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14086131? ago

I don't underststand why some posters here have a hard-on for NeonRevolt but this is the last thread on the topic I will be reading. As soon as I get my 100 CCP I will start downvoting them as well.

14088159? ago

You don't understand? Here, let me help:

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

He's a liar. He divided the Q movement to sell t-shirts. He has directly attacked Voat and the users since he's been here.

Don't worry though, cuck, no amount of you newfags can silence the old goats thanks to these calls to brigade.

14089284? ago

How cute. You called me a 'cuck'. I assume you mean I'm acting against my own self interest somehow? Or that I literally enjoy watching other men with my wife? Please explain to me how I'm being a 'cuck' or can I assume you just don't have the ability to make an argument without name calling.

14089386? ago

How cute. You called me a 'cuck'. I assume you mean I'm acting against my own self interest somehow?

Yes. If your interest is in Q, you're supporting the guy dividing the Q community and attacking the people calling him out for it. That's pretty much the colloquial definition of "cuck".

Or that I literally enjoy watching other men with my wife?

Given how willingly you'll attack those trying to help the Q movement out an AJ/Corsi copycat, I'd wager that you do, and you probably raise their kids.

Please explain to me how I'm being a 'cuck' or can I assume you just don't have the ability to make an argument without name calling.

It's called "tone fallacy", and it happens when I make valid arguments, but my words get your panties in a wad, and you can do nothing but attack the way I deliver my content.

I'll make arguments without name calling when I damn well feel like it, and I'll win every time a cuck like you tries to whine about bad words instead of addressing my points. Others can see when you have no leg to stand on, so you attack my words instead of my arguments and supporting links; they see it, and they know who won.

14091157? ago

Given how willingly you'll attack those trying to help the Q movement out an AJ/Corsi copycat, I'd wager that you do, and you probably raise their kids.


14089431? ago

u mad bro?

14089533? ago

How does it feel to lose an argument on the internet?

14088274? ago

I don't see how he is trying to divide us. I see how he is defending himself. I see you people like you are trying to divide us. I don't know why. I don't care why. Like I said, I will not be reading these posts any more. I only saw this because you replied to me.

14088975? ago

I don't see how he is trying to divide us.

You mean like this? From the very beginning? And completely debunked as being a ping list that literally anyone could have gotten onto in order to be notified when Q posted?


I see how he is defending himself.

Your eyes are going bad then, boomer.

I see you people like you are trying to divide us.

I'm going after Neon and cancermods who started off dividing you. Our going after them is not, in itself, divisive.

I don't know why. I don't care why. Like I said, I will not be reading these posts any more. I only saw this because you replied to me.

Don't know, don't care, exactly how you've lived your life and voted up to this point. That's why Trump and Q have to exist - to fix shit you didn't want to know about, and didn't care about.

You're EXACTLY what's described here.