Zurenarrh ago

The Lemmings ran out of #Hatebrigade flavor Hateraid. THIRSTY ( in Mortal Kombat voice ) Petulance knows no bounds @NeonRevolt

Vofar ago

He seems like someone to ignore. Don't think he is a driving force for the good of the cause any longer.

Earth_is_Awesome ago

One thing that bothered me about Neon is they frequently complained about lack of good internet service where they were or staying up for hours, the posts were riddled with silly grammar and spelling mistakes that Word 95 would have fixed. IT almost felt like they were going out of their way to try and come across as a genuine person.

Laskolurch ago

I like watching how eventually they out themselves like Corsi. He went into an explosive meltdown. As soon as everyone starts to get wind of who and what they are and people stop giving money they pretty much know it's over and new a one pops up. I'm sticking with the old and true like Sara & John Solomon.

bman0321 ago

Should rename to helium revolt since he's full of hot air.

Ina_Pickle ago

Hydrogen Revolt, because he thinks he's #1, but all his lies exploded in his face.

p_ro ago

He already named himself after one Nobel gas, changing it to another doesn't help. ; )

numina18 ago

He was great for a while, then got into the complicated ins and outs of the boards, which I am not interested in, particularly. Sounded somewhat self-serving and kind of boring. So, bye! Unless he comes up with something enlightening.

joecamoe ago

You're a sham. If you don't like him, don't read him. I like his opinions.

Crensch ago

I like his lies, manipulations, and how he divided the Q community.

@Jammer78 thought you would like to see, too, since you think his concerns 'validated'.

Jammer78 ago

NR is not Swansong, but he does probably know him and communicate with him. So should it be surprising they used similar arguments? So haven't you made an unproven claim about someone? Now should I go and call you a liar? Should I keep making posts calling you that from now until the end of time?

Let's talk about his original sin -- that he supposedly accused srayzie of bad intentions because of his ping list. Except I read NR's article and I didn't see it that way. NR saw the ping list and realized that FOT and other shills are already on Voat and ready to brigade the redittors into downvoted oblivion, and to drown them out with off-topic posts.

When I see non-stop accusatory posts and submissions against NR, it "validates his concern" because that is exactly what he was worried about. You can accuse him of "starting" the division by accusing srayzie -- but he never accused srayzie, he accused FOT and he said he DIDN'T KNOW srayzie.

And whether or not he "started" the infighting, he is not the one I see continuing it. I see a lot of other people like yourself making submissions and posts about it. Now one of your claims in that link is that NR/s insult-to-content ratio is 4-1, which means he may be contributing to the problem by insulting people.

I hope he has realized that is counter-productive, and I hope you come to the conclusion that this flame war on NR isn't really serving the community. Can we give both sides benefit of the doubt and drop the subject, so that the debate stays on-topic?

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen. But if you are just still trying to defend srayzie, I think that point has been more than sufficiently made.

For anyone that interpreted NR's article and imputing srayzie, let it be known now and for all time that srayzie is innocent!

Now drop it!

I guarantee this will be my last post on the subject.

Crensch ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.


Jammer78 ago

  1. I don't accept that NR and RSwansong are the same. I did read the "proof" and found it lacking.

  2. If the lie is that Voat has got money troubles, then what about this post today? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2740725

Crensch ago

You don't accept the evidence for number one, but accept an Anon post. Double standard much?

Crensch ago

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen. But if you are just still trying to defend srayzie, I think that point has been more than sufficiently made.

He did. Multiple times he lied and cast shade and made an ass of himself over the ping list. If you can't see that, then you're either really stupid, or one of his goons.

Crensch ago

So haven't you made an unproven claim about someone? Now should I go and call you a liar?

Am I in some kind of position of power and influence?

Go for it.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You're a sham.

why so defensive? you can keep following the dude if you want. I'm just stickin with Q.

Jammer78 ago

Besides opinions he also provides a lot of research from different sources. Having paid options on a free site doesn't make someone a paytriot. I have been reading his site for months without paying a dime.

This post's comments sound exactly like the "consensus cracking" that we've been hearing about and somewhat validates NR's concerns about voat generally.

wrathfulmomes ago

I would if I had a t-shirt making business, but I'd make them essentially at cost.

AlbitEinstein ago

Time to move on!

smacl61 ago

Paid disinformation seems. Maybe Q posted purposefully to get people to see Neon's true colors.

divine_human ago

have some compassion, lol, the guy fell from his guru pedestal only recently. he may soon start 'debunking' Q, har har.

ProgNaziGator ago

I'm not a Qanon person, but have casually monitored it from a distance. I've read the neon person before and think recall him from old Twitter. Is this possibly just messy ego explosions instead?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Oh definitely possible.

Qrusader ago

Good point.

adogrocket ago

Well yeah he jumped the shark long ago. With forums like this paytriots are obsolete.

ProgNaziGator ago

I've been confident in conservative treehouse. He has a very good Record of being right about who is compromised and what the underlying plans are. He doesn't name the jew.

Q_Tip ago

The best lies are always based on portions of the truth.


MAGA555 ago


Pickzilla ago

Sad but true folks. He had some insightful stuff, but it seems the spectre of greed has overtaken him. Besides, all his stuff was taken directly off 8 chan Anons decodes and insights. He just put it together to spoonfeed the sheep too lazy to look.

lnsip9reg ago

Neon helped put together in a more easily digestible form 8chan posts, which was great for the lazy like me. But he was just another Q-soldier, not a leader to me, as Q always stressed thinking for oneself. Q and Trump are the leaders, and they want thinking soldiers!

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

This really sucks, because I trusted him...but no longer. Peace out NR ✌🏻🖕.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

I feel ya, Patriot. Like Q said, stay together, NO outside comms.

Skulati ago

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Did you just ping him? Thanks. I'd love to talk to him to get his opinion on how people view him now.

Skeeterdo ago

No pinging requires an @ symbol. He links to ronaldswansong

DanijelStark ago

Correct ... paytriots arent patriots .

Plus , aside that , massive accusations from NR against some people that are true patriots . Such things cannot be walked over or ignored .

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Agree 100%...it took me a bit to recognize it but after a while it became obvious.

Strelnieki ago

Do these pricks start off dirty or eventually become comped? Neon had me fooled about 3 months ago... gradually losing interest and credibility from my perspective.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

I think they get comped. The money gets em.

DanijelStark ago

I never read his articles or even put too much attention ... but after his current attacks against mod of this subverse , it was pretty obvious . He actually unmasked fully ...

Besides , these are the same "people" Q implied as paytriots . Same for Corsi and AJ .

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

none of my upvotes are showing on your comments....

DanijelStark ago

Thats normal , it needs a bit time to fully be visible . Its like that here on VOAT .

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

ah I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Besides , these are the same "people" Q implied as paytriots . Same for Corsi and AJ .


And I upvoted you but someone seems to be downvoting this thread.

DanijelStark ago

LOL , guess who is downvoting - probably person called out ... XD

It doesnt matter - ultimately everyone , old Goats or Redditfugees will be exposed for who they truly are ... are they truly patriots - or shills ?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You're probably right.

Sup Neon! You had me fooled for a week but you're obviously full of shit. Fake Patriots are the worst kinda people.

What a faggot.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

It's capitalism