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14085454? ago

Stop trying to control the narrative. Neon has an opinion, do not try to dox him or what ever, you are calling for censoring. If you don't like someone's opinion that's your right, but do not do what the left does. You are the problem.

14085708? ago

Remove your mask kevdude

14085843? ago

I'm not him but I know you're NeonRevolt just white knighting yourself as anon it's obvious. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

14085985? ago


14086030? ago

no matter how triggered you get you're actually wrong, your exceptional detective skills have failed you. By the way do you prefer to be called Shlomo or Mr.Goldberg?

14086074? ago

You know I'm right hahaha

Me >Remove your mask kevdude

You >What's kevdude. Don't know this lingo...thanks.

Hahaahahha you fucking idiot

14086252? ago

actually I'm @Rainy-Day-Dream you brainlet, you should stop trying to figure things out with your room temperature IQ. ₪0.25 has been deposited into your account.