mood to risk a ban at this point

14106228? ago

which means your empty threat of "That is just a message being sent. Keep pushing." was a lie. I'm still pushing in /v/whatever and /v/politics, which are your last safe spaces. and nothing's being done. -46 is the best you can do. That'll be simple to counteract in a week from now when all these newbies have 100CCP or more.

14106938? ago

-46 is the best you can do.

I have 250 alts that are capable of downvoting. And that is just me.

You better get busy.

14122175? ago

Hopefully, you're behind 7 proxies as well.

Fire at will, junior. pick any of my posts. you know who I am. Bombs away!

14124190? ago

Actually no I don't know who you are. I am just saying that the old goats have far more firepower than you think they do.

14137510? ago

If you don't know who I am, you're bad at reading.

Bombs. Away. Make it fucking happen or GTFO. Our house now.

14138932? ago

Our house now.


Tell you what - make a post in v/whatever under your main account. Declare victory over Voat. Call the site out publicly. Show us all how powerful you are. Otherwise go back to bitching on your blog about how no one appreciates what a martyr you are.


14141319? ago

You can't read, moron. It already happened.

14141857? ago


14146928? ago

Jesus christ you must be new to voat with all 200 of your alts. You can't scroll up.

14148452? ago

Go cry on your blog.

14154152? ago

So, no alts, and not smart enough to use them anyway. Got it.

14154183? ago

How's your reputation on this site doing?

14158050? ago

No change. Bombs Away!

14106770? ago


14090216? ago

V/greatawakening is not compromised. Reddit wants you to believe that though.

14091081? ago

Remember, I'm a user of 3.6 years saying this. This isn't reddit talking.

I used to think srayzie was on the up-and-up until I saw her add known shills and SBBH alum (The terrorists of Voat) to the moderator list, people I called-out for being concern trolls, after the Q migration happened. None of the newbies understood what was happening, but it was clear as day to myself and a few others. Our contributions to the subverse slowed considerably since the migration.

However, their counter-op they launched to subvert /v/theawakening showed the truth about TA's moderation team as well. Plus, there's so few of the drama starters/participants, that if they're being highlighted amongst the flood of new posts/users, that means someone is promoting them to be there, meaning, unless the promoted people are @SerialBrain2 and the like, the subverse is compromised.

Both sides (/v/GreatAwakening and /v/TheAwakening) are poisoned, and /v/QRV is the only subverse that isn't compromised yet. That's why we're all in here now.

14094734? ago

Ok ok ok! You could be a sleeper account too!

Or you could just well be one of the users who always gets targeted.

Post your alt mr know it all!

14099727? ago

you know exactly who I am.

14100344? ago

As you know me!

14106179? ago

Right, and you still aren't addressing the concerns I brought up, which means you're acquiescing to them.

14107152? ago

I didn’t do any of those things!

Ah! So you must be one of the mods from her or TA. Good one!

14109432? ago

You know who I am, and now you pretend I'm someone else.
You know you're guilty of all of the above.
You know Q had to step-in because of bullshit you and NR pulled.
You wasted resources, and literally wasted POTUS' time.
And now you want us to pretend it didn't happen.

14110302? ago

That is for giving me more credit than I thought I had!

You are such a drama ahead fag that you are almost lovely!

14111816? ago

Just stating the facts, ma'am.

14112043? ago

Then I must be some tranny whachamacallit it with a dick ... hmmm

14088581? ago

Ok whoever you are. You can just fuck off right to reddit or tel aviv. PUTT is not stupid. He's monitoring things.

Please don't do this. If that's neon, he sounds fucked up. If it's someone else he sounds like a paid shill. Do not do this, please.

14089028? ago

Look at this little Voater beg anonymously. You even said please. I don't think I've ever heard someone say please on this site in the 3 and a half years I've been here.

Putt is on our side, BTW.

14088158? ago

This is all making celebrities out of molehills. Have to read many sources to get truth and be skeptical of anyone telling you not to.

14088129? ago

I always liked Neon, but he has been acting odd the last couple of weeks. It seems like he was trying to prevent his subscribers from subbing to QRV, as if his sub was better, despite Q themselves telling us to regroup at QRV. Maybe he feels he is being attacked, or maybe he is having a power trip from building a voat fleet and losing it in under a week.

His merch also comes off as sketchy. I get it, "he has to buy a server" or whatever, but merch costs money to sell. I bet he isn't maming those hoodies himself, so who is making them and how much are they pocketing? Is he pocketing any of the money? Like I said, I've always liked him, but his recent actions are sketchy and have done nothing more than divide our movement.

Even if he is well intentioned, he needs to get his act together or we will leave him behind. Just like Q has warned, there are people who will seem like patriots to gain a huge following only to turn mainstream when it suits them, and we are considering everyone because of our diminished trust at the moment.

14090978? ago

he is having a power trip from building a voat fleet and losing it in under a week.


His merch also comes off as sketchy. I get it, "he has to buy a server" or whatever, but merch costs money to sell. I bet he isn't maming those hoodies himself, so who is making them and how much are they pocketing? Is he pocketing any of the money? Like I said, I've always liked him, but his recent actions are sketchy and have done nothing more than divide our movement.

Q said to beware of paytriots

Just like Q has warned, there are people who will seem like patriots to gain a huge following only to turn mainstream when it suits them

Guess he was talking about @neonrevolt

14088034? ago

I will just leave this post here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2733590


That said, I’m… really disappointed with this next batch of drops. Possibly the most disappointed I’ve ever been. I’m just not seeing anything tremendous in these, and I’ve never said this in an article before, but I wouldn’t mind if you just skipped this article.

So, now that NR has thrown in 100% with the cancermods, and been exposed as very likely being one of the cancer mods, now suddenly he's "disappointed" and gone full concern troll. I wish I was surprised about this, but not.

14087819? ago

spend less time worrying about Neon and more time worrying about the deep state.

14090226? ago

He works for them. So we can cover both at the same time!

14090845? ago

lol - I'm not sold on Neon being an enemy operative but if you got proof or what not, I won't be like others to shoot you down. I'll be open minded and hear you out ;) Cheers.

14094746? ago

Prove Q is real first!

14100404? ago

Go dig up the proofs for yourself. Go take the time to read the Q posts and do the research. I'm not going to waste my time when the information is out there already.

14101322? ago

Exactly, so why are you asking me for gibs?

14087709? ago

This pansy-assed moron granny (who lives in a shoe) would be most gratified if all shit-talkers would attempt to beef up their communication skills. Ho, do we have to sift through the 'midden" (look it up) to find treasure on this platform. Builds calluses, I'm sure; however, many of you fooks could use some exfoliation, and an enema!

14087690? ago

What is your problem. Neon Revolt runs a great site and has been a great help in decoding the messages. You sound angry and doing exactly what the ignorant left do, trying to get us to group think your animosity towards another Patriot.

14091038? ago

He is mentally ill. On his latest blog he spends 5-6 paragraphs convincing himself and everyone else that he is some kind of martyr. He even compares himself to the disciples of Jesus.

Who follows a narcissist like this? Obvious personality disorder is obvious.

@neonrevolt you are mentally ill and need help.

14090245? ago

He cribs his material from honest and hard working researchers.

So why are you defending him?

14087583? ago

Let Neon be Neon. He has a right to think things through just like we do. All of us are dusting off our brains and escaping the group think mind set that has long been forced upon us. We can evaluate, verify and share data among us and work to arrive at the truth.

14090279? ago

He cribs his material off others hard work!

14087416? ago

Now...all I've got to spew is that with the perceivable level of wit-fuckery afoot, we've got a bit more un-fucking of ourselves before MAGA manifests. Salve.

14087293? ago

Can we make a list of the anti-Q folks out there so we can at least approach their content with that foresight? Not as a doxxing thing, but info sharing. I'll start... Jack Posobiec, Scott Adams, Titus Frost, Alex Jones

14090326? ago

14087159? ago

REMEMBER there are shills creating discord amongst the Q movement here and will use any opportunity to gain leverage from such things and create chaos ... DON’T buy into it !!

Ignore it.

Whatever views you have, they are no more or less valid that NeonRevolt.

Buying his merchandise is OPTIONAL- he doesn’t paywall his information unlike some others and has obvious running costs.

Too many supposedly ‘woke’ people here not using their brains and lacking savvy.

Move on - don’t help the shills any more guys !!

14091049? ago

Buying his merchandise is OPTIONAL- he doesn’t paywall his information unlike some others and has obvious running costs.

I bought one of his T-shirts and it gave me a rash.

14090332? ago

Don’t buy his T shirts and hoodies!

Don’t buy into his content is all original!

14088074? ago


@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

But we're supposed to move on while he's still active and blogging about trying to upvote brigade him while hinting that others should be downvoted? Kek.

This isn't going away until almost every comment in these threads is against Neon. Why? Because Neon continues to double-down on attacking Voat and the goats here.

14088904? ago

Shut up you kike shill cunt

14088988? ago

Nice try on the consensus cracking, Neon. Only Jews don't learn from their mistakes, Neon.

14087157? ago

If you like reading neon, read him.

If you don't, ignore him.

If your are a dramafag, keep cucking away on threads like this.

Fuck, does this reply make me a cucking dramafag?

I love Q! All better now. Wow, that was close.

14090348? ago

Enjoy Q!

Fuck neon!

14088114? ago

It makes you a cuck that you don't actively want this divider of the Q community gone.

14095137? ago

Only the weak are so easily divided.

14104360? ago

Not the point. NR has a following and he's using it for evil. Not interested in the status of the sheep that follow him.

14087041? ago

I found it kind of odd that right after the Q & A he started talking shit. He apparently thinks aliens are not real and that any conversation about them he will lose interest for Q. Then trashed Sara Carter. I am a little suspicious about the ET thing but im going to give him a chance.

14087039? ago

Go away we don't care about Neonrevolt. This is supposed to be about Q, not little butthurt drama queen stuff.

14091109? ago

Go away we don't care about Neonrevolt.

This guy gets it.

This is supposed to be about Q, not little butthurt drama queen stuff.

You described @neonrevolt more succinctly than most.

14090396? ago

It’s all about qrv! Fuck off neon supporter!

14086761? ago

Sow division much? I've been reading his site for quiet a while, bought zero merchandise.
He'd have a tuff time buying a car on my support. If you feel the need to buy anything from anyone, go for it, otherwise, read discern for youself if they are credible or not.

Don't fall for anyone trying to devide us that's a Democratic move.


14090425? ago

He needs shekels to pay $10 a month for web hosting!

14086760? ago

I often wonder if he could be the "alter-ego" of another that claims Q, and made his name fighting on Gab

14086622? ago

An ahole named "NiggerFaggotJewKike" says:

"Wow, all Neon had were personal attacks, funny how naming the jew brings that out of them"

UnFucking Believable? Nah, children act childish and mean, just what children do.

14086914? ago


14114494? ago

so shall you.

14086605? ago

If Neon posted here instead of trying to keep jerking his own name off, he wouldn't have this problem. Be anonymous, Neon. Shed your skin and become one of the hive.

14086534? ago

Bitches about down votes 🗳 gives example with no down votes 🗳

14086430? ago

Neon is being attacked by shills.

14088101? ago

Funny, i was thinkin exactly the same We should be aware the trolls are here to cause devision, chaos, reversed ideas and false flags as much as possible. Orders from the higher ups as Always(seen Project Veritas Action/riggin the election??Must see that!). . Stay together. Together we are strong.

14101090? ago

Yes - especially with these low-effort shill attacks.

There's ZERO evidence of what the OP is claiming.

These attacks have been happening for days - shills pretending to be Neon and attempting to destroy his reputation, shills making fake claims about Neon, shills pretending to be Neon and begging for Karma... it's all designed to discredit a hard working Q researcher and to encourage down-vote brigading against him.

If SoapboxBanHammer succeed in crippling Neon, they'll just move on to the next most popular and productive Q research and start attacking them.

14088645? ago

The shills show up to attack and divide and cast doubt on anyone who is an effective voice in the movement. Neon is human and subject to grouchiness but he also does a good job putting information together. I have referred newbies to his articles many times. Many people don't have time to watch all the videos out there.

14087955? ago

Not at all. I am grannyfag. I don't think attack is from shill.

14100991? ago

Not at all. I'm Elvis. There's zero evidence of the OP's claim so he's clearly attempting to have Neon down-vote brigaded.

These shill attacks have been happening for days - people pretending to be Neon and shills making fake claims about Neon.

It's intended to hurt this community by attacking people like Neon with a following who also provide much content.

If they destroy Neon, they will move on the the next most popular researcher and start again.

14086325? ago

Q has everything... and we don't forget paytriots. People profiting from the faceless heroes are going to have a bad time.

As a Veteran, seeing Neon make money from this is utterly disgusting.

14086319? ago

I’m surprised he even posts here...his decoding is above half of the junk posted here

14086283? ago

Keep it to yourself, divider. We’ve been warned about people like you, I’ve found Neon to be reliable, and have been following him since he started decoding. He’s subject to a rare but overwhelming frustration that makes him throw his hands up in the air sometimes. He’s much better than half the skank junk posted on voat. They want us divided...thank you for your contribution to the division

14087924? ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

"reliable" kek.

14089333? ago

Prove it or keep your crappy, DIVISIVE opinions to yourself. We’ve been warned about people like you

14091133? ago

He did link you to where neon lied about having a conversation with the Voat siteadmin.

14094376? ago

That didn’t prove anything to me. I read it

14089510? ago

Prove it or keep your crappy, DIVISIVE opinions to yourself. We’ve been warned about people like you

DIVISIVE, like literally dividing the Q community over a ping list?

I DID prove it. I proved everything, and you didn't. Anyone reading this will know who is telling the truth here.

14087913? ago

No I agree with this goat. I love neon blog but he's telling you guys what to think and what to do. It just doesn't quite work here. This goat is right. He's not a shill. I can tell by wording. Back the fuck off.

14096880? ago

I do

14086250? ago

Are you trying to say he's just using the movement for personal gain but at heart is using leftist tactics? Trying to understand what you're saying.

14086241? ago


True face exposed

14086210? ago

People here seem to be losing focus.

14086170? ago

Some people have a dire need to try to be relevant. That is his problem as sit appears. If it was't for the antics would we gave a rats ass about this person.....nope. We are trolled by a paytriot

14086131? ago

I don't underststand why some posters here have a hard-on for NeonRevolt but this is the last thread on the topic I will be reading. As soon as I get my 100 CCP I will start downvoting them as well.

14088294? ago

Neon Revolt is not always forthcoming. I love his blog, but don't follow anyone blindly. I have to go, but just double check what anyone says online. I don't know any of these people personally, and you probably don't either. I follow Q daily but I use several sources to try to get different opinions. I like neon but I also like Seething Frog, Benjamin Fulford, Dustin Nemo or Nemo V, Praying Medic, etc. Go on youtube for more.

14088159? ago

You don't understand? Here, let me help:

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

He's a liar. He divided the Q movement to sell t-shirts. He has directly attacked Voat and the users since he's been here.

Don't worry though, cuck, no amount of you newfags can silence the old goats thanks to these calls to brigade.

14089284? ago

How cute. You called me a 'cuck'. I assume you mean I'm acting against my own self interest somehow? Or that I literally enjoy watching other men with my wife? Please explain to me how I'm being a 'cuck' or can I assume you just don't have the ability to make an argument without name calling.

14089386? ago

How cute. You called me a 'cuck'. I assume you mean I'm acting against my own self interest somehow?

Yes. If your interest is in Q, you're supporting the guy dividing the Q community and attacking the people calling him out for it. That's pretty much the colloquial definition of "cuck".

Or that I literally enjoy watching other men with my wife?

Given how willingly you'll attack those trying to help the Q movement out an AJ/Corsi copycat, I'd wager that you do, and you probably raise their kids.

Please explain to me how I'm being a 'cuck' or can I assume you just don't have the ability to make an argument without name calling.

It's called "tone fallacy", and it happens when I make valid arguments, but my words get your panties in a wad, and you can do nothing but attack the way I deliver my content.

I'll make arguments without name calling when I damn well feel like it, and I'll win every time a cuck like you tries to whine about bad words instead of addressing my points. Others can see when you have no leg to stand on, so you attack my words instead of my arguments and supporting links; they see it, and they know who won.

14091157? ago

Given how willingly you'll attack those trying to help the Q movement out an AJ/Corsi copycat, I'd wager that you do, and you probably raise their kids.


14089431? ago

u mad bro?

14089533? ago

How does it feel to lose an argument on the internet?

14088274? ago

I don't see how he is trying to divide us. I see how he is defending himself. I see you people like you are trying to divide us. I don't know why. I don't care why. Like I said, I will not be reading these posts any more. I only saw this because you replied to me.

14088975? ago

I don't see how he is trying to divide us.

You mean like this? From the very beginning? And completely debunked as being a ping list that literally anyone could have gotten onto in order to be notified when Q posted?


I see how he is defending himself.

Your eyes are going bad then, boomer.

I see you people like you are trying to divide us.

I'm going after Neon and cancermods who started off dividing you. Our going after them is not, in itself, divisive.

I don't know why. I don't care why. Like I said, I will not be reading these posts any more. I only saw this because you replied to me.

Don't know, don't care, exactly how you've lived your life and voted up to this point. That's why Trump and Q have to exist - to fix shit you didn't want to know about, and didn't care about.

You're EXACTLY what's described here.

14086055? ago

Good for him. This site is fucking garbage.

14086235? ago

Leave asshole

14086128? ago

And yet here you are.

14086013? ago

Neon is one of many voices we can read, listen to, and discuss. I don’t agree with everything he writes, but at least his posts make basic sense (not like cereal kidneys 3). I also like his expressing frustration with Q’s confusing statement, because I’ve had a lot of frustration too — yet like neon I still support/believe Q.

14088030? ago

Neon's blog is great, but it's like he's trying to take over. I don't know why. Use discernment. I read his blog. It's great, but he's trying to be an oracle or something and it seems strange.

14087943? ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

Do you agree with the above?

14086263? ago

Yep! Use your user base to attack plebs!

14088780? ago

No one should attack anyone. That is not what this is all about!

14096216? ago

You do realize you are talking to humans, right?

14085990? ago

Neon can always come here to QRV where he is anonymous and nobody will downvote him just for his nick.

14087829? ago

Neon is not anonymous. You can often tell who's who by looking at wording and attitude. Voat is an awesome place, but it's unique. Neon is a good blogger but he tells people what to do and it may not be a good fit here.

14086284? ago

Exactly! And he can build solid arguing points without his name being used to get points!

14086166? ago

Ask yourself why he finds this unacceptable?

14085980? ago

People who mindlessly follow others without question are stupid fools. People who mindlessly attack others are worse. This attack piece is pure BS and even if true, SO WHAT?? Even if Neon is controlled opposition much of what he says it still well worth listening to.

I view this as more attempts by opposition to divide. I see so many faggots out there trying to dox and censor Neon that I'm more likely to pay attention to what he says than ignore.

14088354? ago

Yes, I follow Neon, but I also follow others, mostly on youtube. I give examples above. I'm outta here. Everything will blow over. We have a lot of testosterone going on today.

14088174? ago

I view this as more attempts by opposition to divide.

Literally the only thing Neon has done since he got here.

Nice try though, Jew.

14100884? ago

Spoken like a cowardly kike

14103982? ago

Nice try, Neon. Consensus cracking doesn't work here.

14086896? ago

Agree. There is something to be learned from many different sources, even the notorious love-him-or-hate-him Alex Jones. Jumping on an anti-ANYONE bandwagon just because the crowd says so, throws us straight back to the dark ages. We have to think for ourselves. Be critical. Be discerning. Take away what you think is valuable, leave the rest and move on. The whole anti-Neon thing is about mods squabbling amongst themselves with ego's and power plays on full display. It's competition for one-upmanship and at this point we just don't need it. There is much more at stake and more important things to concentrate on than bruised ego's.

14086338? ago

It’s about his profiting off use Q believers!

But you will listen to controlled opposition. Hmmm

14087303? ago

So you're saying you buy his t-shirts? If not then clearly he's not profiting off the movement. He's not forcing you to buy anything, and he's not putting his blog behind a paywall like Corsi. If we're all using actual critical thinking skills them there should be no problem with him participating here or in the blog. That is freedom of speech.

What you're doing is shillfagging and trying to control the narrative by censoring a user. That's what antifags do.

14086981? ago

Even controlled opposition has to speaks truth if only to attract people. Listen to everyone and apply critical thinking never trusting absolutely. Me, personally, I TRUST NO ONE.

14085976? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMropN6ft4Y Something about his follow up post mentioning loyalty seemed odd. But that might just be me.

14085923? ago

Rots of ruck to 'im. If he's nefarious, theTDS will get 'im. Relax.

14085909? ago

You must be living in someone's basement if you think he's selling enough t-shirts to buy a car. He gets a couple hundred comments per post, so he probably sells enough to subsidize his server hosting costs.

14087069? ago

I thought the same thing. They'd either be VERY expensive t-shirts or he's selling them by the shipping container full.

14086375? ago

Hosting is like $10 a month.

Be woke patriot!

14085713? ago

I like his writing. He takes 8chan posts and condenses the stuff down to interesting points.
I missed all the drama with him and the other stuff.

14087970? ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

There's a little bit of your drama condensed into interesting points. He's anti-Q and has been trying to divide the Q community since he got to Voat.

14086465? ago

Yep! He cribs his stiff from everybody else’s hard work and research!

14088705? ago

That's like complaining when people spread your memes far and wide. Isn't this all about getting information out there? He often puts up screenshots from the chans where he got it; he doesn't say he came up with it on his own.

14085684? ago

He dug his own grave, now he can Lie in it.

14085628? ago

"He can easily buy a new car just off his T-Shirt sales!" That is a jealous statement. Why should you or anyone care what Neon does in a free market economy?

14085792? ago

Totally agree! I'm so sick of people calling someone out who does HOURS of research and writing just because he makes a few bucks off selling something. Doesn't he deserve something in return for his time? Are people too greedy themselves to see that HE is the one investing his time for THEM?

It's like people who download a free report and then complain the author is trying to sell them something inside the report. Lazy people will always be lazy and jealous of others who DO.

14086312? ago

didn't Q specifically say not to trust people who try to profit off the movement?

14202780? ago

Corsi was actively soliciting and acknowledging donations from his followers. And then he used it to sell his books! That's different than selling t-shirts on your website. Come on - every website owner has to make some money to cover the expenses incurred, not to mention the time you have invested in researching. Neon Revolt has his own website - not free - like on blogspot.

People have this complaint about the natural remedy websites, too. Why is it OK for MSM like Breitbart to advertise on their site, but now us?

14202840? ago

he could publish how much he's making vs his monthly costs with proof and simply ask for donations, but instead he's opaque about how much he's getting and needs. It's because he doesn't tell you that you're probably getting ripped off

14210250? ago

OMG - this is America - we're not in Venezuela! STFU and get a life - stop criticizing people. Look at all he publishes and scours during research. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO CONTRIBUTE? And how much would you say the content you consume from him is worth? How much are you contributing in dollars to Voat to host this board? I'm truly sick of you guys whining about someone making a few bucks after all the sweat he puts into his work.

14088501? ago

Profiting off the movement and keeping the lights on while you spend hours compiling and analyzing information are two different things. Besides, Neon was recently cut off from any more shirt sales. He's not getting rich and there is no reason to think he's not a patriot.

14089568? ago

Neon was recently cut off from any more shirt sales

OY VEY it's a shekel shoah.

14089219? ago

Who has the 'power' to cut people off from T-shirt sales?? Guess I've never heard of such a thing...

14089518? ago

I didn't try to absorb the details but here is what he said on Gab: "Well, looks like Trolls filed false claims against my Threadless store. It's down for the moment, but the good news is, no one can criticize me for selling T-shirts any more."

14090350? ago

thanks for sharing and I can definitely see that happening after reading some of the comments!

14087260? ago

This is what he said.

Q Drop 1295 https://qmap.pub/read/1295

Be careful who you are following.

Some are profiting off this movement.

Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.

Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.

Patriots are SELFLESS.

Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?

Think logically.

To some, it’s only about the money.

Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

You decide.

This is not a game.

The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.

God bless you all.


Q Drop 1328 https://qmap.pub/read/1328

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

14087338? ago

To some, it’s only about the money.

Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

exactly, he's talking about faggot jews that use this movement for branding and advertising their merchandise like @NeonRevolt

14086930? ago

Neon is not "profiting off the movement", he is simply trying to cover the cost of hosting and server migration it took for him to be able to continue his blogging once his web traffic rose 500%. WTF is wrong with that? He doesn't profit--unlike Corsi--he doesn't tie a payment to unlocking content. Its strictly VOLUNTARY to support Neon. All the concernfags that spend hours trying to bring down Neon are really sad.

14087010? ago

how much exactly is he making, how much exactly are his costs? he doesn't tell you these things or show receipts proving the numbers because he's scamming you.

14085577? ago

There sure are a lot of people obsessing over Neon Revolt, or maybe the same few using different accounts. Why all the attention? You've made him a household name for people who may have never heard of him. You're engaged in a pointless battle because people are going to form their own opinions no matter what you say. Many people form the opinion that those who spend all their time bashing someone else is the person to be wary of not the one they're bashing. We're about unity. Patriots are entitled to hold different views. We don't try to destroy them for their views. Millions of us believe that Q is a treasure. Some don't think he's credible. Do we care that they think that? I don't, it doesn't weaken my belief. It will all come out in the was and the past will prove the future, as Q says.

I've read many many Neon Revolt posts. I've never bought a TShirt because I don't want to buy a TShirt. You don't have to buy one either if you don't want to. His posts are free to read.

14090063? ago

Wow! You are actually pretty intelligent. No sarcasm yet.

However, your whole comment just reeks of spin doctor. I love how you try to influence people’s opinions by making this into a people aren’t stupid and that neon is just trying to be a good guy.

Sorry I don’t buy it.

Nobody is obsessing over him.

No, he isn’t a household name nor will become one.

I already covered hownyou tried to spin this so when other people read your comment they will think more highly of him. Your effort didn’t work.

He is being bashed because he over charges and takes advantage of Patriots’ good will.

Unity? Really? All of you jointing v/greatawakening would have been unity. But nope, all you new members had to go ahead and join power mods from reddit.

I like how you slipped this in, “Patriots are entitled to hold their own views”. Good try. But nobody ever said they shouldn’t or couldn’t. You make it sound like somebody is preventing that. Not me! I am all for independent thought!

Are you not a patriot? Why take a 3rd person grammar stand point?

Even though I tore apart your comment, I still think you are pretty intelligent and this is not even being snarky or bashing.

14090756? ago

  1. I don't know Neon Revolt. I've read his posts and found them informative, pro-conservative values and patriotic
  2. I am opposed to patriots fighting one another. I think it's a waste of time, energy and focus when we have much bigger fish to fry.
  3. I dislike the tendency of some to try to capitalize off the Trump/Q movement but at the same time I recognize that many conservative voices used to make ad monetized YouTubes before Google demonetized ALL the conservative voices in hopes of stopping our voices. The patriots who spend endless hours researching and sharing information with us can oftimes not continue to do so without some form of revenues. Diamond and Silk sell tons of products, but they are heartfelt supporters of Donald Trump. Next News Network sells all kinds of crap on his YouTube channel to stay alive. I think there's a difference between shills like Corsi who are not real Trump supporters at all, outright lie to us, pretend to be Q supporters in order to sell a book, try to create fake substitute Qs etc. I don't have a problem with patriots selling products to fund their ability to continue as citizen journalists as long as they are not charging for information or lying about what they're doing. Corsi told his followers that they had to buy his book so that Trump could win. What a joke. He had Trump followers spending their time marketing his book and doing his administrative retailing work. Sure they were stupid to do it but damn.

Then there are those who want to make a name for themselves riding on the movement. They want to convince everyone how important they are and how the movement is dependent upon them. Those are fakes too.

I haven't seen evidence that Neon Revolt is a fake. That's all I'm saying. Why invest so much energy in attacking him? If he's posting information that's counter to our best interests I think we're all discerning enough to see that and disregard it. Corsi was dangerous and even Q warned patriots not to follow him because he deliberately pushed disinformation and was definitely a paytriot.

  1. If you want to keep wasting time making posts about Neon Revolt instead of sharing information about the events going on that present a real threat to our objectives, go right ahead. I expressed an opinion and of course you're free to ignore it.

14096520? ago

You really deserve a better answer from since you kindly took all that time to write this up. I do appreciate your efforts and thoughts. I might be an ass but I still can thank you! So thank you. (I’m being dead serious here for what it’s worth.)

Trying to figure out what Q means is a great hobby but wouldn’t you say spreading the word or red pulling people is a better activity for the movement? Q has actually only provided me with details, the generalities I’ve known intuitively and have thought things way before he came along. Many chose Trump because he seemed like he really loved the US. Q is just an added benefit.

The question I pose is why is Neon being targeted among all people? Sure the Ts are a low blow but why him?

The next bigger question is about unity? Where is unity in 3 subs? Why not support 1 sub and if it didn’t go well, create a new one. Q endorsed just what he thought had large numbers - I highly doubt he did any research. Why did TA come in guns blazing, banning and talking big about taking over voat?

Sure voat is reacting, half out out the fuck of it the other half is because they don’t like power mods from reddit. Voat is way more red pilled than a majority of Q believers - just gonspend some time in the wild like I have. They think of us as children or not even red pilled because in reality, we aren’t on their level.

Unity is standing behind one banner, one party not different users who didn’t want to lose their communities. Reddit power mods divided us!

14097095? ago

Q didn't endorse numbers. He didn't even reach out to a former Reddit user. He reached out to the mod who owns his 8ch board because he trusts him after working with him over the past 11 months. That mod, 8bit, knew nothing about VOAT, has no followers because we are anons on 8ch, and he came here to do what Q asked, start a board where his Reddit followers could all gather one one board. We didn't come here to compete with other board owners, to dis anybody or to in anyway disrespect or put anyone down. We came because Q suggested it, and we came where Q suggested that we come.

SerialBrain2 had actually come and started a board for his followers before Q made his request. After Q requested his BO to set up a board SB2 asked all of his followers to join the new board that Q endorsed. I'm sure they did but they remained on the board he set up as well. I think probably because of all the controversy there's been since we came here SB2 hasn't been posting on VOAT. He's gone back to Reddit and posts on his home page there.

All the arguing, finger pointing and posturing is just so pointless. I'm not going to talk about it anymore, or think about it. I'm going to focus on what I'm here for, supporting our president and anybody else who wishes to do the same.

14097441? ago

We all came here because Reddit banned us.

So why leave 8ch for voat which has mods, points and mods?

14097549? ago

Nobody left 8ch. There were a lot of people on Reddit who don't like 8ch because it's harder to navigate. I joined Reddit because it was easier but I also stuck with 8ch until I grew comfortable there.

14098983? ago

The exodus was to unite us!

14100682? ago

The exodus was to keep us united. We were united but we scattered when we were shut out on Reddit. I hope we're still united and just needed a place to gather together in one place again. Eventually we're going to all have to get comfortable with 8chan because I think we're going to be shut out everywhere else. I hate all the bickering that's going on.

14101310? ago

V/greatawakening won’t shut you out. It’s like a safe space for us there. Almost no shills and goats attacking us. It happens but it’s part of what we do.

8ch will never get as big as reddit or voat.

14086805? ago

I should start a blog somewhere and troll /v/greatawakening too. They are predictable in their trolling which would equal good exposure.

14085753? ago

NeonRevolt basically calls on his subscribers to upvote farm his account and to brigade his dissenters. Shady as fuck from Neon

14085569? ago

Don’t care about neon.

14085514? ago

NeonRevolt basically calls on his subscribers to upvote farm his account and to brigade his dissenters. Shady as fuck from Neon

14085512? ago

I missed the whole NeonRevolt thing. Why is it again that we can't let him speak freely on this supposedly uncensored site? I didn't always agree with him but his threads were always worth consideration.

14090096? ago

Nobody is stopping him from posting or expressing his opinion. Nice try to spin it that way though!

We are calling him out for his PaYtriotism!

14101080? ago

I have no dog in this fight whatsoever. It just seems like a lot of energy against an "enemy" that could be better spent on the enemy.

14101335? ago

The enemy within needs to be addressed. Some of us do better with drops and decoding and others with protection. We each have our roles!

14103372? ago

Good point patriot. I am starting to feel more at home here. GA refugee.

14103452? ago

Welcome! I normally hang out at v/greatawakening because we can see our alt names and it builds friendships (well it’s the net!) and there is very little peacocking - just straight up Q and some minor chatter.

14086888? ago

He's a shekel hustler.

14086126? ago

In an anonymous movement, when someone is exalted above others, something is wrong. Add to this their efforts to control everyone and lie about it combined with using their authority to sell merchandise says that Neon Revolt is not about anyone but himself - at best.

If Neon Revolt cared about the movement, he would shut up, do what he has always done, and anonymously participate, just like everyone else. He is demanding unearned control and authority so as to preside as the arbiter of truth on a site designed to protect everyone's liberty. He is demanding special status to restrict other's liberty. And crying out as he strikes out at others who interfere with his demands for celebrity.

14087862? ago

It's more than shekel hustler. It's an ego thing.

14087973? ago

I don't disagree. Whatever the cause, it's not to the benefit of the movement.

14087824? ago


14087890? ago

You clearly don't know what happened in /v/theawakening and the shit storm Neon Revolt dishonestly instigated when the migration here began. His dishonestly and that of one or more mods there is why /v/QRV exists today and why Q had to step in to get it created.

So when you declare, "nothing of the sort", you actually mean, "literally as stated."

14085740? ago

because he was exposed as a controlled op shill faggot.

14088123? ago

I think you guys are going way overboard with that assumption. I been trying to follow this drama but so far I havent seen any proof of that.

14087815? ago

By whom?

14088012? ago

by neon revolt

14088362? ago

explain please, ..Anyone?

14088877? ago

This must be your first time with AGITPROP and COINTELPRO tactics.

An asset will embed himself into a community, and make himself irreplaceable. Then he will start creating small schisms in the community to break people from the message, in small chunks at first, but as the plan continues to make headway the asset will take larger bites out of the community. Usually, this is done with a demoralization campaign: "Q just isn't listening anymore! Q isn't the same Q anymore! Nothing is happening, so Q is WRONG!". As you notice, the rhetoric builds from minor annoyance to "mountain out of a molehill" pretty fast.

Thing about these AGITPROP and COINTEL operations: They rely on a strict timeline that cannot be rushed/altered on the fly. In this case, Reddit fucked their timing. Q knew of the banhammer being dropped, but nobody else picked up on it until it already happened. This means @NeonRevolt was taken by surprise. I'm sure he planned on moving to Voat (Their controlled poison well), and fucking up the community there. However, he didn't anticipate that the community would fuck him over so quickly and efficiently, so he was forced to accelerate his timetable for the compromising. Unfortunately, that got noticed as a gigantic red flag by the rest of the Q community.

Then Q stepped in, and redirected everyone AGAIN to a non-NR-controlled subverse. This effectively removed NR's clout/pull in the community, crippled his installed moderation team, and left him with no avenue to influence the direction. So he accelerated his timetable AGAIN by fast-forwarding to the "Q MIGHT BE COMPROMISED FOR REAL, GUISE" part of the plan. Naturally, those of us that were wary since the migration (or during the moderator stacking on reddit prior to shutdown of the sub) saw the agitprop for what it was, and started commenting.

NR's plan has pretty much entirely failed. the Q movement is unscathed (and growing stronger), and we just took over Voat. We're winning, lads.

14249050? ago


14087810? ago


14085489? ago

Honestly I used to like Neon, but since coming to Voat I’ve lost a lot of respect for him. His behavior has been a poor reflection on the Q movement. He is trying too hard to stay relevant. Then his calling out of Q just struck me as controlled opposition. Was it always about selling us hoodies, or did he ever really care. I guess the way voaters saw through him made me respect this place. Maybe we can learn something here, maybe Q sent us here for a reason.

14090109? ago

I suspect he does care but he also found a way to cash in on the movement too.

14088568? ago

Q sent you all here to be red-pilled enough to understand why we're "saving israel for last". By the time we're done in here, even the Jewish Q followers will be on-board with The Plan (TM).

14089157? ago

Yep.... Folks are forgetting the saving for last plan. Which to me, is the only reason I'm still hanging around. If that Babylonian Talmudic abomination isn't neutralized..... NOTHING else really matters long term!!

14089069? ago

That makes a lot of sense because Voat is very open about this 'truth'. I've been into conspiracies for years, and I don't think I've ever seen the JQ handled in such an open way, most other places will ban you for even mentioning it😱

14086608? ago

v/QRV seems to have upset the entire Q ecosystem.

People were consolidating their realms then #2271 happened.

14087173? ago

They were fracturing at the time. 2271 unified. The problem is, I think some people felt followers were starting to belong to them, then we all up and moved and they feel they lost something. Like THEIR followers were stolen.

14089076? ago

hehe.... a perfect description of Alex Jones! oy vey!

14087410? ago

That is good way to put it.

14086946? ago

Kinda the opposite.

14086077? ago

George Webb also dissed Q.

14085957? ago

He absolutely did... and this is a perfect transition to 8chan with will be our next step.

14091266? ago

The autists should go to 8chan. Everyone that doesn't think in pictures should stay here.

14087732? ago

Well, today may be a good day to go.

14087860? ago

I've been using both now and getting more comfortable daily on 8chan, just watching and reading.

14085619? ago

Neon wasn't trashing Q. He was voicing frustration. Many of us, who believe in Q, get frustrated. We GET that they can't reveal all, need to throw things out for newbies, & are tricky to throw discord into the opposition, but that doesn't mean it's not frustrating. To blindly follow a person/group is what sheep do.

14087300? ago

shut the fuck up and kill yourself, you tampon-eating neon faggot

14085896? ago

Neon seriously stop, this is embarrassing do you really think people can't tell it's you? you're not as smart as you think you are

14087932? ago

Right. If you are to try to be someone else, you need to stop and really think about your writing habbits and wording, and intentionally not use them.

14089633? ago

this tbh, if you're going to be a shill at least be a competent one

14085454? ago

Stop trying to control the narrative. Neon has an opinion, do not try to dox him or what ever, you are calling for censoring. If you don't like someone's opinion that's your right, but do not do what the left does. You are the problem.

14088954? ago

I agree. Neon has done some great research. Do I blindly follow him? No way. Should anybody blindly follow anybody? NO.

If you've personally done your research, reading articles from diggers and contributors like Neon should add to your personal research and connect dots.

Haters will never works as hard as you do.

14093583? ago

just pointing out that neon is not a researcher. all he does is read 8chan and connects dots from posts. other users do the research for him and he actually doesn't even fact check any of the info in his blogs. when he actually did try and do research with the blog that everyone is so mad about it was grade F research that was based on zero actual evidence. so lets not give credit when it is definitely not due.

14094979? ago

That's actually a good point, you are correct that he re-reports findings on 8chan... as that part is obvious and he doesn't hide it either. A lot of his work he attributes the source of where he compiled it from, so there's that. Cheers

14088311? ago




He trashed Q.

He fucking trashed Q like the little sleeper cell bitch he is.

Nobody is perfect, but to trash Q after everything Q has done, is PROOF NEONREVOLT IS IN IT FOR EITHER HIMSELF OR FOR MASTERS WHO ARE AGAINST Q.


14089683? ago


14088927? ago

Yep that's a red flag right there and I always wondered how he rose to prominence so quickly?? And WHERE does he get all of his info because he seems to write a lot!🤨

14090585? ago

My guess is that this 'Neon Revolt" is a TEAM of MOSSAD agents.

How did they "upgrade" their server so quickly? I suspect they had the resources the entire time and just made it APPEAR as though "he" was gaining in such popularity that "by popular demand" "he" had to...instantly upgrade?

Fake fake fake.

Careful who you follow

14091222? ago

This comment was stupid, because all you have to do is pay for a higher tier of hosting on your VPS. Suddenly, another 16-cores and 32GB of RAM are added to your instance, and the site magically works again.

This is what happened with Voat when everyone flooded the site, after all. Putt dumped more money in, and suddenly Voat can handle the load again.

14101850? ago

You're full of shit

14106491? ago

Only someone whose never dealt with virtual hosting would say that.

14112305? ago

Are you a Sith?

14088789? ago

You are triggered. You are a liberal and do not recognize it. You are blindly following without questioning. Q is without question correct in what he posts. You have not looked beyond the scope of what you are told. It is deeper than you can imagine. I would give you information that would rock your world. I will give you a crumb of my own device. Look into the children. The stage is being set.

14090603? ago


GTFO this board, your kind isn't welcome. This site is for Q patriots, not weak shitheads like your declining group of criminals.


14093746? ago

lol you are weak.

14101830? ago

Shut up bot

14105882? ago

You are calling me a name just like the liberals do. Spin wheel select name, You have proven to be weak once again.

14112313? ago

You are a liberal you larping fuck

14088527? ago

This. We're smart enough as a group to see when someone's poisoning the well. @NeonRevolt had a good run, but the move to Voat exposed his motives prematurely. This is how people react when their trap is sprung too soon.

14087259? ago

You are absolutely right. Free speech is not a privilege.

14085801? ago

Go back to reddit, you cuck. Complaining about being downvoted is not censorship.

14086012? ago

Is that a cross between a cock and a kook. I still haven't figured out this term, being a moron granny ex-libtard, post-menopausal fucked-wit. I LOVE shit-talking. Seems to be the aim here. I can dig it. It got repressed in me during my teens, not that anyone gives a flying fuck, as I've been told. Duly noted, ya little cocksuckers.

14087431? ago

You sound like dingbats. You have no idea what you're doing. I'm the old grannyfag and you should cool it with the autists, the long term goats. Are you trying to make us crazy?

14086611? ago

Moron Granny wins the internet for Sept 26, 2018.

14086492? ago

the cuckoo bird survives by trying other birds to raise it's young by "cucking them" derived for this a cuck is a man who lets other men fuck his wife because he'll end up raising their children

14086580? ago

Ah...as is 'cuckold.' Got it! Thank you! It's been driving me cuckoo. ;-)

14086885? ago

This old chick rules.

14086613? ago

you're welcome friend

14086385? ago

Well done granny, a cuck is someone who likes having other men fuck their woman, but it's been coopted to mean most any feminized and weak male behaviours

14086523? ago

women are not property (standard cuck reply)

14088085? ago

Here's a great example of a hi-jacked conversation. WTF does women as property have to do with platform idioms and people trying to suss them out? Shit, it's like rabid dogs...

14090238? ago

Stop it, adding rabid dogs just adds to the confusion.

14086665? ago

Most men treat property better than their women

14086910? ago

You're thinking of Muslims.

14086950? ago

Don't speak for me nigger, I'm thinking of any man with proper leadership in his own house

14086871? ago

(standard cuck reply)

14085897? ago

You are pathetic. It amazes me your attacking me for pointing out that you are acting like the left. YOU are now angry at me because I don't share your point of view. YOU are exactly like the left. think about it. Calling names, Cuck is a word you use like the left uses Nazi. You are not awake.

14086060? ago

Attacking like the left? No, you, like them, resort to complaining and crying like little babies when people arent nice... again, another reason to feel free and leave.

14088099? ago

You are not awake.

14087324? ago

OMG, the shills made this happen. I hate Q. I used to love those guys even though I am not 100% sure about Q. I'm about to scream. I told the Que's what to do to fit in but it didn't work. I'm so fucking stupid. I should have listened. They understand nothing. They are passive aggressive fucksters. I am so sad. Please, refugees, just cool it.

14087887? ago

You're biting the bait. Ignore the buzzing, "aggressive fucksters."

14086268? ago

I hit a nerve with you. Am I over the target? Are you Projecting? Both of these catch phrases I read on the posts. They both apply to you. You really are weak minded. Your like a wind up toy to me. I can play you like my bitch. This is fun. am I in your safe space, YOU told me go back to reddit implying this is your safe space. Click Click you getting triggered?

14086782? ago

I hit a nerve with you. Am I over the target? Are you Projecting? Both of these catch phrases I read on the posts. They both apply to you. You really are weak minded. Your like a wind up toy to me. I can play you like my bitch. This is fun. am I in your safe space, YOU told me go back to reddit implying this is your safe space. Click Click you getting triggered?

WOW. That is the most amount of faggotry I've read since @neonrevolt blog.


14086323? ago

No, no nerves hit. You clearly cant handle the heat. Bye shill.

14086286? ago

you should go back to reddit because you belong on reddit, it's reasonable advice you sped

14086381? ago

You say this because** you need your safe space on VOAT**. You are a liberal and can't even see it LOLOLOL

14086406? ago

I say it because you act like a redditor.

14086464? ago

I say it because you act like a liberal.

14086521? ago

but I don't, you're just retarded.

14085730? ago

Thanks for stating this. I've been doing that on the "other" board too. We don't need division among ourselves. What are we trying to tell people what to think? Hasn't Q proven to us that we can do that for ourselves or have too many people let other do it for them.... STILL?!

I read the posts by Neon Revolt and I may not agree with everything he writes, but I agree more than not and I don't see the division people are trying to create.

14086045? ago

The battle to free people from themselves is difficult. I pray we all figure out the meaning of WWG1WGA .

14088964? ago

Trying to free people from themselves... 10/10 = one of the best I have heard Patriot!! Will use that one for plenty more instances!! Thank You

14089048? ago

Thanks, I say a lot of dumb stuff too, It all evens out I guess.

14092369? ago

Pleasure buddy, as long as your heart is in the right place! don't let some of the "self righteous" mob get to you though. Keyboard warriors ha ha ha.

14085872? ago

stop trying to samefag, neonfaggot. Even if it's anon the way you type things out and your views are a dead giveaway

14086529? ago

The term 'fag' has been worn to a faggle. You are boring AF. Pray YOU get free of yourself, ya git.

14086842? ago

git? looks like we were right to pin you as a Brit

14087143? ago

Nope. Just love words. And Guy Ritchie movies.

14087505? ago

And, who's "we" doing the "pinning." Am I up against a wrestling team?

14086546? ago

shut up you pansy ass milksop, kill yourself

14086755? ago

It's pansey-assED, you bogus human.

14086848? ago

shut up you pussy assed bitch

14087115? ago

Uhhh, no, those holes are separate, and they don't speak for me.

14087140? ago

shut up, faggot

14087478? ago

Broken record. Mic dropped.

14087516? ago

das right

14088470? ago

Came in to watch a 14yo fight with a Qposter. 14yo troll had his ass handed to him. Was satisfied watching 14yo try to get the last word with "das right" after losing horribly.

8/10 loss, would point and laugh at again.

14089574? ago

shut up, nigger

14088658? ago

Exactly, his failure and ignorance was quite amusing😆

14085715? ago

Nice try faggot you going to try to sell some shirts next?

14087118? ago

There is nothing wrong with selling t-shirts, they spread the message of Q and are conversation starters. The problem is if you hide information behind a paywall or if you use any bad sell practices like price gouging, or if you're a douchnugget and fake and not honeslty behind the Q movement and just want to make money. We should support genuine Q folks and in this case, NR may not be.

14087850? ago

My problem with the T shirts is. If you are getting the t shirts made for $3-4 dollars a shirt and this is for a cause/movement, you shouldn't be selling the t shirts for $25-30 bucks a pop and you shouldn't have a gab account that charges people at the minimum $2 bucks a month to subscribe. I understand he has servers to maintain. but at that point and at those prices its for a profit.

14091810? ago

Where do you stand with Patreon donations? The cost to setup patreon is nothing compared to the cost per shirt going that route. How does the gouging stand there with patreon, almost no give and all take when it comes to donations? Shirts can be another donation route. Buying shirts are voluntary. Just like those little buttons on web pages that say, $5 buy me a coffee if you like todays podcast or whatever.

As long as the person serves the cause and isn't fake, and there is no paywall for info, it shouldn't matter. Some folks are creating Q art, putting it on a shirt and selling it. This is a grassroots kind of movement and we need people doing that. I wonder if the Gadsden flag would even have a chance to be made in todays climate?

It will come down to your discernment, if you're listening to a "Q" youtuber, who cant go 2 1/2 minutes without talking for 5 minutes about his/her merch for sale, well, you probably have a fake Q supporter. If you see 3rd grade level effort on substance and intro graphics to a video, and a professionally edited 3 minute spot on visiting their online store, you probably have a fake Q supporter.

14086066? ago

I don't understand what you are implying. Your point is lost on me. You don't have to agree with my opinion, but attacking me for my opinion is a sad.

14085665? ago

Awesome comment!

14089175? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'When you triggered on Voat so hard, that you blog about it. @NeonRevolt faggot confirmed.' was posted in v/RidersoftheReich and includes this reply from @Trigglypuff:

Haha ye I cringed at the comparison between his blog and the holy gospel! How self righteous and deluded can you be.

He is also replying to anon posts pretending to be other people defending himself. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2745994/14085623

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14086145? ago

I am not familiar with what you are saying. I am old in your eyes and don't keep up with trendy things. I am certain you are trying to insult me and I can understand you are not awake. You are using attack tactics much like the left does so assuming you are new to the concept of WWG1WGA. This is a concept that we are all on the same team, but some of us have different opinions. The goal is to take our country back.

14087226? ago

The goal is to not make the goat's kill themselves. You can't say the same things over and over. I tried to teach you but I was wrong. You have to learn to think for yourselves.

14086227? ago

Yep...the ad hominem logical fallacy. Easily deflected, it's so 'low-energy.'

14087565? ago

Pop buzzwords make you sound silly. I'm old as fuck. It's not your age it's your attitude. I must have said the wrong thing to you guys. We all want to get our country back, but you can't go around sitting up the goat's home. Don't be agressive. Youre not a member of a club. This is something you've never seen before and you have to lurk for a while to get it. Please try..

14086336? ago

No one talks like this. You are fake as fuck.

14086816? ago

Anon is just old and writes with proper grammar and sentence structure. Is it so strange, you dumb faggot?

14086415? ago

I'm blessed to not be real in your view. Thank God!

14086186? ago


14085708? ago

Remove your mask kevdude

14090720? ago

If you are going to accuse other people of being me then at least ping me to make sure. Like this: @kevdude

And I am glad I have moved into your head. That is phase 1.

14090880? ago

Oh come on stop pretending you aren't a fucking retard

14085950? ago

What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

14086169? ago

I have a sinking feeling it's some kind of divisive mash-up of Yiddish and The Great Lebowski.

14086082? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

You know I'm right hahaha


Me >Remove your mask kevdude

You >What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

Hahaahahha you fucking idiot

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14086048? ago

Nice try faggot

14085863? ago

I wonder whose behind this post

Hi Neon :)

14085969? ago

So you admit you're kevdude...

While you'll never figure out who I am... Eh eh eh




Get used to it faggot... hahahahaha

14087658? ago

Oh my God, you idiots. I'll side with kevdude over neon anyday. I used to respect neon. What the actual fuck?

14087888? ago

I don't give a shit about neonfag he can go fuck himself, it's just that it's kevdude lol

14086707? ago

Hi Neon

So you admit you're kevdude

anon faggot

14086790? ago

I win, you lose, the end

14086974? ago

I win, you lose, the end

14087091? ago

That's right boy, I'm your role model now...

Who's your daddy now?


I win again

14087738? ago

No u

14087866? ago

"No u" pfff low energy kevdude

14085843? ago

I'm not him but I know you're NeonRevolt just white knighting yourself as anon it's obvious. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

14085985? ago


14086030? ago

no matter how triggered you get you're actually wrong, your exceptional detective skills have failed you. By the way do you prefer to be called Shlomo or Mr.Goldberg?

14086074? ago

You know I'm right hahaha


Me >Remove your mask kevdude

You >What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

Hahaahahha you fucking idiot

14086252? ago

actually I'm @Rainy-Day-Dream you brainlet, you should stop trying to figure things out with your room temperature IQ. ₪0.25 has been deposited into your account.

14085417? ago

Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't.

But what you've included in your post doesn't demonstrate your point. The image you posted above suggests the opposite, Neon complaining of others brigading HIS comments.

I notice your post contains a lot of ad hominim. To put this in a wording you can easily understand, maybe the 'faggot jew' here is you.

14088071? ago

You have not been here long enough to know. He's a goat not a shill.

14088000? ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

How's that for demonstrating his point?

I notice your post contains a lot of ad hominim.

You should see how Neon responds to us. Really, take a look. Everything he does is either appeal to emotion or attacking us directly. NEVER addresses our arguments.

14085806? ago

@NeonRevolt calls the users problematic (SJW language) and asks for help with the problem.

14085398? ago

Don't get mesmerized into the 'cult of personality.'

14085384? ago

well see, i dont think we should deliberately downvote people unless they are being disruptive and that should just be natural, he may come around or move to a different thread, he is learning when he bashes Q he gets the downvote by the Q followers it doesnt take a genius to figure that out. why should we personal army to destroy him further? he should just make his own anti-Q thread and live there

14087032? ago

Neon has NEVER been ANTI-Q. He expresses his frustration when he feels Q isn't giving good information. There is a difference. He is a independent thinker and can really express whatever opinion he desires on his own blog. Even still however, he has always been on board with Q.

14088684? ago

I love neon's blog. It's a great resource. I don't care about the hoodies. Everyone needs shekels. Just make sure to brush Dustin nemos, praying medic, Seething Frog, and others as well. But I'm not even saying hoodies are bad. I think his stuff is a good way to start convos and redpill people. I will always follow neon. But I follow lots of others as well.

14085924? ago

why should we personal army to destroy him further?

where did anyone call for this?

14088135? ago

this is a tactic.

14089617? ago

is it one the OP called on us to use?

14085367? ago

We don’t need neon revolt. Carry on good patriots. Those who have the means, do what you need to dox that dick. We have a mission to carry on and leave the shills behind. No cheerleader anymore. A Thinking unarmed army of informed soldiers is an unstoppable one.

14088441? ago

We are all on the same team, except for shills. We dont need to fight. Just get several opinions. Go to youtube and type qanon. See what pops up. No one person has all the answers.

14087333? ago

Spoken like a true antifa faggot

14085260? ago

What a dick

14088131? ago

Lots of dicks around here. Everyone calm down. You guys are as bad as the girls. The goat's got hyperterritorial and you people are overwhelming. Can you all just go smoke a joint and kiss kiss?

14085252? ago

@neonrevolt care to explain?

14085966? ago

yes, the sad truth is that I @neonrevolt was raped 3 times a day by my gay jewish dads every single day since my birth until the age of 25. I act out to hide the shame

14085386? ago

@neonrevolt here, I would love to explain but I have jew cock in my mouth and Soros cock in my ass.

TLDR: I am a stupid shill controlled op faggot. and a nigger.