13526EO ago

I found a place I can speak freely. I always thought I was alone.

fightknightHERO ago

I always said the voting system of reddit was a bad idea

who knew that democracy could be (((co-opted))) by (((bots)))?

Tombstone88 ago

this is savage! fucking like it! give him hell

Thissandwich ago

I wish he had posted images of his comments with the downvotes. Nope, he tries to dox some people that he knows are downvoting him instead.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Kek <---



xenoPsychologist ago

you guys are famous now!

7e62ce85 ago

I'm not sure the left thought their reddit bans through; all these moderates are stuck with us now. Over time they will be red pilled. They are already saying "nuh-uh I can totally say 'niggerkikefaggot'".

Womb_Raider ago

Srayzie communicates with your group's accounts very, very often. Only a moron wouldn't connect the dots. You insult voaters. You insult the followers of Q.

heygeorge ago

Neons CCP, since he’s farming. Well he went from -112ccp to -187ccp in about five hours. KEK


@NeonRevolt: Nice reach, jackass! MUST BE MUH BOTZ

heygeorge ago

No, I’m Q.
Notice how my activity here is oppositely correlated to Q?
Notice how I’m known for asking questions?
Notice that stain on your shirt?

kneo24 ago

@neonrevolt, you're a dirty, low down, disgusting, filthy rat kike whose family steers clear of you.

heygeorge ago

Ha! No.

Although, if it were I would probably say the same thing.

But it’s not.

Le_Squish ago

Awe, I just got home.

Big meanies, killing his T-shirt sells. I also bet no one has ever called him a faggot to his face before and really made him feel it.

I'm sure he'll chug some soylent and be ready for another milking.

kneo24 ago

Tactical nuke from orbit is the only way to be sure. Unless they're cockroaches. Then you just lay some traps and use some bug spray.

kneo24 ago

Look, you need at least a 140 IQ to understand his importance. And a lot of time.

srayzie ago

You better go start writing out your next fake blog post lol

Evileddie13 ago

I hardly ever up vote or downvote. Seems kind of faggy to me.

kneo24 ago

I think I called him a kike and he didn't single me out. Maybe I didn't call him a kike hard enough.

@neonrevolt, you're a dirty, low down, disgusting, filthy rat kike whose family steers clear of you.

kneo24 ago

That nigger faggot hasn't been publicly active in the past 5 days. He shot his rather pathetic wad and lost it all.

GoyimNose ago

Can I get a rundown

heygeorge ago

caveman is good people. I’d accept it!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Neon faggot used to be cool until he exposed himself as just another faggot

Fuck_SRS ago

@neonrevolt is a bigger blowing jew faggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Goats attack NeonRevolt - Neon loses his shit and BLOGS ABOUT IT providing tons of entertainment for the old goats' was posted in v/VoatHistory by @Crensch and refers to this submission.

This notification (#1496) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

Congratulations to @kevude @Trigglypuff @Niggerfaggotjewkike and @Rainy-Day-Dream on hurting Neonfaggot's feelings so much that he went to his personal Tumblr-style safe-space and blogged about it!

Oh, and my comment was responding to Triggly, complimenting her dismantling of the little Jew.

Crensch ago

Archive for when he changes it.

I liked the part where he says,

(I really would like to see them blown out of the water).

Seems to be an admission that he's getting destroyed, and wants revenge.

heygeorge ago

Lol I really had no desire to get all the way through that self-aggrandizing bullshit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

people like him can be found in any movement, they're obnoxiously self important even though all they do is nothing while talking about other people actually doing things, meanwhile they use the movement as advertising to make a quick buck selling merchandise

heygeorge ago

I really would like to see them blown out of the water


heygeorge ago


It’s like day mode feggits gassing themselves

heygeorge ago

You’re right. I fixed it.

Goathole ago

Be a faggot, get fucked like one.

Womb_Raider ago

Controls the Q movement? Absolutely not. You're implying Srayzie controls the movement - she does not. She tries to influence the followers of Q, and she's one of you. You people manipulate constantly. You're verbiage even now is manipulative.

srayzie ago

I’ve seen you don’t like me. I don’t know what I ever did to you. 🙄 I’m not a manipulator but whatever.

@Trigglypuff, it’s pretty bad when you’re even accused of being Neon Revolt! 😂🤣

Womb_Raider ago

Do you have any comment on Triggly implying you control the Q movement?

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff would have meant that only in a nice way. As in, I was here before the others showed up. You’re the one creating drama. You can think I’m anyone you want. I don’t even know you. I have more productive things to do than play your games.

Womb_Raider ago

You don't know Triggly either but you sure are cozy

srayzie ago

Yes I do. I love Triggly. She’s even designing my sub.

Womb_Raider ago

I call them like I see them. Gabara, beatle, Triggly, Srayzie: you're all the same

IsaacJan ago

Okay so what do you do, highlight everything to be able to read a comment? It's bad design.

IsaacJan ago

Is there a reason this subs color scheme makes half the comments completely unreadable?

Derpfroot ago

"Brigade," or sucking so bad that you just get downvoats naturally?

JewGoat ago

Hahaha stupid jew

zyklon_b ago

@neonrevolt da butt hert is reel

realnstuff ago

No shekels for the faggot anymore. The alex jones of Q. kek

Pulverizor ago

We haven't seen faggotry of this magnitude since sanegoat. @neonrevolt is a shithouse name too.

Artofchoke ago

Your necro meme has been disrespected. :(

Artofchoke ago

Only got ten comments baby, lol. Use them wisely! ♡

14085352? ago

Cannot stand that wuss. Been enjoying watching everyone hand him his ass.

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve got QRV calling him a dick now :-)

WhiteRonin ago

Repost back to TA and QRV :-)

$25 Ts and $60 hoodies! That’s about $15 and $40 profit margins!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


What a cocksucker.

Womb_Raider ago

Srayzie is obviously one of yours also. When you mostly communicate with your group's accounts you make it obvious. The fact that you're trying to subvert honorable movements is disgusting.

Eleutheria ago

@neonrevolt couldn't just stick to fagging it up on Gab, could he?

slwsnowman40 ago

What a cry baby. My kids didn't/don't (I have a 4 year old) cry as much as this group of "migrants".

WhiteRonin ago


I started complaining about the Ts and hoodies. Lololo

ExpertShitposter ago

His only redeeming feature is robbing boomers of their hard easily earned money with those shitty ball-caps. Imagine walking around with a "qanon" cap. LOL

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that means he's a cuck, in the cuckold fetish "the bull" is the man you have fuck your wife for you.

HulkInformation ago

I don't wanna suggest their posts are bad and that's the reason but that's a really bad blog post.

Womb_Raider ago

/v/thathappened ... looks like another case of SBBH talking to themselves hoping their audience is stupid enough to believe.

Diggernicks ago

You keep crying about the same thing over and over like a broken record. Quite niggerish of you

Womb_Raider ago

And you're SBBH so why should your opinion matter? You're the one producing fake content and jerking yourself off pretending it's an accomplishment.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean as he's admitted on v/Qrv he has gay jewish parents lol;



ilikeskittles ago

LMAO, ah that’s funny.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I said a lot to the guy, but I like that the 2 comments he picked were the one's where I was calling him a jew. The Goebbels speech strikes again.

ExpertShitposter ago

What a fag. Immediately its bots downvoating him. Same bullshit as freshie and the gang. Le bots are le attaking meeee.

Jagon ago

All of us arent faggots who are on voat all day.

Artofchoke ago


Captain_Faggot ago

Activate sleeper cell

I didn't give an arse before but running to another site and whining about it just put a can of cuck on his account.

To the downvote mobile batnigger!

Karnivor ago

Hahahaha. 'bots' are targeting him.

Sure they are, guy

TexasVet ago

Neon has 10K followers on Gab already. You guys should go there and give him a hard time.


Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

We have know his weakness now, deploy the gas chambers!

Plant_Boy ago

Aw, I wish I were as famous as you guys for getting a mention about calling the kikes out...

Diggernicks ago

Male attention whoring...

Plant_Boy ago

Or recognition and admiration in work performed well.

heygeorge ago

Lol! Of course you are tops on his list!

AlbusRex ago

Just pathetic. Cant even stand up for themselves. Look how the Jew plays the victim as he strikes you

sguevar ago

Well this cracked me up.

He was the first in talking shit about Voat as soon as he came. He didn't make an effort to adapt and unite the subs about the q movement to fight the shills, and he keeps writing about how he is the victim in all this?

Well this is a clear example on: The jew cries out as he strikes you.

Neinlife ago

You guys are fucking great. God damn this place is great.

Voopin__Voopin ago

I think ove Upgoated every comment in the thread (top down) to this point.

This is fucking gold. Best timeline ever.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


stupid faggot

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

You have to name the jew, its his main weakness...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can tell /u/neonrevolt is a jew because he can't even blog about somebody else's work without trying to rip a bunch of people off.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


stupid kikefaggot

Battlefat ago

When you get so destroyed by real people tired of your shit, just call them bots to feel good about yourself


Rainy day dream, that has Fagget writen all over it

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

how do you stack a deck in a debate?

kalgon ago

That's probably a funny way of complaining about loaded questions

"Why did your parents call you dumb?"

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

and if you're not a fucking retard you can easily recognize and call out loaded questions

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Oh gee, I guess before a week ago he didnt know what to do with all those waking moments... Lol

Humansized ago

Kike getting hit by voats immune system, must be organised brigading and bots. Some of the qews are ok but the vast majority are faggots doing reddit teir shit like upvoat farming.

Food_Stamp ago


Mumbleberry ago

Seems to be effective, I'll do that. Now to choose a username on Gab and laugh at him there too.

White_pride_cis ago

I am disappointed I didn’t make the list. Guess I’ll havs to step it up.

GoBackToReddit ago

...again @puttitout isn't doing enough for this guy....

Jaegerjaques ago

Lmao the t-shirt comment. Neonfag the T-shirt merchant, at your service. He has a nose for the best T-shirt deals for all your Q faggotry relates needs.

Crackrocknigga ago

Fucking kike is soooo sad he can't push his Chinese shit for shekels here. I love to see jews get triggered, they'll come up with every argument in the book to try and get sympathy when they were the conniving manipulative profiteering fucks all along.


More like RidersOfTheCock.

Mumbleberry ago

Your bio seems to be a lie.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

strange, i had no problem downvoting him

Astupidname69 ago



Hey, @neonrevolt, maybe people just don't like you.

Filthy t-shirt nigger.

fuckingmockies ago

How is he supposed to understand that when every other forum he's posted on has deleted and banned dissenting opinions?

Jaegerjaques ago

Haha nice job lads, you are the heroes voat needs.

Rotteuxx ago

@Trigglypuff is interwebs famous, Woot !

Group hug in the shower tonight !

Eleutheria ago

No grills allowed.

kneo24 ago

Too late, I'm bringing a grill so we can have burgers while we hug.

notanexit ago

It's those damn vodka powered Russian robots!

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

I mean I would understand if I went after him on an @tallest_skil level, but that was just a passing comment on neon's embarrasimg meltdown. It speaks volumes that is one of the things he locked in on. Smallest_shill should unload on him and get famous lol

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Why am I even involved in this shit show? Lol, I guess naming the jew really REALLY brings it out of them :P

TheDonaldTrump ago

He's begging for upvotes:

Go to my Voat comments, and help me undo the damage the #hatebrigade did.

Doubtless, this will get me accused of farming votes, but it’s not.

commonsenseisded ago

Your comment on there looks upvoted but is 0-0

Mumbleberry ago

And why am I not?

kneo24 ago

I was wondering the same thing. Why am I not involved in this? Oh well. I guess not all of us can have the glory.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Now I feel guilty... :(

Mumbleberry ago

Don't, you tried to debate him. I just insulted him

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

I never debated him, I commented on a sad excuse of a debate on his part. It really was a pretty sad meltdown, someone should repost it...