SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

I will just leave this post here:

That said, I’m… really disappointed with this next batch of drops. Possibly the most disappointed I’ve ever been. I’m just not seeing anything tremendous in these, and I’ve never said this in an article before, but I wouldn’t mind if you just skipped this article.

So, now that NR has thrown in 100% with the cancermods, and been exposed as very likely being one of the cancer mods, now suddenly he's "disappointed" and gone full concern troll. I wish I was surprised about this, but not.

This notification (#1475) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

bxwp0441 ago

Much of Q is subject to interpretation and opinion. I wasn't bothered by what NR said as much as I was about the evolving tone of his comments.

scoripowarrior ago

Only interested in what Q delivers in the drops. I trust the autists on 8chan the most for infor.

wokeasfook ago

The whole Q thing is starting to annoy the fuck out of me. If it is real it seems to be tapering our expectations now. Talking about resignations.

Who the fuck needs resignations at this stage of the game. Executions or we're just facing more of the same. Trading one deep state for another.

Resignations. I'm so fucking sick of this. Expose and punish the lot of them. I don't buy this slow release bullshit. We're being played most likely.

Executions and full exposure if it all or we will never have our vindication.

Pizzagate etc must be exposed to the masses to give those of us in the know our lives back. I won't be happy until it's common and accepted knowledge.

Anything less I will take as a complete betrayal. Tick fucking tock. We'll see.

Canbritanon ago

I'm feeling better and better about my "fuck neon" post back after I bailed from r/GA to TGA/TSW and he was concern trolling because we were dividing the group.

Funny thing is I don't follow, never have. I pick who leads me if it's not myself, and I'll follow as far as they're useful and can be trusted.


Caps and Tees are a small be VISABLE part of REDPILLING where can I get NON PAYTRIOT caps and Tees? Ask Martha fucking Washington?


OK OK if NR is a Paytriot, then where can I get Q shit to MY public? If anyone sells they are a rat commie bastard? I still want my caps and Tees niggas. So where?

CaptnObvius ago

I liked his posts, but I have to agree, he's headed down the road to irrelevance.

digitalrevere ago

He needs something more exciting you know, something that grabs the viewers! Lets Q drop a gay relationship between someone in Trumps cabinet and Trump and then after that, maybe a murder mystery involving a reporter!

You know, like a revenue generating Hollywood story . . .

Yup, NR seems to now serve the revenue stream instead of the cause. Things are labeled as exciting or slow because they can be measured in clicks and revenue generation now.

GlendonHawke ago

NR is just another Corsi

Trinity33 ago

He always seemed like a mixed bag to me. Something is off there.

AllinforTrump ago

Yup, been doubting NR's posts.

LastoftheBoomers ago

Who is Neon Revolt and why should I give a fuck what they think?

Yes, I know of which you speak. Big nothing burger if you ask me.

TonyVilla89 ago

These people are human like me and you. They get frustrated sometimes like anyone else. The difference is they amassed a large following and now think they can dictate to their flock. That is a fallacy, fren. The mass banning from Reddit and the migration to VOAT did a good job at humbling these types of people (humbled me a little too). We don't need leaders. Just contributors. Also, we do this for free. Those making money off the movement should not be trusted.

SnapAwake ago

Can I ask - in all honesty and genuine curiosity - why you think this of neon?

I wasn't that moved by a lot of the drops lately - it was a rehash of known info.

Some of his articles - re: the Payseurs and the Skull and Bones were excellent. He pieced together FBI Anon's drops, which I personally had never read before.

He's never said anything about Q being a LARP and I doubt he ever will.

Thoutzan ago

His bitching about Q seems came out from nowhere - complaining the drops are "boring" then hints about "abandoning Q" is a huge leap. But when you think about that he and his questionable r/GA mod allies failed to take control over the situation, you might wonder there are other reasons behind his frustration.

SnapAwake ago

I can see that. But In all honesty I don't read any "decodes" from anyone as anything but more variations to sift through.

Guliensebb ago

Now Neon is with the cabal because he said that the last Q drops where boring? He is right, since the Q/A they where boring, and its a fact too that Sarah is freaking boring when she writes (doesn't change the fact that what she write is important). And for the people saying that the biggest drop was the fact the we are not alone...the bible as been saying the same thing for thousands of years...maybe its time to wake the fuck the for the plane hitting the pentagon...what does it change in the bigger picture right now? I still believe it was a missile or a drone.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Seems very similar to the aj/jc MOSSAD playbook.. Get those who read Q drops on side, build trust and a following, when Q discussion got banned on reddit, he played a massive part in making sure folks are split accross several subs and platforms and then all of a sudden "Frankly, I think these drops suck, and they really don’t say much at all. In fact, for the first time, they give me MORE reason to doubt Q, after last night." Just because he didn't see ANY value in ANY of the posts?? In my opinion Q has thought this through very carefully and knows better than any of us what info needs to be released and when. We are still very much on a need to know basis. Q every so often will cover old ground and provide more of the same types of proof. Not only to because the more examples there are, there is less of a mathematical probability they are merely coincidences, but also for newbies. There are new people being made aware of and so curious about Q EVERY DAY. "Wait, Q. I thought you had to deal with lag and such. How is it that you’re able to perfectly time your posts sometimes, and other times have to blame it on lag?" and "I’m up to my ears in [0] deltas, guys." If there are so many examles.. at one point they were going to strike it lucky with the actual time of posting and lag taken into consideration that they were going to hit the 17 second delta. Maybe thay have been trying to catch it right for a while. Now though, I'm kind of half expecting neons next article to tell us that RonaldSwansong played golf with Q, who told him that the whole operation was compromised on the night of the Q&A.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

I don't judge any drops like NR.

Drops that seem insignificant can be very significant in light of future events.

realnstuff ago

This faggot is at least a narcist, one of the more serious cases by the way.  

There are 2 possibilities in my mind either he's controlled opposition a clown / MOS puppet or his narcism got the better of him and wants more power, attention etc. Both would explain his behaviour.

Type-o-Negative ago

I bet hrc is his role model that he looks up too.

Maestro232 ago

I honestly don't understand the big deal here. Q makes drops. That's the source material. Everyone else is an interpreter. Some are agents. Some are shills. Some are opportunists. Some are attention addicts. Just use your best judgement and read EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. There is so much disinfo and confusion out there that you have to...even with those you trust. Don't accept anyone's opinion blindly, do your best to keep informed, and you will be just fine.

TheParadigmMan ago

Is there anyone these creatures don't own ?

Damned unfortunate!!! Sigh

everlastingphelps ago

Not anyone that isn’t being pushed by the “algorithms”. Basically, if they show up in the votes on reddit or “you would like” on twitter or YouTube, they are likely owned.

That’s how they work. Magicians call it a “forced choice”. You think it was your idea, but the reality is you never had a choice to start with. All you had to choose from are shills.

Laskolurch ago

I was a great supporter of Neon. Not anymore. He can go kiss my grits. A Liberal in Republican's (sheeps) clothing. You exposed yourself Neon. Now just go away.

Stretchmac ago

Over the target. The shills getting antsy.

finessa ago

I just think he's grouchy and impatient. I don't read that as giving up on Q and it doesn't suggest he's ready to turn on Q like Corsi and the others. I like much of his work and hope he gets out of his funk soon.

stmfg ago

That's my take on it as well, though if he does go off the cliff it would really be a shame.

Futt_Buckinton ago

Gotta admit. It's a sad feeling when who I thought were some of the great pillars of this movement are complete spunknuggets

WhiteDragonMage ago

Fuck Neon. The disclosure by Q that life exists elsewhere in the universe is the biggest drop imo. That revelation changes everything about our world. You can’t look at it the same any longer.

Oh boo hoo there aren’t clues to decipher. Pay attention Neon this is a movie. Now watch it play out. Guess what, that happens with or without you in our movement. Looks like you aren’t needed so how about you take a long vacation or get a real job.

KekistanEmperor ago

If Q is real, why should you care? It will all come out soon right bro? RIGHT? It is absolutely NOT a LARP or worse yet the clowns at the CIA laughing their asses off at you great awakening proles. No way it could be that. Don't stop believing!

Ashamandre ago

What the fuck Neon?! When did you sell out, man? What is with these PAYtriot cockgobblers?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's a member of their discord, so they could be either talking in it or through discord using private messages

timurr ago

Neon, if you read this by chance, I still support your efforts, your blog contains a lot of valuable analysis, I appreciate it. If you don't believe alien exists, just ignore that for now - no need to be pissed about it. :-)

isalod_2298 ago

Oh look, another cunt concern troll. He needs to take his ghetto tee shirts and shove them up his ass. I’m so tired of these “voices of authority” giving their opinions as if it’s worth something.

Thoutzan ago

RonaldMcDonaldSwansong is having a bad week I guess

gaiaqi ago

NEONRevolt tends to get out the "sifter" every time Q mentions that we have more than we know. It's a pattern. :thinking - or maybe he's playing "crack the whip" If so, ask yourself if are you on the tail end of that.

slumbermachine ago

“Buy the truth, and sell it not” - Proverbs 23:23

stmfg ago

We're all in this for the truth. If he wants to back out, it will be his loss. Such a shame too, considering the work he's done regarding the payseurs and the skull & bones.

WaffleManSocial ago

Frankly, I’ve never doubted Neon more than after reading this post, and my comment history shows me defending him wrt /v/theawakening mods.

Time will tell, but this looks like the beginning of a psyop payload, which at the very least I suppose means we’re getting close.

Either Neon is a pied piper leading a faux red pill to disbelieve Q, or he’s an immature child that has outgrown his position as a voice in the movement. I mean seriously, if he’s not a mole, how irresponsible is his bitching and moaning here?!

Alice89 ago

It’s not the first time. In the past NR already did articles about how he was frustrate with Q for being “repetitive”

The best part:


And I realize all you operators are in a lot of danger. I pray for you guys regularly. And I do what I can here to help speed up and spread awareness every day.

Honestly, I’m basically one of the only intermediate “translators” you’ve got, Q, because frankly, it takes someone with an IQ over 140+ and a ton of time, technical ability AND creative skills, to not only understand your COMPLETELY CRYPTIC AND OFTEN INDECIPHERABLE posts (let alone keep up with them), but to then turn around quickly and (attempt to) communicate their intended meaning to the normie-sphere in a way the masses can understand. (Sure, there are others. And I don’t mean to discount them and their work at all. And yes, I owe a huge debt to other anons, and yes, your reach is huge, Q, but when it comes to approachable, understandable, up-to-date Q translations – Q, I’m getting 100,000+ hits a day now, and it’s only going to keep growing. Surely you know this already. And surely you know all about me and my background – so you know everything I just said is true, and you know what I’ve already accomplished on the boards – let alone the influence this page has on the boards. Was it any coincidence, for instance, that I quoted Andrew Jackson here on the site when explaining the Fed situation in my recent article, and then that same quote appears in the notables the next day? Of course not. And that’s fine; I’m not looking for credit or anything so shallow. I just want a country free of #TheCabal. I’ve already had a decade+ stolen from me; I don’t want the next 4, 5, 6 decades+ to be the same).

(And really, why do you think so many people even call it “The Cabal” to begin with? I popularized that name. And I’m not trying to hang on this or toot my own horn here – but just trying to highlight the communication gap we have going on here).>


ok, damn this nigga IS stuck on himself just a little bit Yo!

kestrel9 ago

All that planning and work and secret Ops, the Greatest Military Intelligence Operation of our time...all down the tubes because NR as self appointed 'translators' has turn jaded and colicky. 'But Muh 100,000+ hits a day!...' 'my tooting horn' ...'muh 140+ IQ'

Alice89 ago

What is Q and MI when we lucky people have NR to tell us how incredible he is?

kestrel9 ago

They really should of coordinated with NR first on the whole 'drops' op. He would of set it straight /s

Alice89 ago

Great idea! lol Maybe this way NR would agree with all drops.

VoatsNewfag ago

it takes someone with an IQ over 140+ and a ton of time, technical ability AND creative skills, to not only understand your COMPLETELY CRYPTIC AND OFTEN INDECIPHERABLE posts

This reads like the rick and morty copypasta, lol.

everlastingphelps ago

Yeah, I didn’t know he claimed 140. Dude doesn’t smell buck fourty to me.

Type-o-Negative ago

i believe he stitches and weaves anons comments on the Q board onto his website and claims it was him that figured all this out. What a sham.

Alice89 ago

Especially when you realize the majority of his posts it’s just the work of other people.

staticx106 ago

The guy is so full of himself he might one day be convinced that he himself is Q and just can't remember posting on 8chan due to some whacky-mumbo-jumbo the #TheCabal did to him haha.

mslibertyrider ago

OMG, the arrogance and puffery of this man is astounding. Someone needs to knock his ego down a notch or two. 'Don't flatter yourself, buddy' there are probably a lot more folks on here with an IQ well over yours, and don't complain, if it had not been for Q you would have never had this opportunity !' How embarrassing... Do We need to clean house, like Trump is doing ?

Alice89 ago

After all, HE (only) popularized the term “The Cabal”.

MrDarkWater ago

Dude is a schizo. He's starting to remind me of an old weed dealer of mine who started selling shrooms. He started eating shrooms all the time. One day I went over there and he said wanted me to be Christian, and the next time I went back, he told me, in all seriousness, that he was Jesus Christ.

It won't be long, and NR will believe he is Q

Thoutzan ago

LOL at the next time part

Mapkerchief ago

He likes the attention.

Getting too big for his britches.

Cleanhobo ago

Neon is a Nowfag.. So is V and CJ from Rogue News... lol... Dave from X22 Report and SGT Report are the last guys standing.

MrDarkWater ago

"Hiiiiiiiiii and welcome to the x22 report. The title of this episode is 'Neon Empire falling, Reddfugees Shitting in Voat Streets, Time to Meet the AYYs.'"

Cleanhobo ago

Ha ha ha the long-ass titles. Dave is awesome.

Qforever ago

LOL you had me pissing my pants/skirt to be exact..... That's funny!

Blacksmith21 ago

"Too bad. It’s my site; I do what I want. I say what I want, And I’m not a sheep. I’m also not some QAnon cheerleader, endlessly trying to think up new cheer patterns in preparation for the “big game.” Frankly, I think these drops suck, and they really don’t say much at all. In fact, for the first time, they give me MORE reason to doubt Q, after last night."

thisistotallynotme ago

Moved here, tried to divert people that shouldn't be on 8chan to 8chan in order to Eternal September it/avoid Voat's Big Fat Redpill. Sounds about right.

Alice89 ago

I’m glad you have patience to read this new article. Didn’t surprise me at all, he places in his texts here and there always a bit of doubt and cynicism regarding Q.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wait until I have a few minutes (soon) for a book report on the article.

Alice89 ago

Can’t wait! :)

Alice89 ago

I’ll check it now. Thanks!

Aletheiaphile ago

So the Q&A was Q giving shills rope

Blacksmith21 ago

Kinda like leaks to the press ; )

Cleanhobo ago

Rogue News, Neon Revolt, Infowars, X22 Report, SGT Report, Voat, 8ch. Our list of allies grows thin.

DrNilesCrane___ ago

You Are Free TV is great. She appreciates donations just to keep her stuff afloat but doesn't actually sell anything.

GreatAwakeCoach ago

Just out of curiosity, what happened to Rogue? Wonder why 1) V won't show his face, and 2) why the name/logo change recently?

Used to like them...

Cleanhobo ago

They are gettin' paid under the table to shit-talk Qanon is my GUESS... Likely by jews or even more likely by the Chinese as a way to build western political support for the Belt and Road. OBVIOUSLY London Paul is being paid byu the Chinese to do this as is Harley Schlonger. Now I think they are both good sources but they are sources FOR THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT... V took the same deal and they trapped him and made him shit-talk Qanon... Now anyone with half a brain will be balls deep in Qanon and V is not stupid... So they focus like crazy on Sessions as a way to fulfill their contract and keep gettting paid but not really destroy their outfit at the same time...

GreatAwakeCoach ago

Appreciate the thoughts. Gave me a new perspective. Hadn't thought about the Chinese payroll idea...

Canrlaw92 ago

What do y'all think of IPOT?

Strelnieki ago

Dustin Nemos is still standing strong.

White_pride_cis ago

(((Corsi))) and (((AJ))), don't forget them

Cleanhobo ago

Pffft They were never real... Naw AJ was an early redpill for many TBH but Corsi is just a shill

Kneadedtherapy ago

Stings a little every time one gets crossed off. I think Dan Bongino is still a good source too!

ES-Trader ago

I listen to the Dan Bongino podcast often -- at east 4 out of 5 days.

He is certainly a good source and seems to be a good guy!

I'd recommend that folks subscribe to his podcast and hear him for yourself at your own time.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Judicial Watch?

Type-o-Negative ago

He was a secret service agent at one time. If anyone can guide us through the crocodile infested swamp, it would be him. I don't watch him, but I heard he doesn't talk about Q much and I think it is a good way to get normies onboard without freaking them out.

Cleanhobo ago

Never followed him. I will look him up... As for non-Q stuff Greg Mannarino is great for finance as is Greg Hunter for political stuff. FOrum Borealis and Sarah Westall for high conspiracy.

LostandFound ago

NR are disinfo merchants same as infowars

Qforever ago

Me neither - all the work (good by the way sometimes) he has done, and then the last 3-4 pieces he has done, there's been some complaining and back-tracking and what have we.... I wouldn't be surprised if he - now he made a lot of followers excited following "him"- turn around to begin the "LARP" smuggled through the back-door! just saying.....

White_pride_cis ago

I am sure that @Neonrevolt is getting well compensated by he Kike handlers

Qforever ago

Thnx for your opinion - I totally agree, and as long as we do not know what is up and down with him, we are intitled to express our concerns.....

White_pride_cis ago

I stopped reading his shit with the Skull and Bones article... After him bitching about his boyfriend wrecking his taint, his articles were more bitching and self stroking than anything. He just slow blows himself, while claiming he is so important, Q follows and listens to HIM. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? After that, it was all down hill.

MrDarkWater ago

And he always talked about being a writer and talking about his career as a writer. I never thought he was qualified to be called a writer: perhaps a blogger, but no writer. Definitely had the faggy, self-adoring, masturbatory kind of attitude .

White_pride_cis ago

I am going off of memory here, but didn’t he call out Q’s “Enjoy the movie” comments by saying he was a screen writer, and this is a boring movie? It was right before I stopped reading his blog.

MrDarkWater ago

That sounds like him

Qforever ago

Could not have said it better!

spaceace66 ago

Bahahaha. Poor baby... was this all supposed to go along with how you planned it? Do you know the pieces at play? Do you actually know one thing a out stopping a civil war? Exactly, shut the fuck up you spoiled shit.

TapasTree ago

Just another cock-gobbler commenting on voat. Do you honestly think you know any better or that your guess is more valuable? Hilarious

Qforever ago

What the fuck is wrong with you? You do not seem to have your own opinion, just shouting won't make you more credible. Many will have a say on that last piece from Neon, and you might not get your sleep if you are putting up a chat war with everybody! State your opinion on the subject, and keep it together instead of attacking as if you have the answer to everything. You don't, I don't .....

Type-o-Negative ago

That user is probably NR, he certainly sounds butthurt.

Qforever ago

I had the thought.......

Type-o-Negative ago

Sounds like RonaldMcDonaldSwansong is having a bad day. Not all clowns can be happy.

Alice89 ago

Every dog has it’s day.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's been having a bad week remember that if you downvoat their mods you're a shill. Even though they're the one's who engage in shill tactics like upfarming

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Lmao, that faggot doesn't even know that all posts start at 0 instead of 1 like Reddit. What a faggot

Type-o-Negative ago

Haha, thanks for the screenshot! I will post it later, domt worry, I will take responsibilty for it and leave you out of it. If you look at my downvote history, all of those were done on theawakening. Thanks again Patriot!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no problem, I also posted a shot elsewhere in the comments of this post showing NeonRevolt is a member of their discord despite the fact their mods have denied being in touch with them multiple times, and for what it's worth someone who iirc was on the mod list at some point also shit on v/greatawakening in an argument with illegally this toast guy they're on about for sockpuppeting on reddit

divine_human ago

LMFAO, NR starts 'debunking' Q! seems like the past week took a toll on the guru. cant help it, i am cracking up.

poomatter ago

Yeah I saw that and was very disappointed in his repetitive negativity towards Sara. Momma always told me "poomatter, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it, and if you slip up and do it, don't keep doing it."

slightly_amused ago

Omg, even your momma calls you Poomatter :o but, she certainly had a way of giving out good advice!

everlastingphelps ago

He was all in on the cancermods keeping control of the qposters. Now that they no longer have control, they seem to want to burn it down.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Just a few more articles until he claims Q is a psyop.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and then he'll start selling "Q is a psyop" shirts and hats instead of his current selection

Type-o-Negative ago

His selction of merchandise looks like those corporation catalogs that trade corp bucks earned by having great customer service skills.

pairadocs ago

By his own words all drops (by extension all posts) must be "tremendous". So he is left having to make up info or fantasize new angles, just to stay relevant. This is a guarantee to drift farther and father out into no credibility.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Q specifically said anybody making money on this is fake.

CaptnObvius ago

True, and Q doesn't have the time to point every Paytriot, AJ/Corsi was a really big operation and had to be exposed.

NotInFormation ago

I was on the verge of doing a drop-ship site to help spread the memes (and $, no harm in a few $) but abandoned the idea when this post highlighted that profiteering was rampant.

DanijelStark ago

Q-1339 :

Expand your thinking.

Why are we being attacked?

Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?

Do we have a face?

Do we have a name?

Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?


Zero vanity.

Why are we here?

Why do we ask questions?

The choice has always been yours.

Use logic.

Free information.

What draws people here?

Expanding exponentially?

They all claim to be insiders.

They all claim to have insider contacts.

They do not.

Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.

Why do we communicate this way?

Think for yourself.


We are a threat to profiteering.

Information should flow freely w/o costs.

We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason.



Coincidence after Coincidence.

Growth due to confirmations.

Real source(s) communicating w/ the people.



Control the information (THEY).

Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).

Define Media.

Primary goal of the Media?

To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets).

Selling makes money.

Be careful who you follow.

Define 'Patriot'.

They want you DIVIDED.

Attacks will only get worse.


SerialLarper ago

Anytime people think for themselves they are potentially dividing the group.

DanijelStark ago

The group where people dont think for themselves isnt a group anymore ... it is a cult .

Guliensebb ago

''Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.''

He..Q is releasing classified info...

GlendonHawke ago

No he isn’t anything Q talks about is open source

pairadocs ago

They also rarely say anything (especially confidential)specific. They drop a crumb (appropriately named) and ask questions that get US to research and if one uses good research techniques and standards, truth becomes apparent.

DanijelStark ago

Not really - what is released is either more cryptic ( implied , but not confirmed ) , or simply what is already well known . The reason for that is not to unravel the whole Plan to the Cabal - that would compromise current actions against them . The implications within posts are "future proves the past" pattern that ultimately opens the Q to even bigger masses of people .

Are_we__sure ago

he needs to eliminate the competition.

gaiaqi ago

No he didn't. Reread drops.

Podd ago

"Oy vey goy! He said no such thing!"

slevin_kelevra ago

16 minute old account. nice.

ucantdothatontv ago

Q is, by definition, a pysop, and that’s not a bad thing:

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

Or perhaps Q could be consider a counter psyop.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

Or is Q a PSI-op? Remote viewing, "future proves past", pre-cogs?

DanijelStark ago

Correct ... and many people forget there is positive and negative psy-ops ...

So , they just put everything into a negative basket .

DanijelStark ago

Yep ... "muh paytriotism , shekels and T-sharts"

White_pride_cis ago

Don't for get the $300 pens to sign secret FISA warrants with!

NoisyCricket ago

You're not a pay-triot unless you pay $300 for muh pens...

everlastingphelps ago


"My loyal readers, I regret to inform you that my employers have directed me to tell you that everything I've said so far is bullshit and now I have to convince you to make a 180."

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

fuck neon revolt.

piece of shit trying to sell merch and make money off of a legit movement.

KamieC ago

yea I was a fan at one point but am now seeing through the veneer. You're 100% right about the merch.

americangirlygirl ago

I've been back and forth on NR since the beginning, this just cements it for me. It was the merchandising that turned me off for the most part. I'm not against people making money, something just hit me the wrong way, like it was all about the money.

Snoozefest. As if Q is here to keep NR amused. Piss off NR.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

The only thing that would be odd about this is...if NeonRevolt studies Q this deep, he KNOWS Q is legit by now. Which in turn means he KNOWS the plan is inevitable. So if he is conspiring in a seditious manner to collect Q followers then try to toss them off the path, does he believe he's safe from criminal action on him? Obviously Q team knows exactly who that person is.

Shills_r_dumb ago

Maybe NR is a "different" person now

NellerBean ago

NR's has seemed like controlled opposition meant to make the movement look like a bunch of immature, impatient gun nuts itching for cw2 for a while now.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's just taking advantage of it for shirt money

Mumbleberry ago

He has succeeded.