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14085454? ago

Stop trying to control the narrative. Neon has an opinion, do not try to dox him or what ever, you are calling for censoring. If you don't like someone's opinion that's your right, but do not do what the left does. You are the problem.

14089175? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'When you triggered on Voat so hard, that you blog about it. @NeonRevolt faggot confirmed.' was posted in v/RidersoftheReich and includes this reply from @Trigglypuff:

Haha ye I cringed at the comparison between his blog and the holy gospel! How self righteous and deluded can you be.

He is also replying to anon posts pretending to be other people defending himself.

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14086145? ago

I am not familiar with what you are saying. I am old in your eyes and don't keep up with trendy things. I am certain you are trying to insult me and I can understand you are not awake. You are using attack tactics much like the left does so assuming you are new to the concept of WWG1WGA. This is a concept that we are all on the same team, but some of us have different opinions. The goal is to take our country back.

14087226? ago

The goal is to not make the goat's kill themselves. You can't say the same things over and over. I tried to teach you but I was wrong. You have to learn to think for yourselves.

14086227? ago

Yep...the ad hominem logical fallacy. Easily deflected, it's so 'low-energy.'

14087565? ago

Pop buzzwords make you sound silly. I'm old as fuck. It's not your age it's your attitude. I must have said the wrong thing to you guys. We all want to get our country back, but you can't go around sitting up the goat's home. Don't be agressive. Youre not a member of a club. This is something you've never seen before and you have to lurk for a while to get it. Please try..

14086336? ago

No one talks like this. You are fake as fuck.

14086816? ago

Anon is just old and writes with proper grammar and sentence structure. Is it so strange, you dumb faggot?

14086415? ago

I'm blessed to not be real in your view. Thank God!

14086186? ago


14085708? ago

Remove your mask kevdude

14090720? ago

If you are going to accuse other people of being me then at least ping me to make sure. Like this: @kevdude

And I am glad I have moved into your head. That is phase 1.

14090880? ago

Oh come on stop pretending you aren't a fucking retard

14085950? ago

What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

14086169? ago

I have a sinking feeling it's some kind of divisive mash-up of Yiddish and The Great Lebowski.

14086082? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

You know I'm right hahaha

Me >Remove your mask kevdude

You >What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

Hahaahahha you fucking idiot

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14086048? ago

Nice try faggot

14085863? ago

I wonder whose behind this post

Hi Neon :)

14085969? ago

So you admit you're kevdude...

While you'll never figure out who I am... Eh eh eh




Get used to it faggot... hahahahaha

14087658? ago

Oh my God, you idiots. I'll side with kevdude over neon anyday. I used to respect neon. What the actual fuck?

14087888? ago

I don't give a shit about neonfag he can go fuck himself, it's just that it's kevdude lol

14086707? ago

Hi Neon

So you admit you're kevdude

anon faggot

14086790? ago

I win, you lose, the end

14086974? ago

I win, you lose, the end

14087091? ago

That's right boy, I'm your role model now...

Who's your daddy now?


I win again

14087738? ago

No u

14087866? ago

"No u" pfff low energy kevdude

14085843? ago

I'm not him but I know you're NeonRevolt just white knighting yourself as anon it's obvious. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

14085985? ago


14086030? ago

no matter how triggered you get you're actually wrong, your exceptional detective skills have failed you. By the way do you prefer to be called Shlomo or Mr.Goldberg?

14086074? ago

You know I'm right hahaha

Me >Remove your mask kevdude

You >What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

Hahaahahha you fucking idiot

14086252? ago

actually I'm @Rainy-Day-Dream you brainlet, you should stop trying to figure things out with your room temperature IQ. ₪0.25 has been deposited into your account.